def get_data(db_cursor, bounds, time_interval=None): """Reads data from database. Returns a pair of dictionaries (netboxes, connections). netboxes contains a 'lazy dictionary' (see class lazy_dict in with information for each netbox; connections contains two lazy dictionaries for each connection (one representing each end). (The reason for using lazy_dict is that this allows postponing reading of RRD files until we know it is necessary, while still keeping the code for reading them here). """ if not db_cursor: raise nav.errors.GeneralException("No db-cursor given") bounds_list = [bounds['minLon'], bounds['minLat'], bounds['maxLon'], bounds['maxLat']] network_length_limit = 0 network_query_args = bounds_list + bounds_list + [network_length_limit] if time_interval is None: time_interval = {'start': '-10min', 'end': 'now'} connections = {} layer_3_query = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (local_sysname, remote_sysname) sysname AS local_sysname, ifname AS local_interface, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS local_gwportid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_swportid, speed AS capacity, ifindex, conn.*, nettype, netident, 3 AS layer, NULL AS remote_swportid, vlan.* FROM gwportprefix JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (gwportprefix.prefixid) interfaceid AS remote_gwportid, interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_swportid, gwportprefix.prefixid, ifindex AS remote_ifindex, ifname AS remote_interface, sysname AS remote_sysname, speed AS remote_speed, netboxid AS remote_netboxid, room.position AS remote_position FROM interface_gwport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) JOIN gwportprefix USING (interfaceid) ) AS conn USING (prefixid) JOIN interface_gwport USING (interfaceid) JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) LEFT JOIN prefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) WHERE interface_gwport.interfaceid <> remote_gwportid AND vlan.nettype NOT IN ('static', 'lan') AND ((room.position[1] >= %s AND room.position[0] >= %s AND room.position[1] <= %s AND room.position[0] <= %s) OR (remote_position[1] >= %s AND remote_position[0] >= %s AND remote_position[1] <= %s AND remote_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(room.position, remote_position)) >= %s ORDER BY sysname,remote_sysname, netaddr ASC, speed DESC """ layer_2_query_1 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (interface_swport.interfaceid) interface_gwport.interfaceid AS remote_gwportid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_swportid, interface_gwport.speed AS capacity, interface_gwport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_gwport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_gwportid, interface_swport.ifname AS local_interface, swport_netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, swport_netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, interface_swport.ifindex AS ifindex, 2 AS layer, nettype, netident, vlan.* FROM interface_gwport JOIN netbox ON (interface_gwport.netboxid=netbox.netboxid) LEFT JOIN gwportprefix ON (gwportprefix.interfaceid = interface_gwport.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN prefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN interface_swport ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = interface_gwport.to_interfaceid) JOIN netbox AS swport_netbox ON (interface_swport.netboxid = swport_netbox.netboxid) JOIN room AS gwport_room ON (netbox.roomid = gwport_room.roomid) JOIN room AS swport_room ON (swport_netbox.roomid = swport_room.roomid) WHERE interface_gwport.to_interfaceid IS NOT NULL AND interface_gwport.to_interfaceid = interface_swport.interfaceid AND ((gwport_room.position[1] >= %s AND gwport_room.position[0] >= %s AND gwport_room.position[1] <= %s AND gwport_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (swport_room.position[1] >= %s AND swport_room.position[0] >= %s AND swport_room.position[1] <= %s AND swport_room.position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(gwport_room.position, swport_room.position)) >= %s """ layer_2_query_2 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (remote_sysname, local_sysname) interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_gwportid, interface_swport.speed AS capacity, interface_swport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, 2 AS layer, foo.*, vlan.* FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN ( SELECT interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_gwportid, interface_swport.ifindex AS ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS local_interface, netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, room.position AS local_position FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) ) AS foo ON (foo.local_swportid = to_interfaceid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = swportvlan.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN room AS remote_room ON (netbox.roomid = remote_room.roomid) WHERE ((remote_room.position[1] >= %s AND remote_room.position[0] >= %s AND remote_room.position[1] <= %s AND remote_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (foo.local_position[1] >= %s AND foo.local_position[0] >= %s AND foo.local_position[1] <= %s AND foo.local_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(remote_room.position, foo.local_position)) >= %s ORDER BY remote_sysname, local_sysname, interface_swport.speed DESC """ layer_2_query_3 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (remote_sysname, local_sysname) interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, interface_swport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, interface_swport.speed AS capacity, 2 AS layer, conn.*, vlan.*, NULL AS remote_gwportid, NULL AS local_gwportid, NULL AS local_swportid, NULL AS local_portid, NULL AS local_interface FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN ( SELECT netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, room.position AS local_position FROM netbox JOIN room USING (roomid) ) AS conn ON (conn.local_netboxid = to_netboxid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = swportvlan.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN room AS remote_room ON (netbox.roomid = remote_room.roomid) WHERE ((remote_room.position[1] >= %s AND remote_room.position[0] >= %s AND remote_room.position[1] <= %s AND remote_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (conn.local_position[1] >= %s AND conn.local_position[0] >= %s AND conn.local_position[1] <= %s AND conn.local_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(remote_room.position, conn.local_position)) >= %s ORDER BY remote_sysname, local_sysname, interface_swport.speed DESC """ db_cursor.execute(layer_3_query, network_query_args) # Expect DictRows, but want to work with updateable dicts: results = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_1, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_2, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_3, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) for res in results: assert (res.get('remote_swportid', None) is not None or res.get('remote_gwportid', None) is not None) # Go through all the connections and add them to the connections # dictionary: for res in results: # Remove all data we are not interested in keeping: network_properties = \ ['capacity', 'nettype', 'netident', 'layer', 'vlan', 'local_sysname', 'local_netboxid', 'local_interface', 'local_portid', 'local_gwportid', 'local_swportid', 'remote_sysname', 'remote_netboxid', 'remote_interface', 'remote_portid', 'remote_gwportid', 'remote_swportid'] res = subdict(res, network_properties) # Create a reversed version of the connection (this has all # remote_*/local_* swapped and has load data from the opposite # end): reverse = res.copy() reversable_properties = ['sysname', 'netboxid', 'interface', 'portid', 'gwportid', 'swportid'] map(reverse.swap, map(lambda p: 'local_'+p, reversable_properties), map(lambda p: 'remote_'+p, reversable_properties)) def add_load_properties(d): d['load'] = (float('nan'), float('nan')) d['load_in'] = float('nan') d['load_out'] = float('nan') map(add_load_properties, [res, reverse]) connection_id = "%s-%s" % (res['local_sysname'], res['remote_sysname']) connection_rid = "%s-%s" % (res['remote_sysname'], res['local_sysname']) res['id'] = connection_id reverse['id'] = connection_rid connection = {'forward': res, 'reverse': reverse} if (connection_id not in connections and connection_rid not in connections): connections[connection_id] = connection else: for existing_id, existing_conn in connections.items(): if ((existing_id == connection_id or existing_id == connection_rid) and (existing_conn['forward']['capacity'] < res['capacity'])): connections[existing_id] = connection query_netboxes = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (netboxid) netbox.netboxid, netbox.sysname, netbox.ip, netbox.catid, netbox.up, netbox.roomid, type.descr AS type, location.descr AS location, room.descr AS room_descr, room.position[0] as lat, room.position[1] as lon FROM netbox LEFT JOIN room using (roomid) LEFT JOIN location USING (locationid) LEFT JOIN type USING (typeid) WHERE room.position IS NOT NULL """ db_cursor.execute(query_netboxes) netboxes = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] for netbox in netboxes: netbox['load'] = float('nan') netbox['real_sysname'] = netbox['sysname'] if netbox['sysname'].endswith(_domain_suffix): hostname_length = len(netbox['sysname']) - len(_domain_suffix) netbox['sysname'] = netbox['sysname'][0:hostname_length] return netboxes, connections
def get_data(db_cursor, bounds, time_interval=None): """Reads data from database. Returns a pair of dictionaries (netboxes, connections). netboxes contains a 'lazy dictionary' (see class lazy_dict in with information for each netbox; connections contains two lazy dictionaries for each connection (one representing each end). (The reason for using lazy_dict is that this allows postponing reading of RRD files until we know it is necessary, while still keeping the code for reading them here). """ if not db_cursor: raise nav.errors.GeneralException("No db-cursor given") bounds_list = [ bounds['minLon'], bounds['minLat'], bounds['maxLon'], bounds['maxLat'] ] network_length_limit = 0 network_query_args = bounds_list + bounds_list + [network_length_limit] if time_interval is None: time_interval = {'start': '-10min', 'end': 'now'} connections = {} db_cursor.execute(LAYER_3_QUERY, network_query_args) # Expect DictRows, but want to work with updateable dicts: results = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] db_cursor.execute(LAYER_2_QUERY_1, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(LAYER_2_QUERY_2, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(LAYER_2_QUERY_3, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) for res in results: assert (res.get('remote_swportid', None) is not None or res.get('remote_gwportid', None) is not None) # Go through all the connections and add them to the connections # dictionary: for res in results: # Remove all data we are not interested in keeping: network_properties = \ ['capacity', 'nettype', 'netident', 'layer', 'vlan', 'local_sysname', 'local_netboxid', 'local_interface', 'local_portid', 'local_gwportid', 'local_swportid', 'remote_sysname', 'remote_netboxid', 'remote_interface', 'remote_portid', 'remote_gwportid', 'remote_swportid'] res = subdict(res, network_properties) # Create a reversed version of the connection (this has all # remote_*/local_* swapped and has load data from the opposite # end): reverse = res.copy() reversable_properties = [ 'sysname', 'netboxid', 'interface', 'portid', 'gwportid', 'swportid' ] for prop in reversable_properties: reverse.swap('local_' + prop, 'remote_' + prop) for d in res, reverse: d['load'] = (float('nan'), float('nan')) d['load_in'] = float('nan') d['load_out'] = float('nan') connection_id = "%s-%s" % (res['local_sysname'], res['remote_sysname']) connection_rid = "%s-%s" % (res['remote_sysname'], res['local_sysname']) res['id'] = connection_id reverse['id'] = connection_rid connection = {'forward': res, 'reverse': reverse} if (connection_id not in connections and connection_rid not in connections): connections[connection_id] = connection else: for existing_id, existing_conn in connections.items(): if existing_id in (connection_id, connection_rid): existing_capacity = existing_conn["forward"][ "capacity"] or 0 result_capacity = res["capacity"] or 0 if existing_capacity < result_capacity: connections[existing_id] = connection db_cursor.execute(QUERY_NETBOXES) netboxes = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] for netbox in netboxes: netbox['load'] = float('nan') netbox['real_sysname'] = netbox['sysname'] if netbox['sysname'].endswith(_domain_suffix): hostname_length = len(netbox['sysname']) - len(_domain_suffix) netbox['sysname'] = netbox['sysname'][0:hostname_length] return netboxes, connections
def get_data(db_cursor, bounds, time_interval=None): """Reads data from database. Returns a pair of dictionaries (netboxes, connections). netboxes contains a 'lazy dictionary' (see class lazy_dict in with information for each netbox; connections contains two lazy dictionaries for each connection (one representing each end). (The reason for using lazy_dict is that this allows postponing reading of RRD files until we know it is necessary, while still keeping the code for reading them here). """ if not db_cursor: raise nav.errors.GeneralException("No db-cursor given") bounds_list = [bounds['minLon'], bounds['minLat'], bounds['maxLon'], bounds['maxLat']] network_length_limit = 0 network_query_args = bounds_list + bounds_list + [network_length_limit] if time_interval is None: time_interval = {'start': '-10min', 'end': 'now'} connections = {} layer_3_query = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (local_sysname, remote_sysname) sysname AS local_sysname, ifname AS local_interface, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS local_gwportid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_swportid, speed AS capacity, ifindex, conn.*, nettype, netident, 3 AS layer, NULL AS remote_swportid, vlan.* FROM gwportprefix JOIN ( SELECT DISTINCT ON (gwportprefix.prefixid) interfaceid AS remote_gwportid, interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_swportid, gwportprefix.prefixid, ifindex AS remote_ifindex, ifname AS remote_interface, sysname AS remote_sysname, speed AS remote_speed, netboxid AS remote_netboxid, room.position AS remote_position FROM interface_gwport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) JOIN gwportprefix USING (interfaceid) ) AS conn USING (prefixid) JOIN interface_gwport USING (interfaceid) JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) LEFT JOIN prefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) WHERE interface_gwport.interfaceid <> remote_gwportid AND vlan.nettype NOT IN ('static', 'lan') AND ((room.position[1] >= %s AND room.position[0] >= %s AND room.position[1] <= %s AND room.position[0] <= %s) OR (remote_position[1] >= %s AND remote_position[0] >= %s AND remote_position[1] <= %s AND remote_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(room.position, remote_position)) >= %s ORDER BY sysname,remote_sysname, netaddr ASC, speed DESC """ layer_2_query_1 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (interface_swport.interfaceid) interface_gwport.interfaceid AS remote_gwportid, interface_gwport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_swportid, interface_gwport.speed AS capacity, interface_gwport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_gwport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_gwportid, interface_swport.ifname AS local_interface, swport_netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, swport_netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, interface_swport.ifindex AS ifindex, 2 AS layer, nettype, netident, vlan.* FROM interface_gwport JOIN netbox ON (interface_gwport.netboxid=netbox.netboxid) LEFT JOIN gwportprefix ON (gwportprefix.interfaceid = interface_gwport.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN prefix ON (prefix.prefixid = gwportprefix.prefixid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN interface_swport ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = interface_gwport.to_interfaceid) JOIN netbox AS swport_netbox ON (interface_swport.netboxid = swport_netbox.netboxid) JOIN room AS gwport_room ON (netbox.roomid = gwport_room.roomid) JOIN room AS swport_room ON (swport_netbox.roomid = swport_room.roomid) WHERE interface_gwport.to_interfaceid IS NOT NULL AND interface_gwport.to_interfaceid = interface_swport.interfaceid AND ((gwport_room.position[1] >= %s AND gwport_room.position[0] >= %s AND gwport_room.position[1] <= %s AND gwport_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (swport_room.position[1] >= %s AND swport_room.position[0] >= %s AND swport_room.position[1] <= %s AND swport_room.position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(gwport_room.position, swport_room.position)) >= %s """ layer_2_query_2 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (remote_sysname, local_sysname) interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, NULL AS remote_gwportid, interface_swport.speed AS capacity, interface_swport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, 2 AS layer, foo.*, vlan.* FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN ( SELECT interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS local_portid, NULL AS local_gwportid, interface_swport.ifindex AS ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS local_interface, netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, room.position AS local_position FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN room USING (roomid) ) AS foo ON (foo.local_swportid = to_interfaceid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = swportvlan.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN room AS remote_room ON (netbox.roomid = remote_room.roomid) WHERE ((remote_room.position[1] >= %s AND remote_room.position[0] >= %s AND remote_room.position[1] <= %s AND remote_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (foo.local_position[1] >= %s AND foo.local_position[0] >= %s AND foo.local_position[1] <= %s AND foo.local_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(remote_room.position, foo.local_position)) >= %s ORDER BY remote_sysname, local_sysname, interface_swport.speed DESC """ layer_2_query_3 = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (remote_sysname, local_sysname) interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_swportid, interface_swport.interfaceid AS remote_portid, interface_swport.ifindex AS remote_ifindex, interface_swport.ifname AS remote_interface, netbox.sysname AS remote_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS remote_netboxid, interface_swport.speed AS capacity, 2 AS layer, conn.*, vlan.*, NULL AS remote_gwportid, NULL AS local_gwportid, NULL AS local_swportid, NULL AS local_portid, NULL AS local_interface FROM interface_swport JOIN netbox USING (netboxid) JOIN ( SELECT netbox.sysname AS local_sysname, netbox.netboxid AS local_netboxid, room.position AS local_position FROM netbox JOIN room USING (roomid) ) AS conn ON (conn.local_netboxid = to_netboxid) LEFT JOIN swportvlan ON (interface_swport.interfaceid = swportvlan.interfaceid) LEFT JOIN vlan USING (vlanid) JOIN room AS remote_room ON (netbox.roomid = remote_room.roomid) WHERE ((remote_room.position[1] >= %s AND remote_room.position[0] >= %s AND remote_room.position[1] <= %s AND remote_room.position[0] <= %s) OR (conn.local_position[1] >= %s AND conn.local_position[0] >= %s AND conn.local_position[1] <= %s AND conn.local_position[0] <= %s)) AND length(lseg(remote_room.position, conn.local_position)) >= %s ORDER BY remote_sysname, local_sysname, interface_swport.speed DESC """ db_cursor.execute(layer_3_query, network_query_args) # Expect DictRows, but want to work with updateable dicts: results = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_1, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_2, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) db_cursor.execute(layer_2_query_3, network_query_args) results.extend([lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()]) for res in results: assert (res.get('remote_swportid', None) is not None or res.get('remote_gwportid', None) is not None) # Go through all the connections and add them to the connections # dictionary: for res in results: # Remove all data we are not interested in keeping: network_properties = \ ['capacity', 'nettype', 'netident', 'layer', 'vlan', 'local_sysname', 'local_netboxid', 'local_interface', 'local_portid', 'local_gwportid', 'local_swportid', 'remote_sysname', 'remote_netboxid', 'remote_interface', 'remote_portid', 'remote_gwportid', 'remote_swportid'] res = subdict(res, network_properties) # Create a reversed version of the connection (this has all # remote_*/local_* swapped and has load data from the opposite # end): reverse = res.copy() reversable_properties = ['sysname', 'netboxid', 'interface', 'portid', 'gwportid', 'swportid'] map(reverse.swap, map(lambda p: 'local_'+p, reversable_properties), map(lambda p: 'remote_'+p, reversable_properties)) # Add load data to both res and reverse. We use the laziness # of lazy_dict here (see documentation of class lazy_dict in # to avoid reading the RRD files until we know that # they are needed. def add_load_properties(d): d[['load']] = fix(get_link_load, [d['local_sysname'], d['local_interface'], time_interval]) d[['load_in']] = lambda: d['load'][0] d[['load_out']] = lambda: d['load'][1] map(add_load_properties, [res, reverse]) connection_id = "%s-%s" % (res['local_sysname'], res['remote_sysname']) connection_rid = "%s-%s" % (res['remote_sysname'], res['local_sysname']) res['id'] = connection_id reverse['id'] = connection_rid connection = {'forward': res, 'reverse': reverse} if (connection_id not in connections and connection_rid not in connections): connections[connection_id] = connection else: for existing_id in connections.keys(): existing_conn = connections[existing_id] if ((existing_id == connection_id or existing_id == connection_rid) and (existing_conn['forward']['capacity'] < res['capacity'])): connections[existing_id] = connection query_netboxes = """ SELECT DISTINCT ON (netboxid) netbox.netboxid, netbox.sysname, netbox.ip, netbox.catid, netbox.up, netbox.roomid, type.descr AS type, location.descr AS location, room.descr AS room_descr, room.position[0] as lat, room.position[1] as lon FROM netbox LEFT JOIN room using (roomid) LEFT JOIN location USING (locationid) LEFT JOIN type USING (typeid) WHERE room.position IS NOT NULL """ db_cursor.execute(query_netboxes) netboxes = [lazy_dict(row) for row in db_cursor.fetchall()] for netbox in netboxes: netbox[['load']] = fix(get_cpu_load, [netbox['sysname'], time_interval]) if netbox['sysname'].endswith(_domain_suffix): hostname_length = len(netbox['sysname']) - len(_domain_suffix) netbox['sysname'] = netbox['sysname'][0:hostname_length] return netboxes, connections