Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, names, *species, **kwargs):

        if len(set(names)) != len(names):
            raise ValueError("each species must have a unique name")
        if not all(cat.comm is species[0].comm for cat in species):
            raise ValueError("communicator mismatch in MultipleSpeciesCatalog")
        if len(names) != len(species):
            raise ValueError("a name must be provided for each species catalog provided")

        CatalogSourceBase.__init__(self, species[0].comm)

        self.attrs['species'] = names

        # update the dictionary with data/randoms attrs
        for cat, name in zip(species, names):
            self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(cat, name + '.'))

        # update the rest of meta-data

        # no size!
        self.size = NotImplemented
        self.csize = NotImplemented

        # store copies of the original input catalogs as (name:catalog) dict
        self._sources = {name:cat.copy() for name,cat in zip(names, species)}
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, names, *species, **kwargs):

        if len(set(names)) != len(names):
            raise ValueError("each species must have a unique name")
        if not all(cat.comm is species[0].comm for cat in species):
            raise ValueError("communicator mismatch in MultipleSpeciesCatalog")
        if len(names) != len(species):
            raise ValueError(
                "a name must be provided for each species catalog provided")

        CatalogSourceBase.__init__(self, species[0].comm)

        self.attrs['species'] = names

        # update the dictionary with data/randoms attrs
        for cat, name in zip(species, names):
            self.attrs.update(attrs_to_dict(cat, name + '.'))

        # update the rest of meta-data

        # no size!
        self.size = NotImplemented
        self.csize = NotImplemented

        # store copies of the original input catalogs as (name:catalog) dict
        self._sources = {name: cat.copy() for name, cat in zip(names, species)}
Exemple #3
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        This provides access to the underlying data in two ways:

        - The CatalogSource object for a species can be accessed if ``key``
          is a species name.
        - Individual columns for a species can be accessed using the
          format: ``species/column``.
        # return a new CatalogSource holding only the specific species
        if isinstance(key, string_types):
            if key in self.species:
                return self._sources[key]

            species, subcol = split_column(key, self.species)
            return CatalogSourceBase.__getitem__(self._sources[species], subcol)

        return CatalogSourceBase.__getitem__(self, key)
Exemple #4
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        This provides access to the underlying data in two ways:

        - The CatalogSource object for a species can be accessed if ``key``
          is a species name.
        - Individual columns for a species can be accessed using the
          format: ``species/column``.
        # return a new CatalogSource holding only the specific species
        if isinstance(key, string_types):
            if key in self.species:
                return self._sources[key]

            species, subcol = split_column(key, self.species)
            return CatalogSourceBase.__getitem__(self._sources[species], subcol)

        return CatalogSourceBase.__getitem__(self, key)
Exemple #5
    def __new__(cls,

        # source here must be a CatalogSource
        assert isinstance(source, CatalogSourceBase)

        # new, empty CatalogSource
        obj = CatalogSourceBase.__new__(cls, source.comm)

        # copy over size from the CatalogSource
        obj._size = source.size
        obj._csize = source.csize

        # copy over the necessary meta-data to attrs
        obj.attrs['BoxSize'] = BoxSize
        obj.attrs['Nmesh'] = Nmesh
        obj.attrs['interlaced'] = interlaced
        obj.attrs['compensated'] = compensated
        obj.attrs['window'] = window

        # copy meta-data from source too

        # store others as straight attributes
        obj.dtype = dtype
        obj.weight = weight
        obj.value = value
        obj.selection = selection
        obj.position = position

        # add in the Mesh Source attributes
        MeshSource.__init__(obj, obj.comm, Nmesh, BoxSize, dtype)

        # finally set the base as the input CatalogSource
        # NOTE: set this AFTER MeshSource.__init__()
        obj.base = source

        return obj
Exemple #6
    def __setitem__(self, col, value):
        Add columns to any of the species catalogs.

        .. note::
            New column names should be prefixed by 'species/' where
            'species' is a name in the :attr:`species` attribute.
        species, subcol = split_column(col, self.species)

        # check size
        size = len(self._sources[species])
        if not numpy.isscalar(value):
            if len(value) != size:
                args = (col, size, len(value))
                raise ValueError("error setting '%s' column, data must be array of size %d, not %d" % args)

        # add the column to the CatalogSource in "_sources"
        return CatalogSourceBase.__setitem__(self._sources[species], subcol, value)
Exemple #7
    def __setitem__(self, col, value):
        Add columns to any of the species catalogs.

        .. note::
            New column names should be prefixed by 'species/' where
            'species' is a name in the :attr:`species` attribute.
        species, subcol = split_column(col, self.species)

        # check size
        size = len(self._sources[species])
        if not numpy.isscalar(value):
            if len(value) != size:
                args = (col, size, len(value))
                raise ValueError("error setting '%s' column, data must be array of size %d, not %d" % args)

        # add the column to the CatalogSource in "_sources"
        return CatalogSourceBase.__setitem__(self._sources[species], subcol, value)
Exemple #8
    def __finalize__(self, other):
        Finalize the creation of a CatalogMesh object by copying over
        attributes from a second CatalogMesh.

        This also copies over the relevant MeshSource attributes via a
        call to :func:`MeshSource.__finalize__`.

        obj : CatalogMesh
            the second CatalogMesh to copy over attributes from
        if isinstance(other, CatalogSourceBase):
            self = CatalogSourceBase.__finalize__(self, other)

        if isinstance(other, MeshSource):
            self = MeshSource.__finalize__(self, other)

        return self
Exemple #9
 def __delitem__(self, col):
     Delete a column of the form ``species/column``
     species, subcol = split_column(col, self.species)
     return CatalogSourceBase.__delitem__(self._sources[species], subcol)
Exemple #10
 def __delitem__(self, col):
     Delete a column of the form ``species/column``
     species, subcol = split_column(col, self.species)
     return CatalogSourceBase.__delitem__(self._sources[species], subcol)