Exemple #1
def savenoisep2d(Nmu=4):
    for ia, aa  in enumerate([0.3333, 0.2000, 0.1429]):
        zz = 1/aa-1
        for iw, wopt in enumerate(['opt', 'pess']):
        #for iw, wopt in enumerate(['opt']):
            for it, thopt in enumerate(['opt', 'pess', 'reas']):
            #for it, thopt in enumerate([ 'reas']):
                if rank == 0: print(aa, wopt, thopt)
                dpath = '/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/21cm_cleaning/recon/fastpm_%0.4f/wedge_kmin%0.2f_%s/'%(aa, 0.03, wopt)
                dpath += 'L%04d-N%04d-R//thermal-%s-hex/ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier_rsdpos/'%(bs, nc, thopt)
                ofolder = '../../data/ZArecon-rsd/kmin-003_wedge-%s/thermal-%s-hex/Nmu%d/'%(wopt, thopt, Nmu)
                try: os.makedirs(ofolder)
                except: pass
                fname = ofolder + 'pnoise-L%04d_%0.4f.txt'%(bs, aa)
                if args.pp : fname = fname[:-4] + '-up.txt'
                    rep = np.loadtxt(fname).T
                    rpfit = [{'k':rep[0], 'power':rep[i+1]} for i in range(3)]
                if args.pp:
                    ivar = BigFileMesh(dpath+'/ivarmesh_up', 'ivar').paint()
                    ivar = BigFileMesh(dpath+'/ivarmesh', 'ivar').paint()

                svar = (ivar.r2c()**-0.5).c2r()
                p0 = FFTPower(svar, mode='2d', Nmu=Nmu).power
                if rank == 0: np.savetxt(fname, p0['power'].real)
for aa in [0.1429, 0.2000, 0.3333]:
    #for aa in [0.1429]:
    zz = 1 / aa - 1
    for wed in ['opt', 'pess']:
        for th in ['opt', 'pess', 'reas']:

            optfolder = recfolder + '/fastpm_%0.4f/wedge_kmin0.03_%s/L1024-N0256-R/thermal-%s-hex/ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier_rsdpos/' % (
                aa, wed, th)
            if nc == 256:
                dd = BigFileMesh(optfolder + 'datap/', 'mapp').paint()
                dn = BigFileMesh(optfolder + 'datan/', 'mapp').paint()
                dd = BigFileMesh(optfolder + 'datap_up/', 'mapp').paint()
                dn = BigFileMesh(optfolder + 'datan_up/', 'mapp').paint()
            dn -= dd
            if kk is None: kk = dd.r2c().x
            pd2 = FFTPower(dd, mode='2d', Nmu=Nmu).power
            k2, modes2, pd2 = pd2['k'], pd2['modes'], pd2['power']
            pn2 = FFTPower(dn, mode='2d', Nmu=Nmu).power['power']

            #Lost due to wedge
            wedang = mapnoise.wedge(1 / aa - 1, att=wed, angle=True)
            wedmu = mapnoise.wedge(1 / aa - 1, att=wed, angle=False)
            mask = getmask(kk, wedang, kmin=0.03)
            lostw = 1 - mask.sum() / mask.size

            #lost due to noise:
            noisedom = 0
            k0 = 10

            for ii in range(Nmu - 1):
Exemple #3
        assert conf['stages'].size == nsteps

        grid = pm.generate_uniform_particle_grid(shift=0).astype(np.float32)
        kvec = tools.fftk((nc, nc, nc), bs, dtype=np.float32, symmetric=False)
        solver = Solver(pm, conf['cosmology'])
        conf['kvec'] = kvec
        conf['grid'] = grid

        #whitec = pm.generate_whitenoise(seed, mode='complex', unitary=False)
        #lineark = whitec.apply(lambda k, v:Planck15.get_pklin(sum(ki ** 2 for ki in k)**0.5, 0) ** 0.5 * v / v.BoxSize.prod() ** 0.5)
        #linear = lineark.c2r()
        linear = BigFileMesh(
        lineark = linear.r2c()
        state = solver.lpt(lineark, grid, conf['stages'][0], order=2)
        solver.nbody(state, leapfrog(conf['stages']))
        final = pm.paint(state.X)
        if pm.comm.rank == 0:
            print('X, V computed')
        cat = ArrayCatalog({
            'Position': state.X,
            'Velocity': state.V
        kdd = KDDensity(cat).density
        cat['KDDensity'] = kdd

Exemple #4
        % (bs, nc), 'LinearDensityK').paint()

    tosave = []

    for aa in [0.1429, 0.2000, 0.3333]:
        zz = 1 / aa - 1
        dyn = BigFileCatalog(
            % (bs, nc, aa))
        hmesh = BigFileMesh(
            % (bs * 10, aa, nc), model).paint()
        fpos = dyn['Position']
        dgrow = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz)
        zapos = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, dgrow=dgrow)

        ph = FFTPower(hmesh, mode='1d').power
        k, ph = ph['k'], ph['power']
        ik = numpy.where(k > 0.3)[0][0]

        paramsza, zamod = getbias(pm,
        pmod = FFTPower(zamod, mode='1d').power['power']
        tf = (pmod / ph)**0.5
        if rank == 0: print(tf)
        if rank == 0: print(paramsza)
Exemple #5
def make_bsum_plot():
    """bias rcc, tf, error, bk"""

    ik = args.ik
    grid = pm.mesh_coordinates()*bs/nc
    noises = np.loadtxt('/global/u1/c/chmodi/Programs/21cm/21cm_cleaning/data/summaryHI.txt').T
    for i in range(noises[0].size):
        if noises[0][i] == np.round(1/aa-1, 2): noise = noises[3][i]

    if args.ray:
        hmesh = BigFileMesh('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/H1mass/highres/%d-9100/fastpm_%0.4f/HImesh-N%04d/'%(bs*10, aa, nc), 'ModelA').paint()
        lin = BigFileMesh('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100/linear'%(bs, nc), 'LinearDensityK').paint()
        dyn = BigFileCatalog('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100/fastpm_%0.4f/1'%(bs, nc, aa), comm=pm.comm, header='Header')
        hmesh = BigFileMesh('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/H1mass/highres/%d-9100-fixed/fastpm_%0.4f/HImesh-N%04d/'%(bs*10, aa, nc), 'ModelA').paint()
        lin = BigFileMesh('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100-fixed/linear'%(bs, nc), 'LinearDensityK').paint()
        dyn = BigFileCatalog('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100-fixed/fastpm_%0.4f/1'%(bs, nc, aa), comm=pm.comm, header='Header')

    print(pm.comm.rank, dyn.Index.compute())
    fpos = dyn['Position']
    flay = pm.decompose(fpos)
    dgrow = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz)
    zapos = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, dgrow=dgrow)
    print(zapos.shape, fpos.shape)

    paramsza, zamod = getbias(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos, grid=grid, ik=ik)
    _, pmmod = getbias(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=fpos, grid=grid, ik=ik)
    kk, paramszak, _ = getbiask(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos, grid=grid)
    fin = pm.paint(fpos, layout=flay)
    fin /= fin.cmean()
    fin -= 1
    finsm = ft.smooth(fin, 3, 'gauss')
    _, finmod = getbias(pm, basemesh=finsm, hmesh=hmesh, pos=grid, grid=grid, ik=ik)
    models = [zamod, pmmod, finmod, finsm.copy()]
    lbls = ['ZA shift', 'PM shift', 'Eulerian (R=3)', 'Eulerian (R=3), $b_1^E$']
    lss = ['-', '-', '-', '--']

    print('Setup done')
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(8, 6), sharex=True)

    for ii, mod in enumerate(models):

        pmod = FFTPower(mod, mode='1d').power
        k, pmod = pmod['k'], pmod['power']
        ph = FFTPower(hmesh, mode='1d').power['power']
        if ii == 3: 
            mod *= (ph[1]/pmod[1]).real**0.5 
            pmod *= (ph[1]/pmod[1]).real 
        pxmodh = FFTPower(hmesh, second=mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        perr = FFTPower(hmesh -mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        ax[0, 0].plot(k, pxmodh/(pmod*ph)**0.5, label=lbls[ii], lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[0, 0].set_ylabel('$r_{cc}$', fontdict=font)

        #if ii == 3: pmod *= ph[1]/pmod[1]
        ax[0, 1].plot(k,(pmod/ph)**0.5, lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[0, 1].set_ylabel(r'$T_f$', fontdict=font)
        #ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\sqrt{P_{\rm mod}/P_{hh}}$', fontdict=font)
        ax[1, 0].plot(k, perr, lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[1, 0].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm err}$', fontdict=font)
        ax[1, 0].set_yscale('log')
    ax[1, 0].axhline(noise, color='k', ls="--")
    ax[1, 0].set_ylim(2, 5e2)

    lbls = ['$b_1$', '$b_2$', '$b_s$']
    for ii in range(3):
        ax[1, 1].plot(kk, paramszak[ii], lw=2, color='C%d'%ii, label=lbls[ii])
        ax[1, 1].axhline(paramsza[ii], lw=1, color='C%d'%ii, ls="--")
        ax[1, 1].set_ylabel(r'$b(k)$', fontdict=font)

    for axis in ax.flatten():
        axis.grid(which='both', alpha=0.2, color='gray', lw=0.2)
        axis.set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$', fontdict=font)
        axis.axvline(kk[ik], color='k', ls="--")

    # Put on some more labels.
    for axis in ax.flatten():
        for tick in axis.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():

    ##and finish
    plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
    if args.ray:
        plt.savefig(figpath + '/bsum_L%04d_N%04d_%04d_ik%d.pdf'%(bs, nc, aa*10000, ik))
        plt.savefig(figpath + '/bsumfix_L%04d_N%04d_%04d_ik%d.pdf'%(bs, nc, aa*10000, ik))
Exemple #6
def make_biask_plot():
    """Does the work of making the real-space xi(r) and b(r) figure."""
    hmesh = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/datap', 'mapp').paint()

    noises = np.loadtxt('/global/u1/c/chmodi/Programs/21cm/21cm_cleaning/data/summaryHI.txt').T
    for i in range(noises[0].size):
        if noises[0][i] == np.round(1/aa-1, 2): noise = noises[3][i]

    zamod = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/fitp/', 'mapp').paint()
    pmmod = BigFileMesh(dpath+'T05-B1/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/fitp/', 'mapp').paint()
    fin = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/datap/', 'd').paint()
    fin /= fin.cmean()
    fin -= 1
    finsm = ft.smooth(fin, 3, 'gauss')
    grid = pm.mesh_coordinates()*bs/nc
    params, finmod = getbias(pm, basemesh=finsm, hmesh=hmesh, pos=grid, grid=grid)
    models = [zamod, pmmod, finmod, finsm.copy()]
    lbls = ['ZA shift', 'PM shift', 'Eulerian (R=3)', 'Eulerian (R=3), $b_1$']
    lss = ['-', '-', '-', '--']

    lin = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/datap/', 's').paint()
    dyn = BigFileCatalog('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100-fixed/fastpm_%0.4f/1'%(bs, nc, aa))
    dgrow = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz)
    zapos = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, dgrow=dgrow)
    fpos = dyn['Position']

    params, _ = getbias(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos, grid=grid)
    kk, paramsk, _ = getbiask(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos, grid=grid)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9, 4))
    for ii, mod in enumerate(models):

        pmod = FFTPower(mod, mode='1d').power
        k, pmod = pmod['k'], pmod['power']
        ph = FFTPower(hmesh, mode='1d').power['power']
        if ii == 3: 
            mod *= (ph[1]/pmod[1]).real **0.5
            pmod *= (ph[1]/pmod[1]).real 
        pxmodh = FFTPower(hmesh, second=mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        perr = FFTPower(hmesh -mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        ax[0].plot(k, perr, lw=2, ls=lss[ii], label=lbls[ii])
        ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\rm err}$', fontdict=font)
    ax[0].axhline(noise, color='k', ls="--")
    ax[0].set_ylim(2, 5e2)

    lbls = ['$b_1$', '$b_2$', '$b_s$']
    for ii in range(3):
        ax[1].plot(kk, paramsk[ii], lw=2, color='C%d'%ii, label=lbls[ii])
        ax[1].axhline(params[ii], lw=1, color='C%d'%ii, ls="--")
        ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$b(k)$', fontdict=font)

    for axis in ax:
        axis.legend(prop=fontmanage, ncol=2)
        axis.set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$', fontdict=font)

    # Put on some more labels.
    for axis in ax:
        for tick in axis.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
    ##and finish
    plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
    plt.savefig(figpath + '/bfitk_L%04d_%04d.pdf'%(bs, aa*10000))
Exemple #7
def make_rsdbias_plot():
    """Does the work of making the real-space xi(r) and b(r) figure."""
    hmesh = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier_rsdpos/datap', 'mapp').paint()

    noises = np.loadtxt('/global/u1/c/chmodi/Programs/21cm/21cm_cleaning/data/summaryHI.txt').T
    for i in range(noises[0].size):
        if noises[0][i] == np.round(1/aa-1, 2): noise = noises[3][i]

    dgrow = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz)
    rsdfac = 0 
    with open('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/H1mass/highres/2560-9100-fixed/fastpm_%0.4f/Header/attr-v2'%aa) as ff:
        for line in ff.readlines():
            if 'RSDFactor' in line: rsdfac = float(line.split()[-2])
    los = np.array([0, 0, 1]).reshape(1, -1)
    grid = pm.mesh_coordinates()*bs/nc
    lin = BigFileMesh(dpath+'ZA/opt_s999_h1massA_fourier/datap/', 's').paint()
    dyn = BigFileCatalog('/global/cscratch1/sd/chmodi/m3127/cm_lowres/5stepT-B1/%d-%d-9100-fixed/fastpm_%0.4f/1'%(bs, nc, aa))
    zapos = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, dgrow=dgrow)
    zdisp = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, displacement=True, dgrow=dgrow)
    zarsd = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_rate(zz)*zdisp*los
    pmrsd = dyn['Velocity']*rsdfac*los
    fpos = dyn['Position']

    params, fitrsd = getbias(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos+zarsd, grid=grid, fpos=zapos+zarsd)
    params, fitreal = getbias(pm, basemesh=lin, hmesh=hmesh, pos=zapos, grid=grid, fpos=zapos+zarsd)
    models = [fitrsd, fitreal]
    lbls = ['Fit Redshift', 'Fit Real']
    lss = ['-', '-']

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(15, 4))
    for ii, mod in enumerate(models):

        pmod = FFTPower(mod, mode='1d').power
        k, pmod = pmod['k'], pmod['power']
        ph = FFTPower(hmesh, mode='1d').power['power']
        pxmodh = FFTPower(hmesh, second=mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        perr = FFTPower(hmesh -mod, mode='1d').power['power']
        ax[0].plot(k, pxmodh/(pmod*ph)**0.5, label=lbls[ii], lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[0].set_ylabel('$r_{cc}$', fontdict=font)

        ax[1].plot(k,(pmod/ph)**0.5, lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[1].set_ylabel(r'$\sqrt{P_{\rm mod}/P_{hh}}$', fontdict=font)

        ax[2].plot(k, perr, lw=2, ls=lss[ii])
        ax[2].set_ylabel(r'$P_{\delta_{\rm mod}-\delta_h}$', fontdict=font)

    ax[2].axhline(noise, color='k', ls="--")
    for axis in ax:
        axis.set_xlabel(r'$k\quad [h\,{\rm Mpc}^{-1}]$', fontdict=font)

    # Put on some more labels.
    for axis in ax:
        for tick in axis.xaxis.get_major_ticks():
        for tick in axis.yaxis.get_major_ticks():
    ##and finish
    plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1, 0.95])
    plt.savefig(figpath + '/bfitrsd_L%04d_%04d.pdf'%(bs, aa*10000))
    Rsms = [
    zadisps = [

    for Rsm in Rsms:
        for zadisp in zadisps:

            fpos = dyn['Position'].compute()

            dgrow = cosmo.scale_independent_growth_factor(zz)
            if zadisp: fpos = za.doza(lin.r2c(), grid, z=zz, dgrow=dgrow)
            dlay = pm.decompose(fpos)
            disp = grid - fpos
            mask = abs(disp) > bs / 2.
            disp[mask] = (bs - abs(disp[mask])) * -np.sign(disp[mask])
            print(rank, ' Max disp: ', disp.max())
            print(rank, ' Std disp: ', disp.std(axis=0))

            hpos = hcat['Position']
            print('Mass : ', rank,
                  hcat['Length'][-1].compute() * hcat.attrs['M0'] * 1e10)
            hlay = pm.decompose(hpos)
            hmesh = pm.paint(hpos, layout=hlay)
            hmesh /= hmesh.cmean()