Exemple #1
def ncaverage(varname, files, outname):
    Create a netCDF file OUTNAME by averaging the lon/lat grids stored in
    VARNAME in the input files FILES.
    Return a dictionary of the attributes from the input files
    so that the caller can create addiitonal application-specific metadata
    to insert into the output file.

    Checks are performed to make sure that input units are either consistent
    or non-existent, and that the input grid shapes are the same, and the
    endpoints of the coordinate variables match.
    history = []
    now = datetime.now()
        "ncaverage at %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d, files..." %
        (now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
    units = None
    attributes = dict()
    first = 1
    for file in files:

        print "File: " + file
        history.append(" + " + file)
        ncobj = nh.nc3_open(file, 'r')
        attr = nh.nc3_get_attributes(ncobj)
        if varname + ':units' in attr:
            newunit = attr[varname + ':units']
            if units:
                if newunit != units:
                    raise ValueError("Inconsistent units (" + newunits +
                                     ") on var " + varname + " in file " +
                                     file + ", previous files were (" + units +
            units = newunit
        attributes[file] = attr

        # We need these for the first file and then on each subsequent file
        a = ncobj.variables[varname]
        latvec = ncobj.variables['latitude']
        lonvec = ncobj.variables['longitude']
        tvec = ncobj.variables['time']

        # The first file is used to 1) set the shape of the output
        # 2) capture some basic metadata used in writing the output file,
        # which we start to write here while we've got access to the
        # dimension variables.
        if first:
            first = 0
            mean = numpy.zeros(a.shape, dtype=numpy.float32)
            n = numpy.zeros(a.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
            if 'time:calendar' in attributes[file]:
                t1 = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],
                t1 = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0], units=tvec.units)
            t2 = t1
            ncout = nh.nc3_open(outname, 'w')
            nh.nc3_set_timelatlon(ncout, 1, len(latvec), len(lonvec))
            nh.nc3_add_data(ncout, 'latitude', latvec)
            nh.nc3_add_data(ncout, 'longitude', lonvec)
            # remember the endpoints of each CV and compute the step size for each
            lat1 = latvec[0]
            lat2 = latvec[len(latvec) - 1]
            lon1 = lonvec[0]
            lon2 = lonvec[len(lonvec) - 1]
            dlat = abs(lat2 - lat1) / len(latvec)
            dlon = abs(lon2 - lon1) / len(lonvec)

        # Guard against incompatible files - shapes must be the
        # same AND CV endpoint values must match within a fraction of a pixel.
        if a.shape != mean.shape:
            raise ValueError("Data in " + file +
                             " is a different shape from first file")
        if (abs(latvec[0] - lat1) > 0.01 * dlat
                or abs(latvec[len(latvec) - 1] - lat2) > 0.01 * dlat
                or abs(lonvec[0] - lon1) > 0.01 * dlon
                or abs(lonvec[len(lonvec) - 1] - lon2) > 0.01 * dlon):
            raise ValueError("Coordinate endpoints in " + file +
                             " do not match first file")

        # Keep track of the earliest and latest times
        if 'time:calendar' in attributes[file]:
            t = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],
            t = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0], units=tvec.units)
        if t < t1: t1 = t
        if t > t2: t2 = t

        # b is 1 unless there is a missing value, where it is 0
        fillValue = ncobj.variables[varname]._FillValue
        b = numpy.where(a == fillValue, 0, 1)
        n = n + b
        mean = mean + b * a

    # Before computing mean, set all values with 0 count to _FillValue, and
    # the corresponding count to 1.  This avoids division by zero and leaves
    # those pixels set to _FillValue.
    mean = numpy.where(n == 0, fillValue, mean)
    n = numpy.where(n == 0, 1, n)
    mean = mean / n

    nh.nc3_set_var(ncout, varname)
    nh.nc3_add_time(ncout, [t1])
    nh.nc3_add_data(ncout, varname, mean)
    attr = {}
    attr['history'] = '\n'.join(history)
    attr[varname + ':_FillValue'] = fillValue
    if units:
        attr[varname + ':units'] = units
    nh.nc3_set_attributes(ncout, attr)
    return attributes
def flttonc(fltstem, ncfile, varname, yyyymmdd, units=None):
    """Main function to process a binary flt and hdr with name FLTSTEM
       to netCDF file NCFILE with variable name VARNAME.  Time is set to
       the date corresponding to YYYYMMDD.  Units can be provided optionally.

    d = datetime.strptime(yyyymmdd, "%Y%M%d")

    # Read the metadata from the header
    meta = {}
    r = re.compile("^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$")
    f = open(fltstem+'.hdr','r')
    for line in f:
        m = re.match(r, line)
        if m:
            if m.group(1).lower() == 'byteorder':
                meta[m.group(1).lower()] = m.group(2)
                meta[m.group(1).lower()] = float(m.group(2))

    # Get the data and shape it appropriately
    a.reshape(int(meta['ncols']), int(meta['nrows']), 1)

    # Make the lon and lat coordinate variables
    if 'xllcenter' in meta:
        lon = nr.create_vector(meta['xllcenter'], \
                               meta['ncols'], \
        lon = nr.create_vector(meta['xllcorner']+0.5*meta['cellsize'], \
                               meta['ncols'], \
    if 'yllcenter' in meta:
        lat = nr.create_vector(meta['yllcenter'], \
                               meta['nrows'], \
        lat = nr.create_vector(meta['yllcorner']+0.5*meta['cellsize'], \
                               meta['nrows'], \
    # Reverse the latitude elements so they run from North to South
    lat = lat[::-1] 

    # Make a :history global attribute
    history = []
    now = datetime.now()
    history.append("flttonc at %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" % (now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
    history.append("Input file: "+fltstem+".flt")

    attr = {}
    if 'nodata_value' in meta:
        attr[varname+':_FillValue'] = meta['nodata_value']
    if units:
        attr[varname+':units'] = units
    attr['history'] = '\n'.join(history)

    # Write the netCDF file
    ncobj = nh.nc3_open(ncfile,'w')
    nh.nc3_set_var(ncobj,'wgs84',dims=())  # Grid mapping container
    return ncfile
def ncaverage(varname, files, outname):
    Create a netCDF file OUTNAME by averaging the lon/lat grids stored in
    VARNAME in the input files FILES.
    Return a dictionary of the attributes from the input files
    so that the caller can create addiitonal application-specific metadata
    to insert into the output file.

    Checks are performed to make sure that input units are either consistent
    or non-existent, and that the input grid shapes are the same, and the
    endpoints of the coordinate variables match.
    history = []
    now = datetime.now()
    history.append("ncaverage at %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d, files..." % (now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
    units = None
    attributes = dict();
    first = 1
    for file in files:

        print "File: "+file
        history.append(" + "+file)
        ncobj = nh.nc3_open(file,'r')
        attr = nh.nc3_get_attributes(ncobj)
        if varname+':units' in attr:
            newunit = attr[varname+':units']
            if units:
                if newunit != units:
                    raise ValueError("Inconsistent units ("+newunits+") on var "+varname+" in file "+file+", previous files were ("+units+")")
            units = newunit
        attributes[file] = attr

        # We need these for the first file and then on each subsequent file
        a = ncobj.variables[varname]
        latvec = ncobj.variables['latitude']
        lonvec = ncobj.variables['longitude']
        tvec = ncobj.variables['time']

        # The first file is used to 1) set the shape of the output
        # 2) capture some basic metadata used in writing the output file,
        # which we start to write here while we've got access to the 
        # dimension variables.
        if first:
            first = 0
            mean = numpy.zeros(a.shape, dtype=numpy.float32)
            n = numpy.zeros(a.shape, dtype=numpy.int32)
            if 'time:calendar' in attributes[file]:
                t1 = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],units=tvec.units,calendar=tvec.calendar)
                t1 = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],units=tvec.units)
            t2 = t1
            ncout = nh.nc3_open(outname,'w')
            # remember the endpoints of each CV and compute the step size for each
            lat1 = latvec[0]
            lat2 = latvec[len(latvec)-1]
            lon1 = lonvec[0]
            lon2 = lonvec[len(lonvec)-1]
            dlat = abs(lat2-lat1)/len(latvec)
            dlon = abs(lon2-lon1)/len(lonvec)

        # Guard against incompatible files - shapes must be the 
        # same AND CV endpoint values must match within a fraction of a pixel.
        if a.shape != mean.shape:
            raise ValueError("Data in "+file+" is a different shape from first file")
        if (abs(latvec[0]-lat1) > 0.01*dlat or
            abs(latvec[len(latvec)-1]-lat2) > 0.01*dlat or
            abs(lonvec[0]-lon1) > 0.01*dlon or
            abs(lonvec[len(lonvec)-1]-lon2) > 0.01*dlon):
            raise ValueError("Coordinate endpoints in "+file+" do not match first file")

        # Keep track of the earliest and latest times
        if 'time:calendar' in attributes[file]:
            t = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],units=tvec.units,calendar=tvec.calendar)
            t = netCDF3.num2date(tvec[0],units=tvec.units)
        if t < t1: t1 = t
        if t > t2: t2 = t

        # b is 1 unless there is a missing value, where it is 0
        fillValue = ncobj.variables[varname]._FillValue
        b = numpy.where(a == fillValue, 0, 1)
        n = n+b
        mean = mean+b*a

    # Before computing mean, set all values with 0 count to _FillValue, and
    # the corresponding count to 1.  This avoids division by zero and leaves 
    # those pixels set to _FillValue.
    mean = numpy.where(n==0, fillValue, mean)
    n = numpy.where(n==0, 1, n)
    mean = mean/n

    attr = {}
    attr['history'] = '\n'.join(history)
    attr[varname+':_FillValue'] = fillValue
    if units:
        attr[varname+':units'] = units
    return attributes
Exemple #4
def flttonc(fltstem, ncfile, varname, yyyymmdd, units=None):
    """Main function to process a binary flt and hdr with name FLTSTEM
       to netCDF file NCFILE with variable name VARNAME.  Time is set to
       the date corresponding to YYYYMMDD.  Units can be provided optionally.

    d = datetime.strptime(yyyymmdd, "%Y%M%d")

    # Read the metadata from the header
    meta = {}
    r = re.compile("^(\S+)\s+(\S+)$")
    f = open(fltstem + '.hdr', 'r')
    for line in f:
        line = line.strip()
        m = re.match(r, line)
        if m:
            if m.group(1).lower() == 'byteorder':
                meta[m.group(1).lower()] = m.group(2)
                meta[m.group(1).lower()] = float(m.group(2))

    # Get the data and shape it appropriately
    a = np.fromfile(fltstem + '.flt', dtype=np.float32)
    a.reshape(int(meta['ncols']), int(meta['nrows']), 1)

    # Make the lon and lat coordinate variables
    if 'xllcenter' in meta:
        lon = nr.create_vector(meta['xllcenter'], \
                               meta['ncols'], \
        lon = nr.create_vector(meta['xllcorner']+0.5*meta['cellsize'], \
                               meta['ncols'], \
    if 'yllcenter' in meta:
        lat = nr.create_vector(meta['yllcenter'], \
                               meta['nrows'], \
        lat = nr.create_vector(meta['yllcorner']+0.5*meta['cellsize'], \
                               meta['nrows'], \
    # Reverse the latitude elements so they run from North to South
    lat = lat[::-1]

    # Make a :history global attribute
    history = []
    now = datetime.now()
        "flttonc at %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d" %
        (now.year, now.month, now.day, now.hour, now.minute, now.second))
    history.append("Input file: " + fltstem + ".flt")

    attr = {}
    if 'nodata_value' in meta:
        attr[varname + ':_FillValue'] = meta['nodata_value']
    if units:
        attr[varname + ':units'] = units
    attr['history'] = '\n'.join(history)

    # Write the netCDF file
    ncobj = nh.nc3_open(ncfile, 'w')
    nh.nc3_set_timelatlon(ncobj, 1, len(lat), len(lon))
    nh.nc3_set_var(ncobj, varname)
    nh.nc3_set_var(ncobj, 'wgs84', dims=())  # Grid mapping container
    nh.nc3_add_time(ncobj, [d])
    nh.nc3_add_data(ncobj, 'latitude', lat)
    nh.nc3_add_data(ncobj, 'longitude', lon)
    nh.nc3_add_data(ncobj, varname, a)
    nh.nc3_set_attributes(ncobj, attr)
    return ncfile