def gather_information(directory, pattern, force=False, report=None, verbose=0): """ Read Information for NetCDF global attributes about time and position of GPS RO event Parameters ---------- directory search directory for GPS RO NetCDF files pattern search pattern Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame Notes ----- Can take quite long to collect (2h) stores info in outdir/GPS_info.h5 """ from ncio import read_history from raso.config import outdir # check midpoints of GPS profiles and create a list with filename = outdir + '/GPS_info.h5' if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force: tmp = pd.read_hdf(filename, 'data') journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, tmp.shape), report, verbose) return tmp # filenames , lon, lat, time files = find_files(directory, pattern, recursive=True) data = {} pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files)) pbar.start() for i, ifile in enumerate(files): hist = read_history(ifile) data[i] = {'file': ifile, 'lon': hist['lon'], 'lat': hist['lat'], 'date': datetime(hist['year'], hist['month'], hist['day'], hist['hour'], hist['minute'])} pbar.update(i + 1) pbar.finish() data = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data, orient='index') # save data.to_hdf(filename, 'data', format='table', append=False) journal('GPSRO_info : %s %s' % (filename, data.shape), report, verbose) return data
def from_gruan(sonde, directory=None, save=True, var=['cor_temp', 'temp', 'press', 'cor_rh', 'rh', 'WVMR', 'alt', 'u_temp', 'u_rh', 'u_press'], force=False, attach=None, attach_var=None, verbose=0, **kwargs): """ Read GRUAN Data and convert to a radiosonde class object Read and convert time to std_times, rename temp and press to t and p. Drop duplicate entries. Possible Station Names: 'BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU', 'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD', 'TAT' Parameters ---------- sonde str Appreviation of Sonde Station directory str Directory of GRUAN data var list of variables to include save bool Save radiosonde to store ? force bool Force a raw data reread ? attach radiosonde Attach to radiosonde class object attach_var list Variables to attach from HDFStore verbose int Level of verbosity kwargs dict Additional Keywords Returns ------- radiosonde class object Raises ------ ValueError sonde not in possible Stations """ from raso.standard_dates_times import _fix_datetime from raso.config import outdir from raso import radiosonde from . import from_store from ncio import read_netcdf, read_history avail_sondes = ['BAR', 'BEL', 'BOU', 'CAB', 'LAU', 'LIN', 'MAN', 'NAU', 'NYA', 'PAY', 'POT', 'REU', 'SGP', 'SOD', 'TAT'] if not isinstance(sonde,str): raise ValueError("Requires a str: sonde") if attach is not None: if not isinstance(attach,radiosonde): raise ValueError("Requires a radiosonde class object: attach") if sonde not in avail_sondes: raise ValueError("Only one of %s allowed!" % str(avail_sondes)) filename = outdir + "/GRUAN_" + sonde + ".h5" if os.path.isfile(filename) and not force: print "Recovering: %s"%filename isonde = from_store(0, filename=filename) if attach is not None: if attach_var is None: attach_var = isonde.vars for ivar in isonde.vars: if ivar in attach_var: attach.add_data(ivar, getattr(isonde,ivar), history="GRUAN, %s %s" %(sonde, ivar)) return else: return isonde if directory is None: raise RuntimeError("[GRUAN] requires a directory!") # print_verbose("[GRUAN] Find files ...", verbose) files = find_files(directory, '*' + sonde + '*.nc', recursive=True) print_verbose("[GRUAN][%s] Files found: %d" % (sonde, len(files)), verbose) data = [] if verbose > 0: pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(files)) pbar.start() i = 0 for ifile in files: tmp = pd.DataFrame(read_netcdf(ifile, verbose=verbose - 2)) # convert it all to a big Frame # select only necessary information tmp = tmp[ var ] = 'orig_date' # retain original sounding times tmp.rename(columns=lambda x: x.replace('temp', 't').replace('press', 'p').replace('rh','r'), inplace=True) # rename tmp.p *= 100. # from hPa to Pa # WVMR to q tmp['q'] = tmp.eval("WVMR/(WVMR+1)") # specific humidity tmp['date'] = tmp.index.to_period(freq='h').to_datetime() # truncate to hours tmp = tmp.reset_index().set_index('date') # change index rx = map(_fix_datetime, tmp.index) # change time to 0, 6, 12, 18 UTC tmp.index = rx tmp.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) data.append(tmp) if verbose > 0: pbar.update(i + 1) i += 1 if verbose > 0: pbar.finish() hist = read_history(ifile) # try: ident = "%06d" % int(hist['g.General.SiteWmoId']) except: ident = sonde lat = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Latitude'].split(' ')[0]) lon = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Longitude'].split(' ')[0]) alt = float(hist['g.MeasuringSystem.Altitude'].split(' ')[0]) # print_verbose("[GRUAN] Concatenate data ...",verbose) data = pd.concat(data, axis=0) # drop duplicates # print_verbose("[GRUAN] Drop duplicates ...", verbose) # data.drop_duplicates(inplace=True) # if attach is None: print_verbose("[GRUAN] Create radiosonde object ...", verbose) isonde = radiosonde(ident) isonde.filename = filename isonde.add_attr('lon', lon) isonde.add_attr('lat', lat) isonde.add_attr('alt', alt) isonde.add_attr('is_gruan',True) isonde.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde)) if save:, verbose=verbose) return isonde else: attach.add_data('gruan', data, history="GRUAN, %s " %(sonde)) if save: return