def build_opener(*handlers, **kw): """Create an opener object from a list of handlers. The opener will use several default handlers, including support for HTTP and FTP. If any of the handlers passed as arguments are subclasses of the default handlers, the default handlers will not be used. """ import types def isclass(obj): return isinstance(obj, types.ClassType) or hasattr(obj, "__bases__") opener = OpenerDirector() default_classes = [ ProxyHandler, UnknownHandler, HTTPHandler, HTTPDefaultErrorHandler, HTTPRedirectHandler, FTPHandler, FileHandler, HTTPErrorProcessor ] check_classes = list(default_classes) check_classes.append(HTTPSContextHandler) skip = [] for klass in check_classes: for check in handlers: if isclass(check): if issubclass(check, klass): skip.append(klass) elif isinstance(check, klass): skip.append(klass) for klass in default_classes: if klass not in skip: opener.add_handler(klass()) # Pick up SSL context from keyword settings ssl_context = kw.get('ssl_context') # Add the HTTPS handler with ssl_context if HTTPSContextHandler not in skip: opener.add_handler(HTTPSContextHandler(ssl_context)) for h in handlers: if isclass(h): h = h() opener.add_handler(h) return opener
def open_url(url, config, data=None, handlers=None): """Attempts to open a connection to a specified URL. @param url: URL to attempt to open @param config: SSL context configuration @type config: Configuration @param data: HTTP POST data @type data: str @param handlers: list of custom urllib2 handlers to add to the request @type handlers: iterable @return: tuple ( returned HTTP status code or 0 if an error occurred returned message or error description response object) """ debuglevel = 1 if config.debug else 0 # Set up handlers for URL opener. if config.cookie: cj = config.cookie else: cj = cookiejar_.CookieJar() # Use a cookie processor that accumulates cookies when redirects occur so # that an application can redirect for authentication and retain both any # cookies for the application and the security system (c.f., # urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor which replaces cookies). cookie_handler = AccumulatingHTTPCookieProcessor(cj) if not handlers: handlers = [] handlers.append(cookie_handler) if config.debug: http_handler = HTTPHandler_(debuglevel=debuglevel) https_handler = HTTPSContextHandler(config.ssl_context, debuglevel=debuglevel) handlers.extend([http_handler, https_handler]) if config.http_basicauth: # currently only supports http basic auth auth_handler = HTTPBasicAuthHandler_(HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm_()) auth_handler.add_password(realm=None, uri=url, user=config.httpauth[0], passwd=config.httpauth[1]) handlers.append(auth_handler) # Explicitly remove proxy handling if the host is one listed in the value of # the no_proxy environment variable because urllib2 does use proxy settings # set via http_proxy and https_proxy, but does not take the no_proxy value # into account. if not _should_use_proxy(url, config.no_proxy): handlers.append(ProxyHandler_({})) log.debug("Not using proxy") elif config.proxies: handlers.append(ProxyHandler_(config.proxies)) log.debug("Configuring proxies: %s" % config.proxies) opener = build_opener(*handlers, ssl_context=config.ssl_context) headers = config.headers if headers is None: headers = {} request = Request_(url, data, headers) # Open the URL and check the response. return_code = 0 return_message = '' response = None # FIXME response = try: response = return_message = response.msg return_code = response.code if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): for index, cookie in enumerate(cj): log.debug("%s : %s", index, cookie) except HTTPError_ as exc: return_code = exc.code return_message = "Error: %s" % exc.msg if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): log.debug("%s %s", exc.code, exc.msg) except Exception as exc: return_message = "Error: %s" % exc.__str__() if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): import traceback log.debug(traceback.format_exc()) return (return_code, return_message, response)