Exemple #1
from random import randint
import math

#### Start of the game, gives a little background text ####
## Created by Austin Van Kempen and Lanndon Rose ####
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print("Zork, A Text Based RPG")
    print("The goal is to go to every home in the neighborhood and remove")
    print("all of the monsters inside. Once this is done, choose the option check. \n")
    print("if all of the monsters are dead, you win. If they aren't. Too bad punk, you lose.")

#### Setting neighborhood() to n ####
    n = Neighborhood()
#### Setting n.get_neighborhood() to hood ####    
    hood = n.get_neighborhood()

#### Setting player() to hero ####    
    hero = Player()
#### Setting hero.get_inventory() to candyBucket ####    
    candyBucket = hero.get_inventory()

#### Spacing ####
#### Spacing ####

#### Lets user know how many houses need to be cleared ####
    print("there are", len(hood), "houses that need to be cleared")