Exemple #1
    def __init__(self):
        self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

        path = files.in_here("commoncolours.json")
        self.log.info("Reading common HTML colours from %s", path)
        with open(path) as fp:
            obj = json.load(fp)
            obj = {n.lower(): v.lower() for n, v in obj.items()}
        assert isinstance(obj, dict)

        # Read the dulux colours in, but don't overwrite the HTML ones.
        path = files.in_here("duluxcolours.txt")
        self.log.info("Reading the DULUX colour guide from %s", path)
        with open(path) as fp:
            for line in fp.readlines():
                line = line.strip()
                if not line or line.startswith("#"):

                shade, _, rest = line.partition(" ")
                rest, _, lrv = rest.rpartition(" ")
                rest, _, b = rest.rpartition(" ")
                rest, _, g = rest.rpartition(" ")
                name, _, r = rest.rpartition(" ")
                alt_name = name.translate({c: "" for c in string.punctuation})

                hex_str = to_hex(int(r), int(g), int(b), prefix="")

                shade = shade.lower()
                hex_str = hex_str.lower()
                name = name.lower()

                if shade not in obj:
                    obj[shade] = hex_str

                if name not in obj:
                    obj[name] = hex_str

                if alt_name not in obj:
                    obj[alt_name] = hex_str

        # Do this to remove case sensitivity.
        self.__data = {n: from_hex(c) for n, c in obj.items()}

        # Reverse the list for reverse lookups.
        self.__reversed = {v: k for k, v in self.items()}

        self.log.info("Loaded %s colours!", len(self.__data))
def get_from_here(file_name, *, nested_by=0, load_now=False):
    Constructs a ConfigFile relative to the current directory the caller is
    defined in, and caches the data.

    :param file_name: the file name to open.
    :param nested_by: how many stack frames we are nested by. Only use this if
        you are implementing this routine as part of another routine.
    :param load_now: true if we should immediately cache. Defaults to False.
    :return: the config file object.
    path = files.in_here(file_name, nested_by=1 + nested_by)
    cf = ConfigFile(path)

    if load_now:
    return cf
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, map_image: image.Image = None):
        Creates a mercator projection from the given Image object.

        This assumes that 0E,0N is at the central pixel.

        If no image is given, the default mercator bitmap is used.
        if map_image is None:
            map_image = image.open(files.in_here("mercator-small.png"))

        self.image = map_image
        self.ox, self.oy = map_image.width / 2, map_image.height / 2

        # Differential of X in pixels per degree
        self.dx = map_image.width / 360

        # Differential of Y in pixels per degree
        self.dy = map_image.height / 180
Exemple #4
import aiofiles
import aiohttp

import neko3.cog
from neko3 import files
from neko3 import logging_utils
from neko3 import singleton
from .api import *

# Thank asottile for this!
_asottile_base = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/asottile"
_ffstring_url = _asottile_base + "/future-fstrings/master/future_fstrings.py"
_trt_url = _asottile_base + "/tokenize-rt/master/tokenize_rt.py"
_replify_path = files.in_here("replify.py")

class GlobalResourceManager(logging_utils.Loggable, metaclass=singleton.SingletonMeta):
    def __init__(self):
        self._ffstrings = None
        self._trt = None
        self._replify = None

    async def obtain_ffstrings(self):
        if self._ffstrings is None:
            async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
                async with session.get(_ffstring_url) as resp:
                    self.logger.info("Fetching %s", _ffstring_url)
                    self._ffstrings = await resp.text()
Exemple #5
import os
import random

import aiofiles
import discord
from discord.ext import commands

from neko3 import configuration_files
from neko3 import files
from neko3 import fuzzy_search
from neko3 import logging_utils
from neko3 import neko_commands

# Relative to this directory.
bindings_file = "bindings"
images_directory = files.in_here("images")

class MewReactsCog(neko_commands.Cog, logging_utils.Loggable):
    """Reactions cog."""
    def __init__(self):
        bindings = configuration_files.get_from_here(bindings_file).sync_get()

        # Attempt to locate all files to ensure paths are valid.
        potential_targets = set()
        for im_list in bindings.values():
            [potential_targets.add(im) for im in im_list]

        targets_to_path = {}

        for target in potential_targets: