def test_say_wow_twice_deprecated(self):
        """ Tests whether both std and err streams return the right values
        when a deprecated is called twice."""

        def say_wow():

        # Mock up both std and stderr streams - first call
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as std_out:
            with logging.patch_stderr_handler(StringIO()) as std_err:

        # Check std output.
        self.assertEqual(std_out.getvalue().strip(), "Woooow!")

        # Check error output.
        err_msg = std_err.getvalue().strip()
        match = self.NEMO_ERR_MSG_FORMAT.match(err_msg)
        if match:
            err_msg = err_msg[match.end() :]
            self.assertEqual(err_msg, 'Function ``say_wow`` is deprecated.')
            raise ValueError("Test case could not find a match, did the format of nemo loggin messages change?")

        # Second call.
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as std_out:
            with logging.patch_stderr_handler(StringIO()) as std_err:

        # Check std output.
        self.assertEqual(std_out.getvalue().strip(), "Woooow!")

        # Check error output - should be empty.
        self.assertEqual(std_err.getvalue().strip(), '')
    def test_say_whee_deprecated(self):
        """ Tests whether both std and err streams return the right values
        when function is deprecated."""

        def say_whee():

        # Mock up both std and stderr streams.
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as std_out:
            with logging.patch_stderr_handler(StringIO()) as std_err:

        # Check std output.
        self.assertEqual(std_out.getvalue().strip(), "Whee!")

        # Check error output.
        # Error ouput now has NeMoBaseFormatter so attempt to strip formatting from error message
        # Error formatting always in enclosed in '[' and ']' blocks so remove them
        err_msg = std_err.getvalue().strip()
        match = self.NEMO_ERR_MSG_FORMAT.match(err_msg)
        if match:
            err_msg = err_msg[match.end() :]
            self.assertEqual(err_msg, 'Function ``say_whee`` is deprecated.')
            raise ValueError("Test case could not find a match, did the format of nemo loggin messages change?")
    def test_say_whoopie_deprecated_version(self):
        """ Tests whether both std and err streams return the right values
        when function is deprecated and version is provided. """

        version = 0.1

        def say_whoopie():

        # Mock up both std and stderr streams.
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as std_out:
            with logging.patch_stderr_handler(StringIO()) as std_err:

        # Check std output.
        self.assertEqual(std_out.getvalue().strip(), "Whoopie!")

        err_msg = std_err.getvalue().strip()
        match = self.NEMO_ERR_MSG_FORMAT.match(err_msg)
        if match:
            err_msg = err_msg[match.end() :]
                f"Function ``say_whoopie`` is deprecated. It is going to be removed in the {version} version.",
            raise ValueError("Test case could not find a match, did the format of nemo loggin messages change?")
    def test_say_kowabunga_deprecated_explanation(self):
        """ Tests whether both std and err streams return the right values
        when function is deprecated and additional explanation is provided. """

        @deprecated(explanation="Please use ``print_ihaa`` instead.")
        def say_kowabunga():

        # Mock up both std and stderr streams.
        with patch('sys.stdout', new=StringIO()) as std_out:
            with logging.patch_stderr_handler(StringIO()) as std_err:

        # Check std output.
        self.assertEqual(std_out.getvalue().strip(), "Kowabunga!")

        # Check error output.
        err_msg = std_err.getvalue().strip()
        match = self.NEMO_ERR_MSG_FORMAT.match(err_msg)
        if match:
            err_msg = err_msg[match.end() :]
            self.assertEqual(err_msg, 'Function ``say_kowabunga`` is deprecated. Please use ``print_ihaa`` instead.')
            raise ValueError("Test case could not find a match, did the format of nemo loggin messages change?")