Exemple #1
def exp_manager(trainer: 'pytorch_lightning.Trainer',
                cfg: Optional[Union[DictConfig, Dict]] = None) -> Path:
    exp_manager is a helper function used to manage folders for experiments. It follows the pytorch lightning paradigm
    of exp_dir/model_or_experiment_name/version. If the lightning trainer has a logger, exp_manager will get exp_dir,
    name, and version from the logger. Otherwise it will use the exp_dir and name arguments to create the logging
    directory. exp_manager also allows for explicit folder creation via explicit_log_dir.

    The version can be a datetime string or an integer. Datestime version can be disabled if use_datetime_version is set
     to False. It optionally creates TensorBoardLogger, WandBLogger, ModelCheckpoint objects from pytorch lightning.
    It copies sys.argv, and git information if available to the logging directory. It creates a log file for each
    process to log their output into.

    exp_manager additionally has a resume feature (resume_if_exists) which can be used to continuing training from
    the constructed log_dir. When you need to continue the training repeatedly (like on a cluster which you need
    multiple consecutive jobs), you need to avoid creating the version folders. Therefore from v1.0.0, when
    resume_if_exists is set to True, creating the version folders is ignored.

        trainer (pytorch_lightning.Trainer): The lightning trainer.
        cfg (DictConfig, dict): Can have the following keys:
            - explicit_log_dir (str, Path): Can be used to override exp_dir/name/version folder creation. Defaults to
                None, which will use exp_dir, name, and version to construct the logging directory.
            - exp_dir (str, Path): The base directory to create the logging directory. Defaults to None, which logs to
            - name (str): The name of the experiment. Defaults to None which turns into "default" via name = name or
            - version (str): The version of the experiment. Defaults to None which uses either a datetime string or
                lightning's TensorboardLogger system of using version_{int}.
            - use_datetime_version (bool): Whether to use a datetime string for version. Defaults to True.
            - resume_if_exists (bool): Whether this experiment is resuming from a previous run. If True, it sets
                trainer.checkpoint_connector.resume_from_checkpoint_fit_path so that the trainer should auto-resume. exp_manager will move files
                under log_dir to log_dir/run_{int}. Defaults to False. From v1.0.0, when resume_if_exists is True,
                we would not create version folders to make it easier to find the log folder for next runs.
            - resume_past_end (bool): exp_manager errors out if resume_if_exists is True and a checkpoint matching
                *end.ckpt indicating a previous training run fully completed. This behaviour can be disabled, in which
                case the *end.ckpt will be loaded by setting resume_past_end to True. Defaults to False.
            - resume_ignore_no_checkpoint (bool): exp_manager errors out if resume_if_exists is True and no checkpoint
                could be found. This behaviour can be disabled, in which case exp_manager will print a message and
                continue without restoring, by setting resume_ignore_no_checkpoint to True. Defaults to False.
            - create_tensorboard_logger (bool): Whether to create a tensorboard logger and attach it to the pytorch
                lightning trainer. Defaults to True.
            - summary_writer_kwargs (dict): A dictionary of kwargs that can be passed to lightning's TensorboardLogger
                class. Note that log_dir is passed by exp_manager and cannot exist in this dict. Defaults to None.
            - create_wandb_logger (bool): Whether to create a Weights and Baises logger and attach it to the pytorch
                lightning trainer. Defaults to False.
            - wandb_logger_kwargs (dict): A dictionary of kwargs that can be passed to lightning's WandBLogger
                class. Note that name and project are required parameters if create_wandb_logger is True.
                Defaults to None.
            - create_checkpoint_callback (bool): Whether to create a ModelCheckpoint callback and attach it to the
                pytorch lightning trainer. The ModelCheckpoint saves the top 3 models with the best "val_loss", the most
                recent checkpoint under *last.ckpt, and the final checkpoint after training completes under *end.ckpt.
                Defaults to True.
            - files_to_copy (list): A list of files to copy to the experiment logging directory. Defaults to None which
                copies no files.

        log_dir (Path): The final logging directory where logging files are saved. Usually the concatenation of
            exp_dir, name, and version.
    # Add rank information to logger
    # Note: trainer.global_rank and trainer.is_global_zero are not set until trainer.fit, so have to hack around it
    local_rank = int(os.environ.get("LOCAL_RANK", 0))
    global_rank = trainer.node_rank * trainer.num_gpus + local_rank
    logging.rank = global_rank
    world_size = trainer.world_size

    if cfg is None:
            "exp_manager did not receive a cfg argument. It will be disabled.")
    if trainer.fast_dev_run:
            "Trainer was called with fast_dev_run. exp_manager will return without any functionality."

    # Ensure passed cfg is compliant with ExpManagerConfig
    schema = OmegaConf.structured(ExpManagerConfig)
    if isinstance(cfg, dict):
        cfg = OmegaConf.create(cfg)
    elif not isinstance(cfg, DictConfig):
        raise ValueError(
            f"cfg was type: {type(cfg)}. Expected either a dict or a DictConfig"
    cfg = OmegaConf.create(OmegaConf.to_container(cfg, resolve=True))
    cfg = OmegaConf.merge(schema, cfg)

        trainer, cfg
    )  # Ensures that trainer options are compliant with NeMo and exp_manager arguments

    log_dir, exp_dir, name, version = get_log_dir(

    if cfg.resume_if_exists:
        check_resume(trainer, log_dir, cfg.resume_past_end,

    checkpoint_name = name
    # If name returned from get_log_dir is "", use cfg.name for checkpointing
    if checkpoint_name is None or checkpoint_name == '':
        checkpoint_name = cfg.name or "default"
    cfg.name = name  # Used for configure_loggers so that the log_dir is properly set even if name is ""
    cfg.version = version

    # update app_state with log_dir, exp_dir, etc
    app_state = AppState()
    app_state.log_dir = log_dir
    app_state.exp_dir = exp_dir
    app_state.name = name
    app_state.version = version
    app_state.checkpoint_name = checkpoint_name
    app_state.create_checkpoint_callback = cfg.create_checkpoint_callback
    app_state.checkpoint_callback_params = cfg.checkpoint_callback_params

    # Create the logging directory if it does not exist
        log_dir, exist_ok=True
    )  # Cannot limit creation to global zero as all ranks write to own log file
    logging.info(f'Experiments will be logged at {log_dir}')
    trainer._default_root_dir = log_dir

    # Handle logging to file
    if get_envbool(NEMO_ENV_VARNAME_TESTING, False) or world_size <= 32:
        # If NEMO_TESTING is set (debug mode) or if less than 32 ranks save all log files
        log_file = log_dir / f'nemo_log_globalrank-{global_rank}_localrank-{local_rank}.txt'
    elif world_size <= 256 and local_rank == 0:
        # If less than 256 ranks, try to save 1 log file per "machine"
        log_file = log_dir / f'nemo_log_globalrank-{global_rank}_localrank-{local_rank}.txt'
    elif global_rank == 0:
        # If running more than 256 ranks, only save 1 log file
        log_file = log_dir / f'nemo_log_globalrank-{global_rank}_localrank-{local_rank}.txt'

    # For some reason, LearningRateLogger requires trainer to have a logger. Safer to create logger on all ranks
    # not just global rank 0.
    if cfg.create_tensorboard_logger or cfg.create_wandb_logger:

    # add loggers timing callbacks
    if cfg.log_step_timing:
        timing_callback = TimingCallback(
            timer_kwargs=cfg.step_timing_kwargs or {})
        trainer.callbacks.insert(0, timing_callback)

    if cfg.create_checkpoint_callback:
        configure_checkpointing(trainer, log_dir, checkpoint_name,

    if is_global_rank_zero():
        # Move files_to_copy to folder and add git information if present
        if cfg.files_to_copy:
            for _file in cfg.files_to_copy:
                copy(Path(_file), log_dir)

        # Create files for cmd args and git info
        with open(log_dir / 'cmd-args.log', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as _file:
            _file.write(" ".join(sys.argv))

        # Try to get git hash
        git_repo, git_hash = get_git_hash()
        if git_repo:
            with open(log_dir / 'git-info.log', 'w',
                      encoding='utf-8') as _file:
                _file.write(f'commit hash: {git_hash}')

        # Add err_file logging to global_rank zero
        logging.add_err_file_handler(log_dir / 'nemo_error_log.txt')

        # Add lightning file logging to global_rank zero
        add_filehandlers_to_pl_logger(log_dir / 'lightning_logs.txt',
                                      log_dir / 'nemo_error_log.txt')

    return log_dir
 def add_file_handler_to_logger(self):
     self.log_file = f'{self.work_dir}/log_globalrank-{self.global_rank}_' f'localrank-{self.local_rank}.txt'