def test_probe_building_disabled(self, recwarn):
        """Test that build methods are not called and that a warning is raised
        if probe building is disabled.
        # Create test network
        with nengo.Network() as network:
            a = nengo.Ensemble(100, 2)
            p_a = nengo.Probe(a, label="Output")

        # Create a model
        model = Model()

        # Dummy neurons builder
        ens_build = mock.Mock(name="ensemble builder")

        # Define a probe build function
        build_ens_probe = mock.Mock()

        # Build the model
        probe_builders = {nengo.Ensemble: build_ens_probe}
        with patch.object(model, "builders", new={nengo.Ensemble: ens_build}),\
                patch.object(model, "probe_builders", new=probe_builders):
  , build_probes=False)

        # Assert the probes were NOT built
        assert p_a not in model.seeds
        assert build_ens_probe.call_count == 0

        # And that a warning was raised
        w = recwarn.pop()
        assert "Probes" in str(w.message)
        assert "disabled" in str(w.message)
    def test_removes_sinkless_filters(self):
        """Test that making a netlist correctly filters out passthrough Nodes
        with no outgoing connections.
        # Create the first operator
        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A")
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_a, load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = operators.Filter(16)  # Shouldn't need building

        # Create the model, add the items and add an entry to the connection
        # map.
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
            operator_a, None, SignalParameters(), None,
            operator_b, None, None
        netlist = model.make_netlist(1)

        # The netlist should contain vertex a and no nets
        assert netlist.nets == list()
        assert netlist.vertices == [vertex_a]
    def test_make_connection_no_signal(self, source_getter, sink_getter):
        """Test that building connections adds a new signal to the model."""
        model = Model()

        class A(object):

        # Create a connection from a to b
        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.pre_obj = A()
        connection.post_obj = A()

        # Create a mock network
        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = [connection]
        network.ensembles = []
        network.nodes = []
        network.networks = []
        network.probes = []

        # Patch the getters, add a null builder
        with patch.object(model, "source_getters", {A: source_getter}), \
                patch.object(model, "sink_getters", {A: sink_getter}), \
                patch.object(model, "connection_parameter_builders",
                             {A: mock.Mock()}):
            # Build the network

        # Assert that no signal exists
        assert connection not in model.connections_signals
def test_remove_sinkless_signals():
    """Signals with no sink should be removed."""
    # Create a netlist including some signals with no sinks, these signals
    # should be removed.
    o1 = mock.Mock(name="O1")
    o2 = mock.Mock(name="O2")

    # Create 4 signals (2 associated with connections, 2 not)
    cs1 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), ObjectPort(o2, None), None)
    cs2 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), [], None)
    ss1 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), ObjectPort(o2, None), None)
    ss2 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), [], None)

    # Create two mock connections
    c1 = mock.Mock(name="Connection 1")
    c2 = mock.Mock(name="Connection 2")

    # Create the model
    model = Model()
    model.extra_operators = [o1, o2]
    model.connections_signals = {c1: cs1, c2: cs2}
    model.extra_signals = [ss1, ss2]

    # Remove sinkless signals

    # Check that signals were removed as necessary
    assert model.connections_signals == {c1: cs1}
    assert model.extra_signals == [ss1]
Exemple #5
    def test_removes_sinkless_filters(self):
        """Test that making a netlist correctly filters out passthrough Nodes
        with no outgoing connections.
        # Create the first operator
        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A")
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_a, load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = operators.Filter(16)  # Shouldn't need building

        # Create the model, add the items and add an entry to the connection
        # map.
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.connection_map.add_connection(operator_a, None,
                                            SignalParameters(), None,
                                            operator_b, None, None)
        netlist = model.make_netlist(1)

        # The netlist should contain vertex a and no nets
        assert netlist.nets == list()
        assert netlist.vertices == [vertex_a]
    def test_builds_hierarchy(self):
        """Test that networks are built hierarchically.
        class A(object):
            seed = 101

        class B(object):

        builders = {A: mock.Mock()}
        extra_builders = {B: mock.Mock()}

        a = A()
        b = B()

        network_a = mock.Mock()
        network_a.seed = None
        network_a.connections = []
        network_a.ensembles = [a]
        network_a.nodes = []
        network_a.networks = []
        network_a.probes = []
        network_a.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        network_b = mock.Mock()
        network_b.seed = None
        network_b.connections = []
        network_b.ensembles = []
        network_b.nodes = [b]
        network_b.networks = []
        network_b.probes = []
        network_b.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = []
        network.ensembles = []
        network.nodes = []
        network.networks = [network_a, network_b]
        network.probes = []
        network.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        # Patch the default builders
        with patch.object(Model, "builders", new=builders):
            # Create a model and build the mock network
            model = Model()
  , extra_builders=extra_builders)

        # Assert that the config was stored in the model
        assert model.config is network.config

        # Assert that seeds were supplied
        assert model.seeds[a] == a.seed
        assert model.seeds[b] is not None

        # Assert the builders got called
        builders[A].assert_called_once_with(model, a)
        extra_builders[B].assert_called_once_with(model, b)
Exemple #7
    def test_builds_hierarchy(self):
        """Test that networks are built hierarchically.
        class A(object):
            seed = 101

        class B(object):

        builders = {A: mock.Mock()}
        extra_builders = {B: mock.Mock()}

        a = A()
        b = B()

        network_a = mock.Mock()
        network_a.seed = None
        network_a.connections = []
        network_a.ensembles = [a]
        network_a.nodes = []
        network_a.networks = []
        network_a.probes = []
        network_a.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        network_b = mock.Mock()
        network_b.seed = None
        network_b.connections = []
        network_b.ensembles = []
        network_b.nodes = [b]
        network_b.networks = []
        network_b.probes = []
        network_b.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = []
        network.ensembles = []
        network.nodes = []
        network.networks = [network_a, network_b]
        network.probes = []
        network.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        # Patch the default builders
        with patch.object(Model, "builders", new=builders):
            # Create a model and build the mock network
            model = Model()
  , extra_builders=extra_builders)

        # Assert that the config was stored in the model
        assert model.config is network.config

        # Assert that seeds were supplied
        assert model.seeds[a] == a.seed
        assert model.seeds[b] is not None

        # Assert the builders got called
        builders[A].assert_called_once_with(model, a)
        extra_builders[B].assert_called_once_with(model, b)
    def test_single_vertices(self):
        """Test that operators which produce single vertices work correctly and
        that all functions and signals are correctly collected and included in
        the final netlist.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A")
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_a, load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B")
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_b, load_fn_b)

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab = Signal(ObjectPort(operator_a, None),
                           ObjectPort(operator_b, None),
                           keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.connections_signals[None] = signal_ab
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in netlist.nets:
            assert net.source is vertex_a
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]
            assert net.keyspace is keyspace
            assert net.weight == signal_ab.weight

        assert set(netlist.vertices) == set([vertex_a, vertex_b])
        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert netlist.groups == list()
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_extra_operators_and_signals(self):
        """Test the operators and signals in the extra_operators and
        extra_signals lists are included when building netlists.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A")
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_a, load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B")
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_b, load_fn_b)

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab = Signal(ObjectPort(operator_a, None),
                           ObjectPort(operator_b, None),
                           keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.extra_operators = [operator_a, operator_b]
        model.extra_signals = [signal_ab]
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in netlist.nets:
            assert net.source is vertex_a
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]
            assert net.keyspace is keyspace
            assert net.weight == signal_ab.weight

        assert set(netlist.vertices) == set([vertex_a, vertex_b])
        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert netlist.groups == list()
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_make_vertices(self):
        """Check that the SDPReceiver make_vertices method looks at the signals
        and connections to make one sdp-rx vertex per outgoing connection and
        stores these as dictionaries.
        # Create the SDPReceiver, check that it currently has no connections
        # mapped to vertices.
        sdp_rx = SDPReceiver()
        assert sdp_rx.connection_vertices == dict()

        # Create a model containing some signals and connections originating
        # from sdp_rx, when calling make_vertices check that one vertex is
        # created per connection and that the dictionary is updated
        # accordingly.
        model = Model()

        conn_a = mock.Mock(name="connection a")
        conn_a.size_out = 1
        conn_a.post_slice = slice(0, 1)
        conn_a.post_obj.size_in = 3
        ks_a = model.keyspaces["nengo"](object=0, connection=0)
        sig_a = Signal(ObjectPort(sdp_rx, OutputPort.standard), None, ks_a)

        conn_b = mock.Mock(name="connection b")
        conn_b.size_out = 2
        conn_b.post_slice = slice(None)
        conn_b.post_obj.size_in = 2
        ks_b = model.keyspaces["nengo"](object=0, connection=1)
        sig_b = Signal(ObjectPort(sdp_rx, OutputPort.standard), None, ks_b)

        model.connections_signals = {
            conn_a: sig_a,
            conn_b: sig_b,
        model.params[conn_a] = mock.Mock()
        model.params[conn_a].transform = np.eye(conn_a.size_out)
        model.params[conn_b] = mock.Mock()
        model.params[conn_b].transform = np.eye(conn_b.size_out)

        # Make the vertices
        nls = sdp_rx.make_vertices(model, 1)  # TODO Remove number of steps
        assert len(nls.vertices) == 2
        assert nls.load_function == sdp_rx.load_to_machine

        for conn, vx in six.iteritems(sdp_rx.connection_vertices):
            print(conn, vx)
            assert conn is conn_a or conn is conn_b
            assert vx in nls.vertices
            assert vx.resources[Cores] == 1
            assert vx.resources[SDRAM] == 3*4 + 2*4 + 4*conn.size_out

            assert sdp_rx._sys_regions[vx].size_out == conn.size_out
            assert vx in sdp_rx._key_regions
Exemple #11
    def test_builder_dictionaries_are_combined(self, use_make_object):
        """Test that the builder and extra_builders dictionaries are combined
        and that a mrolookupdict is used.
        class A(object):
            seed = 101

        class B(object):

        builders = {A: mock.Mock()}
        extra_builders = {B: mock.Mock()}

        a = A()
        b = B()

        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = []
        network.ensembles = [a]
        network.nodes = [b]
        network.networks = []
        network.probes = []
        network.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        if not use_make_object:
            # Patch the default builders
            with patch.object(Model, "builders", new=builders):
                # Create a model and build the mock network
                model = Model()
      , extra_builders=extra_builders)

            # Assert that the config was stored in the model
            assert model.config is network.config
            # Create the model
            model = Model()
            model.rng = np.random

            # When using `make_object` directly `_builders` should be defined
            # and used.

            # Build the objects

        # Assert that seeds were supplied
        assert model.seeds[a] == a.seed
        assert model.seeds[b] is not None

        # Assert the builders got called
        builders[A].assert_called_once_with(model, a)
        extra_builders[B].assert_called_once_with(model, b)
    def test_standard(self, use_arguments, with_slice):
        # Create test network
        with nengo.Network() as network:
            a = nengo.Ensemble(100, 2)

            if not with_slice:
                p_a = nengo.Probe(a)
                p_a = nengo.Probe(a[0])

            p_n = nengo.Probe(a.neurons)

        # Create a model
        model = Model()

        # Dummy neurons builder
        ens_build = mock.Mock(name="ensemble builder")

        # Define two different probe build functions
        def build_ens_probe_fn(model, probe):
            assert ens_build.called
            assert model is model
            assert probe is p_a

        build_ens_probe = mock.Mock(wraps=build_ens_probe_fn)

        def build_neurons_probe_fn(model, probe):
            assert ens_build.called
            assert model is model
            assert probe is p_n

        build_neurons_probe = mock.Mock(wraps=build_neurons_probe_fn)

        # Build the model
        probe_builders = {nengo.Ensemble: build_ens_probe,
                          nengo.ensemble.Neurons: build_neurons_probe}
        with patch.object(model, "builders", new={nengo.Ensemble: ens_build}):
            if not use_arguments:
                with patch.object(model, "probe_builders", new=probe_builders):
                with patch.object(model, "probe_builders", new={}):
          , extra_probe_builders=probe_builders)

        # Assert the probe functions were built
        assert p_a in model.seeds
        assert p_n in model.seeds
        assert build_ens_probe.call_count == 1
        assert build_neurons_probe.call_count == 1
Exemple #13
    def test_calls_add_default_keyspace(self):
        """Test that creating a netlist assigns from default keyspace to the
        # Create a model and patch out the default keyspace and the connection
        # map.
        default_ks = mock.Mock()
        model = Model(keyspaces={"nengo": default_ks})

        # Create the netlist, ensure that this results in a call to
        # `add_default_keyspace'
        with mock.patch.object(model.connection_map,
                               "add_default_keyspace") as f:

    def test_calls_add_default_keyspace(self):
        """Test that creating a netlist assigns from default keyspace to the
        # Create a model and patch out the default keyspace and the connection
        # map.
        default_ks = mock.Mock()
        model = Model(keyspaces={"nengo": default_ks})

        # Create the netlist, ensure that this results in a call to
        # `add_default_keyspace'
        with mock.patch.object(model.connection_map,
                               "add_default_keyspace") as f:

Exemple #15
    def test_source_is_none(self, no_source, no_sink):
        """Test that if either the source or sink is none no connection is
        added to the model.
        class A(object):

        # Create the connection (as a mock)
        connection_source = A()
        connection_sink = A()

        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.pre_obj = connection_source
        connection.post_obj = connection_sink

        # Create the Model which we'll build with
        m = Model()

        # Modify the Model so that we can interpret calls to the connection map
        m.connection_map = mock.Mock(name="ConnectionMap")

        obj = mock.Mock(name="Object")
        obj_port = mock.Mock(name="Port")

        # Add some build methods
        m._source_getters = ({
            A: lambda m, c: None
        } if no_source else {
            A: lambda m, c: ObjectPort(obj, obj_port)
        m._sink_getters = ({
            A: lambda m, c: None
        } if no_sink else {
            A: lambda m, c: ObjectPort(obj, obj_port)
        m._transmission_parameter_builders = {A: lambda m, c: None}
        m._reception_parameter_builders = {A: lambda m, c: None}

        # Make the connection
        # Set an RNG to build with
        m.rng = np.random

        # Build the connection directly

        # Assert no call was made to add_connection
        assert not m.connection_map.add_connection.called
    def test_multiple_sink_vertices(self):
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A")
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec(vertex_a, load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b0 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B0")
        vertex_b1 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B1")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B")
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec([vertex_b0, vertex_b1], load_fn_b)

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab = Signal(ObjectPort(operator_a, None),
                           ObjectPort(operator_b, None),
                           keyspace=keyspace, weight=3)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.connections_signals[None] = signal_ab
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert set(netlist.vertices) == set([vertex_a, vertex_b0, vertex_b1])
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in netlist.nets:
            assert net.source is vertex_a
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b0, vertex_b1]
            assert net.keyspace is keyspace
            assert net.weight == signal_ab.weight

        # Check that the groups are correct
        assert netlist.groups == [set([vertex_b0, vertex_b1])]
Exemple #17
    def test_extra_operators_and_signals(self):
        """Test the operators in the extra_operators list are included when
        building netlists.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.extra_operators = [operator_a, operator_b]
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 0

        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),
        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_extra_operators_and_signals(self):
        """Test the operators in the extra_operators list are included when
        building netlists.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.extra_operators = [operator_a, operator_b]
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 0

        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),
        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_builder_dictionaries_are_combined(self, use_make_object):
        """Test that the builder and extra_builders dictionaries are combined
        and that a mrolookupdict is used.
        class A(object):
            seed = 101

        class B(object):

        builders = {A: mock.Mock()}
        extra_builders = {B: mock.Mock()}

        a = A()
        b = B()

        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = []
        network.ensembles = [a]
        network.nodes = [b]
        network.networks = []
        network.probes = []
        network.config = mock.Mock(name="config")

        if not use_make_object:
            # Patch the default builders
            with patch.object(Model, "builders", new=builders):
                # Create a model and build the mock network
                model = Model()
      , extra_builders=extra_builders)

            # Assert that the config was stored in the model
            assert model.config is network.config
            # Create the model
            model = Model()
            model.rng = np.random

            # When using `make_object` directly `_builders` should be defined
            # and used.

            # Build the objects

        # Assert that seeds were supplied
        assert model.seeds[a] == a.seed
        assert model.seeds[b] is not None

        # Assert the builders got called
        builders[A].assert_called_once_with(model, a)
        extra_builders[B].assert_called_once_with(model, b)
Exemple #20
def test_model_init():
    """Test initialising a model, should be completely empty."""
    model = Model()
    assert model.dt == 0.001
    assert model.machine_timestep == 1000

    assert model.params == dict()
    assert model.seeds == dict()

    assert dict(model.object_operators) == dict()
    assert model.extra_operators == list()

    assert isinstance(model.decoder_cache, NoDecoderCache)
    assert len(model.keyspaces) == 1
def test_get_object_and_connection_id():
    """Test retrieving an object and a connection ID."""
    obj_a = mock.Mock(name="object a")
    conn_a0 = mock.Mock(name="connection a[0]")
    conn_a1 = mock.Mock(name="connection a[0]")

    obj_b = mock.Mock(name="object b")
    conn_b0 = mock.Mock(name="connection b[0]")

    # Create an empty model
    model = Model()

    # The first connection from the first object should get (0, 0), no matter
    # how many times we ask
    assert (0, 0) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_a, conn_a0)

    # The second connection from the first object should get (0, 1)
    assert (0, 1) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_a, conn_a1)
    assert (0, 0) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_a, conn_a0)

    # The first connection from the second object should get (1, 0)
    assert (1, 0) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_b, conn_b0)
    assert (0, 1) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_a, conn_a1)
    assert (0, 0) == model._get_object_and_connection_id(obj_a, conn_a0)
    def test_source_is_none(self, no_source, no_sink):
        """Test that if either the source or sink is none no connection is
        added to the model.
        class A(object):

        # Create the connection (as a mock)
        connection_source = A()
        connection_sink = A()

        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.pre_obj = connection_source
        connection.post_obj = connection_sink

        # Create the Model which we'll build with
        m = Model()

        # Modify the Model so that we can interpret calls to the connection map
        m.connection_map = mock.Mock(name="ConnectionMap")

        obj = mock.Mock(name="Object")
        obj_port = mock.Mock(name="Port")

        # Add some build methods
        m._source_getters = ({A: lambda m, c: None} if no_source else
                             {A: lambda m, c: ObjectPort(obj, obj_port)})
        m._sink_getters = ({A: lambda m, c: None} if no_sink else
                           {A: lambda m, c: ObjectPort(obj, obj_port)})
        m._transmission_parameter_builders = {A: lambda m, c: None}
        m._reception_parameter_builders = {A: lambda m, c: None}

        # Make the connection
        # Set an RNG to build with
        m.rng = np.random

        # Build the connection directly

        # Assert no call was made to add_connection
        assert not m.connection_map.add_connection.called
    def test_latching(self, make_source_spec, make_sink_spec):
        """Test that latching commands are taken from the spec.
        # Create the model with it's default keyspace
        model = Model()
        model.keyspaces = {"nengo": mock.Mock()}

        # Create the connection that we're building
        pre = mock.Mock("pre")
        post = mock.Mock("post")
        post.size_in = 5
        connection = mock.Mock(spec_set=nengo.Connection)
        connection.pre_obj = pre
        connection.post_obj = post

        # Create a spec for the source and a spec for the sink
        source_obj = mock.Mock()
        source_spec = make_source_spec(source_obj)
        sink_obj = mock.Mock()
        sink_spec = make_sink_spec(sink_obj)

        # Get the Signal
        signal = _make_signal(model, connection, source_spec, sink_spec)
        assert signal.latching is True
Exemple #24
    def test_standard(self, use_arguments, with_slice):
        # Create test network
        with nengo.Network() as network:
            a = nengo.Ensemble(100, 2)

            if not with_slice:
                p_a = nengo.Probe(a)
                p_a = nengo.Probe(a[0])

            p_n = nengo.Probe(a.neurons)

        # Create a model
        model = Model()

        # Dummy neurons builder
        ens_build = mock.Mock(name="ensemble builder")

        # Define two different probe build functions
        def build_ens_probe_fn(model, probe):
            assert ens_build.called
            assert model is model
            assert probe is p_a

        build_ens_probe = mock.Mock(wraps=build_ens_probe_fn)

        def build_neurons_probe_fn(model, probe):
            assert ens_build.called
            assert model is model
            assert probe is p_n

        build_neurons_probe = mock.Mock(wraps=build_neurons_probe_fn)

        # Build the model
        probe_builders = {
            nengo.Ensemble: build_ens_probe,
            nengo.ensemble.Neurons: build_neurons_probe
        with patch.object(model, "builders", new={nengo.Ensemble: ens_build}):
            if not use_arguments:
                with patch.object(model, "probe_builders", new=probe_builders):
                with patch.object(model, "probe_builders", new={}):
          , extra_probe_builders=probe_builders)

        # Assert the probe functions were built
        assert p_a in model.seeds
        assert p_n in model.seeds
        assert build_ens_probe.call_count == 1
        assert build_neurons_probe.call_count == 1
Exemple #25
def test_generic_sink_getter():
    """Test the generic sink object getter, this should just return the
    object that is associated with the connection pre_obj.
    # Create the connection
    conn = mock.Mock(name="connection", spec_set=["pre_obj", "post_obj"])
    conn.pre_obj = mock.Mock(name="pre object")
    conn.post_obj = mock.Mock(name="post object")

    # Create the model
    pre_int = mock.Mock(name="pre intermediate")
    post_int = mock.Mock(name="post intermediate")

    model = Model()
    model.object_operators[conn.pre_obj] = pre_int
    model.object_operators[conn.post_obj] = post_int

    # Get the sink
    spec = generic_sink_getter(model, conn)
    assert is post_int
    assert is InputPort.standard
    def test_standard(self, use_make_connection):
        """Test building a single connection, ensure that all appropriate
        methods are called and that the signal is added to the connection map.
        class A(object):

        # Create the connection (as a mock)
        connection_source = A()
        connection_sink = A()

        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.pre_obj = connection_source
        connection.post_obj = connection_sink

        # Create the Model which we'll build with
        m = Model()

        # Modify the Model so that we can interpret calls to the connection map
        m.connection_map = mock.Mock(name="ConnectionMap")
        m.connection_map.insert_and_stack_interposers = mock.Mock(
            return_value=([], m.connection_map)  # NOP

        source = mock.Mock(name="Source Object")
        source_port = mock.Mock(name="Source Port")
        sink = mock.Mock(name="Sink Object")
        sink_port = mock.Mock(name="Sink Port")

        # Add some build methods
        def source_getter(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return spec(ObjectPort(source, source_port))

        def sink_getter(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return spec(ObjectPort(sink, sink_port))

        source_getters = {A: mock.Mock(side_effect=source_getter)}
        sink_getters = {A: mock.Mock(side_effect=sink_getter)}

        transmission_parameters = mock.Mock(name="Transmission Params")

        def transmission_builder(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return transmission_parameters

        reception_parameters = mock.Mock(name="Reception Params")

        def reception_builder(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return reception_parameters

        transmission_parameter_builders = {
            A: mock.Mock(side_effect=transmission_builder)
        reception_parameter_builders = {
            A: mock.Mock(side_effect=reception_builder)

        # Make the connection
        if use_make_connection:
            # Set an RNG to build with
            m.rng = np.random

            # Set the builders
            m._source_getters = source_getters
            m._sink_getters = sink_getters
            m._transmission_parameter_builders = \
            m._reception_parameter_builders = reception_parameter_builders

            # Build the connection directly
            # Embed the connection in a mock Nengo network and build that
            # instead.
            network = mock.Mock()
            network.seed = None
            network.connections = [connection]
            network.ensembles = []
            network.nodes = []
            network.networks = []
            network.probes = []

            # Build this (having overridden the builders)
            with mock.patch.object(m, "source_getters", source_getters), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "sink_getters", sink_getters), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "transmission_parameter_builders",
                                      transmission_parameter_builders), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "reception_parameter_builders",

        # Assert the connection map received an appropriate call
            source, source_port, SignalParameters(),
            transmission_parameters, sink, sink_port, reception_parameters
def test_remove_childless_filters():
    """Filter operators which don't transmit to anything, and their incoming
    signals, can be removed.
    # Create a netlist including some filters that do and don't transmit to
    # other objects, check that all the filters which don't connect to anything
    # are removed.
    #          -S1---             F3
    #        /       \       S4  ^  \  S5
    #       /        v          /    v
    #     F1         O1 +S3-> F2     F5
    #      ^        /   |      \     ^
    #      \       /    |   S4  v   /  S6
    #       \-S2---     v        F4
    #                  O2
    # F1 should remain, O1 and O2 should be untouched and F2..5 should be
    # removed.  S1 and S2 should be unchanged, S3 should have F2 removed from
    # its sinks and S4..6 should be removed entirely.

    # Create the filter operators
    f1 = mock.Mock(name="F1", spec=Filter)
    f2 = mock.Mock(name="F2", spec=Filter)
    f3 = mock.Mock(name="F3", spec=Filter)
    f4 = mock.Mock(name="F4", spec=Filter)
    f5 = mock.Mock(name="F5", spec=Filter)

    # The other operator
    o1 = mock.Mock(name="O1")
    o2 = mock.Mock(name="O2")

    # Create some objects which map to some of the operators
    oo1 = mock.Mock()
    of3 = mock.Mock()

    # Create the signals
    s1 = Signal(ObjectPort(f1, None), ObjectPort(o1, None), None)
    s2 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), ObjectPort(f1, None), None)
    s3 = Signal(ObjectPort(o1, None), [ObjectPort(f2, None),
                                       ObjectPort(o2, None)], None)
    s4 = Signal(ObjectPort(f2, None), [ObjectPort(f3, None),
                                       ObjectPort(f4, None)], None)
    s5 = Signal(ObjectPort(f3, None), ObjectPort(f5, None), None)
    s6 = Signal(ObjectPort(f4, None), ObjectPort(f5, None), None)

    # Create some connections which map to the signals
    cs4 = mock.Mock()
    cs5 = mock.Mock()

    # Create the model
    model = Model()
    model.object_operators = {
        oo1: o1,
        of3: f3,
    model.extra_operators = [f1, f2, f4, f5]
    model.connections_signals = {
        cs4: s4,
        cs5: s5,
    model.extra_signals = [s1, s2, s3, s6]

    # Perform the optimisation

    # Check that objects have been removed
    assert model.object_operators == {oo1: o1}
    assert model.extra_operators == [f1]
    assert model.connections_signals == {}
    assert model.extra_signals == [s1, s2, s3]
    assert [s.obj for s in s3.sinks] == [o2]
    def test_get_signals_and_connections_terminating_at(self):
        """Test getting the signals and connections which end at a given
        # Create some objects and some connections
        obj_a = mock.Mock(name="object a")
        obj_b = mock.Mock(name="object b")

        conn_ab1 = mock.Mock()
        port_b1 = mock.Mock(name="port B1")
        sig_ab1 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b1),
        conn_ab2 = mock.Mock()
        port_b2 = mock.Mock(name="port B2")
        sig_ab2 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b2),

        sig_ab3 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b2),

        conn_ba1 = mock.Mock()
        sig_ba1 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_b, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_a, InputPort.standard),
        conn_ba2 = mock.Mock()
        conn_ba3 = mock.Mock()
        sig_ba2 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b2),
                         ObjectPort(obj_a, InputPort.standard),

        # Create a model holding all of these items
        model = Model()
        model.connections_signals = {
            conn_ab1: sig_ab1,
            conn_ab2: sig_ab2,
            conn_ba1: sig_ba1,
            conn_ba2: sig_ba2,
            conn_ba3: sig_ba2,
        model.extra_signals = [sig_ab3]

        # Query it for connections terminating at different objects
        for port, sigs_conns in iteritems(
            assert port is InputPort.standard

            for sig, conns in iteritems(sigs_conns):
                if sig is sig_ba1:
                    assert conns == [conn_ba1]
                elif sig is sig_ba2:
                    for conn in conns:
                        assert conn in [conn_ba2, conn_ba3]
                elif sig is sig_ba3:
                    assert len(conns) == 0
                    assert False, "Unexpected signal"

        assert model.get_signals_connections_to_object(obj_b) == {
            port_b1: {
                sig_ab1: [conn_ab1],
            port_b2: {
                sig_ab2: [conn_ab2],
                sig_ab3: [],
Exemple #29
    def test_multiple_source_vertices(self):
        """Test that each of the vertices associated with a source is correctly
        included in the sources of a net.
        class MyVertexSlice(VertexSlice):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(MyVertexSlice, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.args = None

            def transmits_signal(self, signal_parameters,
                self.args = (signal_parameters, transmission_parameters)
                return False

        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a0 = VertexSlice(slice(0, 1))
        vertex_a1 = VertexSlice(slice(1, 2))
        vertex_a2 = MyVertexSlice(slice(2, 3))
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec([vertex_a0, vertex_a1, vertex_a2],
                        load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = Vertex()
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b)

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.connection_map.add_connection(operator_a, None,
                                            signal_ab_parameters, None,
                                            operator_b, None, None)
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a0, vertex_a1, vertex_a2),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a0, vertex_a1]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]

        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0

        # Check that `transmit_signal` was called correctly
        sig, tp = vertex_a2.args
        assert sig.keyspace is keyspace
        assert tp is None
Exemple #30
    def test_single_vertices(self):
        """Test that operators which produce single vertices work correctly and
        that all functions and signals are correctly collected and included in
        the final netlist.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")
        constraint_a = mock.Mock(name="Constraint B")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a,

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")
        constraint_b = mock.Mock(name="Constraint B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b, constraints=[constraint_b])

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.connection_map.add_connection(operator_a, None,
                                            signal_ab_parameters, None,
                                            operator_b, None, None)
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]
            assert net.weight == signal_ab_parameters.weight

        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),

        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert set(netlist.constraints) == set([constraint_a, constraint_b])
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_get_signals_and_connections_starting_from(self):
        """Test getting the signals and connections which start from a given
        # Create some objects and some connections
        obj_a = mock.Mock(name="object a")
        obj_b = mock.Mock(name="object b")

        conn_ab1 = mock.Mock()
        sig_ab1 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, InputPort.standard),
        conn_ab2 = mock.Mock()
        sig_ab2 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, InputPort.standard),

        sig_ab3 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, InputPort.standard),
        sig_ab4 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_a, OutputPort.standard),
                         ObjectPort(obj_b, InputPort.standard),

        conn_ba1 = mock.Mock()
        port_b1 = mock.Mock(name="port B1")
        sig_ba1 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b1),
                         ObjectPort(obj_a, InputPort.standard),
        conn_ba2 = mock.Mock()
        conn_ba3 = mock.Mock()
        port_b2 = mock.Mock(name="port B2")
        sig_ba2 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b2),
                         ObjectPort(obj_a, InputPort.standard),

        port_b3 = mock.Mock(name="port B3")
        sig_ba3 = Signal(ObjectPort(obj_b, port_b3),
                         ObjectPort(obj_a, InputPort.standard),

        # Create a model holding all of these items
        model = Model()
        model.connections_signals = {
            conn_ab1: sig_ab1,
            conn_ab2: sig_ab2,
            conn_ba1: sig_ba1,
            conn_ba2: sig_ba2,
            conn_ba3: sig_ba2,
        model.extra_signals = [sig_ab3, sig_ab4, sig_ba3]

        # Query it for connections starting from different objects
        assert model.get_signals_connections_from_object(obj_a) == {
            OutputPort.standard: {
                sig_ab1: [conn_ab1],
                sig_ab2: [conn_ab2],
                sig_ab3: [],
                sig_ab4: [],

        for port, sigs_conns in iteritems(
            if port is port_b1:
                assert sigs_conns == {
                    sig_ba1: [conn_ba1],
            elif port is port_b2:
                for sig, conns in iteritems(sigs_conns):
                    assert sig is sig_ba2
                    for conn in conns:
                        assert conn is conn_ba2 or conn is conn_ba3
            elif port is port_b3:
                assert sigs_conns == {sig_ba3: []}
                assert False, "Unexpected signal"
Exemple #32
    def test_standard(self, use_make_connection):
        """Test building a single connection, ensure that all appropriate
        methods are called and that the signal is added to the connection map.
        class A(object):

        # Create the connection (as a mock)
        connection_source = A()
        connection_sink = A()

        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.pre_obj = connection_source
        connection.post_obj = connection_sink

        # Create the Model which we'll build with
        m = Model()

        # Modify the Model so that we can interpret calls to the connection map
        m.connection_map = mock.Mock(name="ConnectionMap")
        m.connection_map.insert_and_stack_interposers = mock.Mock(
            return_value=([], m.connection_map)  # NOP

        source = mock.Mock(name="Source Object")
        source_port = mock.Mock(name="Source Port")
        sink = mock.Mock(name="Sink Object")
        sink_port = mock.Mock(name="Sink Port")

        # Add some build methods
        def source_getter(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return spec(ObjectPort(source, source_port))

        def sink_getter(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return spec(ObjectPort(sink, sink_port))

        source_getters = {A: mock.Mock(side_effect=source_getter)}
        sink_getters = {A: mock.Mock(side_effect=sink_getter)}

        transmission_parameters = mock.Mock(name="Transmission Params")

        def transmission_builder(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return transmission_parameters

        reception_parameters = mock.Mock(name="Reception Params")

        def reception_builder(model, conn):
            assert model is m
            assert conn is connection
            return reception_parameters

        transmission_parameter_builders = {
            A: mock.Mock(side_effect=transmission_builder)
        reception_parameter_builders = {
            A: mock.Mock(side_effect=reception_builder)

        # Make the connection
        if use_make_connection:
            # Set an RNG to build with
            m.rng = np.random

            # Set the builders
            m._source_getters = source_getters
            m._sink_getters = sink_getters
            m._transmission_parameter_builders = \
            m._reception_parameter_builders = reception_parameter_builders

            # Build the connection directly
            # Embed the connection in a mock Nengo network and build that
            # instead.
            network = mock.Mock()
            network.seed = None
            network.connections = [connection]
            network.ensembles = []
            network.nodes = []
            network.networks = []
            network.probes = []

            # Build this (having overridden the builders)
            with mock.patch.object(m, "source_getters", source_getters), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "sink_getters", sink_getters), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "transmission_parameter_builders",
                                      transmission_parameter_builders), \
                    mock.patch.object(m, "reception_parameter_builders",

        # Assert the connection map received an appropriate call
            source, source_port, SignalParameters(), transmission_parameters,
            sink, sink_port, reception_parameters)
    def test_single_vertices(self):
        """Test that operators which produce single vertices work correctly and
        that all functions and signals are correctly collected and included in
        the final netlist.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")
        constraint_a = mock.Mock(name="Constraint B")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a,

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = mock.Mock(name="vertex B")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")
        constraint_b = mock.Mock(name="Constraint B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b, constraints=[constraint_b])

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
            operator_a, None, signal_ab_parameters, None,
            operator_b, None, None
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the make_vertices functions were called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]
            assert net.weight == signal_ab_parameters.weight

        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),

        assert netlist.keyspaces is model.keyspaces
        assert set(netlist.constraints) == set([constraint_a, constraint_b])
        assert set(netlist.load_functions) == set([load_fn_a, load_fn_b])
        assert netlist.before_simulation_functions == [pre_fn_a]
        assert netlist.after_simulation_functions == [post_fn_a]
    def test_multiple_sink_vertices(self):
        """Test that each of the vertices associated with a sink is correctly
        included in the sinks of a net.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b0 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B0")
        vertex_b1 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B1")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec([vertex_b0, vertex_b1], load_fn_b)

        # Create a third operator, which won't accept the signal
        vertex_c = mock.Mock(name="vertex C")
        vertex_c.accepts_signal.side_effect = lambda _, __: False

        object_c = mock.Mock(name="object C")
        operator_c = mock.Mock(name="operator C", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_c.make_vertices.return_value = netlistspec((vertex_c, ))

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=3)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.object_operators[object_c] = operator_c
            operator_a, None, signal_ab_parameters, None,
            operator_b, None, None
            operator_a, None, signal_ab_parameters, None,
            operator_c, None, None
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the "accepts_signal" method of vertex_c was called with
        # reasonable arguments
        assert vertex_c.accepts_signal.called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b0, vertex_b1),
            operator_c: (vertex_c, ),
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b0, vertex_b1]
            assert net.weight == signal_ab_parameters.weight

        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0
Exemple #35
    def test_multiple_sink_vertices(self):
        """Test that each of the vertices associated with a sink is correctly
        included in the sinks of a net.
        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a = mock.Mock(name="vertex A")
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_a, ), load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b0 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B0")
        vertex_b1 = mock.Mock(name="vertex B1")
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec([vertex_b0, vertex_b1], load_fn_b)

        # Create a third operator, which won't accept the signal
        vertex_c = mock.Mock(name="vertex C")
        vertex_c.accepts_signal.side_effect = lambda _, __: False

        object_c = mock.Mock(name="object C")
        operator_c = mock.Mock(name="operator C", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_c.make_vertices.return_value = netlistspec((vertex_c, ))

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=3)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
        model.object_operators[object_c] = operator_c
        model.connection_map.add_connection(operator_a, None,
                                            signal_ab_parameters, None,
                                            operator_b, None, None)
        model.connection_map.add_connection(operator_a, None,
                                            signal_ab_parameters, None,
                                            operator_c, None, None)
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the "accepts_signal" method of vertex_c was called with
        # reasonable arguments
        assert vertex_c.accepts_signal.called

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a, ),
            operator_b: (vertex_b0, vertex_b1),
            operator_c: (vertex_c, ),
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b0, vertex_b1]
            assert net.weight == signal_ab_parameters.weight

        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0
    def test_make_connections(self, use_registered_dicts, seed):
        """Test that building connections adds a new signal to the model."""
        # TODO Test that the connection is fully built
        model = Model()

        class A(object):

        class B(object):

        a = A()
        b = B()

        # Create a connection from a to b
        connection = mock.Mock()
        connection.seed = seed
        connection.pre_obj = a
        connection.post_obj = b

        # Create getter methods
        source = ObjectPort(mock.Mock(), None)
        sink = ObjectPort(mock.Mock(), None)

        def source_getter_fn(m, c):
            assert m is model
            assert c is connection

            return spec(source)

        source_getter = mock.Mock(wraps=source_getter_fn)

        def sink_getter_fn(m, c):
            assert m is model
            assert c is connection

            return spec(sink)

        sink_getter = mock.Mock(wraps=sink_getter_fn)

        # Create a method to build the connection
        built_connection = mock.Mock(name="built connection")

        def connection_builder_fn(m, c):
            assert m is model
            assert c is connection

            return built_connection

        connection_builder_a = mock.Mock(wraps=connection_builder_fn)
        connection_builder_b = mock.Mock(wraps=connection_builder_fn)

        # Create a mock network
        network = mock.Mock()
        network.seed = None
        network.connections = [connection]
        network.ensembles = []
        network.nodes = []
        network.networks = []
        network.probes = []

        if use_registered_dicts:
            # Patch the getters, add a null builder
            with patch.object(model, "source_getters", {A: source_getter}), \
                    patch.object(model, "sink_getters", {B: sink_getter}), \
                    patch.object(model, "connection_parameter_builders",
                                 {A: connection_builder_a,
                                  B: connection_builder_b}):
                # Build the network
                        extra_source_getters={A: source_getter},
                        extra_sink_getters={B: sink_getter},
                            A: connection_builder_a,
                            B: connection_builder_b,

        # Check that seeds were provided
        if seed is not None:
            assert model.seeds[connection] == seed
            assert model.seeds[connection] is not None

        # Assert the getters were called
        assert source_getter.call_count == 1
        assert sink_getter.call_count == 1

        # Assert that the connection parameter builder was called
        assert connection_builder_a.call_count == 1
        assert connection_builder_b.call_count == 0

        # Assert that the parameters were saved
        assert model.params[connection] is built_connection

        # Assert that the signal exists
        signal = model.connections_signals[connection]
        assert signal.source is source
        assert signal.sinks == [sink]
Exemple #37
def test_model_init_with_keyspaces():
    """Test initialising a model, should be completely empty."""
    keyspaces = mock.Mock()
    model = Model(keyspaces=keyspaces)

    assert model.keyspaces is keyspaces
    def test_multiple_source_vertices(self):
        """Test that each of the vertices associated with a source is correctly
        included in the sources of a net.
        class MyVertexSlice(VertexSlice):
            def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
                super(MyVertexSlice, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
                self.args = None

            def transmits_signal(self, signal_parameters,
                self.args = (signal_parameters, transmission_parameters)
                return False

        # Create the first operator
        vertex_a0 = VertexSlice(slice(0, 1))
        vertex_a1 = VertexSlice(slice(1, 2))
        vertex_a2 = MyVertexSlice(slice(2, 3))
        load_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="load function A")
        pre_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="pre function A")
        post_fn_a = mock.Mock(name="post function A")

        object_a = mock.Mock(name="object A")
        operator_a = mock.Mock(name="operator A", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_a.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec([vertex_a0, vertex_a1, vertex_a2],
                        load_fn_a, pre_fn_a, post_fn_a)

        # Create the second operator
        vertex_b = Vertex()
        load_fn_b = mock.Mock(name="load function B")

        object_b = mock.Mock(name="object B")
        operator_b = mock.Mock(name="operator B", spec_set=["make_vertices"])
        operator_b.make_vertices.return_value = \
            netlistspec((vertex_b, ), load_fn_b)

        # Create a signal between the operators
        keyspace = mock.Mock(name="keyspace")
        keyspace.length = 32
        signal_ab_parameters = SignalParameters(keyspace=keyspace, weight=43)

        # Create the model, add the items and then generate the netlist
        model = Model()
        model.object_operators[object_a] = operator_a
        model.object_operators[object_b] = operator_b
            operator_a, None, signal_ab_parameters, None,
            operator_b, None, None
        netlist = model.make_netlist()

        # Check that the netlist is as expected
        assert netlist.operator_vertices == {
            operator_a: (vertex_a0, vertex_a1, vertex_a2),
            operator_b: (vertex_b, ),
        assert len(netlist.nets) == 1
        for net in itervalues(netlist.nets):
            assert net.sources == [vertex_a0, vertex_a1]
            assert net.sinks == [vertex_b]

        assert len(netlist.constraints) == 0

        # Check that `transmit_signal` was called correctly
        sig, tp = vertex_a2.args
        assert sig.keyspace is keyspace
        assert tp is None