Exemple #1
def test_identity(radii):
    sys = Alpha(0.1)

    identity = Identity()
    assert repr(identity) == "Identity()"

    I = np.eye(len(sys))
    realize_result = identity(sys, radii)
    assert realize_result.sys is sys
    assert np.allclose(realize_result.T, I * radii)
    assert np.allclose(realize_result.Tinv, inv(I * radii))

    rsys = realize_result.realization
    assert ss_equal(rsys, sys.transform(realize_result.T))

    # Check that it's still the same system, even though different matrices
    assert sys_equal(sys, rsys)
    if radii == 1:
        assert ss_equal(sys, rsys)
        assert not np.allclose(sys.B, rsys.B)
        assert not np.allclose(sys.C, rsys.C)

    # Check that the state vectors have scaled power
    assert np.allclose(state_norm(sys) / radii, state_norm(rsys))
def test_scale_state(radius):
    sys = Alpha(0.1)
    scaled = scale_state(sys, radii=radius)
    assert not np.allclose(sys.B, scaled.B)
    assert not np.allclose(sys.C, scaled.C)

    # Check that it's still the same system, even though different matrices
    assert sys_equal(sys, scaled)

    # Check that the state vectors have scaled power
    assert np.allclose(state_norm(sys) / radius, state_norm(scaled))
Exemple #3
def test_double_exp():
    tau1 = 0.005
    tau2 = 0.008
    sys = DoubleExp(tau1, tau2)

    assert sys_equal(sys, ([1], [tau1*tau2, tau1 + tau2, 1]))

    assert sys == Lowpass(tau1) * Lowpass(tau2)
    assert sys == 1 / ((tau1*s + 1) * (tau2*s + 1))
    # this equality follows from algebraic manipulation of the above equality
    # however there will be a ZeroDivisionError when tau1 == tau2
    assert sys == (tau1*Lowpass(tau1) - tau2*Lowpass(tau2)) / (tau1 - tau2)
Exemple #4
def test_highpass(tau, order):
    sys = Highpass(tau, order)

    num, den = map(np.poly1d, ([tau, 0], [tau, 1]))
    assert sys_equal(sys, LinearSystem((num**order, den**order)))

    length = 1000
    dt = 0.001

    response = sys.impulse(length, dt)
    dft = np.fft.rfft(response, axis=0)
    p = abs(dft)

    # Check that the power is monotonically increasing
    assert np.allclose(np.sort(p), p)
Exemple #5
def test_balreal_normalization(sys):
    radii = np.arange(len(sys)) + 1

    balanced = Balanced()
    assert repr(balanced) == "Balanced()"

    realizer_result = balanced(sys, radii)

    T, Tinv, _ = balanced_transformation(sys)

    assert np.allclose(realizer_result.T / radii[None, :], T)
    assert np.allclose(realizer_result.Tinv * radii[:, None], Tinv)
    assert np.allclose(inv(T), Tinv)

    assert sys_equal(sys, realizer_result.realization)
Exemple #6
def test_bandpass(freq, Q):
    sys = Bandpass(freq, Q)

    w_0 = freq * (2*np.pi)
    assert sys_equal(sys, ([1], [1./w_0**2, 1./(w_0*Q), 1]))

    length = 10000
    dt = 0.0001

    response = sys.impulse(length, dt)
    dft = np.fft.rfft(response, axis=0)
    freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(length, d=dt)
    cp = abs(dft).cumsum()

    # Check that the cumulative power reaches its mean at Q frequency
    np.allclose(freqs[np.where(cp >= cp[-1] / 2)[0][0]], Q)
Exemple #7
def test_similarity_transform():
    sys = Alpha(0.1)

    TA, TB, TC, TD = similarity_transform(sys, np.eye(2)).ss
    A, B, C, D = sys2ss(sys)
    assert np.allclose(A, TA)
    assert np.allclose(B, TB)
    assert np.allclose(C, TC)
    assert np.allclose(D, TD)

    T = [[1, 1], [-0.5, 0]]
    TA, TB, TC, TD = similarity_transform(sys, T).ss
    assert not np.allclose(A, TA)
    assert not np.allclose(B, TB)
    assert not np.allclose(C, TC)
    assert np.allclose(D, TD)
    assert sys_equal(sys, (TA, TB, TC, TD))
Exemple #8
def test_nengo_analogs():
    assert sys_equal(BaseLinearFilter([1], [1, 0]), LinearFilter([1], [1, 0]))
    assert sys_equal(BaseLowpass(0.1), Lowpass(0.1))
    assert sys_equal(BaseAlpha(0.1), Alpha(0.1))
    assert sys_equal(BaseAlpha(0.1), DoubleExp(0.1, 0.1))
Exemple #9
def test_nengo_analogs():
    assert sys_equal(BaseLinearFilter([1], [1, 0]),
                     LinearSystem(([1], [1, 0])))
    assert sys_equal(BaseLowpass(0.1), Lowpass(0.1))
    assert sys_equal(BaseAlpha(0.1), Alpha(0.1))
    assert sys_equal(BaseAlpha(0.1), DoubleExp(0.1, 0.1))