Exemple #1
    def read_analogsignal(fh, block_id, array_id):
        nix_block = fh.handle.blocks[block_id]
        nix_da = nix_block.data_arrays[array_id]

        params = {
            'name': Reader.Help.get_obj_neo_name(nix_da),
            'signal': nix_da[:],  # TODO think about lazy data loading
            'units': nix_da.unit,
            'dtype': nix_da.dtype,

        s_dim = nix_da.dimensions[0]
        sampling = s_dim.sampling_interval * getattr(pq, s_dim.unit)
        if 'hz' in s_dim.unit.lower():
            params['sampling_rate'] = sampling
            params['sampling_period'] = sampling

        signal = AnalogSignal(**params)
        signal.t_start = Reader.Help.read_quantity(nix_da.metadata, 't_start')

        for key, value in Reader.Help.read_attributes(nix_da.metadata, 'analogsignal').items():
            setattr(signal, key, value)

        signal.annotations = Reader.Help.read_annotations(nix_da.metadata, 'analogsignal')

        return signal
Exemple #2
def spike_triggered_average(signal, spiketrains, window):
    Calculates the spike-triggered averages of analog signals in a time window
    relative to the spike times of a corresponding spiketrain for multiple
    signals each. The function receives n analog signals and either one or
    n spiketrains. In case it is one spiketrain this one is muliplied n-fold
    and used for each of the n analog signals.

    signal : neo AnalogSignal object
        'signal' contains n analog signals.
    spiketrains : one SpikeTrain or one numpy ndarray or a list of n of either of these.
        'spiketrains' contains the times of the spikes in the spiketrains.
    window : tuple of 2 Quantity objects with dimensions of time.
        'window' is the start time and the stop time, relative to a spike, of
        the time interval for signal averaging.
        If the window size is not a multiple of the sampling interval of the 
        signal the window will be extended to the next multiple. 

    result_sta : neo AnalogSignal object
        'result_sta' contains the spike-triggered averages of each of the
        analog signals with respect to the spikes in the corresponding
        spiketrains. The length of 'result_sta' is calculated as the number
        of bins from the given start and stop time of the averaging interval
        and the sampling rate of the analog signal. If for an analog signal
        no spike was either given or all given spikes had to be ignored
        because of a too large averaging interval, the corresponding returned
        analog signal has all entries as nan. The number of used spikes and
        unused spikes for each analog signal are returned as annotations to 
        the returned AnalogSignal object.


    >>> signal = neo.AnalogSignal(np.array([signal1, signal2]).T, units='mV',
    ...                                sampling_rate=10/ms)
    >>> stavg = spike_triggered_average(signal, [spiketrain1, spiketrain2],
    ...                                 (-5 * ms, 10 * ms))


    # checking compatibility of data and data types
    # window_starttime: time to specify the start time of the averaging
    # interval relative to a spike
    # window_stoptime: time to specify the stop time of the averaging
    # interval relative to a spike
    window_starttime, window_stoptime = window
    if not (isinstance(window_starttime, pq.quantity.Quantity)
            and window_starttime.dimensionality.simplified == pq.Quantity(
                1, "s").dimensionality):
        raise TypeError("The start time of the window (window[0]) "
                        "must be a time quantity.")
    if not (isinstance(window_stoptime, pq.quantity.Quantity)
            and window_stoptime.dimensionality.simplified == pq.Quantity(
                1, "s").dimensionality):
        raise TypeError("The stop time of the window (window[1]) "
                        "must be a time quantity.")
    if window_stoptime <= window_starttime:
        raise ValueError(
            "The start time of the window (window[0]) must be "
            "earlier than the stop time of the window (window[1]).")

    # checks on signal
    if not isinstance(signal, AnalogSignal):
        raise TypeError("Signal must be an AnalogSignal, not %s." %
    if len(signal.shape) > 1:
        # num_signals: number of analog signals
        num_signals = signal.shape[1]
        raise ValueError("Empty analog signal, hence no averaging possible.")
    if window_stoptime - window_starttime > signal.t_stop - signal.t_start:
        raise ValueError("The chosen time window is larger than the "
                         "time duration of the signal.")

    # spiketrains type check
    if isinstance(spiketrains, (np.ndarray, SpikeTrain)):
        spiketrains = [spiketrains]
    elif isinstance(spiketrains, list):
        for st in spiketrains:
            if not isinstance(st, (np.ndarray, SpikeTrain)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "spiketrains must be a SpikeTrain, a numpy ndarray, or a "
                    "list of one of those, not %s." % type(spiketrains))
        raise TypeError(
            "spiketrains must be a SpikeTrain, a numpy ndarray, or a list of "
            "one of those, not %s." % type(spiketrains))

    # multiplying spiketrain in case only a single spiketrain is given
    if len(spiketrains) == 1 and num_signals != 1:
        template = spiketrains[0]
        spiketrains = []
        for i in range(num_signals):

    # checking for matching numbers of signals and spiketrains
    if num_signals != len(spiketrains):
        raise ValueError(
            "The number of signals and spiketrains has to be the same.")

    # checking the times of signal and spiketrains
    for i in range(num_signals):
        if spiketrains[i].t_start < signal.t_start:
            raise ValueError(
                "The spiketrain indexed by %i starts earlier than "
                "the analog signal." % i)
        if spiketrains[i].t_stop > signal.t_stop:
            raise ValueError("The spiketrain indexed by %i stops later than "
                             "the analog signal." % i)

    # *** Main algorithm: ***

    # window_bins: number of bins of the chosen averaging interval
    window_bins = int(
        np.ceil(((window_stoptime - window_starttime) *
    # result_sta: array containing finally the spike-triggered averaged signal
    result_sta = AnalogSignal(np.zeros((window_bins, num_signals)),
    # setting of correct times of the spike-triggered average
    # relative to the spike
    result_sta.t_start = window_starttime
    used_spikes = np.zeros(num_signals, dtype=int)
    unused_spikes = np.zeros(num_signals, dtype=int)
    total_used_spikes = 0

    for i in range(num_signals):
        # summing over all respective signal intervals around spiketimes
        for spiketime in spiketrains[i]:
            # checks for sufficient signal data around spiketime
            if (spiketime + window_starttime >= signal.t_start
                    and spiketime + window_stoptime <= signal.t_stop):
                # calculating the startbin in the analog signal of the
                # averaging window for spike
                startbin = int(
                    np.floor(((spiketime + window_starttime - signal.t_start) *
                # adds the signal in selected interval relative to the spike
                result_sta[:, i] += signal[startbin:startbin + window_bins, i]
                # counting of the used spikes
                used_spikes[i] += 1
                # counting of the unused spikes
                unused_spikes[i] += 1

        # normalization
        result_sta[:, i] = result_sta[:, i] / used_spikes[i]

        total_used_spikes += used_spikes[i]

    if total_used_spikes == 0:
        warnings.warn("No spike at all was either found or used for averaging")
    result_sta.annotate(used_spikes=used_spikes, unused_spikes=unused_spikes)

    return result_sta
Exemple #3
def spike_triggered_average(signal, spiketrains, window):
    Calculates the spike-triggered averages of analog signals in a time window
    relative to the spike times of a corresponding spiketrain for multiple
    signals each. The function receives n analog signals and either one or
    n spiketrains. In case it is one spiketrain this one is muliplied n-fold
    and used for each of the n analog signals.

    signal : neo AnalogSignal object
        'signal' contains n analog signals.
    spiketrains : one SpikeTrain or one numpy ndarray or a list of n of either of these.
        'spiketrains' contains the times of the spikes in the spiketrains.
    window : tuple of 2 Quantity objects with dimensions of time.
        'window' is the start time and the stop time, relative to a spike, of
        the time interval for signal averaging.
        If the window size is not a multiple of the sampling interval of the 
        signal the window will be extended to the next multiple. 

    result_sta : neo AnalogSignal object
        'result_sta' contains the spike-triggered averages of each of the
        analog signals with respect to the spikes in the corresponding
        spiketrains. The length of 'result_sta' is calculated as the number
        of bins from the given start and stop time of the averaging interval
        and the sampling rate of the analog signal. If for an analog signal
        no spike was either given or all given spikes had to be ignored
        because of a too large averaging interval, the corresponding returned
        analog signal has all entries as nan. The number of used spikes and
        unused spikes for each analog signal are returned as annotations to 
        the returned AnalogSignal object.


    >>> signal = neo.AnalogSignal(np.array([signal1, signal2]).T, units='mV',
    ...                                sampling_rate=10/ms)
    >>> stavg = spike_triggered_average(signal, [spiketrain1, spiketrain2],
    ...                                 (-5 * ms, 10 * ms))


    # checking compatibility of data and data types
    # window_starttime: time to specify the start time of the averaging
    # interval relative to a spike
    # window_stoptime: time to specify the stop time of the averaging
    # interval relative to a spike
    window_starttime, window_stoptime = window
    if not (isinstance(window_starttime, pq.quantity.Quantity) and
            window_starttime.dimensionality.simplified ==
            pq.Quantity(1, "s").dimensionality):
        raise TypeError("The start time of the window (window[0]) "
                        "must be a time quantity.")
    if not (isinstance(window_stoptime, pq.quantity.Quantity) and
            window_stoptime.dimensionality.simplified ==
            pq.Quantity(1, "s").dimensionality):
        raise TypeError("The stop time of the window (window[1]) "
                        "must be a time quantity.")
    if window_stoptime <= window_starttime:
        raise ValueError("The start time of the window (window[0]) must be "
                         "earlier than the stop time of the window (window[1]).")

    # checks on signal
    if not isinstance(signal, AnalogSignal):
        raise TypeError(
            "Signal must be an AnalogSignal, not %s." % type(signal))
    if len(signal.shape) > 1:
        # num_signals: number of analog signals
        num_signals = signal.shape[1]
        raise ValueError("Empty analog signal, hence no averaging possible.")
    if window_stoptime - window_starttime > signal.t_stop - signal.t_start:
        raise ValueError("The chosen time window is larger than the "
                         "time duration of the signal.")

    # spiketrains type check
    if isinstance(spiketrains, (np.ndarray, SpikeTrain)):
        spiketrains = [spiketrains]
    elif isinstance(spiketrains, list):
        for st in spiketrains:
            if not isinstance(st, (np.ndarray, SpikeTrain)):
                raise TypeError(
                    "spiketrains must be a SpikeTrain, a numpy ndarray, or a "
                    "list of one of those, not %s." % type(spiketrains))
        raise TypeError(
            "spiketrains must be a SpikeTrain, a numpy ndarray, or a list of "
            "one of those, not %s." % type(spiketrains))

    # multiplying spiketrain in case only a single spiketrain is given
    if len(spiketrains) == 1 and num_signals != 1:
        template = spiketrains[0]
        spiketrains = []
        for i in range(num_signals):

    # checking for matching numbers of signals and spiketrains
    if num_signals != len(spiketrains):
        raise ValueError(
            "The number of signals and spiketrains has to be the same.")

    # checking the times of signal and spiketrains
    for i in range(num_signals):
        if spiketrains[i].t_start < signal.t_start:
            raise ValueError(
                "The spiketrain indexed by %i starts earlier than "
                "the analog signal." % i)
        if spiketrains[i].t_stop > signal.t_stop:
            raise ValueError(
                "The spiketrain indexed by %i stops later than "
                "the analog signal." % i)

    # *** Main algorithm: ***

    # window_bins: number of bins of the chosen averaging interval
    window_bins = int(np.ceil(((window_stoptime - window_starttime) *
    # result_sta: array containing finally the spike-triggered averaged signal
    result_sta = AnalogSignal(np.zeros((window_bins, num_signals)),
        sampling_rate=signal.sampling_rate, units=signal.units)
    # setting of correct times of the spike-triggered average
    # relative to the spike
    result_sta.t_start = window_starttime
    used_spikes = np.zeros(num_signals, dtype=int)
    unused_spikes = np.zeros(num_signals, dtype=int)
    total_used_spikes = 0

    for i in range(num_signals):
        # summing over all respective signal intervals around spiketimes
        for spiketime in spiketrains[i]:
            # checks for sufficient signal data around spiketime
            if (spiketime + window_starttime >= signal.t_start and
                    spiketime + window_stoptime <= signal.t_stop):
                # calculating the startbin in the analog signal of the
                # averaging window for spike
                startbin = int(np.floor(((spiketime + window_starttime -
                    signal.t_start) * signal.sampling_rate).simplified))
                # adds the signal in selected interval relative to the spike
                result_sta[:, i] += signal[
                    startbin: startbin + window_bins, i]
                # counting of the used spikes
                used_spikes[i] += 1
                # counting of the unused spikes
                unused_spikes[i] += 1

        # normalization
        result_sta[:, i] = result_sta[:, i] / used_spikes[i]

        total_used_spikes += used_spikes[i]

    if total_used_spikes == 0:
            "No spike at all was either found or used for averaging")
    result_sta.annotate(used_spikes=used_spikes, unused_spikes=unused_spikes)

    return result_sta