Exemple #1
def dehydrate_datetime(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `datetime` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: datetime

    def seconds_and_nanoseconds(dt):
        if isinstance(dt, datetime):
            dt = DateTime.from_native(dt)
        zone_epoch = DateTime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)
        t = dt.to_clock_time() - zone_epoch.to_clock_time()
        return t.seconds, t.nanoseconds

    tz = value.tzinfo
    if tz is None:
        # without time zone
        value = utc.localize(value)
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"d", seconds, nanoseconds)
    elif hasattr(tz, "zone") and tz.zone:
        # with named time zone
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"f", seconds, nanoseconds, tz.zone)
        # with time offset
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"F", seconds, nanoseconds, tz.utcoffset(value).seconds)
Exemple #2
def dehydrate_datetime(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `datetime` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: datetime
    def seconds_and_nanoseconds(dt):
        zone_epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)
        total_seconds = (dt - zone_epoch).total_seconds()
        whole_seconds = int(total_seconds)
        fraction_of_second = total_seconds - whole_seconds
        microseconds = int(round(1000000 * fraction_of_second))
        return whole_seconds, 1000 * microseconds

    tz = value.tzinfo
    if tz is None:
        # without time zone
        value = utc.localize(value)
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"d", seconds, nanoseconds)
    elif hasattr(tz, "zone") and tz.zone:
        # with named time zone
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"f", seconds, nanoseconds, tz.zone)
        # with time offset
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"F", seconds, nanoseconds,
def dehydrate_datetime(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `datetime` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: datetime

    def seconds_and_nanoseconds(dt):
        whole_seconds, fraction_of_second = divmod((dt - UNIX_EPOCH_DATETIME_UTC).total_seconds(), 1)
        return int(whole_seconds), int(1000000000 * fraction_of_second)

    # Save the TZ info as this will get lost during the conversion to UTC
    tz = value.tzinfo
    if tz is None:
        # without time zone
        value = utc.localize(value)
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"d", seconds, nanoseconds)
    elif hasattr(tz, "zone") and tz.zone:
        # with named time zone
        value = value.astimezone(utc)
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"f", seconds, nanoseconds, tz.zone)
        # with time offset
        value = value.astimezone(utc)
        seconds, nanoseconds = seconds_and_nanoseconds(value)
        return Structure(b"F", seconds, nanoseconds, tz.utcoffset(value).seconds)
Exemple #4
def dehydrate_point(value):
    """ Dehydrator for Point data.

    :param value:
    :type value: Point
    dim = len(value)
    if dim == 2:
        return Structure(b"X", value.srid, *value)
    elif dim == 3:
        return Structure(b"Y", value.srid, *value)
        raise ValueError("Cannot dehydrate Point with %d dimensions" % dim)
def dehydrate_time(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `time` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: time
    minutes = 60 * value.hour + value.minute
    seconds = 60 * minutes + value.second
    microseconds = 1000000 * seconds + value.microsecond
    nanoseconds = 1000 * microseconds
    if value.tzinfo:
        return Structure(b"T", nanoseconds, value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value).seconds)
        return Structure(b"t", nanoseconds)
Exemple #6
def dehydrate_date(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `date` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: Date
    return Structure(b"D", value.toordinal() - UNIX_EPOCH_DATE.toordinal())
Exemple #7
def dehydrate_duration(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `duration` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: Duration
    return Structure(b"E", value.months, value.days, value.seconds, int(1000000000 * value.subseconds))
Exemple #8
def dehydrate_time(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `time` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: Time
    if isinstance(value, Time):
        nanoseconds = int(value.ticks * 1000000000)
    elif isinstance(value, time):
        nanoseconds = (3600000000000 * value.hour + 60000000000 * value.minute +
                       1000000000 * value.second + 1000 * value.microsecond)
        raise TypeError("Value must be a neotime.Time or a datetime.time")
    if value.tzinfo:
        return Structure(b"T", nanoseconds, value.tzinfo.utcoffset(value).seconds)
        return Structure(b"t", nanoseconds)
Exemple #9
def dehydrate_date(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `date` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: date
    delta = value - UNIX_EPOCH_DATE
    return Structure(b"D", delta.days)
Exemple #10
def dehydrate_timedelta(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `timedelta` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: timedelta
    months = 0
    days = value.days
    seconds = value.seconds
    nanoseconds = 1000 * value.microseconds
    return Structure(b"E", months, days, seconds, nanoseconds)
Exemple #11
def dehydrate_duration(value):
    """ Dehydrator for `duration` values.

    :param value:
    :type value: duration
    months = 12 * value.years + value.months
    days = value.days
    seconds, fraction_of_second = divmod(value.seconds, 1)
    seconds = 60 * (60 * value.hours + value.minutes) + int(seconds)
    nanoseconds = 1000 * int(round(1000000 * fraction_of_second))
    return Structure(b"E", months, days, seconds, nanoseconds)
Exemple #12
 def test_tiny_struct(self):
     self.assert_packable(Structure(b"Z", u"A", 1), b"\xB2Z\x81A\x01")
Exemple #13
 def test_empty_struct(self):
     self.assert_packable(Structure(b"X"), b"\xB0X")
Exemple #14
 def test_illegal_signature(self):
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
         self.assert_packable(Structure(b"XXX"), b"\xB0XXX")