def _load_ec2_instance_ebs_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, ebs_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], update_tag: int, current_aws_account_id: str, ) -> None: query = """ UNWIND {ebs_mappings_list} as em MERGE (vol:EBSVolume{id: em.Ebs.VolumeId}) ON CREATE SET vol.firstseen = timestamp() SET vol.lastupdated = {update_tag}, vol.deleteontermination = em.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination, vol.snapshotid = vol.SnapshotId WITH vol, em MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(vol) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH vol, em MATCH (instance:EC2Instance{instanceid: em.InstanceId}) MERGE (vol)-[r:ATTACHED_TO]->(instance) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, ebs_mappings_list=ebs_data, update_tag=update_tag, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, )
def _load_ec2_security_groups_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, group_id: str, group: Dict[str, Any], instanceid: str, region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MERGE (group:EC2SecurityGroup{id: {GroupId}}) ON CREATE SET group.firstseen = timestamp(), group.groupid = {GroupId} SET = {GroupName}, group.region = {Region}, group.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH group MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(group) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH group MATCH (instance:EC2Instance{instanceid: {InstanceId}}) MERGE (instance)-[r:MEMBER_OF_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP]->(group) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, GroupId=group_id, GroupName=group.get("GroupName"), InstanceId=instanceid, Region=region, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, update_tag=update_tag, )
def _load_ecr_repo_img_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, repo_images_list: List[Dict], aws_update_tag: int, region: str, ) -> None: query = """ UNWIND {RepoList} as repo_img MERGE (ri:ECRRepositoryImage{id: repo_img.repo_uri + COALESCE(":" + repo_img.imageTag, '')}) ON CREATE SET ri.firstseen = timestamp() SET ri.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag}, ri.tag = repo_img.imageTag, ri.uri = repo_img.repo_uri + COALESCE(":" + repo_img.imageTag, '') WITH ri, repo_img MERGE (img:ECRImage{id: repo_img.imageDigest}) ON CREATE SET img.firstseen = timestamp(), img.digest = repo_img.imageDigest SET img.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag}, img.region = {Region} WITH ri, img, repo_img MERGE (ri)-[r1:IMAGE]->(img) ON CREATE SET r1.firstseen = timestamp() SET r1.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} WITH ri, repo_img MATCH (repo:ECRRepository{uri: repo_img.repo_uri}) MERGE (repo)-[r2:REPO_IMAGE]->(ri) ON CREATE SET r2.firstseen = timestamp() SET r2.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """, RepoList=repo_images_list, Region=region, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag)
def _load_policy_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, policy_id: str, policy_name: str, policy_type: str, principal_arn: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: ingest_policy = """ MERGE (policy:AWSPolicy{id: {PolicyId}}) ON CREATE SET policy.firstseen = timestamp(), policy.type = {PolicyType}, = {PolicyName} SET policy.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} WITH policy MATCH (principal:AWSPrincipal{arn: {PrincipalArn}}) MERGE (policy) <-[r:POLICY]-(principal) SET r.lastupdated = {aws_update_tag} """ ingest_policy, PolicyId=policy_id, PolicyName=policy_name, PolicyType=policy_type, PrincipalArn=principal_arn, aws_update_tag=aws_update_tag, )
def _load_ec2_reservation_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, reservation_id: str, reservation: Dict[str, Any], current_aws_account_id: str, region: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MERGE (reservation:EC2Reservation{reservationid: {ReservationId}}) ON CREATE SET reservation.firstseen = timestamp() SET reservation.ownerid = {OwnerId}, reservation.requesterid = {RequesterId}, reservation.region = {Region}, reservation.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH reservation MATCH (awsAccount:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (awsAccount)-[r:RESOURCE]->(reservation) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, ReservationId=reservation_id, OwnerId=reservation.get("OwnerId"), RequesterId=reservation.get("RequesterId"), AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, Region=region, update_tag=update_tag, )
def _load_ec2_keypairs_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, key_pair_arn: str, key_name: str, region: str, instanceid: str, current_aws_account_id: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MERGE (keypair:KeyPair:EC2KeyPair{arn: {KeyPairARN}, id: {KeyPairARN}}) ON CREATE SET keypair.firstseen = timestamp() SET keypair.keyname = {KeyName}, keypair.region = {Region}, keypair.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH keypair MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(keypair) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} with keypair MATCH (instance:EC2Instance{instanceid: {InstanceId}}) MERGE (instance)<-[r:SSH_LOGIN_TO]-(keypair) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, KeyPairARN=key_pair_arn, KeyName=key_name, Region=region, InstanceId=instanceid, AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, update_tag=update_tag, )
def process_ace_list(ace_list: list, objectid: str, objecttype: str, tx: neo4j.Transaction) -> None: for entry in ace_list: principal = entry['PrincipalSID'] principaltype = entry['PrincipalType'] right = entry['RightName'] acetype = entry['AceType'] if objectid == principal: continue rights = [] if acetype in ACETYPE_MAP: rights.append(ACETYPE_MAP[acetype]) elif right == "ExtendedRight": rights.append(acetype) if right in RIGHTS_MAP: rights.append(RIGHTS_MAP[right]) for right in rights: query = build_add_edge_query( principaltype, objecttype, right, '{isacl: true, isinherited: prop.isinherited}') props = dict( source=principal, target=objectid, isinherited=entry['IsInherited'], ), props=props)
def parse_computer(tx: neo4j.Transaction, computer: dict): """Parse a computer object. Arguments: session {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j transaction computer {dict} -- Single computer object. """ identifier = computer['ObjectIdentifier'] property_query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:Computer ON CREATE SET n:Computer SET n +=' props = {'map': computer['Properties'], 'source': identifier}, props=props) if 'PrimaryGroupSid' in computer and computer['PrimaryGroupSid']: query = build_add_edge_query('Computer', 'Group', 'MemberOf', '{isacl:false}'), props=dict(source=identifier, target=computer['PrimaryGroupSid'])) if 'AllowedToDelegate' in computer and computer['AllowedToDelegate']: query = build_add_edge_query('Computer', 'Group', 'MemberOf', '{isacl:false}') for entry in computer['AllowedToDelegate']:, props=dict(source=identifier, target=entry)) options = [('AllowedToAct', 'AllowedToAct'), ('LocalAdmins', 'AdminTo'), ('RemoteDesktopUsers', 'CanRDP'), ('DcomUsers', 'ExecuteDCOM'), ('PSRemoteUsers', 'CanPSRemote')] for option, edge_name in options: if option in computer and computer[option]: targets = computer[option] for target in targets: query = build_add_edge_query(target['MemberType'], 'Computer', edge_name, '{isacl:false, fromgpo: false}'), props=dict(source=target['MemberId'], target=identifier)) if 'Sessions' in computer and computer['Sessions']: query = build_add_edge_query('Computer', 'User', 'HasSession', '{isacl:false}') for entry in computer['Sessions']:, props=dict(source=entry['UserId'], target=identifier)) if 'Aces' in computer and computer['Aces'] is not None: process_ace_list(computer['Aces'], identifier, "Computer", tx)
def parse_gpo(tx: neo4j.Transaction, gpo: dict): """Parses a single GPO. Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j transaction gpo {dict} -- Single gpo object. """ identifier = gpo['ObjectIdentifier'] query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:GPO ON CREATE SET n:GPO SET n +=' props = {'map': gpo['Properties'], 'source': identifier}, props=props) if "Aces" in gpo and gpo["Aces"] is not None: process_ace_list(gpo['Aces'], identifier, "GPO", tx)
def _run_noniterative(self, tx: neo4j.Transaction) -> neo4j.StatementResult: """ Non-iterative statement execution. """ result: neo4j.StatementResult =, self.parameters) # Handle stats summary: neo4j.BoltStatementResultSummary = result.summary() stat_handler.incr('constraints_added', summary.counters.constraints_added) stat_handler.incr('constraints_removed', summary.counters.constraints_removed) stat_handler.incr('indexes_added', summary.counters.indexes_added) stat_handler.incr('indexes_removed', summary.counters.indexes_removed) stat_handler.incr('labels_added', summary.counters.labels_added) stat_handler.incr('labels_removed', summary.counters.labels_removed) stat_handler.incr('nodes_created', summary.counters.nodes_created) stat_handler.incr('nodes_deleted', summary.counters.nodes_deleted) stat_handler.incr('properties_set', summary.counters.properties_set) stat_handler.incr('relationships_created', summary.counters.relationships_created) stat_handler.incr('relationships_deleted', summary.counters.relationships_deleted) return result
def parse_ou(tx: neo4j.Transaction, ou: dict): """Parses a single ou. Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j session ou {dict} -- Single ou object. """ identifier = ou['ObjectIdentifier'].upper() property_query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:OU ON CREATE SET n:OU SET n +=' props = {'map': ou['Properties'], 'source': identifier}, props=props) if 'Aces' in ou and ou['Aces'] is not None: process_ace_list(ou['Aces'], identifier, "OU", tx) options = [ ('Users', 'User', 'Contains'), ('Computers', 'Computer', 'Contains'), ('ChildOus', 'OU', 'Contains'), ] for option, member_type, edge_name in options: if option in ou and ou[option]: targets = ou[option] for target in targets: query = build_add_edge_query('OU', member_type, edge_name, '{isacl: false}'), props=dict(source=identifier, target=target)) if 'Links' in ou and ou['Links']: query = build_add_edge_query( 'GPO', 'OU', 'GpLink', '{isacl: false, enforced: prop.enforced}') for gpo in ou['Links']:, props=dict(source=identifier, target=gpo['Guid'].upper(), enforced=gpo['IsEnforced'])) options = [ ('LocalAdmins', 'AdminTo'), ('PSRemoteUsers', 'CanPSRemote'), ('DcomUsers', 'ExecuteDCOM'), ('RemoteDesktopUsers', 'CanRDP'), ] for option, edge_name in options: if option in ou and ou[option]: targets = ou[option] for target in targets: query = build_add_edge_query(target['MemberType'], 'Computer', edge_name, '{isacl: false, fromgpo: true}') for computer in ou['Computers']:, props=dict(target=computer, source=target['MemberId']))
def get_infector(txn: Transaction, chat_id: int) -> str: '''Get chatID of the infector''' query = """ MATCH (infector:Person)-[]->(:Person { chatID: $chat_id }) RETURN infector.chatID """ result: str =, chat_id=chat_id).single().value() return result
def get_referrer(txn: Transaction, chat_id: int) -> str: '''Get referrer of a user.''' query = """ MATCH (user:Person { chatID: $chat_id }) RETURN user.referrer """ result: str =, chat_id=chat_id).single().value() return result
def _load_ec2_instance_net_if_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, instance_data: Dict[str, Any], update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MATCH (instance:EC2Instance{instanceid: {InstanceId}}) UNWIND {Interfaces} as interface MERGE (nic:NetworkInterface{id: interface.NetworkInterfaceId}) ON CREATE SET nic.firstseen = timestamp() SET nic.status = interface.Status, nic.mac_address = interface.MacAddress, nic.description = interface.Description, nic.private_dns_name = interface.PrivateDnsName, nic.private_ip_address = interface.PrivateIpAddress, nic.lastupdated = {update_tag} MERGE (instance)-[r:NETWORK_INTERFACE]->(nic) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH nic, interface WHERE interface.SubnetId IS NOT NULL MERGE (subnet:EC2Subnet{subnetid: interface.SubnetId}) ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp() SET subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag} MERGE (nic)-[r:PART_OF_SUBNET]->(subnet) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH nic, interface UNWIND interface.Groups as group MATCH (ec2group:EC2SecurityGroup{groupid: group.GroupId}) MERGE (nic)-[r:MEMBER_OF_EC2_SECURITY_GROUP]->(ec2group) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, Interfaces=instance_data['NetworkInterfaces'], InstanceId=instance_data['InstanceId'], update_tag=update_tag, )
def _load_ec2_subnet_tx(tx: neo4j.Transaction, instanceid: str, subnet_id: str, region: str, update_tag: int) -> None: query = """ MATCH (instance:EC2Instance{id: {InstanceId}}) MERGE (subnet:EC2Subnet{subnetid: {SubnetId}}) ON CREATE SET subnet.firstseen = timestamp() SET subnet.region = {Region}, subnet.lastupdated = {update_tag} MERGE (instance)-[r:PART_OF_SUBNET]->(subnet) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, InstanceId=instanceid, SubnetId=subnet_id, Region=region, update_tag=update_tag, )
def parse_user(tx: neo4j.Transaction, user: dict): """Parse a user object. Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j session user {dict} -- Single user object from the bloodhound json. """ identifier = user['ObjectIdentifier'] property_query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:User ON CREATE SET n:User SET n +=' props = {'map': user['Properties'], 'source': identifier}, props=props) if 'PrimaryGroupSid' in user and user['PrimaryGroupSid']: query = build_add_edge_query('User', 'Group', 'MemberOf', '{isacl: false}'), props=dict(source=identifier, target=user['PrimaryGroupSid'])) if 'AllowedToDelegate' in user and user['AllowedToDelegate']: query = build_add_edge_query('User', 'Computer', 'AllowedToDelegate', '{isacl: false}') for entry in user['AllowedToDelegate']:, props=dict(source=identifier, target=entry)) # TODO add HasSIDHistory objects if 'Aces' in user and user['Aces'] is not None: process_ace_list(user['Aces'], identifier, "User", tx)
def create_node(thx: Transaction, chat_id: int) -> str: '''Create a patient zero in the DB.''' query = """ CREATE (newUser:Person { chatID: $chat_id, referrer: apoc.create.uuid(), infectedFromDate: date() }) RETURN newUser.referrer """ result: str =, chat_id=chat_id).single().value() return result
def parse_group(tx: neo4j.Transaction, group: dict): """Parse a group object. Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j Transaction group {dict} -- Single group object from the bloodhound json. """ properties = group['Properties'] identifier = group['ObjectIdentifier'] members = group['Members'] property_query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:Group ON CREATE SET n:Group SET n +=' props = {'map': properties, 'source': identifier}, props=props) if 'Aces' in group and group['Aces'] is not None: process_ace_list(group['Aces'], identifier, "Group", tx) for member in members: query = build_add_edge_query(member['MemberType'], 'Group', 'MemberOf', '{isacl: false}'), props=dict(source=member['MemberId'], target=identifier))
def link_attribute(tx: Transaction, origin_uuid: int, attributes: Dict) -> bool: """ After creating a node describing the current BDObject (e.g BDFunction, BDBasicBlock, BDInstruction etc) we link the node to the various attributes describing it. :param tx: a neo4j tx Transaction object used to communicate with DB. :param origin_uuid: uuid of the node describing the current BDObject. :param attributes: a dict containing attributes in the form of {attr_name: attr_features} :return: success or failure (if one attr fails to link, the function fails) """ for attr_name, attr_features in attributes.items(): attr_name: str attr_features: dict # ident_features is used to identify an existing attribute node in order to speed up the merge process attribute_uuid = attr_features.pop('uuid', None) if attribute_uuid: ident_features = {'uuid': attribute_uuid} else: ident_features = attr_features cypher_statement = f'CALL apoc.merge.node({{attr_name}}, ' \ f'{{ident_features}}, ' \ f'{{attr_features}} ' \ f') ' \ f'yield node ' cypher_statement += f'MATCH (origin {{uuid: $origin_uuid}}) ' cypher_statement += f'CREATE (origin)-[r:Attribute]->(node) ' \ f'RETURN r' r =, attr_name=[attr_name], attr_features=attr_features, ident_features=ident_features, origin_uuid=origin_uuid).single() if r: continue else: log.log_debug( f'Failed to link attribute {attr_name} to node with uuid {origin_uuid}' ) return False log.log_debug( f'successfully linked all attributes to node with uuid {origin_uuid}' ) return True
def _load_tags_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, tag_data: Dict, resource_type: str, region: str, current_aws_account_id: str, aws_update_tag: int, ) -> None: INGEST_TAG_TEMPLATE = Template(""" UNWIND {TagData} as tag_mapping UNWIND tag_mapping.Tags as input_tag MATCH (a:AWSAccount{id:{Account}})-[res:RESOURCE]->(resource:$resource_label{$property:tag_mapping.resource_id}) MERGE (aws_tag:AWSTag:Tag{id:input_tag.Key + ":" + input_tag.Value}) ON CREATE SET aws_tag.firstseen = timestamp() SET aws_tag.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}, aws_tag.key = input_tag.Key, aws_tag.value = input_tag.Value, aws_tag.region = {Region} MERGE (resource)-[r:TAGGED]->(aws_tag) SET r.lastupdated = {UpdateTag}, r.firstseen = timestamp() """) query = INGEST_TAG_TEMPLATE.safe_substitute( resource_label=TAG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAPPINGS[resource_type]['label'], property=TAG_RESOURCE_TYPE_MAPPINGS[resource_type]['property'], ) query, TagData=tag_data, UpdateTag=aws_update_tag, Region=region, Account=current_aws_account_id, )
def query(self, query: str, params: dict = None, transaction: Transaction = None): """Execute a query on the Graph database. Args: query (str): The query to execute. Returns: obj: The query result. """ if transaction: results =, params) else: db = self.connect() results =, params) return results
def create_node_from(thx: Transaction, chat_id: int, referrer: str) -> BoltStatementResult: '''Create an infected in the DB.''' query = """ MATCH (infector:Person { referrer: $referrer }) CREATE (newUser:Person { chatID: $chat_id, referrer: apoc.create.uuid(), infectedFromDate: date() }), (infector)-[:INFECTED]->(newUser) RETURN newUser.referrer """ result: BoltStatementResult =, chat_id=chat_id, referrer=referrer) return result
def _execute_statement(self, stmt: str, tx: Transaction, params: bool = None, expect_result: bool = False) -> Transaction: """ Executes statement against Neo4j. If execution fails, it rollsback and raise exception. If 'expect_result' flag is True, it confirms if result object is not null. :param stmt: :param tx: :param count: :param expect_result: By having this True, it will validate if result object is not None. :return: """ try: if LOGGER.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG): LOGGER.debug('Executing statement: {} with params {}'.format( stmt, params)) result ='utf-8', 'ignore'), parameters=params) if expect_result and not result.single(): raise RuntimeError( 'Failed to executed statement: {}'.format(stmt)) self._count += 1 if self._count > 1 and self._count % self._transaction_size == 0: tx.commit()'Committed {} statements so far'.format( self._count)) return self._session.begin_transaction() if self._count > 1 and self._count % self._progress_report_frequency == 0:'Processed {} statements so far'.format( self._count)) return tx except Exception as e: LOGGER.exception('Failed to execute Cypher query') if not tx.closed(): tx.rollback() raise e
def eco_transitions_query(tx: Transaction, model_id: str) -> Iterable[TransitionRule]: """Query the graph for all possible ecological transitions. Args: tx: Database transaction object. model_id: Name of the specific model version for which to extract the ecological transitions from the database. Returns: Iterable over the complete set of transition rules for the model. """ results = "MATCH (lct1:LandCoverType)<-[:SOURCE]-(t:SuccessionTrajectory) " "-[:TARGET]->(lct2:LandCoverType) " "WHERE lct1.model_ID=$model_ID AND lct1.code<>lct2.code " "WITH lct1, lct2, t MATCH (e:EnvironCondition)-[:CAUSES]->(t) " "RETURN lct1.code as start_state, e.succession as succession_pathway, " " e.aspect as aspect, e.pine as pine_seeds, e.oak as oak_seeds, " " e.deciduous as deciduous_seeds, e.water as water, " " lct2.code as target_state, e.delta_t as transition_time;", model_ID=model_id) return [convert_record_to_transition_rule(record) for record in results]
def get_sparse_vector(self, tx: Transaction, current_id: str) -> Dict[int, float]: params = {"id": current_id} result =, params) return dict(result.values())
def add_constraints(tx: neo4j.Transaction): """Adds bloodhound contraints to neo4j Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j transaction. """"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:User) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Computer) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Group) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Domain) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:OU) ASSERT c.guid IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:GPO) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")
def _run(self, tx: neo4j.Transaction) -> neo4j.StatementResult: """ Non-iterative statement execution. """ return, self.parameters)
def parse_domain(tx: neo4j.Transaction, domain: dict): """Parse a domain object. Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j Transaction domain {dict} -- Single domain object from the bloodhound json. """ identifier = domain['ObjectIdentifier'] property_query = 'UNWIND $props AS prop MERGE (n:Base {objectid: prop.source}) ON MATCH SET n:Domain ON CREATE SET n:Domain SET n +=' props = {'map': domain['Properties'], 'source': identifier}, props=props) if 'Aces' in domain and domain['Aces'] is not None: process_ace_list(domain['Aces'], identifier, 'Domain', tx) trust_map = { 0: 'ParentChild', 1: 'CrossLink', 2: 'Forest', 3: 'External', 4: 'Unknown' } if 'Trusts' in domain and domain['Trusts'] is not None: query = build_add_edge_query( 'Domain', 'Domain', 'TrustedBy', '{sidfiltering: prop.sidfiltering, trusttype: prop.trusttype, transitive: prop.transitive, isacl: false}' ) for trust in domain['Trusts']: trust_type = trust['TrustType'] direction = trust['TrustDirection'] props = {} if direction in [1, 3]: props = dict( source=identifier, target=trust['TargetDomainSid'], trusttype=trust_map[trust_type], transitive=trust['IsTransitive'], sidfiltering=trust['SidFilteringEnabled'], ) elif direction in [2, 4]: props = dict( target=identifier, source=trust['TargetDomainSid'], trusttype=trust_map[trust_type], transitive=trust['IsTransitive'], sidfiltering=trust['SidFilteringEnabled'], ) else: logging.error( "Could not determine direction of trust... direction: %s", direction) continue, props=props) options = [ ('Users', 'User', 'Contains'), ('Computers', 'Computer', 'Contains'), ('ChildOus', 'OU', 'Contains'), ] for option, member_type, edge_name in options: if option in domain and domain[option]: targets = domain[option] for target in targets: query = build_add_edge_query('OU', member_type, edge_name, '{isacl: false}'), props=dict(source=identifier, target=target)) if 'Links' in domain and domain['Links']: query = build_add_edge_query( 'GPO', 'OU', 'GpLink', '{isacl: false, enforced: prop.enforced}') for gpo in domain['Links']:, props=dict(source=identifier, target=gpo['Guid'].upper(), enforced=gpo['IsEnforced'])) options = [ ('LocalAdmins', 'AdminTo'), ('PSRemoteUsers', 'CanPSRemote'), ('DcomUsers', 'ExecuteDCOM'), ('RemoteDesktopUsers', 'CanRDP'), ] for option, edge_name in options: if option in domain and domain[option]: targets = domain[option] for target in targets: query = build_add_edge_query(target['MemberType'], 'Computer', edge_name, '{isacl: false, fromgpo: true}') for computer in domain['Computers']:, props=dict(target=computer, source=target['MemberId']))
def add_constraints(tx: neo4j.Transaction): """Adds bloodhound contraints to neo4j Arguments: tx {neo4j.Transaction} -- Neo4j transaction. """ 'CREATE CONSTRAINT base_objectid_unique ON (b:Base) ASSERT b.objectid IS UNIQUE' ) 'CREATE CONSTRAINT computer_objectid_unique ON (c:Computer) ASSERT c.objectid IS UNIQUE' ) 'CREATE CONSTRAINT domain_objectid_unique ON (d:Domain) ASSERT d.objectid IS UNIQUE' ) 'CREATE CONSTRAINT group_objectid_unique ON (g:Group) ASSERT g.objectid IS UNIQUE' ) 'CREATE CONSTRAINT user_objectid_unique ON (u:User) ASSERT u.objectid IS UNIQUE' )"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:User) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Computer) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Group) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:Domain) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:OU) ASSERT c.guid IS UNIQUE")"CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (c:GPO) ASSERT IS UNIQUE")
def _load_ec2_instance_tx( tx: neo4j.Transaction, instanceid: str, instance: Dict[str, Any], reservation_id: str, monitoring_state: str, launch_time: datetime, launch_time_unix: str, instance_state: str, current_aws_account_id: str, region: str, update_tag: int, ) -> None: query = """ MERGE (instance:Instance:EC2Instance{id: {InstanceId}}) ON CREATE SET instance.firstseen = timestamp() SET instance.instanceid = {InstanceId}, instance.publicdnsname = {PublicDnsName}, instance.privateipaddress = {PrivateIpAddress}, instance.publicipaddress = {PublicIpAddress}, instance.imageid = {ImageId}, instance.instancetype = {InstanceType}, instance.monitoringstate = {MonitoringState}, instance.state = {State}, instance.launchtime = {LaunchTime}, instance.launchtimeunix = {LaunchTimeUnix}, instance.region = {Region}, instance.lastupdated = {update_tag}, instance.iaminstanceprofile = {IamInstanceProfile}, instance.availabilityzone = {AvailabilityZone}, instance.tenancy = {Tenancy}, instance.hostresourcegrouparn = {HostResourceGroupArn}, instance.platform = {Platform}, instance.architecture = {Architecture}, instance.ebsoptimized = {EbsOptimized}, instance.bootmode = {BootMode}, instance.instancelifecycle = {InstanceLifecycle}, instance.hibernationoptions = {HibernationOptions} WITH instance MATCH (rez:EC2Reservation{reservationid: {ReservationId}}) MERGE (instance)-[r:MEMBER_OF_EC2_RESERVATION]->(rez) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} WITH instance MATCH (aa:AWSAccount{id: {AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}) MERGE (aa)-[r:RESOURCE]->(instance) ON CREATE SET r.firstseen = timestamp() SET r.lastupdated = {update_tag} """ query, InstanceId=instanceid, PublicDnsName=instance.get("PublicDnsName"), PublicIpAddress=instance.get("PublicIpAddress"), PrivateIpAddress=instance.get("PrivateIpAddress"), ImageId=instance.get("ImageId"), InstanceType=instance.get("InstanceType"), IamInstanceProfile=instance.get("IamInstanceProfile", {}).get("Arn"), ReservationId=reservation_id, MonitoringState=monitoring_state, LaunchTime=str(launch_time), LaunchTimeUnix=launch_time_unix, State=instance_state, AvailabilityZone=instance.get("Placement", {}).get("AvailabilityZone"), Tenancy=instance.get("Placement", {}).get("Tenancy"), HostResourceGroupArn=instance.get("Placement", {}).get("HostResourceGroupArn"), Platform=instance.get("Platform"), Architecture=instance.get("Architecture"), EbsOptimized=instance.get("EbsOptimized"), BootMode=instance.get("BootMode"), InstanceLifecycle=instance.get("InstanceLifecycle"), HibernationOptions=instance.get("HibernationOptions", {}).get("Configured"), AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=current_aws_account_id, Region=region, update_tag=update_tag, )