Exemple #1
def test_weight_clipping(w_clip, optimizer):
    opt_ng = optimizer(0.1, weight_clip_value=w_clip)

    # Set up data placeholders
    C = ng.make_axis(20)
    N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N')

    data = ng.placeholder([C, N])
    target = ng.placeholder([N])

    # params to be updated using optimizer to be tested
    # make sure initial values are higher than clip values
    np_W = 10 * w_clip * (2 * np.random.rand(C.length) - 1)
    W = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W)

    # double check generated initial W value
    assert np.max(np_W) > w_clip
    assert np.min(np_W) < -w_clip

    # Set up op graph
    cost = ng.sum(target - ng.dot(W, data), out_axis=())

    updated_weights = ng.sequential([opt_ng(cost), W])

    epsilon = w_clip * 1e-3
    # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        opt_ng_comp = ex.transformer.computation(updated_weights, data, target)
        mock_dataset = data_generator(20, C.length, N.length)

        for x, y in mock_dataset:
            ng_W = opt_ng_comp(x, y)  # updated weights for ngraph optimizer

            assert np.max(ng_W) < w_clip + epsilon
            assert np.min(ng_W) > -w_clip - epsilon
Exemple #2
def test_variable():
    input_axes = ng.make_axes([ng.make_axis(10), ng.make_axis(3)])
    var = ng.variable(axes=input_axes)
    assign_val = np.random.rand(10, 3)
    var_assign = ng.AssignOp(tensor=var, val=assign_val)
    var_seq = ng.sequential([var_assign, var])
    var_comp = ng.computation(var_seq, "all")
    results = dict()
    weight_saver = Saver()
    with closing(ngt.make_transformer()) as transformer:
        var_func = transformer.add_computation(var_comp)
        weight_saver.setup_save(transformer=transformer, computation=var_comp)
        results['saved'] = var_func().copy()

    reassign_val = np.random.rand(10, 3)
    var_reassign = ng.AssignOp(tensor=var, val=reassign_val)

    var_recomp = ng.computation(var_reassign, "all")
    var_read = ng.computation(var, "all")
    with closing(ngt.make_transformer()) as restore_transformer:
        var_recompfunc = restore_transformer.add_computation(var_recomp)
        var_readfunc = restore_transformer.add_computation(var_read)
        results['reassigned'] = var_readfunc().copy()
        results['restored'] = var_readfunc().copy()
    assert np.allclose(results['saved'], assign_val, atol=0)
    assert np.allclose(results['reassigned'], reassign_val, atol=0)
    assert np.allclose(results['saved'], results['restored'], atol=0)
Exemple #3
def compare_optimizer_variable_select(opt_ng, opt_ref):

    # Set up data placeholders
    C = ng.make_axis(20)
    N = ng.make_axis(32, name='N')

    data = ng.placeholder([C, N])
    target = ng.placeholder([N])

    # params to be updated using optimizer to be tested
    np_W1 = np.random.rand(C.length)
    np_W2 = np.random.rand(C.length)
    W1 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W1)
    W2 = ng.variable([C], initial_value=np_W2)

    # Set up op graph
    cost = ng.sum(target - ng.dot(W1, data) - ng.dot(W2, data), out_axis=())
    updated_weights = ng.sequential([opt_ng(cost, variables=[W1]), W1])

    # Set up the computation and run the "train" loop
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        opt_ng_comp = ex.transformer.computation([updated_weights, W2], data, target)
        mock_dataset = data_generator(20, C.length, N.length)

        for x, y in mock_dataset:
            [ng_W1, ng_W2] = opt_ng_comp(x, y)  # updated weights for ngraph optimizer
            np_W1 = opt_ref(x, np_W1)   # updated weights for reference optimizer

            ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W1, ng_W1, rtol=1e-3)
            ng.testing.assert_allclose(np_W2, ng_W2, rtol=1e-3)
Exemple #4
def test_modify_state():
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        N = ng.make_axis(3, name='N')
        x_np = np.ones((N.length)) * 4
        x = ng.variable([N], initial_value=x_np).named('x')
        val = ng.sequential([ng.assign(x, x + x), x])
        f = ex.executor(val)
        x_val = f()
        assert np.allclose(x_np + x_np, x_val)
Exemple #5
    def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if len(self.ops) == 0:
            self.beta_1 = ng.constant(self.beta_1, dtype=np.float32)
            self.beta_2 = ng.constant(self.beta_2, dtype=np.float32)
            self.t = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=(), initial_value=0)

        self.t = ng.sequential([ng.assign(self.t, self.t + 1), self.t])
        self.ell = self.lrate * ng.sqrt(1 - self.beta_2 ** self.t) / (1 - self.beta_1 ** self.t)

        return super(Adam, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
Exemple #6
 def variable_update(self, variable, grad, scale_factor, weight_clip_value):
     grad = clip_gradient_value(grad, self.gradient_clip_value)
     state = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=grad.axes, initial_value=0.)
     updates = ng.sequential([
         ng.assign(state, state + ng.square(grad)),
                   clip_weight_value(variable - (scale_factor * self.lrate * grad) /
                                     (ng.sqrt(state + self.epsilon)), weight_clip_value))
     return updates
def test_sequential(N):
    x = ng.variable([N], initial_value=0)
    x0 = x + x
    x1 = x + x
    p = ng.sequential([x0, ng.assign(x, 2), x1, x0])
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        x0_val, x1_val, p_val = ex.executor([x0, x1, p])()
    assert x0_val == 0
    assert x1_val == 4
    assert p_val == 0
def test_sequential_side(M):
    x1_np = 2
    x2_np = 3
    b_np = 1
    x_np = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32)

    x = ng.variable([M], initial_value=x_np)
    x1 = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=(), initial_value=x1_np)
    x2 = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=(), initial_value=x2_np)
    x1_vo = ng.value_of(x1)
    x2_vo = ng.value_of(x2)
    b = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=(), initial_value=b_np)

    y = ng.sequential([
        x1_vo, x2_vo,
                  ng.sum(x, out_axes=()) + x1 * b + (1 - b)),
                  ng.mean(x, out_axes=()) + x2 * b + (1 - b)), x * 2

    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        main_effect = ex.executor((y, x1_vo, x2_vo, x1, x2))
        current_values = ex.executor((x1, x2))

        # Run main path #1
        y_val, x1_init_val, x2_init_val, x1_final_val, x2_final_val = main_effect(
        y_np = x_np * 2

        assert np.allclose(y_val, y_np)
        assert np.allclose(x1_init_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_init_val, x2_np)
        x1_np = np.sum(x_np) + x1_np * b_np + (1 - b_np)
        x2_np = np.mean(x_np) + x2_np * b_np + (1 - b_np)
        assert np.allclose(x1_final_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_final_val, x2_np)

        x1_val, x2_val = current_values()
        assert np.allclose(x1_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_val, x2_np)

        # Run main path #2 (Should be the same as before)
        y_val, x1_init_val, x2_init_val, x1_final_val, x2_final_val = main_effect(
        y_np = x_np * 2

        assert np.allclose(y_val, y_np)
        assert np.allclose(x1_init_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_init_val, x2_np)
        x1_np = np.sum(x_np) + x1_np * b_np + (1 - b_np)
        x2_np = np.mean(x_np) + x2_np * b_np + (1 - b_np)
        assert np.allclose(x1_final_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_final_val, x2_np)
Exemple #9
 def variable_update(self, variable, grad, scale_factor, weight_clip_value):
     m = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=grad.axes, initial_value=0.)
     v = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=grad.axes, initial_value=0.)
     updates = ng.sequential([
         ng.assign(m, m * self.beta_1 + (1 - self.beta_1) * grad),
         ng.assign(v, v * self.beta_2 + (1 - self.beta_2) * grad * grad),
                   clip_weight_value(variable - (scale_factor * self.ell * m) /
                                     (ng.sqrt(v) + self.epsilon), weight_clip_value))
     return updates
    def __call__(self, in_obj):
        if not self.initialized:
            w_axis = ng.make_axis()
            self.weight = ng.variable(axes=[w_axis],
                                      metadata={"label": LABELS["weight"]},
            self.side_effect = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=[w_axis],

        return ng.sequential([ng.assign(self.side_effect, self.weight),
                              self.weight * in_obj])
Exemple #11
    def __call__(self, cost_func, variables=None, subgraph=None, warning=False):
            cost_func (Op): The cost function to optimize
            variables (list of variables): List of variables to optimize
            subgraph (SubGraph): A subgraph instance containing all variables to optimize
            warning (bool): If True displays warning message if any variables
                            specified do not participate in batch cost computation

        .. Note::
            If subgraph is provided, the variables to optimize will be taken from it.
            Otherwise, they can be provided explicitly by passing a list as `variables`.
            If neither `subgraph` nor `variables` is provided, the variables to optimize will be
            all trainable variables on which `cost` depends.

        all_updates = []
        batch_cost = ng.sum(cost_func, out_axes=())
        if cost_func.axes.batch_axis() is None:
            batch_size = 1
            batch_size = cost_func.axes.batch_axis().length

        # determine variables to optimize
        if subgraph is not None:
            if variables is not None:
                raise ValueError("variables and subgraph cannot both be specified.")
            variables = list(subgraph.variables.values())

        if variables is None:
            variables = batch_cost.variables()
        elif variables is not None and warning is True:
            all_variables = batch_cost.variables()
            selected_variables = all_variables & set(variables)
            if len(selected_variables) < len(variables):
                logger.warn("not all selected variables participate in cost computation")

        # gradients
        grads = [ng.deriv(batch_cost, v) / batch_size for v in variables]
        scale_factor = clip_gradient_norm(grads, self.gradient_clip_norm)

        # updates
        for variable, grad in zip(variables, grads):
            updates = self.variable_update(variable, grad, scale_factor, self.weight_clip_value)
        updates = ng.doall(all_updates)
        # grads = ng.doall(grads)
        # clips = ng.doall([ng.assign(variable,
        #                             clip_weight_value(variable, self.weight_clip_value))
        #                  for variable in variables])
        # return ng.sequential([grads, updates, clips, 0])
        # return ng.sequential([grads, updates, 0])
        return ng.sequential([updates, 0])
def test_scope_ops(input_placeholder):
    Test scope_ops creates a subgraph with correct attributes

    with scope_ops(name="foo") as subgraph:
        w = ng.variable(ng.make_axis(), initial_value=1, name="W")
        y = w * input_placeholder
        z = y + 4
        v1 = ng.persistent_tensor(w.axes, initial_value=0, name="effect1")
        v2 = ng.persistent_tensor(w.axes, initial_value=0, name="effect2")
        ng.sequential([ng.assign(v1, w), ng.assign(v2, w), z.named("output")])

    assert len(subgraph.inputs) == 1
    assert input_placeholder.unscoped_name in subgraph.inputs

    assert len(subgraph.variables) == 1
    assert "W" in subgraph.variables

    assert len(subgraph.outputs) == 1
    assert "output" in subgraph.outputs

    assert len(subgraph.side_effects) == 2
Exemple #13
 def variable_update(self, variable, grad, scale_factor, weight_clip_value):
     epsilon, decay = (self.epsilon, self.decay_rate)
     grad = clip_gradient_value(grad, self.gradient_clip_value)
     state = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=variable.axes, initial_value=1.)
     velocity = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=variable.axes,
                                     initial_value=0.).named(variable.name + '_vel')
     updates = ng.sequential([
         ng.assign(state, decay * state + (1.0 - decay) * ng.square(grad)),
         ng.assign(velocity, velocity * self.momentum +
                   (self.lrate * scale_factor * grad / ng.sqrt(state + epsilon)) +
                   self.lrate * self.wdecay * variable),
         ng.assign(variable, clip_weight_value(variable - velocity, weight_clip_value))
     return updates
def test_sequential_reduce(M):
    x = ng.variable([M], initial_value=1)
    x0 = x + x
    x1 = ng.sum(x0, out_axes=())
    x2 = ng.sum(x0, out_axes=()) + x0
    p = ng.sequential([x0, x1, x2])

    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        x0_val, x1_val, x2_val, p_val, x_val = ex.executor([x0, x1, x2, p,
        x0_np = x_val + x_val
        x1_np = np.sum(x0_np)
        x2_np = x1_np + x0_np
        assert np.allclose(x0_val, x0_np)
        assert np.allclose(x1_val, x1_np)
        assert np.allclose(x2_val, x2_np)
        assert np.allclose(p_val, x2_np)
Exemple #15
 def variable_update(self, variable, grad, scale_factor, weight_clip_value):
     updates = []
     for op in ng.Op.ordered_ops([grad]):
         op_var = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=op.tensor.axes,
                                       initial_value=0.).named(variable.name + '_' + op.name)
         updates.append(ng.assign(op_var, op))
     velocity = ng.persistent_tensor(axes=variable.axes,
                                     initial_value=0.).named(variable.name + '_vel')
     clip_grad = clip_gradient_value(grad, self.gradient_clip_value)
     lr = - self.lrate * (scale_factor * clip_grad + self.wdecay * variable)
     updates.append(ng.assign(velocity, velocity * self.momentum_coef + lr))
     if self.nesterov:
         delta = (self.momentum_coef * velocity + lr)
         delta = velocity
     updates.append(ng.assign(variable, clip_weight_value(variable + delta, weight_clip_value)))
     return ng.sequential(updates)
Exemple #16
def test_logreg():
    # xs: (C, N), y: (N,)
    xs = np.array([[0.52, 0.88, 0.52, 0.74], [1.12, -1.08, 0.06, -2.49],
                   [0.77, 0.15, -1.3, 1.39]])
    ys = np.array([1, 1, 0, 1])
    max_iter = 10
    alpha = 0.1
    thetas = np.array([0., 0., 0.])

    np_logreg = NumpyLogreg(xs, ys, thetas)

    C, N = ng.make_axis(length=3), ng.make_axis(length=4)

    # input tensors
    xs_v = ng.placeholder((C, N))
    ys_v = ng.placeholder([N])
    alpha_v = ng.placeholder(())
    thetas_var = ng.variable([C], initial_value=thetas)

    # define ops
    ys_pred = ng.sigmoid(ng.dot(thetas_var, xs_v))
    log_likelihoods = ng.log(ys_pred) * ys_v + ng.log(1 - ys_pred) * (1 - ys_v)
    loss = -ng.sum(log_likelihoods, reduction_axes=[N])
    grad_comp = ng.deriv(loss, thetas_var)
    weight_update = ng.sequential(
        [ng.assign(thetas_var, thetas_var - alpha_v * grad_comp), thetas_var])

    # transformer
    with ExecutorFactory() as ex:
        train_eval_func = ex.executor([grad_comp, loss, weight_update], xs_v,
                                      ys_v, alpha_v)

        # evaluate
        for i in range(max_iter):
            grad_np, loss_np, thetas_np = np_logreg.optimize(alpha)
            grad_ng, loss_ng, thetas_ng = train_eval_func(xs, ys, alpha)
            ng.testing.assert_allclose(loss_np, loss_ng, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-05, \
            ng.testing.assert_allclose(grad_np, grad_ng,  rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-05, \
            ng.testing.assert_allclose(thetas_np, thetas_ng, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-05, \
lr_schedule = {
    'name': 'schedule',
    'base_lr': 0.01,
    'gamma': (1 / 250.)**(1 / 3.),
    'schedule': [22, 44, 65]

optimizer = GradientDescentMomentum(lr_schedule,
train_prob = seq1(inputs['image'])
train_loss = ng.cross_entropy_multi(train_prob,
                                    ng.one_hot(inputs['label'], axis=ax.Y))
batch_cost = ng.sequential(
     ng.mean(train_loss, out_axes=())])
train_outputs = dict(batch_cost=batch_cost)

with closing(ngt.make_transformer()) as transformer:
    train_computation = make_bound_computation(transformer, train_outputs,

    cbs = make_default_callbacks(transformer=transformer,

    loop_train(train_set, cbs)