def log_figure(self, figure=None, figure_name=None, step=None): ''' Logs pyplot figure Parameters ---------- figure : pyplot figure, optional in comet mandatory in neptune. The default is None, uses global pyplot figure. figure_name : STR, optional in comet mandatory in neptune. The default is None. step : INT, optional An index. The default is None. Returns ------- None. ''' if self.neptune: if figure is not None: if figure_name is None: print("Figure name must be given to neptune logger") print("Using dummy name: figure") figure_name = 'figure' if step is None: neptune.log_image(figure_name, figure) else: neptune.log_image(figure_name, step, y=figure) else: print("A figure must be passed to neptune logger") if self.comet: self.comet_experiment.log_figure(figure_name=figure_name, figure=figure, step=step)
def show_metrics(metrics, all_fitness, all_populations, config): """ Method for showing best result and best individual :param metrics: values of metrics :param all_fitness: values of all fitnesses. :param all_populations: all populations. :param config: experiment configuration :return: """ fit_idx = np.argsort(all_fitness[-1])[::-1] best_fit = all_populations[-1][fit_idx[0]] config['experiment_time'] ="%d-%m-%Y_%H:%M:%S") config['saving_path'] = resolve_saving_path(config=config) plot_saving_path = os.path.join( config['saving_path'], f'plot_fitness_{config["experiment_time"]}.png') plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7)) plt.plot(metrics['generation'], metrics['best_fit'], label='Best fit') plt.plot(metrics['generation'], metrics['avg_fit'], label='Avg git') plt.xlabel('Iteration') plt.ylabel('Fitness value') plt.title( f"SELECTION : {config['selection']['type']}; MUTATIONS : {', '.join(config['mutations'].keys())}" ) plt.suptitle(f"Experiment date and time: {config['experiment_time']}") plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.savefig(plot_saving_path)'best result: {max(all_fitness[-1])}')'best individual: {best_fit}') neptune.log_image('fitness_figure', plot_saving_path)
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): self._verbose_print("Calculating metrics...") last_weights_path = self._load_weights_for_model() images, gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks, results = detect( self.inference_model, self.dataset) metrics = compute_metrics(images, gt_boxes, gt_class_ids, gt_masks, results) pprint.pprint(metrics) # Images for i, img in enumerate(images): if img.shape[2] != 3: img = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) visualize_result(img, results[i], gt_masks[i], scores=True) neptune.log_image(f'image_epoch_{epoch}', img[..., ::-1]) # Metrics for key, value in metrics: neptune.log_metric(key, epoch, value) # Save best result name, mAP = metrics[0] if mAP > self.best_mAP: self.best_mAP = mAP self.best_epoch = epoch self.best_model = last_weights_path
def test_accuracy(target_vars, saver, sess, logger, dataloader): X = target_vars['X'] Y = target_vars['Y'] LABEL = target_vars['LABEL'] label_prediction = target_vars['predicted_label'] set_seed(0) np.random.seed(0) random.seed(0) dataloader_iterator = iter(dataloader) output = [label_prediction] total, correct = 0, 0 for i in tqdm(range(50000 // FLAGS.test_batch_size + 1)): try: data_corrupt, data, label = except BaseException: dataloader_iterator = iter(dataloader) data_corrupt, data, label = data_corrupt, data, label = data_corrupt.numpy(), data.numpy( ), label.numpy() feed_dict = {X: data_corrupt, Y: label} if FLAGS.cclass: feed_dict[LABEL] = label predicted_label =, feed_dict)[0] true_class = np.argmax(label, axis=1) pred_class = np.argmax(predicted_label, axis=1) correct += np.count_nonzero(true_class == pred_class) total += len(predicted_label) print('true class: ', true_class, '\npred_class: ', pred_class) print('#correct pred: ', correct, '\n#total pred: ', total) if FLAGS.dataset == 'cifar10': cifar10_map = { 0: 'airplane', 1: 'automobile', 2: 'bird', 3: 'cat', 4: 'deer', 5: 'dog', 6: 'frog', 7: 'horse', 8: 'ship', 9: 'truck' } imgs = data for idx, img in enumerate(imgs[:20, :, :, :]): neptune.log_image( 'test_input_images', rescale_im(imgs[idx]), description='true label: {}({}) \npredicted label: {}'.format( str(int(true_class[idx])), cifar10_map[int(true_class[idx])], str(int(pred_class[idx])))) accuracy = (correct / total) print('Accuracy: ', accuracy) return accuracy
def main(arguments): with open(arguments.filepath, 'r') as fp: json_exp = json.load(fp) neptune.init(api_token=arguments.api_token, project_qualified_name=arguments.project_name) with neptune.create_experiment( name=json_exp['name'], description=json_exp['description'], params=json_exp['params'], properties=json_exp['properties'], tags=json_exp['tags'], upload_source_files=json_exp['upload_source_files']): for name, channel_xy in json_exp['log_metric'].items(): for x, y in zip(channel_xy['x'], channel_xy['y']): neptune.log_metric(name, x=x, y=y) for name, channel_xy in json_exp['log_text'].items(): for x, y in zip(channel_xy['x'], channel_xy['y']): neptune.log_text(name, x=x, y=y) for name, channel_xy in json_exp['log_image'].items(): for x, y in zip(channel_xy['x'], channel_xy['y']): neptune.log_image(name, x=x, y=y) for filename in json_exp['log_artifact']: neptune.log_artifact(filename)
def display(preds, imgs, obj_list, imshow=True, imwrite=False, send=False, step=0, tag=''): for i in range(len(imgs)): if len(preds[i]['rois']) == 0: continue imgs[i] = imgs[i].copy() for j in range(len(preds[i]['rois'])): (x1, y1, x2, y2) = preds[i]['rois'][j].astype( obj = obj_list[preds[i]['class_ids'][j]] score = float(preds[i]['scores'][j]) plot_one_box(imgs[i], [x1, y1, x2, y2], label=obj, score=score, color=color_list[get_index_label(obj, obj_list)]) if imshow: cv2.imshow('img', imgs[i]) cv2.waitKey(0) if imwrite: name = uuid.uuid4().hex os.makedirs('test/', exist_ok=True) cv2.imwrite(f'test/{name}.jpg', imgs[i]) if send: neptune.log_image(f'image_{tag}_step_{step}', imgs[i][..., ::-1])
def plot_oof(output: torch.Tensor, tile_ids: list, img: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, predictions_dir: str) -> None: output = torch.sigmoid(output) output = output.cpu().numpy().copy() target = target.cpu().numpy().copy() img = img.cpu().numpy().transpose(0, 2, 3, 1) for num, (pred, im, tar) in enumerate(zip(output, img, target), start=0): tile_name = tile_ids[num] if pred.ndim == 3: pred = np.squeeze(pred, axis=0) prob_mask = np.rint(pred * 255).astype(np.uint8) prob_mask_rgb = np.repeat(prob_mask[..., None], 3, 2) # repeat array for three channels # image input_image = np.rint(im * 255).astype(np.uint8) overlayed_im = np.rint(input_image * 0.5 + prob_mask_rgb * 0.5).clip( 0, 255).astype(np.uint8) # target if tar.ndim == 3: tar = np.squeeze(tar, axis=0) tar = np.rint(tar * 255).astype(np.uint8) target_rgb = np.repeat(tar[..., None], 3, axis=2) plot_im = np.vstack( [input_image, overlayed_im, prob_mask_rgb, target_rgb]) cv2.imwrite(f"{predictions_dir}/{tile_name}.png", plot_im) # send image (pass path to file) neptune.log_image(f'oof_{tile_name}', plot_im) neptune.log_artifact(plot_im, destination='oof_img')
def logging_classification(y_true, y_pred, name=None): """ logging_classification logging metrics for classification - metrics: accuracy, precision, recall - figure: confusion matrix - score by metrics Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array-like Ground truth target values y_pred : 1d or 2d array-like Estimated targets Returns ------- None """ is_multiclass = False if len(set(y_true)) > 2: is_multiclass = True # if prediction values are probability, choose the maximum index. if y_pred.ndim == 2: y_pred = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) # accuracy acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('Accuracy', acc) # recall if is_multiclass: recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') log_metric('Recall(micro)', recall) else: recall = recall_score(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('Recall', recall) # precision if is_multiclass: precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred, average='micro') log_metric('Precision(micro)', precision) else: precision = precision_score(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('Recall', precision) # confusion matrix cm = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred) fig = plot_confusion_matrix(cm) log_image('performance charts', fig) # other metrics for metric_name, values in zip( ['precision', 'recall', 'fbeta_score', 'support'], precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true, y_pred)): for i, value in enumerate(values): log_metric('{}_class_{}_sklearn'.format(metric_name, i), value) return None
def on_eval_begin(self, trainer): if self.vis_function: vis = self.vis_function(trainer.out['inputs'], trainer.out['outputs'], trainer.out['targets']) for name, value in vis.items(): if value.shape[0] > 512: value = Image.fromarray(value) value.thumbnail((512, 512)) neptune.log_image(name, value.transpose(1, 2, 0))
def plot_pred(training_data_loader, testing_data_loader, net_g, device, epoch): plt.ioff() fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 4, figsize=(10, 5)) data, nrooms, name = get_data_to_plot(iter(training_data_loader), net_g) axes[0] = plot_sample(axes[0], data, 'train', nrooms, name, epoch) data, nrooms, name = get_data_to_plot(iter(testing_data_loader), net_g) axes[1] = plot_sample(axes[1], data, 'test', nrooms, name, epoch) neptune.log_image('pred', fig) del fig, axes
def __call__(self, trainer: BaseTrainer): print('Samples drawn from model', flush=True) samples = trainer.model.sample(self.n_samples) figure, axs = plt.subplots( *self.sample_grid_shape, figsize=(self.figsize_mult * self.sample_grid_shape[1], self.figsize_mult * self.sample_grid_shape[0])) for i, ax in enumerate(axs.flat): ax.imshow(samples[i].squeeze().detach().cpu()) neptune.log_image('samples', figure)
def add_log(self, img, counter=None, name=None): ''' Intention is to generalize this to an abstract class for logging to any experiment management platform (e.g. neptune, mlflow, etc) Currently takes a filepath pointing to an image file and logs to current neptune experiment. ''' scaled_img = (img - np.min(img))/(np.max(img) - np.min(img)) * 255.0 scaled_img = scaled_img.astype(np.uint32) neptune.log_image(log_name= name or, x=counter, y=scaled_img) return scaled_img
def build_experiment(conf, logpath, resultname, csvfile): with open(csvfile) as stats_f: params = stats_f.readline().strip().split(",") stats = stats_f.readlines() for s in stats: elems = s.strip().split(",") counter, scalar_fit, priority_fit = [elems[0], elems[4], elems[5]] print(counter, scalar_fit, priority_fit) exp_config = read_toml(conf) exp_number = 1 champ = read_berb_log(logpath) exp_name = champ['chromosome']['name'] exp_desc = str(champ['tag']) exp_params = { "some_param": 0.1, "other_param": 128, "yet_another_param": 31337 } exp_log_artifact = ["data/champion_statistics.csv", "mean_statistics.csv"] #Neptune init neptune.init('special-circumstances/sandbox', api_token=None) neptune.create_experiment(name=exp_name, params=exp_params) for s in stats: elems = s.strip().split(",") counter, scalar_fit, priority_fit = [elems[0], elems[4], elems[5]] neptune.log_metric(params[0], int(counter)) neptune.log_metric(params[4], float(scalar_fit)) neptune.log_metric(params[5], float(priority_fit)) neptune.log_image( 'pleasures_1', "/home/armadilo/projects/neptune/data/clamp-liked-zeros-count-pleasures.png" ) neptune.log_image( 'pleasures_2', "/home/armadilo/projects/neptune/data/lamas-koala-zero-count-pleasures.png" ) neptune.send_artifact( '/home/armadilo/projects/neptune/data/champion_statistics.csv') neptune.send_artifact( '/home/armadilo/projects/neptune/data/mean_statistics.csv')
def __call__(self, trainer: BaseTrainer): print('Reconstructed images', flush=True) batch_x, batch_y = next(iter(trainer.val_dataloader)) images = batch_x[:self.num_recos].to(trainer.device) figure, axs = plt.subplots(2, self.num_recos, figsize=(self.figsize_mult * self.num_recos, self.figsize_mult * 2)) for i in range(self.num_recos): axs[0, i].imshow(images[i].squeeze().detach().cpu()) axs[1, i].imshow( trainer.model(images[i:i + 1]).squeeze().detach().cpu()) neptune.log_image('reconstructions', figure)
def plot_training(models, model_type, score): if type(models) != list: models = [models] data = pd.DataFrame() if model_type == "keras": for i, m in enumerate(models): aux_train = pd.DataFrame() aux_val = pd.DataFrame() aux_train["model_" + str(i) + "_train"] = m.history["val_loss"] aux_val["model_" + str(i) + "_val"] = m.history["loss"] data = pd.concat([data, aux_train, aux_val], axis=1) if model_type == "lgb": for i, m in enumerate(models): aux_train = pd.DataFrame() aux_val = pd.DataFrame() aux_train["model_" + str(i) + "_train"] = m.evals_result_["valid_1"][score] aux_val["model_" + str(i) + "_val"] = m.evals_result_["valid_0"][score] data = pd.concat([data, aux_train, aux_val], axis=1) val_cols = [col for col in data.columns if "val" in col] train_cols = [col for col in data.columns if "train" in col] data["val_" + score] = data[val_cols].apply("mean", axis=1) data["train_" + score] = data[train_cols].apply("mean", axis=1) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) for i in val_cols: plt.plot(data[i], label=i, color="red") for i in train_cols: plt.plot(data[i], label=i, color="blue") plt.plot(data["val_" + score], color="red", linewidth=3) plt.plot(data["train_" + score], color="blue", linewidth=3) plt.legend(loc="best") plt.title("Train and validation " + score) for n in range(len(data["val_" + score])): neptune.log_metric("val_" + score, data["val_" + score][n]) neptune.log_metric("train_" + score, data["train_" + score][n]) neptune.log_image("charts", fig) gc.collect()
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}): for log_name, log_value in logs.items(): neptune.log_metric(f'epoch_{log_name}', log_value) y_pred = np.asarray(self.model.predict(self.validation_data[0])) y_true = self.validation_data[1] y_pred_class = np.argmax(y_pred, axis=1) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12)) plot_confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred_class, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('confusion_matrix', fig) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12)) plot_roc(y_true, y_pred, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('roc_curve', fig)
def logging_regression(y_true, y_pred): """logging_regression logging metrics for regression problem - rmse - mae - r2 - explained variance - yyplot Parameters ---------- y_true : 1d array like ground truth target value y_pred : 1d array like estimated target value Returns ------- None """ # rmse rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_pred)) log_metric('RMSE', rmse) # mae mae = mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('MAE', mae) # r2 r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('R2', r2) # explained variance evs = explained_variance_score(y_true, y_pred) log_metric('Explained Variance', evs) # 相関 corr = np.corrcoef(y_true, y_pred)[0, 1] log_metric('corr', corr) # scatter plot fig = yyplot(y_true, y_pred) log_image('performance charts', fig) return None
def log_confusion_matrix(self, model, imgs, labels, epoch, norm_cm=False): pred_labels = model.predict_classes( imgs ) # = tf.reshape(imgs, (-1,PARAMS['image_size'], PARAMS['num_channels']))) pred_labels = pred_labels[:, None] con_mat = tf.math.confusion_matrix(labels=labels, predictions=pred_labels, num_classes=len( self.classes)).numpy() if norm_cm: con_mat = np.around(con_mat.astype('float') / con_mat.sum(axis=1)[:, np.newaxis], decimals=2) con_mat_df = pd.DataFrame(con_mat, index=self.classes, columns=self.classes) figure = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) sns.heatmap(con_mat_df, annot=True, plt.tight_layout() plt.ylabel('True label') plt.xlabel('Predicted label') buf = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(buf, format='png') image = tf.image.decode_png(buf.getvalue(), channels=4) image = tf.expand_dims(image, 0) with self.file_writer.as_default( ), tf.contrib.summary.always_record_summaries(): tf.contrib.summary.image(name='val_confusion_matrix', tensor=image, step=self._counter) neptune.log_image(log_name='val_confusion_matrix', x=self._counter, y=figure) plt.close(figure) self._counter += 1 return image
def add_log(self, img, counter=None, name=None): ''' Intention is to generalize this to an abstract class for logging to any experiment management platform (e.g. neptune, mlflow, etc) Currently takes a filepath pointing to an image file and logs to current neptune experiment. ''' # scaled_images = (img - tf.math.reduce_min(img))/(tf.math.reduce_max(img) - tf.math.reduce_min(img)) # keep = 0 # scaled_images = tf.image.convert_image_dtype(tf.squeeze(scaled_images[keep,:,:,:]), dtype=tf.uint8) # scaled_images = tf.expand_dims(scaled_images, 0) # tf.summary.image(, data=scaled_images, step=self._counter, max_outputs=self.max_images) scaled_img = (img - np.min(img))/(np.max(img) - np.min(img)) * 255.0 scaled_img = scaled_img.astype(np.uint32) neptune.log_image(log_name= name or, x=counter, y=scaled_img) return scaled_img
def on_epoch_end(self, trainer): for metric, value in trainer.metrics.items(): if 'val' in metric: neptune.log_metric(metric, value, timestamp=trainer.global_step) if self.vis_function: vis = self.vis_function(trainer.out['inputs'], trainer.out['outputs'], trainer.out['targets']) for name, value in vis.items(): if value.shape[0] > 512: value = Image.fromarray(value) value.thumbnail((512, 512)) neptune.log_image(name, value.transpose(1, 2, 0)) cb = self.get_callback(trainer.callbacks, ConfusionMatrix) if cb: train_vis = plot_confusion_matrix(cb.train_matrix, cb.class_names, as_array=True) val_vis = plot_confusion_matrix(cb.val_matrix, cb.class_names, as_array=True) neptune.log_image('train_confusion_matrix', train_vis.transpose(1, 2, 0), timestamp=trainer.global_step) neptune.log_image('val_confusion_matrix', val_vis.transpose(1, 2, 0), timestamp=trainer.global_step)
def log_series(self): # floats neptune.log_metric("m1", 1) neptune.log_metric("m1", 2) neptune.log_metric("m1", 3) neptune.log_metric("m1", 2) neptune.log_metric("nested/m1", 1) # texts neptune.log_text("m2", "a") neptune.log_text("m2", "b") neptune.log_text("m2", "c") # images # `image_name` and `description` will be lost neptune.log_image("g_img", self.img_path, image_name="name", description="desc") neptune.log_image("g_img", self.img_path) # see what we've logged logs = neptune.get_experiment().get_logs() print(f"Logs: {logs}")
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs=None): self.exp.send_metric('epoch end loss', logs['loss']) msg_loss = 'End of epoch {}, categorical crossentropy loss is {:.4f}'.format( epoch, logs['loss']) self.exp.send_text(channel_name='loss information', x=epoch, y=msg_loss) if self.current_epoch % 5 == 0: # Reconstruction n_imgs = 10 # how many images we will display x_test_decoded = self.model.predict(self.X_images[:n_imgs]) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(20, 4)) for i in range(n_imgs): # display original ax = plt.subplot(2, n_imgs, i + 1) plt.imshow(self.X_images[i].reshape(self.img_size, self.img_size)) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) # display reconstruction ax = plt.subplot(2, n_imgs, i + 1 + n_imgs) plt.imshow(x_test_decoded[i]) plt.gray() ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.title("epoch #{}".format(epoch)) neptune.log_image('predictions', fig) plt.close('all') self.current_epoch += 1
y_test_pred = np.asarray(model.predict(x_test)) y_test_pred_class = np.argmax(y_test_pred, axis=1) from sklearn.metrics import f1_score f1 = f1_score(y_test, y_test_pred_class, average='micro') neptune.log_metric('test_f1', f1) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scikitplot.metrics import plot_confusion_matrix, plot_roc fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12)) plot_confusion_matrix(y_test, y_test_pred_class, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('diagnostic_charts', fig) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(16, 12)) plot_roc(y_test, y_test_pred, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('diagnostic_charts', fig)'my_model.h5') neptune.log_artifact('my_model.h5') # tests current_exp = neptune.get_experiment() correct_logs = [ 'batch_loss', 'batch_accuracy', 'epoch_loss', 'epoch_accuracy', 'epoch_val_loss', 'epoch_val_accuracy', 'test_f1', 'diagnostic_charts' ]
sf_db[i] = davies_bouldin_score(X, sf_clusters) # fit_predict second algorithm other_clusters = hdbscan.HDBSCAN().fit_predict(X) other_silhouette[i] = silhouette_score(X, other_clusters) other_db[i] = davies_bouldin_score(X, other_clusters) if plot: if X.shape[1] > 2: X = PCA(random_state=42, n_components=2).fit_transform(X) figure, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5)) axs[0].scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=sf_clusters, cmap='Set1', alpha=0.6) axs[0].set_title('SimilarityForestCluster') axs[1].scatter(X[:, 0], X[:, 1], c=other_clusters, cmap='Set1', alpha=0.6) axs[1].set_title(f'{other_algorithm}') neptune.log_image(f'{dataset} Plot', plt.gcf()) plt.clf() plt.close() # log results sf_mean_silhouette = np.mean(sf_silhouette) sf_mean_db = np.mean(sf_db) neptune.log_metric(f'{dataset} SF silhouette', sf_mean_silhouette) neptune.log_metric(f'{dataset} SF Davies Bouldin', sf_mean_db) other_mean_silhouette = np.mean(other_silhouette) other_mean_db = np.mean(other_db) neptune.log_metric(f'{dataset} {other_algorithm} silhouette', other_mean_silhouette) neptune.log_metric(f'{dataset} {other_algorithm} Davies Bouldin', other_mean_db)
import neptune import numpy as np # Select project neptune.init('neptune-workshops/AII-Optimali') # Define parameters PARAMS = {'decay_factor': 0.5, 'n_iterations': 117} # Create experiment neptune.create_experiment(name='minimal-extended', params=PARAMS) # Log some metrics for i in range(1, PARAMS['n_iterations']): neptune.log_metric('iteration', i) neptune.log_metric('loss', PARAMS['decay_factor'] / i**0.5) neptune.log_text('text_info', 'some value {}'.format(0.95 * i**2)) # Add tag to the experiment neptune.append_tag('quick_start') # Log some images for j in range(5): array = np.random.rand(10, 10, 3) * 255 array = np.repeat(array, 30, 0) array = np.repeat(array, 30, 1) neptune.log_image('mosaics', array)
index=X_val.index, columns=['prediction']) y_pred_val_filename = f'data/preds/h{forecast_horizon}_y_pred_val.parquet' y_pred_val.to_parquet(output_filename) # save test predictions y_pred_test = model.predict(X_test, num_iteration=model.best_iteration) y_pred_test = pd.DataFrame(y_pred_test, index=X_test.index, columns=['prediction']) y_pred_test_filename = f'data/preds/h{forecast_horizon}_y_pred_test.parquet' y_pred_test.to_parquet(output_filename) if NEPTUNE: neptune.log_metric(f"h{forecast_horizon}_val_rmse", val_rmse) neptune.log_artifact(model_filename) neptune.log_image(importance_filename, fig) neptune.log_artifact(y_pred_val_filename) neptune.log_artifact(y_pred_test_filename) neptune.stop() def get_y_weights(y: pd.Series, normalize=False): """ For each series, compute the denominator in the MSSE loss function, i.e. the day-to-day variations squared, averaged by number of training observations. The weights can be normalized so that they add up to 1. This is provided to the lgb.Dataset for computing loss function and evaluation metric """ scales = (y.unstack(level='date').diff(axis=1)**2).mean(axis=1) scales = scales.replace(0, pd.NA) weights = 1 / scales
loss.backward() optimizer.step() # log loss neptune.log_metric('batch_loss', loss) # log predicted images if batch_idx % 50 == 1: for image, prediction in zip(data, outputs): description = '\n'.join([ 'class {}: {}'.format(i, pred) for i, pred in enumerate(F.softmax(prediction)) ]) neptune.log_image('predictions', image.squeeze(), description=description) if batch_idx == PARAMS['iterations']: break ## Log model weights, 'model_dict.ckpt') # log model neptune.log_artifact('model_dict.ckpt') # Explore results in the Neptune UI # tests
neptune.create_experiment('tensorflow-keras-advanced', params=PARAMS), y_train, epochs=PARAMS['epochs'], batch_size=PARAMS['batch_size'], callbacks=[NeptuneMonitor()]) ## Log image predictions x_test_sample = x_test[:100] y_test_sample_pred = model.predict(x_test_sample) for image, y_pred in zip(x_test_sample, y_test_sample_pred): description = '\n'.join(['class {}: {}'.format(i, pred) for i, pred in enumerate(y_pred)]) neptune.log_image('predictions', image, description=description) ## Log model weights'my_model') # log model neptune.log_artifact('my_model') # Explore results in the Neptune UI ## Stop logging neptune.stop()
'Shirt', 'Sneaker', 'Bag', 'Ankle boot' ] neptune.set_property('class_names', class_names) for j, class_name in enumerate(class_names): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) label_ = np.where(train_labels == j) for i in range(9): plt.subplot(3, 3, i + 1) plt.xticks([]) plt.yticks([]) plt.grid(False) plt.imshow(train_images[label_[0][i]], plt.xlabel(class_names[j]) neptune.log_image('example_images', plt.gcf()) # model model = keras.Sequential([ keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(28, 28)), keras.layers.Dense(PARAMS['dense_units'], activation=PARAMS['activation']), keras.layers.Dropout(PARAMS['dropout']), keras.layers.Dense(PARAMS['dense_units'], activation=PARAMS['activation']), keras.layers.Dropout(PARAMS['dropout']), keras.layers.Dense(PARAMS['dense_units'], activation=PARAMS['activation']), keras.layers.Dropout(PARAMS['dropout']), keras.layers.Dense(10, activation='softmax') ])
df = pd.DataFrame( data={ 'y_test': y_test, 'y_pred': y_pred, 'y_pred_probability': y_pred_proba.max(axis=1) }) log_table('predictions', df) # Log model performance visualizations import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scikitplot.metrics import plot_roc, plot_precision_recall fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_roc(y_test, y_pred_proba, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('model-performance-visualizations', fig, image_name='ROC') fig, ax = plt.subplots() plot_precision_recall(y_test, y_pred_proba, ax=ax) neptune.log_image('model-performance-visualizations', fig, image_name='precision recall') plt.close('all') # Log train data sample (images per class) for j, class_name in enumerate(class_names): plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) label_ = np.where(y_train == j) for i in range(9): plt.subplot(3, 3, i + 1)