def change_password(self): """ Changes the password .. tip:: On changing the password, the user is logged out and the login page is thrown at the user """ form = ChangePasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == "POST" and form.validate(): user = request.nereid_user # Confirm the current password password = password += user.salt or "" if isinstance(password, unicode): password = password.encode("utf-8") password_sha = hashlib.sha1(password).hexdigest() if password_sha == user.password: self.write(, {"password":}) flash(_("Your password has been successfully changed! " "Please login again")) session.pop("user") return redirect(url_for("")) else: flash(_("The current password you entered is invalid")) return render_template("change-password.jinja", change_password_form=form)
def new_password(self): """Create a new password .. tip:: Unlike change password this does not demand the old password. And hence this method will check in the session for a parameter called allow_new_password which has to be True. This acts as a security against attempts to POST to this method and changing password. The allow_new_password flag is popped on successful saving This is intended to be used when a user requests for a password reset. """ form = NewPasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == "POST" and form.validate(): if not session.get("allow_new_password", False): current_app.logger.debug("New password not allowed in session") abort(403) self.write(, {"password":}) session.pop("allow_new_password") flash(_("Your password has been successfully changed! " "Please login again")) session.pop("user") return redirect(url_for("")) return render_template("new-password.jinja", password_form=form)
def new_password(cls): """Create a new password .. tip:: Unlike change password this does not demand the old password. And hence this method will check in the session for a parameter called allow_new_password which has to be True. This acts as a security against attempts to POST to this method and changing password. The allow_new_password flag is popped on successful saving This is intended to be used when a user requests for a password reset. """ form = NewPasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if not session.get('allow_new_password', False): current_app.logger.debug('New password not allowed in session') abort(403) cls.write( [request.nereid_user], {'password':} ) session.pop('allow_new_password') flash(_( 'Your password has been successfully changed! ' 'Please login again')) session.pop('user') return redirect(url_for('')) return render_template('new-password.jinja', password_form=form)
def change_password(cls): """ Changes the password .. tip:: On changing the password, the user is logged out and the login page is thrown at the user """ form = ChangePasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if request.nereid_user.match_password( cls.write( [request.nereid_user], {'password':} ) flash( _('Your password has been successfully changed! ' 'Please login again') ) session.pop('user') return redirect(url_for('')) else: flash(_("The current password you entered is invalid")) return render_template( 'change-password.jinja', change_password_form=form )
def new_password(cls): """Create a new password .. tip:: Unlike change password this does not demand the old password. And hence this method will check in the session for a parameter called allow_new_password which has to be True. This acts as a security against attempts to POST to this method and changing password. The allow_new_password flag is popped on successful saving This is intended to be used when a user requests for a password reset. """ form = NewPasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if not session.get('allow_new_password', False): current_app.logger.debug('New password not allowed in session') abort(403) cls.write([request.nereid_user], {'password':}) session.pop('allow_new_password') flash( _('Your password has been successfully changed! ' 'Please login again')) session.pop('user') return redirect(url_for('')) return render_template('new-password.jinja', password_form=form)
def logout(cls): "Log the user out" session.pop('user', None) logout.send() flash( _('You have been logged out successfully. Thanks for visiting us')) return redirect( request.args.get('next', url_for('')))
def logout(cls): "Log the user out" session.pop('user', None) logout.send() flash( _('You have been logged out successfully. Thanks for visiting us') ) return redirect( request.args.get('next', url_for('')) )
def change_password(cls): """ Changes the password .. tip:: On changing the password, the user is logged out and the login page is thrown at the user """ form = ChangePasswordForm(request.form) if request.method == 'POST' and form.validate(): if request.nereid_user.match_password( cls.write([request.nereid_user], {'password':}) flash( _('Your password has been successfully changed! ' 'Please login again')) session.pop('user') return redirect(url_for('')) else: flash(_("The current password you entered is invalid")) return render_template('change-password.jinja', change_password_form=form)
def logout(cls): "Log the user out" session.pop("user", None) logout.send() flash(_("You have been logged out successfully. Thanks for visiting us")) return redirect(request.args.get("next", url_for("")))
class NereidUser: "******" __name__ = "nereid.user" linkedin_auth = fields.Boolean('LinkedIn Auth') @classmethod @route("/auth/linkedin", methods=["GET"]) def linkedin_login(cls): """The URL to which a new request to authenticate to linedin begins Usually issues a redirect. """ linkedin = request.nereid_website.get_linkedin_oauth_client() if linkedin is None: return redirect(request.referrer or url_for('')) return linkedin.authorize(callback=url_for( 'nereid.user.linkedin_authorized_login', next=request.args.get('next') or request.referrer or None, _external=True)) @classmethod @route("/auth/linkedin_authorized_login", methods=["GET"]) def linkedin_authorized_login(cls): """Authorized handler to which linkedin will redirect the user to after the login attempt is made. """ Party = Pool().get('') linkedin = request.nereid_website.get_linkedin_oauth_client() if linkedin is None: return redirect(request.referrer or url_for('')) try: if 'oauth_verifier' in request.args: data = linkedin.handle_oauth1_response() elif 'code' in request.args: data = linkedin.handle_oauth2_response() else: data = linkedin.handle_unknown_response() linkedin.free_request_token() except Exception, exc: current_app.logger.error("LinkedIn login failed %s" % exc) flash( _("We cannot talk to linkedin at this time. Please try again")) return redirect(request.referrer or url_for('')) if data is None: flash( _("Access was denied to linkedin: %(reason)s", reason=request.args['error_reason'])) failed_login.send(form=data) return redirect(url_for('')) # Write the oauth token to the session session['linkedin_oauth_token'] = (data['oauth_token'], data['oauth_token_secret']) # Find the information from facebook me = linkedin.get('') email = linkedin.get( '') session.pop('linkedin_oauth_token') # Find the user with Transaction().set_context(active_test=False): users =[ ('email', '=',, ('company', '=',, ]) if not users: current_app.logger.debug("No LinkedIn user with email %s" % name = u'%s %s' % (['firstName'],['lastName']) current_app.logger.debug("Registering new user %s" % name) user, = cls.create([{ 'party': Party.create([{ 'name': name }])[0].id, 'display_name': name, 'email':, 'linkedin_auth': True, 'active': True, }]) flash(_('Thanks for registering with us using linkedin')) else: user, = users # Add the user to session and trigger signals session['user'] = if not user.linkedin_auth: cls.write([user], {'linkedin_auth': True}) flash(_("You are now logged in. Welcome %(name)s", name=user.rec_name)) login.send() if request.is_xhr: return 'OK' return redirect( request.values.get('next', url_for('')))