Exemple #1
ro[:, :] = 1500.  # kg/m3

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Extent models
# ------------------------------------------------------------

vpe = modext(npml, vp)
vse = modext(npml, vs)
roe = modext(npml, ro)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Calculate buoyancy and Lame parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------

bux, buz = modbuo(roe)
mu, lbd, lbdmu = modlame(vpe, vse, roe)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Calculate PMLs
# ------------------------------------------------------------

pmlx0, pmlx1, pmlz0, pmlz1 = pmlmod(n1, n2, dh, isurf, npml, apml, ppml)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Generate input acquisition
# ------------------------------------------------------------

acq = np.zeros((nrec, 2), dtype=np.float32)
for irec in range(0, nrec):
    acq[irec, 0] = xrec0 + float(irec) * drec
    acq[irec, 1] = zrec0
# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Extent models
# ------------------------------------------------------------

vpe = modext(npml, vp)
vse = modext(npml, vs)
roe = modext(npml, ro)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Calculate buoyancy and Lame parameters
# ------------------------------------------------------------

bux, buz = modbuo(roe)
mu0, mue, lb0, lbmu = modlame(vpe, vse, roe)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Calculate PMLs
# ------------------------------------------------------------

pmlx0,pmlx1,pmlz0,pmlz1 = pmlmod(n1,n2,dh,isurf,npml,apml,ppml,vpe)

# ------------------------------------------------------------
# >> Generate input acquisition
# ------------------------------------------------------------

acq = np.zeros((nrec, 2), dtype=np.float32)
for irec in range(0, nrec):
Exemple #3
def seismod(runpar, modpar, acqpar, vpmod, vsmod, romod):
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Input parameters
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # >> Run parameters
    jobname = runpar['name']
    tmax = runpar['tmax']
    dt = runpar['dt']
    isnap = runpar['snap']
    dtsnap =  runpar['dtsnap']

    # >> Model grid parameters
    n1 = modpar['n1']
    n2 = modpar['n2']
    dh = modpar['dh']
    isurf = modpar['ifsurf']
    npml = modpar['npml']
    apml = modpar['apml']
    ppml = modpar['ppml']

    # >> Acquisition parameters
    acq = acqpar['acquisition']
    nrec = len(acq)
    dts = acqpar['dts']
    sx = acqpar['sx']
    sz = acqpar['sy']
    f0 = acqpar['f0']
    t0 = acqpar['t0']
    sigma = acqpar['spread']
    srctype = acqpar['type']

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Calculate complementary parameters
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    nt = int(tmax/dt)+1
    nts = int(tmax/dts+1)
    ntsnap = int(tmax/dtsnap)+1

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Extent models
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    vpe = modext(npml, vpmod)
    vse = modext(npml, vsmod)
    roe = modext(npml, romod)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Calculate buoyancy and Lame parameters
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    bux, buz = modbuo(roe)
    mu, lbd, lbdmu = modlame(vpe, vse, roe)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Calculate PMLs
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    pmlx0,pmlx1,pmlz0,pmlz1 = pmlmod(n1,n2,dh,isurf,npml,apml,ppml)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Generate input acquisition
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    recpos = acqpos(n1, n2, npml, dh, acq)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Generate input source
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    # >> Source spread grid
    gsrc = srcspread(n1, n2, npml, sx, sz, dh, sigma)

    # >> Ricker source
    tsrc = ricker(nt, dt, f0, t0)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Calculate stability condition
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    #print("Courant:: ", dt*np.amax(vpe)/dh)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # >> Marching
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    recx,recz,recp = evolution(n1,n2,dh,npml,
                               bux,buz,lbd, lbdmu,mu,

    # Minimal SU file
    surecz = SUdata()
    surecz.create(recz.swapaxes(1,0), dts)

    # Fill headers
    for ir in range(0, nrec):
        surecz.header[ir]['gx'] = acq[ir, 0]*10
        surecz.header[ir]['gy'] = acq[ir, 1]*10

    surecz.header[:]['sx'] = sx*10
    surecz.header[:]['gy'] = sz*10

    surecz.header['scalco'] = -10

    return surecz