def test_create_overlapping_patches(self): self.reset() r_loc = 0.3 p_loc = 0.5 p_r = r_loc / 2. distance = .7 num_patches = 2 p_p = 0.3 nc.create_overlapping_patches( self.torus_layer, r_loc=r_loc, p_loc=p_loc, distance=distance, num_patches=num_patches, p_p=p_p ) anchors = [tu.to_coordinates(n * 360. / float(num_patches), distance) for n in range(1, num_patches + 1)] for s in self.torus_nodes: pos_s = tp.GetPosition([s])[0] patch_centers = (np.asarray(anchors) + np.asarray(pos_s)).tolist() conn = nest.GetConnections(source=[s]) targets = [t for t in nest.GetStatus(conn, "target") if t in self.torus_nodes] for t in targets: d = tp.Distance([s], [t])[0] self.assertGreaterEqual(d, distance - p_r, "Established connection is too short") self.assertLessEqual(d, distance + p_r, "Established connection is too long") d_to_centers = list(tp.Distance(patch_centers, [t])) self.assertTrue( np.any(np.asarray(d_to_centers) <= p_r), "Node is too far from any patch center" )
def _positions(self): '''Return positions of all nodes.''' return [ tuple(pos) for pos in topo.GetPosition(nest.GetLeaves(self._lt)[0]) ]
def test_a_create_perlin_stimulus_map(self): self.reset() num_stimulus_discr = 4 resolution = (15, 15) spacing = 0.1 plot = False save_plot = False tuning_to_neuron, neuron_to_tuning, color_map = nc.create_perlin_stimulus_map( self.torus_layer, self.inh_nodes, num_stimulus_discr=num_stimulus_discr, resolution=resolution, spacing=spacing, plot=plot, save_plot=save_plot ) for n in self.torus_nodes: if n not in self.torus_nodes: self.assertIn(n, tuning_to_neuron[neuron_to_tuning[n]], "Neuron is not assigned to the correct tuning list") p = tp.GetPosition([n])[0] x_grid, y_grid = tu.coordinates_to_cmap_index(self.size_layer, p, spacing) self.assertEqual( color_map[x_grid, y_grid], neuron_to_tuning[n], "Color map and tuning preference doesn't match" )
def test_create_torus_layer_with_jitter(self): self.reset() # Must be number that has a square root in N num_neurons = 144 jitter = 0.01 neuron_type = "iaf_psc_delta" layer_size = 3. layer = nc.create_torus_layer_with_jitter( num_neurons=num_neurons, jitter=jitter, neuron_type=neuron_type, layer_size=layer_size ) nodes = nest.GetNodes(layer)[0] self.assertEqual(len(nodes), num_neurons, "Not the right number of nodes") model = nest.GetStatus(nodes, "model") for m in model: self.assertEqual(m, neuron_type, "Wrong neuron type set") mod_size = layer_size - jitter * 2 step_size = mod_size / float(np.sqrt(num_neurons)) coordinate_scale = np.arange(-mod_size / 2., mod_size / 2., step_size) grid = [[x, y] for y in coordinate_scale for x in coordinate_scale] for n in nodes: pos = np.asarray(tp.GetPosition([n])[0]) sorted(grid, key=lambda l: np.linalg.norm(np.asarray(l) - pos)) self.assertLessEqual(pos[0], np.abs(grid[0][0] + jitter), "Distance in x to original position too high") self.assertLessEqual(pos[1], np.abs(grid[0][1] + jitter), "Distance in y to original position too high")
def wd_fig(fig, loc, ldict, cdict, what, rpos=None, xlim=[-1, 51], ylim=[0, 1], xticks=range(0, 51, 5), yticks=np.arange(0., 1.1, 0.2), clr='blue', label=''): nest.ResetKernel() l = tp.CreateLayer(ldict) tp.ConnectLayers(l, l, cdict) ax = fig.add_subplot(loc) if rpos is None: rn = nest.GetLeaves(l)[0][:1] # first node else: rn = tp.FindNearestElement(l, rpos) conns = nest.GetConnections(rn) cstat = nest.GetStatus(conns) vals = np.array([sd[what] for sd in cstat]) tgts = [sd['target'] for sd in cstat] locs = np.array(tp.GetPosition(tgts)) ax.plot(locs[:, 0], vals, 'o', mec='none', mfc=clr, label=label) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xticks(xticks) ax.set_yticks(yticks)
def geometryFunction(topologyLayer): positions = topo.GetPosition(nest.GetLeaves(topologyLayer)[0]) def geometry_function(idx): return positions[idx] return geometry_function
def test_GetPosition(self): """Check if GetPosition returns proper positions.""" pos = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 1.0], [3.5, 1.5]] ldict = { 'elements': 'iaf_neuron', 'extent': [20., 20.], 'positions': pos } nlayers = 2 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict, ) * nlayers) nodepos = [topo.GetPosition(node) for node in nest.GetLeaves(l)] self.assertEqual([pos] * nlayers, nodepos)
def check_distance(): layer = tp.CreateLayer(l3d_specs) tp.ConnectLayers(layer, layer, conn_dict1) nodes = nest.GetChildren(layer)[0] positions = tp.GetPosition(nodes) target_positions = tp.GetTargetPositions(nodes, layer) deltas = filter( lambda x: x > 0.35, [[get_delta(positions[i], pos2) for pos2 in target_positions[i]] for i in range(len(positions))]) print len(deltas)
def setUp(self): self.num_neurons = 1500 self.neuron_type = "iaf_psc_delta" self.rest_pot = -1. self.threshold_pot = 1e2 self.time_const = 22. self.capacitance = 1e4 self.num_stimulus_discr = 4 self.size_layer = 2. self.input_stimulus = cs.image_with_spatial_correlation(size_img=(20, 20), radius=3, num_circles=80) self.organise_on_grid = True self.torus_layer, self.spike_det, self.multi = nc.create_torus_layer_uniform( num_neurons=self.num_neurons, neuron_type=self.neuron_type, rest_pot=self.rest_pot, threshold_pot=self.threshold_pot, time_const=self.time_const, capacitance=self.capacitance, size_layer=self.size_layer ) self.torus_nodes = nest.GetNodes(self.torus_layer)[0] self.inh_nodes = np.random.choice(np.asarray(self.torus_nodes), self.num_neurons // 5, replace=False) self.min_id_torus = min(self.torus_nodes) self.torus_positions = tp.GetPosition(self.torus_nodes) self.torus_tree = KDTree(self.torus_positions) self.perlin_resolution = (15, 15) self.perlin_spacing = 0.1 (self.tuning_to_neuron_map, self.neuron_to_tuning_map, self.tuning_weight_vector) = nc.create_perlin_stimulus_map( self.torus_layer, self.inh_nodes, num_stimulus_discr=self.num_stimulus_discr, resolution=self.perlin_resolution, spacing=self.perlin_spacing, plot=False, save_plot=False ) self.retina = nc.create_input_current_generator( self.input_stimulus, organise_on_grid=self.organise_on_grid ) self.receptors = nest.GetNodes(self.retina)[0]
def test_GetPosition(self): """Check if GetPosition returns proper positions.""" pos = ((1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0), (3.5, 1.5)) ldict = {'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha', 'extent': (20., 20.), 'positions': pos} nlayers = 2 nest.ResetKernel() l = topo.CreateLayer((ldict,) * nlayers) nodepos_ref = (pos,) * nlayers nodepos_exp = (topo.GetPosition(node) for node in nest.hl_api.GetLeaves(l)) for npe, npr in zip(nodepos_exp, nodepos_ref): self.assertEqual(npe, npr)
def sort_nodes_space(nodes, axis=0): """ Sorting the nodes with respect to space and in either x or y direction :param nodes: The nodes that need to be sorted :param axis: Integer for the axis. 0 is x axis, 1 is y axis :return: The sorted list of nodes, the sorted list of positions """ pos = tp.GetPosition(nodes) nodes_pos = list(zip(nodes, pos)) if axis == 0: nodes_pos.sort(key=lambda p: (p[1][0], p[1][1])) elif axis == 1: nodes_pos.sort(key=lambda p: (p[1][1], p[1][0])) nodes, pos = zip(*nodes_pos) return nodes, pos
def test_create_connections_rf(self): self.reset() rf_size = (10, 10) synaptic_strength = 1. calc_error = True use_dc = False p_rf = 1. positions = tp.GetPosition(self.torus_nodes) rf_centers = [ ( (x / (self.size_layer / 2.)) * self.input_stimulus.shape[1] / 2., (y / (self.size_layer / 2.)) * self.input_stimulus.shape[0] / 2. ) for (x, y) in positions ] adj_mat, recon = nc.create_connections_rf( self.input_stimulus, self.torus_nodes, rf_centers, self.neuron_to_tuning_map, self.inh_nodes, rf_size=rf_size, p_rf=p_rf, synaptic_strength=synaptic_strength, total_num_target=self.num_neurons, target_layer_size=self.size_layer, calc_error=calc_error, use_dc=use_dc, ) # Check for lower equal since there can be less neurons at the edges of the retina self.assertLessEqual( np.max((adj_mat > 0).sum(axis=0)), # (adj_mat > 0) since it is technically no adj mat but a tranform matrix rf_size[0] * rf_size[1], "There are receptors to which no connections are established although they are in the receptive field" ) img_vector = np.ones(self.input_stimulus.size + 1) img_vector[:-1] = self.input_stimulus.reshape(-1) img_vector[img_vector == 0] = np.finfo("float64").eps recon_transform = sr.direct_stimulus_reconstruction([:-1], adj_mat) for res, exp in zip(recon.reshape(-1), recon_transform.reshape(-1)): self.assertAlmostEqual(res, exp, msg="The transformation through the feedforward matrix does not lead to a " "similar reconstruction")
def geometryFunction(topologyLayer): """ This factory returns a CSA-style geometry function for the given layer. The function returned will return for each CSA-index the position in space of the given neuron as a 2- or 3-element list. Note: This function stores a copy of the neuron positions internally, entailing memory overhead. """ positions = topo.GetPosition(nest.GetLeaves(topologyLayer)[0]) def geometry_function(idx): "Return position of neuron with given CSA-index." return positions[idx] return geometry_function
def recordElectrodeEnviromentLazy(network, folder): neurons_x_position_distance = 0.5/(network.parameters['Columns']/2.) neurons_x_position = [(i, 0.) for i in np.arange(0., 0.5, neurons_x_position_distance*2.)] #Add y-Positions neurons_x_position += ([(0., i) for i in np.arange(0., 0.5, neurons_x_position_distance*2.)]) #Add diagonal neurons_x_position += ([(i, i) for i in np.arange(0., 0.5, neurons_x_position_distance*2.)]) neurons_x_position = tp.FindNearestElement(network.l, neurons_x_position) neurons_position = tp.GetPosition(neurons_x_position) for position in neurons_position: plt.close() magic.recordElectrodeEnviroment(network.df_ex, position[0], position[1], 0.05, 0.05) plt.savefig(folder + '/excitatory_neurons/electrode_enviroment' + str(round(position[0], 4)) + ', ' + str(round(position[1], 4)) + '.png', dpi=300) plt.close() magic.recordElectrodeEnviroment(network.df_in, position[0], position[1], 0.05, 0.05) plt.savefig(folder + '/inhibitory_neurons/electrode_enviroment' + str(round(position[0], 4)) + ', ' + str(round(position[1], 4)) + '.png', dpi=300)
def plot_connections(ax, src, tgt, pops_list, red_conn_dens): # z-positions z0 = pops_list.index(src) z1 = z0 + (pops_list.index(tgt) - z0) # x,y-positions if src == 'STIM': xyloc = [0., 0.] elif src == tgt: xyloc = [0.8, 0.8] elif src == 'EX': xyloc = [0.8, -0.8] elif src == 'IN': xyloc = [-0.8, -0.8] srcid = tp.FindNearestElement(pops[src]['layer'], xyloc, False) srcloc = tp.GetPosition(srcid)[0] tgtsloc = np.array(tp.GetTargetPositions(srcid, pops[tgt]['layer'])[0]) # targets do not get picked in the same order; # they are sorted here for reproducibility tgtsloc = tgtsloc[np.argsort(tgtsloc[:, 0])] tgtsloc_show = tgtsloc[0:len(tgtsloc):red_conn_dens] for tgtloc in tgtsloc_show: ax.plot([srcloc[0], tgtloc[0]], [srcloc[1], tgtloc[1]], [z0, z1], c=pops[src]['conn_color_light'], linewidth=1.) # highlight target ax.plot(xs=[tgtloc[0]], ys=[tgtloc[1]], zs=[z1], marker='o', markeredgecolor='none', markersize=2, color=pops[src]['conn_color_dark'], alpha=1.) # to be printed on top dots = [tgtsloc_show, z1, pops[src]['conn_color_dark'], 'none', 2] srcdot = [srcloc, z0, 'white', 'black', 3] return dots, srcdot
def makePandas(senderEvents, ctr): """ Return a pandas DataFrame (Sender, Time, Position, Distance from ctr) for the recordings of a spike detector :param senderEvents: Recordings from spike detector :param ctr: Center Element(GID) :return: Pandas dataframe with Sender, Time, Position and Distance """ senders = [int(i) for i in senderEvents['senders']] #int necessary, because GID's for tp.GetPosition. Otherwise error times = [i for i in senderEvents['times']] positions = [i for i in tp.GetPosition(senders)] if len(senders) >= 2: distances = [i for i in tp.Distance(senders, [ctr])] return pd.DataFrame({'Sender': senders, 'Time': times, 'Distance from Center': distances, 'Position': positions }) else: return pd.DataFrame({'Sender': senders, 'Time': times, 'Position': positions })
def plot_spikes_over_time(spikes_s, time_s, network, t_start=0., t_end=1000., t_stim_start=[], t_stim_end=[], title="", font_size=16, save_plot=True, save_prefix=""): """ Plot neural activity over time :param spikes_s: The IDs of the neurons that spiked :param time_s: The respective times :param network: The netwokr :param t_start: Start of the simulation :param t_end: End of the simulation :param t_stim_start: Start times of input stimulation (excitation) :param t_stim_end: End times of input stimulation (excitation) :param title: Plot title :param font_size: Font size :param save_plot: If true, the plot is saved :param save_prefix: Prefix that is added to the saved file :return: None """ plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5)) positions = np.asarray(tp.GetPosition(spikes_s.tolist())) plot_colorbar(plt.gcf(), plt.gca(), num_stim_classes=network.num_stim_discr) inh_mask = np.zeros(len(spikes_s)).astype('bool') for inh_n in network.torus_inh_nodes: inh_mask[spikes_s == inh_n] = True x_grid, y_grid = coordinates_to_cmap_index(network.layer_size, positions[~inh_mask], network.spacing_perlin) stim_classes = network.color_map[x_grid, y_grid] cl = np.full(len(spikes_s), -1) cl[~inh_mask] = stim_classes c = np.full(len(spikes_s), '#000000') c[~inh_mask] = np.asarray(list( mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.items()))[stim_classes, 1] sorted_zip = sorted(zip(time_s, spikes_s, c, cl), key=lambda l: l[3]) sorted_time, sorted_spikes, sorted_c, _ = zip(*sorted_zip) new_idx_spikes = [] new_idx_neurons = {} for s in sorted_spikes: new_idx_spikes.append( firing_rate_sorting(new_idx_spikes, sorted_spikes, new_idx_neurons, s)) plt.scatter(sorted_time, new_idx_spikes, s=1, c=list(sorted_c)) plt.xlim(t_start, t_end) for st in t_stim_start: plt.axvline(x=st, c="red") for st in t_stim_end: plt.axvline(x=st, c="blue") plt.xlabel("Time", fontsize=font_size) plt.ylabel("Neuron", fontsize=font_size) plt.title(title) if save_plot: curr_dir = os.getcwd() Path(curr_dir + "/figures/firing_rate").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) plt.savefig(curr_dir + "/figures/firing_rate/%s_firing_time.png" % save_prefix) plt.close() else:
random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5) ] for j in range(1000)] l1 = topo.CreateLayer({ 'extent': [1.5, 1.5, 1.5], # must specify 3d extent AND center 'center': [0., 0., 0.], 'positions': pos, 'elements': 'iaf_neuron' }) # visualize #xext, yext = nest.GetStatus(l1, 'topology')[0]['extent'] #xctr, yctr = nest.GetStatus(l1, 'topology')[0]['center'] # extract position information, transpose to list of x, y and z positions xpos, ypos, zpos = zip(*topo.GetPosition(nest.GetChildren(l1)[0])) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(xpos, ypos, zpos, s=15, facecolor='b', edgecolor='none') # Gaussian connections in full volume [-0.75,0.75]**3 topo.ConnectLayers( l1, l1, { 'connection_type': 'divergent', 'allow_autapses': False, 'mask': { 'volume': { 'lower_left': [-0.75, -0.75, -0.75], 'upper_right': [0.75, 0.75, 0.75] } },
}, 'delays': 1.0 }) pylab.clf() # plot sources of neurons in different grid locations for tgt_pos in [[15, 15], [0, 0]]: # obtain node id for center tgt = topo.GetElement(b, tgt_pos) # obtain list of outgoing connections for ctr # int() required to cast numpy.int64 spos = tuple( zip(*[ topo.GetPosition([int(conn[0])])[0] for conn in nest.GetConnections(target=tgt) ])) # scatter-plot pylab.scatter(spos[0], spos[1], 20, zorder=10) # mark sender position with transparent red circle ctrpos = pylab.array(topo.GetPosition(tgt)[0]) pylab.gca().add_patch( pylab.Circle(ctrpos, radius=0.1, zorder=99, fc='r', alpha=0.4, ec='none'))
#! Retina #! ------ layerProps.update({'elements': 'RetinaNode'}) retina = topo.CreateLayer(layerProps) # Original: Gabor retina input if Params['lambda_dg'] >= 0: #! Now set phases of retinal oscillators; we use a list comprehension instead #! of a loop. [ nest.SetStatus( [n], { "phase": phaseInit( topo.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"]) }) for n in nest.GetLeaves(retina)[0] ] else: # Leonardo: Random retina input [ nest.SetStatus( [n], { "phase": phaseInit( topo.GetPosition([n])[0], np.pi * np.random.rand(), np.pi * np.random.rand()) }) for n in nest.GetLeaves(retina)[0] ]
def simulation(Params): root_folder = Params['root_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(root_folder): os.makedirs(root_folder) net_folder = root_folder + Params['net_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(net_folder): os.makedirs(net_folder) data_folder = net_folder + Params['data_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(data_folder): os.makedirs(data_folder) #! ================= #! Import network #! ================= # NEST Kernel and Network settings nest.ResetKernel() nest.ResetNetwork() nest.SetKernelStatus({"local_num_threads": Params['threads'],'resolution': Params['resolution']}) nest.SetStatus([0],{'print_time': True}) # initialize random seed import time # msd = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) msd = 42 nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed' : msd}) # Tom debug # nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds' : range(msd+Params['threads']+1, msd+2*Params['threads']+1)}) nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': range(msd + Params['threads'] + 1, msd + 2 * Params['threads'] + 1)}) import importlib network = importlib.import_module(Params['network']) reload(network) models, layers, conns = network.get_Network(Params) #import network_full_keiko #reload(network_full_keiko) # models, layers, conns = network_full_keiko.get_Network(Params) # Create models print('Creating models...', end="") for m in models: print('.', end="") # print(m), print('\n') nest.CopyModel(m[0], m[1], m[2]) print(' done.') # Create layers, store layer info in Python variable print('Creating layers...', end="") for l in layers: print('.', end="") exec '%s = tp.CreateLayer(l[1])' % l[0] in globals(), locals() print(' done.') # Create connections, need to insert variable names print('Creating connectiions...', end="") for c in conns: print('.', end="") eval('tp.ConnectLayers(%s,%s,c[2])' % (c[0], c[1])) print(' done.') # Check connections if Params.has_key('show_center_connectivity_figure') and Params['show_center_connectivity_figure']: # this code only gives one element, and you have no control over the # model it comes from... # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_horizontal), Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_horizontal), Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_vertical), Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_vertical), Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # this way I can get all nodes in the positions, and later filter per Model using GetStatus # IMPORTANT: when layer has even number of neurons per line/column # using center (0,0) makes the function return 4 neurons # per postiion since they all have the same distance. # Using (-0,1, 0,1) solves this problem. # When using odd number perhaps this has to change... for src_label in ['Tp_layer', 'Vp_vertical', 'Vp_horizontal']: for tgt_label in ['Tp_layer', 'Vp_vertical', 'Vp_horizontal']: if src_label == 'Tp_layer' and src_label == tgt_label: continue print('source population %s' % src_label) print('target population %s' % tgt_label) n_plot = 0 f = plt.figure() f.canvas.set_window_title('AMPA Connections: %s -> %s' % (src_label, tgt_label)) all_center = eval('tp.FindNearestElement(%s, (-0.1, 0.1), True)[0]' % src_label) for n in all_center: s = nest.GetStatus([n]) p = tp.GetPosition([n]) # print('%s : (%2.2f, %2.2f)' % (s[0]['model'], p[0][0], p[0][1])) m1 = s[0]['model'].name print('Source neuron model %s' % m1) if m1.find('_exc') > -1: if src_label.find('Tp_') > -1: print( 'found Tp_') # target has to be one of Vp_ or Vs_ models target_models = ['L23_exc', 'L4_exc', 'L56_exc'] elif src_label.find('Vp_') > -1 or src_label.find('Vs') > -1: # if target is Vp_ of Vs_ too, then one of those models if tgt_label.find('Vp_') > -1: target_models = ['L23_exc', 'L4_exc', 'L56_exc'] elif tgt_label.find('Tp_') > -1: # otherwise it has to be a Tp_target target_models = ['Tp_exc'] else: raise ValueError('Invalide target %s for source model: %s' % (tgt_label, src_label)) else: raise ValueError('Invalide source model: %s' % (src_label)) for m2 in target_models: print('Target neuron model %s' % m2) try: get_targets_command = 'tp.GetTargetNodes([n], %s, m2, "AMPA_syn")[0]' % tgt_label print(get_targets_command) targets = eval(get_targets_command) if len(targets) > 0: n_plot += 1 f.add_subplot(3,5,n_plot) eval('tp.PlotTargets([n], %s, m2, "AMPA_syn", f)' % tgt_label) plt.title('%s -> %s' % (m1, m2), fontsize=9) except: print('didnt work') f.savefig(data_folder + '/connectivity_%s_%s.png' % (src_label, tgt_label), dpi=100) if Params.has_key('dry_run') and Params['dry_run']: print('Only generation, loading and ploting network. No actual simulation done.') return ''' # pablo # Create vertical grating for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]: retina_0 = (nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0])[0] col = (n-retina_0)/Params['Np'] cells_per_degree = Params['Np']/Params['visSize'] cells_per_cycle = cells_per_degree/Params['spatial_frequency'] nest.SetStatus([n], { "phase": col * 360/(cells_per_cycle-1) }) ''' ### keiko [nest.SetStatus([n], {"phase": phaseInit(tp.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"])}) for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]] # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # ---------- SET IB NEURONS ----------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # 30% of Cortex L56 excitatory neurons are intrinsically bursting(IB) neuron. # That is achieved by setting pacemaker current I_h. # So select 30% of L56_exc neuron, and change h_g_peak from 0.0 to 1.0. # (Other cortical neuron do not have I_h, thus h_g_peak=0.0) L56_vertical_idx = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_vertical)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]=='L56_exc'] L56_horizontal_idx = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_horizontal)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]=='L56_exc'] num_neuron = len(L56_vertical_idx) num_ib = int(num_neuron*0.3) ridx_vertical = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1,num_ib))[0] ridx_horizontal = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1,num_ib))[0] for i in range(1,num_ib,1): nest.SetStatus([L56_vertical_idx[ridx_vertical[i]]], {'g_peak_h': 1.0}) nest.SetStatus([L56_horizontal_idx[ridx_horizontal[i]]], {'g_peak_h': 1.0}) # initiate network activity #nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(500.0) #! ================= #! Recording devices #! ================= print('Connecting recorders...', end="") nest.CopyModel('multimeter', 'RecordingNode', params = {'interval' : Params['resolution'], 'record_from': ['V_m'], # Put back when plotting synaptic currents, otherwise makes everything slower for no reason # 'I_syn_AMPA', # 'I_syn_NMDA', # 'I_syn_GABA_A', # 'I_syn_GABA_B', # 'g_AMPA', # 'g_NMDA', # 'g_GABA_A', # 'g_GABA_B'], #'I_NaP', #'I_KNa', #'I_T', #'I_h' #] 'record_to' : ['memory'], 'withgid' : True, 'withtime' : True}) recorders = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_cross, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L4_exc'), ]: ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L56_exc'), ]: print('.', end="") rec = nest.Create('RecordingNode') recorders.append([rec,population,model]) if (model=='Retina'): nest.SetStatus(rec,{'record_from': ['rate']}) tgts = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==model] #nest.Connect(rec, tgts, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect(rec, tgts) print('done.') #! ================= #! Spike detector #! ================= print('Connecting detectors...', end="") detectors = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh')]: ''' #Tom for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh')]: print('.', end="") rec = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={"withgid": True, "withtime": True}) #rec = nest.Create('spike_detector') detectors.append([rec,population,model]) tgts = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==model] if model == 'Retina': for t in tgts: try: # nest.Connect([t], rec, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect([t], rec) print('connected %d' % t) except: print('%d did not work' % t) else: # nest.Connect(tgts, rec, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect(tgts, rec) print('done.') #! ==================== #! Simulation #! ==================== ''' # change gKL to 0.8 in all populations (necessary to get a little stronger evoked response) for l in layers: sim_elements = l[1]['elements'] for m in np.arange(0,np.size(sim_elements),1): if(np.size(sim_elements)==1): sim_model = sim_elements else: sim_model = sim_elements[m] exec("la = %s" % l[0]) pop = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(la)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==sim_model] if (l[0]!='Retina_layer'): for cell in pop: nest.SetStatus([cell], {'g_KL':0.8}) ''' # Simulate for t in Params['intervals']: #if (t == 250.0): # Stimulus ON # # if (t == 1500.0): # Stimulus ON # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 45.0}) #else: # Stimulus OFF # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) if Params['input_flag']==True: nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': Params['ret_rate']}) else: nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(t) #! ==================== #! Plot Results #! ==================== print("Creating figure 3...") rows = 9 cols = 2 fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(13, 24), dpi=100) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) # Plot A: membrane potential rasters recorded_models = [(Retina_layer,'Retina'), (Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L56_exc'), (Rp_layer,'Rp'), (Tp_layer,'Tp_exc')] #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,0,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,0,Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows,cols,0) #starting_neuron = 800+1 #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,starting_neuron,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plt.title('Evoked') # Plot B: individual intracellular traces recorded_models =[(Vp_vertical,'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L4_inh')] #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6) #original # keiko total_time = 0.0 for t in Params['intervals']: total_time += t #draw_neuron = (Params['Np']*Params['Np']/2) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, draw_neuron, rows, cols, 6, total_time) plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6, total_time) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 820, rows, cols, 6, total_time) # Plot C: topographical activity of the vertical and horizontal layers if Params.has_key('start_membrane_potential') and Params.has_key('end_membrane_potential'): start = Params['start_membrane_potential'] stop = Params['end_membrane_potential'] else: start = 130.0 stop = 140.0 recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical,'L23_exc')] labels = ["Vertical"] plotting.topographic_representation(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows, cols, start, stop, 8, 0) recorded_models = [(Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc')] labels = ["Horizontal"] plotting.topographic_representation(fig,recorders,recorded_models,labels,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,start,stop,8,1) if Params.has_key('figure_title'): fig.suptitle(Params['figure_title'], size = 20) fig.savefig(data_folder + '/figure3.png', dpi=100) if Params.has_key('show_main_figure') and Params['show_main_figure']: # Plot D: movie #labels = ["Evoked_Vp_L23_Vertical","Evoked_Vp_L23_Horizontal"] #recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'),(Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc')] #plotting.makeMovie(fig,recorders,recorded_models,labels,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution']) # Plot F: All areas if Params.has_key('plot_all_regions') and Params['plot_all_regions']: print("Creating plot of all cortical areas") #First column vertical_models = [(Retina_layer,'Retina'), (Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical,'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc')] #Second column horizontal_models = [(Retina_layer,'Retina'), (Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal,'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal,'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal,'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc')] #Third column cross_models = [(Retina_layer,'Retina'), (), (), (), (Vs_cross,'L23_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_cross, 'L56_exc')] #Column labels labels = ['Vertical', 'Horizontal', 'Cross'] #Row labels areas = ['Retina', 'Primary\nL2/3', 'Primary\nL4', 'Primary\nL5/6', 'Secondary\nL2/3', 'Secondary\nL4', 'Secondary\nL4/6'] plotcols = [vertical_models, horizontal_models, cross_models] fig = plotting.potential_raster_multiple_models(fig, recorders, plotcols, labels, areas, 0, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], 0) fig.savefig(data_folder + '/figure_all_areas.png', dpi=100) #! ==================== #! Save Results #! ==================== print('save recorders data') # Set folder #rootdir = '/home/kfujii2/newNEST2/ht_model_pablo_based/data/' #expdir = 'random/' # expdir = 'random_full/' # expdir = 'structured_full/' # data_folder = rootdir + expdir # To save spike data, set pairs of population id and its name population_name = [ {'population': Retina_layer, 'name': 'Retina'}, {'population': Vp_vertical, 'name': 'Vp_v'}, {'population': Vp_horizontal, 'name': 'Vp_h'}, {'population': Rp_layer, 'name': 'Rp'}, {'population': Tp_layer, 'name': 'Tp'}, {'population': Vs_vertical, 'name': 'Vs_v'}, {'population': Vs_horizontal, 'name': 'Vs_h'}] if Params.has_key('save_recorders') and Params['save_recorders']: for rec, population, model in recorders: # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] data = nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events'] if model == 'Retina': + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': data['senders'], 'rate': data['rate']}) else: + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': data['senders'], 'times': data['times'], 'V_m': data['V_m'] #, #'I_syn_AMPA': data['I_syn_AMPA'], #'I_syn_NMDA': data['I_syn_NMDA'], #'I_syn_GABA_A': data['I_syn_GABA_A'], #'I_syn_GABA_B': data['I_syn_GABA_B'], # 'g_AMPA': data['g_AMPA'], # 'g_NMDA': data['g_NMDA'], # 'g_GABA_A': data['g_GABA_A'], # 'g_GABA_B': data['g_GABA_B'] } ) print('save raster images') plt.close() for rec, population, model in detectors: spikes = nest.GetStatus(rec, 'events')[0] # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] if len(nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events']['senders']) > 3: raster = raster_plot.from_device(rec, hist=True) pylab.title( p_name + '_' + model ) f = raster[0].figure f.set_size_inches(15, 9) f.savefig(data_folder + '/spikes_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.png', dpi=100) plt.close() # Set filename and save spike data filename = data_folder + '/spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.pickle' pickle.dump(spikes, open(filename, 'w')) + '/spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': spikes['senders'], 'times': spikes['times']}) ''' filename_AMPA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_AMPA_syn' + '.dat' filename_NMDA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_NMDA_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_A_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAB = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_B_syn' + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'AMPA_syn', filename_AMPA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'NMDA_syn', filename_NMDA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_A_syn', filename_GABAA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_B_syn', filename_GABAB) ''' ''' for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): population = population_name[p]['population'] p_name = population_name[p]['name'] filename_nodes = data_folder + '/gid_' + p_name + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerNodes(population, filename_nodes) ''' network_script = Params['network'] + '.py' shutil.copy2(network_script, data_folder + '/' + network_script) print('end')
'columns' : Params['N'], 'extent' : [Params['visSize'], Params['visSize']], 'edge_wrap': True} #! This dictionary does not yet specify the elements to put into the #! layer, since they will differ from layer to layer. We will add them #! below by updating the ``'elements'`` dictionary entry for each #! population. #! Retina #! ------ layerProps.update({'elements': 'RetinaNode'}) retina = topo.CreateLayer(layerProps) #! Now set phases of retinal oscillators; we use a list comprehension instead #! of a loop. [nest.SetStatus([n], {"phase": phaseInit(topo.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"])}) for n in nest.GetLeaves(retina)[0]] #! Thalamus #! -------- #! We first introduce specific neuron models for the thalamic relay #! cells and interneurons. These have identical properties, but by #! treating them as different models, we can address them specifically #! when building connections. #! #! We use a list comprehension to do the model copies. [nest.CopyModel('ThalamicNeuron', SpecificModel) for SpecificModel in ('TpRelay', 'TpInter')]
def simulation(Params): root_folder = Params['root_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(root_folder): os.makedirs(root_folder) net_folder = root_folder + Params['net_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(net_folder): os.makedirs(net_folder) conn_folder = net_folder + '/connections' if not os.path.isdir(conn_folder): os.makedirs(conn_folder) data_folder = net_folder + Params['data_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(data_folder): os.makedirs(data_folder) #! ================= #! Import network #! ================= # NEST Kernel and Network settings nest.ResetKernel() nest.ResetNetwork() nest.SetKernelStatus({"local_num_threads": Params['threads'],'resolution': Params['resolution']}) nest.SetStatus([0],{'print_time': True}) # initialize random seed import time msd = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed' : msd}) # Tom debug # nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds' : range(msd+Params['threads']+1, msd+2*Params['threads']+1)}) nest.SetKernelStatus({'rng_seeds': range(msd + Params['threads'] + 1, msd + 2 * Params['threads'] + 1)}) import importlib network = importlib.import_module(Params['network']) reload(network) models, layers, conns = network.get_Network(Params) #import network_full_keiko #reload(network_full_keiko) # models, layers, conns = network_full_keiko.get_Network(Params) # TODO this should come from network file synapse_models = ['AMPA_syn', 'NMDA_syn', 'GABA_A_syn', 'GABA_B_syn', 'reticular_projection'] # synapse_models = ['AMPA_syn', 'NMDA_syn', 'GABA_A_syn', 'GABA_B_syn'] # Create models print('Creating models...', end="") for m in models: print('.', end="") # print(m), print('\n') nest.CopyModel(m[0], m[1], m[2]) print(' done.') # Create layers, store layer info in Python variable print('Creating layers...', end="") for l in layers: print('.', end="") exec '%s = tp.CreateLayer(l[1])' % l[0] in globals(), locals() print(' done.') # now either create brand new connections, or load connectivity files from # connections_file connections_file = conn_folder + '/connections.pickle' # assume alread runned before, and it is going to load connections and layers if Params.has_key('load_connections') and Params['load_connections']: if not os.path.isfile(connections_file): raise IOError('File with connections was never created: %s' % connections_file) print('Loading connections...', end="") with open(connections_file) as f: (pre, post_intact, post_scrambled, w, d, syn) = pickle.load(f) print(' done.') if Params['scrambled']: post = post_scrambled else: post = post_intact print('Connecting neurons...', end="") con_dict = {'rule': 'one_to_one'} for (pi, ti, wi, di, syni) in zip(pre, post, w, d, syn): print('.', end="") # print(syni) syn_dict = {"model": syni, 'weight': wi, 'delay': di } nest.Connect(pi, ti, con_dict, syn_dict) print(' done.') # print('Connection retina...', end="") # # Create connections, need to insert variable names # for c in conns: # if c[0]=='Retina_layer': # eval('tp.ConnectLayers(%s,%s,c[2])' % (c[0], c[1])) # print('done.') else: # Create connections, need to insert variable names print('Creating connections...', end="") for c in conns: if Params['Np'] < 40: print('%s -> %s' % (c[0], c[1])) c[2]['allow_oversized_mask'] = True else: print('.', end="") eval('tp.ConnectLayers(%s,%s,c[2])' % (c[0], c[1])) print(' done.') if Params.has_key('dump_connections') and Params['dump_connections']: import glob # First dump all nodes and connections to files for l in layers: print('dumping connections for %s' % l[0]) eval("tp.DumpLayerNodes(%s, conn_folder + '/nodes_%s.dump')" % (l[0], l[0]) ) for synapse in synapse_models: eval("tp.DumpLayerConnections(%s, '%s', conn_folder + '/connections_%s_%s.dump')" % (l[0], synapse, l[0], synapse) ) # Now load all nodes, and mark which physical layer they belong to all_nodes_files = glob.glob(conn_folder + "/nodes_*.dump") if len(all_nodes_files) < 1: raise ValueError('No files save for this configuration. First ' 'run with load_connection = False') pop_nodes = [None] * len(all_nodes_files) pop_names = [None] * len(all_nodes_files) perm_pop_nodes = [None] * len(all_nodes_files) for (idx, pop_file) in enumerate(all_nodes_files): population = pop_file[pop_file.find('nodes_')+6:-5] pop_names[idx] = population print('Loading nodes for population %s' % population) pop_nodes[idx] = np.loadtxt(pop_file) # identify physical layers n_layer = 0 n_nodes = pop_nodes[idx].shape[0] layers = np.zeros((n_nodes,1)) for i_line in range(n_nodes): if pop_nodes[idx][i_line, 1] == -3.9 and pop_nodes[idx][i_line, 2] == 3.9: n_layer += 1 layers[i_line] = n_layer pop_nodes[idx] = np.append(pop_nodes[idx], layers, 1) # Finally, load connections and save a big vector for each one of the 5 # parameters needed by nest.Connect: pre, post, w, d, and synapse_model # Save unmodified and scrambled versions in network.pickle all_conn_files = glob.glob(conn_folder + "/connections_*.dump") pre = [] post_intact = [] post_scrambled = [] w = [] d = [] syn = [] for (idx, pop_conn_file) in enumerate(all_conn_files): population = pop_conn_file[pop_conn_file.find('connections_')+12:-5] print('Scrambling connections for %s (%d out of %d files)' % (population, idx+1, len(all_conn_files))) synapse_model = [s for i,s in enumerate(synapse_models) if s in population][0] print('Loading file') pop_conns = np.loadtxt(pop_conn_file) tn_lines = pop_conns.shape[0] if tn_lines > 0: syn.append(synapse_model) pre.append(pop_conns[:,0].astype(int)) post_intact.append(pop_conns[:,1].astype(int)) w.append(pop_conns[:,2]) d.append(pop_conns[:,3].astype(int)) # Do the actual scrfambling # TODO this should be optimized, it is way too slow if any(w == population[0:2] for w in ['Vs', 'Vp']): print('Scrambling...', end="") for i_line in range(tn_lines): if not i_line % round(tn_lines/10.): print('%d%%, ' % (round(100.*i_line/tn_lines) if i_line > 0 else 0), end="") for (i_pop, this_pop) in enumerate(pop_nodes): t_idx = np.where(this_pop[:,0] == pop_conns[i_line, 1])[0] if t_idx.size: break if not t_idx.size: raise ValueError('Could not find tartget %s for node %s' % (pop_conns[i_line, 1], pop_conns[i_line, 0])) if len(t_idx) > 1: raise ValueError('Target %s apears in more than one population' % (pop_conns[i_line, 1], pop_conns[i_line, 0])) new_t_idx = t_idx[0] # For the moment, only scramble connections within the visual cortex if any(w == pop_names[i_pop][0:2] for w in ['Vs', 'Vp']): possible_targets = pop_nodes[i_pop][pop_nodes[i_pop][:,3] == pop_nodes[i_pop][new_t_idx,3], 0] pop_conns[i_line, 1] = np.random.permutation(possible_targets)[0] print('done.') post_scrambled.append(pop_conns[:,1].astype(int)) # save results print('Saving results...', end="") with open(connections_file, 'w') as f: pickle.dump((pre, post_intact, post_scrambled, w, d, syn), f) print(' done.') if Params.has_key('show_V4_num_conn_figure') and Params['show_V4_num_conn_figure']: horizontal_nodes = nest.GetLeaves(Vp_horizontal, properties={'model': 'L4_exc'}, local_only=True)[0] vertical_nodes = nest.GetLeaves(Vp_vertical, properties={'model': 'L4_exc'}, local_only=True)[0] n_conns_hor = [] for (idx, horizontal_node) in enumerate(horizontal_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([horizontal_node], horizontal_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_hor.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.figure() plt.hist(n_conns_hor, range(0, max(n_conns_hor + [30]))) plt.title('# of connections Vp(h) L4pyr -> Vp(h) L4Pyr') n_conns_hor = [] for (idx, horizontal_node) in enumerate(horizontal_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([horizontal_node], vertical_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_hor.append(len(tgt_map)) # nest.DisconnectOneToOne(tp_node, tgt_map[0], {"synapse_model": "AMPA_syn"}) #nest.Disconnect([tp_node], tgt_map, 'one_to_one', {"synapse_model": "AMPA_syn"}) plt.figure() plt.hist(n_conns_hor, range(0, max(n_conns_hor + [30]))) plt.title('# of connections Vp(h) L4pyr -> Vp(v) L4Pyr') n_conns_ver = [] for (idx, vertical_node) in enumerate(vertical_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([vertical_node], vertical_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_ver.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.figure() plt.hist(n_conns_ver, range(0, max(n_conns_ver + [30]))) plt.title('# of connections Vp(v) L4pyr -> Vp(v) L4Pyr') n_conns_ver = [] for (idx, vertical_node) in enumerate(vertical_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([vertical_node], horizontal_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_ver.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.figure() plt.hist(n_conns_ver, range(0, max(n_conns_ver + [30]))) plt.title('# of connections Vp(v) L4pyr -> Vp(h) L4Pyr') # Check connections if Params.has_key('show_center_connectivity_figure') and Params['show_center_connectivity_figure']: # this code only gives one element, and you have no control over the # model it comes from... # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_horizontal), Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_horizontal), Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_vertical), Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Vp_vertical), Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc', 'AMPA_syn') # this way I can get all nodes in the positions, and later filter per Model using GetStatus # IMPORTANT: when layer has even number of neurons per line/column # using center (0,0) makes the function return 4 neurons # per postiion since they all have the same distance. # Using (-0,1, 0,1) solves this problem. # When using odd number perhaps this has to change... for src_label in ['Tp_layer', 'Vp_vertical', 'Vp_horizontal']: for tgt_label in ['Tp_layer', 'Vp_vertical', 'Vp_horizontal']: if src_label == 'Tp_layer' and src_label == tgt_label: continue print('source population %s' % src_label) print('target population %s' % tgt_label) n_plot = 0 f = plt.figure() f.canvas.set_window_title('AMPA Connections: %s -> %s' % (src_label, tgt_label)) all_center = eval('tp.FindNearestElement(%s, (-0.1, 0.1), True)[0]' % src_label) for n in all_center: s = nest.GetStatus([n]) p = tp.GetPosition([n]) # print('%s : (%2.2f, %2.2f)' % (s[0]['model'], p[0][0], p[0][1])) m1 = s[0]['model'].name print('Source neuron model %s' % m1) if m1.find('_exc') > -1: if src_label.find('Tp_') > -1: print( 'found Tp_') # target has to be one of Vp_ or Vs_ models target_models = ['L23_exc', 'L4_exc', 'L56_exc'] elif src_label.find('Vp_') > -1 or src_label.find('Vs') > -1: # if target is Vp_ of Vs_ too, then one of those models if tgt_label.find('Vp_') > -1: target_models = ['L23_exc', 'L4_exc', 'L56_exc'] elif tgt_label.find('Tp_') > -1: # otherwise it has to be a Tp_target target_models = ['Tp_exc'] else: raise ValueError('Invalide target %s for source model: %s' % (tgt_label, src_label)) else: raise ValueError('Invalide source model: %s' % (src_label)) for m2 in target_models: print('Target neuron model %s' % m2) try: get_targets_command = 'tp.GetTargetNodes([n], %s, m2, "AMPA_syn")[0]' % tgt_label print(get_targets_command) targets = eval(get_targets_command) if len(targets) > 0: n_plot += 1 f.add_subplot(3,5,n_plot) eval('tp.PlotTargets([n], %s, m2, "AMPA_syn", f)' % tgt_label) plt.title('%s -> %s' % (m1, m2), fontsize=9) except: print('didnt work') f.savefig(data_folder + '/connectivity_%s_%s.png' % (src_label, tgt_label), dpi=100) if Params.has_key('show_V4_connectivity_figure') and Params['show_V4_connectivity_figure']: Vp_hor_gids = tp.GetElement(Vp_horizontal, [0,0]) n_Vp_hor = len(Vp_hor_gids) f = [] for idx in range(n_Vp_hor): f.append(plt.figure()) positions = range(0,41,10) positions[-1] -= 1 for xi in range(len(positions)): for yi in range(len(positions)): print("Position [%d,%d] : %d" %(xi,yi,yi*(len(positions))+xi+1)) x = positions[xi] y = positions[yi] Vp_hor_gids = tp.GetElement(Vp_horizontal, [x,y]) Vp_hor_status = nest.GetStatus(Vp_hor_gids) for (idx, n) in enumerate(Vp_hor_status): if n['Tau_theta'] == 2.0: print(idx) try: f[idx].add_subplot(len(positions), len(positions), yi*(len(positions))+xi+1) tp.PlotTargets([Vp_hor_gids[idx]], Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc', 'AMPA_syn', f[idx]) except: print('%i bad' % Vp_hor_gids[idx]) if Params.has_key('dry_run') and Params['dry_run']: print('Only generation, loading and ploting network. No actual simulation done.') return ''' # pablo # Create vertical grating for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]: retina_0 = (nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0])[0] col = (n-retina_0)/Params['Np'] cells_per_degree = Params['Np']/Params['visSize'] cells_per_cycle = cells_per_degree/Params['spatial_frequency'] nest.SetStatus([n], { "phase": col * 360/(cells_per_cycle-1) }) ''' ### keiko if Params['lambda_dg'] >= 0: [nest.SetStatus([n], {"phase": phaseInit(tp.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"])}) for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]] else: # Leonardo: Random retina input [nest.SetStatus([n], {"phase": phaseInit(tp.GetPosition([n])[0], np.pi * np.random.rand(), np.pi * np.random.rand())}) for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]] # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # ---------- SET IB NEURONS ----------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # 30% of Cortex L56 excitatory neurons are intrinsically bursting(IB) neuron. # That is achieved by setting pacemaker current I_h. # So select 30% of L56_exc neuron, and change h_g_peak from 0.0 to 1.0. # (Other cortical neuron do not have I_h, thus h_g_peak=0.0) L56_vertical_idx = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_vertical)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]=='L56_exc'] L56_horizontal_idx = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_horizontal)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]=='L56_exc'] num_neuron = len(L56_vertical_idx) num_ib = int(num_neuron*0.3) ridx_vertical = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1,num_ib))[0] ridx_horizontal = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1,num_ib))[0] for i in range(1,num_ib,1): nest.SetStatus([L56_vertical_idx[ridx_vertical[i]]], {'g_peak_h': 1.0}) nest.SetStatus([L56_horizontal_idx[ridx_horizontal[i]]], {'g_peak_h': 1.0}) # initiate network activity #nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(500.0) #! ================= #! Recording devices #! ================= print('Connecting recorders...', end="") nest.CopyModel('multimeter', 'RecordingNode', params = {'interval' : Params['resolution'], 'record_from': ['V_m'],#, # Put back when plotting synaptic currents, otherwise makes everything slower for no reason # 'I_syn_AMPA', # 'I_syn_NMDA', # 'I_syn_GABA_A', # 'I_syn_GABA_B', # 'g_AMPA', # 'g_NMDA', # 'g_GABA_A', # 'g_GABA_B'], #'I_NaP', #'I_KNa', #'I_T', #'I_h' #] 'record_to' : ['memory'], 'withgid' : True, 'withtime' : True}) recorders = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh')]: ''' # for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), # (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), # (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), # (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), # (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), # (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), # (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), # (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), # (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), # (Rp_layer, 'Rp')]: for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), # (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), # (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), # (Rp_layer, 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), ]: print('.', end="") rec = nest.Create('RecordingNode') recorders.append([rec,population,model]) if (model=='Retina'): nest.SetStatus(rec,{'record_from': ['rate']}) tgts = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==model] #nest.Connect(rec, tgts, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect(rec, tgts) print('done.') #! ================= #! Spike detector #! ================= print('Connecting detectors...', end="") detectors = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh')]: ''' ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc')]: ''' #Tom for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), # (Tp_layer, 'Tp_exc'), # (Tp_layer, 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh')]: print('.', end="") rec = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={"withgid": True, "withtime": True}) #rec = nest.Create('spike_detector') detectors.append([rec,population,model]) tgts = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==model] if model == 'Retina': for t in tgts: try: # nest.Connect([t], rec, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect([t], rec) print('connected %d' % t) except: print('%d did not work' % t) else: # nest.Connect(tgts, rec, None, {'delay': recorders_delay}) nest.Connect(tgts, rec) print('done.') #! ==================== #! Simulation #! ==================== ''' # change gKL to 0.8 in all populations (necessary to get a little stronger evoked response) for l in layers: sim_elements = l[1]['elements'] for m in np.arange(0,np.size(sim_elements),1): if(np.size(sim_elements)==1): sim_model = sim_elements else: sim_model = sim_elements[m] exec("la = %s" % l[0]) pop = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(la)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==sim_model] if (l[0]!='Retina_layer'): for cell in pop: nest.SetStatus([cell], {'g_KL':0.8}) ''' # Simulate for t in Params['intervals']: #if (t == 250.0): # Stimulus ON # # if (t == 1500.0): # Stimulus ON # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 45.0}) #else: # Stimulus OFF # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) if Params['input_flag']==True: nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': Params['ret_rate']}) else: nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(t) #! ==================== #! Plot Results #! ==================== print("Creating figure 3...") rows = 9 cols = 2 fig = plt.figure(num=None, figsize=(13, 24), dpi=100) fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) # Plot A: membrane potential rasters recorded_models = [(Retina_layer,'Retina'), (Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical,'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical,'L4_exc')] #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,0,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,0,Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows,cols,0) #starting_neuron = 800+1 #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,starting_neuron,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plt.title('Evoked') # Plot B: individual intracellular traces recorded_models =[(Vp_vertical,'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical,'L4_inh')] #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6) #original # keiko total_time = 0.0 for t in Params['intervals']: total_time += t #draw_neuron = (Params['Np']*Params['Np']/2) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, draw_neuron, rows, cols, 6, total_time) plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6, total_time) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 820, rows, cols, 6, total_time) # Plot C: topographical activity of the vertical and horizontal layers if Params.has_key('start_membrane_potential') and Params.has_key('end_membrane_potential'): start = Params['start_membrane_potential'] stop = Params['end_membrane_potential'] else: start = 130.0 stop = 140.0 recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical,'L23_exc')] labels = ["Vertical"] plotting.topographic_representation(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows, cols, start, stop, 8, 0) recorded_models = [(Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc')] labels = ["Horizontal"] plotting.topographic_representation(fig,recorders,recorded_models,labels,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,start,stop,8,1) fig.savefig(data_folder + '/figure3.png', dpi=100) if Params.has_key('show_main_figure') and Params['show_main_figure']: # Plot D: movie #labels = ["Evoked_Vp_L23_Vertical","Evoked_Vp_L23_Horizontal"] #recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'),(Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc')] #plotting.makeMovie(fig,recorders,recorded_models,labels,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution']) #! ==================== #! Save Results #! ==================== print('save recorders data') # Set folder #rootdir = '/home/kfujii2/newNEST2/ht_model_pablo_based/data/' #expdir = 'random/' # expdir = 'random_full/' # expdir = 'structured_full/' # data_folder = rootdir + expdir # To save spike data, set pairs of population id and its name population_name = [ {'population': Retina_layer, 'name': 'Retina'}, {'population': Vp_vertical, 'name': 'Vp_v'}, {'population': Vp_horizontal, 'name': 'Vp_h'}, # {'population': Rp_layer, 'name': 'Rp'}, # {'population': Tp_layer, 'name': 'Tp'}, {'population': Vs_vertical, 'name': 'Vs_v'}, {'population': Vs_horizontal, 'name': 'Vs_h'}] if Params.has_key('save_recorders') and Params['save_recorders']: for rec, population, model in recorders: # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] data = nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events'] if model == 'Retina': + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': data['senders'], 'rate': data['rate']}) else: + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': data['senders'], 'times': data['times'], 'V_m': data['V_m'], #'I_syn_AMPA': data['I_syn_AMPA'], #'I_syn_NMDA': data['I_syn_NMDA'], #'I_syn_GABA_A': data['I_syn_GABA_A'], #'I_syn_GABA_B': data['I_syn_GABA_B'], # 'g_AMPA': data['g_AMPA'], # 'g_NMDA': data['g_NMDA'], # 'g_GABA_A': data['g_GABA_A'], # 'g_GABA_B': data['g_GABA_B'] } ) print('save raster images') plt.close() for rec, population, model in detectors: spikes = nest.GetStatus(rec, 'events')[0] # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] if len(nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events']['senders']) > 3: raster = raster_plot.from_device(rec, hist=True) pylab.title( p_name + '_' + model ) f = raster[0].figure f.set_size_inches(15, 9) f.savefig(data_folder + '/spikes_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.png', dpi=100) plt.close() # Set filename and save spike data filename = data_folder + '/spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.pickle' pickle.dump(spikes, open(filename, 'w')) + '/spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={'senders': spikes['senders'], 'times': spikes['times']}) ''' filename_AMPA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_AMPA_syn' + '.dat' filename_NMDA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_NMDA_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_A_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAB = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_B_syn' + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'AMPA_syn', filename_AMPA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'NMDA_syn', filename_NMDA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_A_syn', filename_GABAA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_B_syn', filename_GABAB) ''' ''' for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): population = population_name[p]['population'] p_name = population_name[p]['name'] filename_nodes = data_folder + '/gid_' + p_name + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerNodes(population, filename_nodes) ''' network_script = Params['network'] + '.py' shutil.copy2(network_script, data_folder + '/' + network_script) shutil.copy2(network_script, conn_folder + '/' + network_script) print('end')
def simulation(Params): #! ================= #! Import network #! ================= import importlib import time #network_names = ['network_full_keiko', 'network_full_leonardo'] network_names = ['network_full_keiko', 'network_full_keiko'] colors = [[0, 0, 1, .5], [0, 1, 0, .5]] fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2) for (inet, netname) in enumerate(network_names): # NEST Kernel and Network settings nest.ResetKernel() nest.ResetNetwork() nest.SetKernelStatus({ "local_num_threads": Params['threads'], 'resolution': Params['resolution'] }) nest.SetStatus([0], {'print_time': True}) # initialize random seed msd = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) nest.SetKernelStatus({'grng_seed': msd}) nest.SetKernelStatus({ 'rng_seeds': range(msd + Params['threads'] + 1, msd + 2 * Params['threads'] + 1) }) network = importlib.import_module(netname) reload(network) models, layers, conns = network.get_Network(Params) # import network_full_keiko # reload(network_full_keiko) # models, layers, conns = network_full_keiko.get_Network(Params) # Create models for m in models: nest.CopyModel(m[0], m[1], m[2]) # Create layers, store layer info in Python variable for l in layers: exec '%s = tp.CreateLayer(l[1])' % l[0] # Create connections, need to insert variable names for c in conns: eval('tp.ConnectLayers(%s,%s,c[2])' % (c[0], c[1])) if Params.has_key('show_V4_num_conn_figure' ) and Params['show_V4_num_conn_figure']: horizontal_nodes = nest.GetLeaves(Vp_horizontal, properties={'model': 'L4_exc'}, local_only=True)[0] vertical_nodes = nest.GetLeaves(Vp_vertical, properties={'model': 'L4_exc'}, local_only=True)[0] print('Ploting #1') n_conns_hor = [] for (idx, horizontal_node) in enumerate(horizontal_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([horizontal_node], horizontal_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_hor.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.axes(axs[0, 0]) plt.hist(n_conns_hor, range(0, max(n_conns_hor + [30])), fc=colors[inet]) plt.title('# of connections Vp(h) L4pyr -> Vp(h) L4Pyr') print('Ploting #2') n_conns_hor = [] for (idx, horizontal_node) in enumerate(horizontal_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([horizontal_node], vertical_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_hor.append(len(tgt_map)) # nest.DisconnectOneToOne(tp_node, tgt_map[0], {"synapse_model": "AMPA_syn"}) #nest.Disconnect([tp_node], tgt_map, 'one_to_one', {"synapse_model": "AMPA_syn"}) plt.axes(axs[0, 1]) plt.hist(n_conns_hor, range(0, max(n_conns_hor + [30])), fc=colors[inet]) plt.title('# of connections Vp(h) L4pyr -> Vp(v) L4Pyr') print('Ploting #3') n_conns_ver = [] for (idx, vertical_node) in enumerate(vertical_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([vertical_node], vertical_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_ver.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.axes(axs[1, 1]) plt.hist(n_conns_ver, range(0, max(n_conns_ver + [30])), fc=colors[inet]) plt.title('# of connections Vp(v) L4pyr -> Vp(v) L4Pyr') print('Ploting #4') n_conns_ver = [] for (idx, vertical_node) in enumerate(vertical_nodes): tgt_map = [] this_conns = nest.GetConnections([vertical_node], horizontal_nodes, synapse_model='AMPA_syn') tgt_map.extend([conn[1] for conn in this_conns]) n_conns_ver.append(len(tgt_map)) plt.axes(axs[1, 0]) plt.hist(n_conns_ver, range(0, max(n_conns_ver + [30])), fc=colors[inet]) plt.title('# of connections Vp(v) L4pyr -> Vp(h) L4Pyr') # Check connections # Connections from Retina to TpRelay # tp.PlotTargets(tp.FindCenterElement(Retina_layer), Tp_layer) if Params.has_key('show_V4_connectivity_figure' ) and Params['show_V4_connectivity_figure']: Vp_hor_gids = tp.GetElement(Vp_horizontal, [0, 0]) n_Vp_hor = len(Vp_hor_gids) f = [] for idx in range(n_Vp_hor): f.append(plt.figure()) positions = range(0, 41, 10) positions[-1] -= 1 for xi in range(len(positions)): for yi in range(len(positions)): print("Position [%d,%d] : %d" % (xi, yi, yi * (len(positions)) + xi + 1)) x = positions[xi] y = positions[yi] Vp_hor_gids = tp.GetElement(Vp_horizontal, [x, y]) Vp_hor_status = nest.GetStatus(Vp_hor_gids) for (idx, n) in enumerate(Vp_hor_status): if n['Tau_theta'] == 2.0: print idx try: f[idx].add_subplot(len(positions), len(positions), yi * (len(positions)) + xi + 1) tp.PlotTargets([Vp_hor_gids[idx]], Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc', 'AMPA_syn', f[idx]) except: print('%i bad' % Vp_hor_gids[idx]) # Connections from TpRelay to L4pyr in Vp (horizontally tuned) #topo.PlotTargets(topo.FindCenterElement(Tp), Vp_h, 'L4pyr', 'AMPA') #pylab.title('Connections TpRelay -> Vp(h) L4pyr') # Connections from TpRelay to L4pyr in Vp (vertically tuned) #topo.PlotTargets(topo.FindCenterElement(Tp), Vp_v, 'L4pyr', 'AMPA') #pylab.title('Connections TpRelay -> Vp(v) L4pyr') ''' # pablo # Create vertical grating for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0]: retina_0 = (nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0])[0] col = (n-retina_0)/Params['Np'] cells_per_degree = Params['Np']/Params['visSize'] cells_per_cycle = cells_per_degree/Params['spatial_frequency'] nest.SetStatus([n], { "phase": col * 360/(cells_per_cycle-1) }) ''' ### keiko if Params['lambda_dg'] >= 0: [ nest.SetStatus( [n], { "phase": phaseInit( tp.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"]) }) for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0] ] else: # Leonardo: Random retina input [ nest.SetStatus( [n], { "phase": phaseInit( tp.GetPosition([n])[0], np.pi * np.random.rand(), np.pi * np.random.rand()) }) for n in nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0] ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # ---------- SET IB NEURONS ----------------------------------------- # # --------------------------------------------------------------------# # 30% of Cortex L56 excitatory neurons are intrinsically bursting(IB) neuron. # That is achieved by setting pacemaker current I_h. # So select 30% of L56_exc neuron, and change h_g_peak from 0.0 to 1.0. # (Other cortical neuron do not have I_h, thus h_g_peak=0.0) L56_vertical_idx = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_vertical)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == 'L56_exc' ] L56_horizontal_idx = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(Vp_horizontal)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == 'L56_exc' ] num_neuron = len(L56_vertical_idx) num_ib = int(num_neuron * 0.3) ridx_vertical = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1, num_ib))[0] ridx_horizontal = np.random.randint(num_neuron, size=(1, num_ib))[0] for i in range(1, num_ib, 1): nest.SetStatus([L56_vertical_idx[ridx_vertical[i]]], {'h_g_peak': 1.0}) nest.SetStatus([L56_horizontal_idx[ridx_horizontal[i]]], {'h_g_peak': 1.0}) # initiate network activity #nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus( nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'rate': Params['ret_rate']}) nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(500.0) #! ================= #! Recording devices #! ================= nest.CopyModel( 'multimeter', 'RecordingNode', params={ 'interval': Params['resolution'], #'record_from': ['V_m'], 'record_from': [ 'V_m', 'I_syn_AMPA', 'I_syn_NMDA', 'I_syn_GABA_A', 'I_syn_GABA_B', 'g_AMPA', 'g_NMDA', 'g_GABAA', 'g_GABAB', 'I_NaP', 'I_KNa', 'I_T', 'I_h' ], 'record_to': ['memory'], 'withgid': True, 'withtime': True }) recorders = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh')]: ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Rp_layer, 'Rp')]: rec = nest.Create('RecordingNode') recorders.append([rec, population, model]) if (model == 'Retina'): nest.SetStatus(rec, {'record_from': ['rate']}) tgts = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] nest.Connect(rec, tgts) #! ================= #! Spike detector #! ================= detectors = [] ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer , 'Tp_inh'), (Rp_layer , 'Rp'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L23_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L4_inh'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_exc'), (Vs_vertical, 'L56_inh'), (Vs_horizontal, 'L56_inh')]: ''' for population, model in [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_exc'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_inh'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_horizontal, 'L4_exc')]: rec = nest.Create('spike_detector', params={ "withgid": True, "withtime": True }) #rec = nest.Create('spike_detector') detectors.append([rec, population, model]) tgts = [ nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(population)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0] == model ] if model == 'Retina': for t in tgts: try: nest.Connect([t], rec) print('connected %d' % t) except: print('%d did not work' % t) else: nest.Connect(tgts, rec) #! ==================== #! Simulation #! ==================== ''' # change gKL to 0.8 in all populations (necessary to get a little stronger evoked response) for l in layers: sim_elements = l[1]['elements'] for m in np.arange(0,np.size(sim_elements),1): if(np.size(sim_elements)==1): sim_model = sim_elements else: sim_model = sim_elements[m] exec("la = %s" % l[0]) pop = [nd for nd in nest.GetLeaves(la)[0] if nest.GetStatus([nd], 'model')[0]==sim_model] if (l[0]!='Retina_layer'): for cell in pop: nest.SetStatus([cell], {'g_KL':0.8}) ''' # Simulate for t in Params['intervals']: #if (t == 250.0): # Stimulus ON # # if (t == 1500.0): # Stimulus ON # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 45.0}) #else: # Stimulus OFF # nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) if Params['input_flag'] == True: nest.SetStatus( nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': Params['ret_rate']}) else: nest.SetStatus(nest.GetLeaves(Retina_layer)[0], {'amplitude': 0.0}) nest.Simulate(t) #! ==================== #! Plot Results #! ==================== if Params.has_key('show_main_figure') and Params['show_main_figure']: print "plotting..." rows = 9 cols = 2 fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.4) # Plot A: membrane potential rasters recorded_models = [(Retina_layer, 'Retina'), (Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L56_exc'), (Rp_layer, 'Rp'), (Tp_layer, 'Tp_exc')] #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,0,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plotting.potential_raster(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 0, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows, cols, 0) #starting_neuron = 800+1 #plotting.potential_raster(fig,recorders,recorded_models,starting_neuron,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution'],rows,cols,0) plt.title('Evoked') # Plot B: individual intracellular traces recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical, 'L4_exc'), (Vp_vertical, 'L4_inh')] #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6) #original # keiko total_time = 0.0 for t in Params['intervals']: total_time += t #draw_neuron = (Params['Np']*Params['Np']/2) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, draw_neuron, rows, cols, 6, total_time) plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 21, rows, cols, 6, total_time) #plotting.intracellular_potentials(fig, recorders, recorded_models, 820, rows, cols, 6, total_time) # Plot C: topographical activity of the vertical and horizontal layers recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical, 'L23_exc')] labels = ["Vertical"] start = 130.0 stop = 140.0 #start = 650.0 #stop = 660.0 plotting.topographic_representation(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows, cols, start, stop, 8, 0) recorded_models = [(Vp_horizontal, 'L23_exc')] labels = ["Horizontal"] start = 130.0 stop = 140.0 #start = 650.0 #stop = 660.0 plotting.topographic_representation(fig, recorders, recorded_models, labels, Params['Np'], np.sum(Params['intervals']), Params['resolution'], rows, cols, start, stop, 8, 1) # Plot D: movie #labels = ["Evoked_Vp_L23_Vertical","Evoked_Vp_L23_Horizontal"] #recorded_models = [(Vp_vertical,'L23_exc'),(Vp_horizontal,'L23_exc')] #plotting.makeMovie(fig,recorders,recorded_models,labels,Params['Np'],np.sum(Params['intervals']),Params['resolution']) #! ==================== #! Save Results #! ==================== print('save recorders data') # Set folder #rootdir = '/home/kfujii2/newNEST2/ht_model_pablo_based/data/' #expdir = 'random/' # expdir = 'random_full/' # expdir = 'structured_full/' # data_folder = rootdir + expdir data_folder = Params['data_folder'] if not os.path.isdir(data_folder): os.makedirs(data_folder) # To save spike data, set pairs of population id and its name population_name = [{ 'population': Retina_layer, 'name': 'Retina' }, { 'population': Vp_vertical, 'name': 'Vp_v' }, { 'population': Vp_horizontal, 'name': 'Vp_h' }, { 'population': Rp_layer, 'name': 'Rp' }, { 'population': Tp_layer, 'name': 'Tp' }, { 'population': Vs_vertical, 'name': 'Vs_v' }, { 'population': Vs_horizontal, 'name': 'Vs_h' }] for rec, population, model in recorders: # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] data = nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events'] if model == 'Retina': + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={ 'senders': data['senders'], 'rate': data['rate'] }) else: + '/recorder_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={ 'senders': data['senders'], 'V_m': data['V_m'], 'I_syn_AMPA': data['I_syn_AMPA'], 'I_syn_NMDA': data['I_syn_NMDA'], 'I_syn_GABA_A': data['I_syn_GABA_A'], 'I_syn_GABA_B': data['I_syn_GABA_B'], 'g_AMPA': data['g_AMPA'], 'g_NMDA': data['g_NMDA'], 'g_GABAA': data['g_GABAA'], 'g_GABAB': data['g_GABAB'] }) print('save raster images') plt.close() for rec, population, model in detectors: spikes = nest.GetStatus(rec, 'events')[0] # Get name of population for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): if population_name[p]['population'] == population: p_name = population_name[p]['name'] if len(nest.GetStatus(rec)[0]['events']['senders']) > 3: raster = raster_plot.from_device(rec, hist=True) pylab.title(p_name + '_' + model) f = raster[0].figure f.set_size_inches(15, 9) f.savefig(data_folder + 'spikes_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.png', dpi=100) plt.close() # Set filename and save spike data filename = data_folder + 'spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.pickle' pickle.dump(spikes, open(filename, 'w')) + '/spike_' + p_name + '_' + model + '.mat', mdict={ 'senders': spikes['senders'], 'times': spikes['times'] }) ''' filename_AMPA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_AMPA_syn' + '.dat' filename_NMDA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_NMDA_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAA = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_A_syn' + '.dat' filename_GABAB = data_folder + 'connection_' + p_name + '_GABA_B_syn' + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'AMPA_syn', filename_AMPA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'NMDA_syn', filename_NMDA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_A_syn', filename_GABAA) tp.DumpLayerConnections(population, 'GABA_B_syn', filename_GABAB) ''' ''' for p in range(0, len(population_name), 1): population = population_name[p]['population'] p_name = population_name[p]['name'] filename_nodes = data_folder + '/gid_' + p_name + '.dat' tp.DumpLayerNodes(population, filename_nodes) ''' network_script = Params['network'] + '.py' shutil.copy2(network_script, Params['data_folder'] + network_script) print('end')
def plot_connections(src_nodes, target_nodes, layer_size, save_plot=False, plot_name=None, font_size=16, save_prefix="", color_mask=None): """ Plotting function for connections between nodes for visualisation and debugging purposes :param src_nodes: Source nodes :param target_nodes: Target nodes :param layer_size: Size of the layer :param save_plot: Flag for saving the plot :param plot_name: Name of the saved plot file. Is not taken into account if save_plot is False :param font_size: Font size :param save_prefix: Naming prefix that is used if the plot save_plot is set to true :param color_mask: Color mask for the color/orientation map of neurons. If none it is not taken into account :return None """ plt.rcParams.update({"font.size": font_size}) plt.axis( (-layer_size / 2., layer_size / 2., -layer_size / 2., layer_size / 2.)) source_positions = tp.GetPosition(src_nodes) x_source, y_source = zip(*source_positions) plt.plot(x_source, y_source, 'o') if len(target_nodes) > 0: target_positions = tp.GetPosition(target_nodes) x_target, y_target = zip(*target_positions) plt.plot(x_target, y_target, 'o') for s in source_positions: for t in target_positions: plt.plot([s[0], t[0]], [s[1], t[1]], color="k") if color_mask is not None: plot_colorbar(plt.gcf(), plt.gca(), num_stim_classes=color_mask.max() + 1) if not type(color_mask) == np.ndarray: for mask in color_mask: area_rect = patches.Rectangle(mask["lower_left"], width=mask["width"], height=mask["height"], color=mask["color"], alpha=0.4) plt.gca().add_patch(area_rect) else: plt.imshow(color_mask, origin=(color_mask.shape[0] // 2, color_mask.shape[1] // 2), extent=(-layer_size / 2., layer_size / 2., -layer_size / 2., layer_size / 2.), cmap=custom_cmap(color_mask.max() + 1), alpha=0.4) plt.xlabel("Tissue in X") plt.ylabel("Tissue in Y") if plot_name is None: plot_name = "connections.png" if save_plot: curr_dir = os.getcwd() Path(curr_dir + "/figures/connections/").mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) plt.savefig(curr_dir + "/figures/connections/%s_%s" % (save_prefix, plot_name)) plt.close() else:
def run(data): # print(data) logs = [] logs.append(log('Get request')) simtime = data.get('time', 1000.0) kernel = data.get('kernel', {}) models = data['models'] collections = data['collections'] connectomes = data['connectomes'] records = [] collections_obj = [] logs.append(log('Reset kernel')) nest.ResetKernel() logs.append(log('Set seed in numpy random')) np.random.seed(int(data.get('random_seed', 0))) logs.append(log('Set kernel status')) local_num_threads = int(kernel.get('local_num_threads', 1)) rng_seeds = np.random.randint(0, 1000, local_num_threads).tolist() resolution = float(kernel.get('resolution', 1.0)) kernel_dict = { 'local_num_threads': local_num_threads, 'resolution': resolution, 'rng_seeds': rng_seeds, } nest.SetKernelStatus(kernel_dict) data['kernel'] = kernel_dict logs.append(log('Collect all recordables for multimeter')) for idx, collection in enumerate(collections): model = models[collection['model']] if model['existing'] != 'multimeter': continue if 'record_from' in model['params']: continue recs = list(filter(lambda conn: conn['source'] == idx, connectomes)) if len(recs) == 0: continue recordable_models = [] for conn in recs: recordable_model = models[collections[conn['target']]['model']] recordable_models.append(recordable_model['existing']) recordable_models_set = list(set(recordable_models)) assert len(recordable_models_set) == 1 recordables = nest.GetDefaults(recordable_models_set[0], 'recordables') model['params']['record_from'] = list(map(str, recordables)) logs.append(log('Copy models')) for new, model in models.items(): params_serialized = serialize.model_params(model['existing'], model['params']) nest.CopyModel(model['existing'], new, params_serialized) logs.append(log('Create collections')) for idx, collection in enumerate(collections): collections[idx]['idx'] = idx if 'spatial' in collection: specs = collection['spatial'] specs['elements'] = collection['model'] obj = tp.CreateLayer(serialize.layer(specs)) if 'positions' in specs: positions = specs['positions'] else: positions = tp.GetPosition(nest.GetNodes(obj)[0]) positions = np.round(positions, decimals=2).astype(float) collections[idx]['spatial']['positions'] = positions.tolist() collections[idx]['n'] = positions.shape[0] collections[idx]['ndim'] = positions.ndim collections[idx]['global_ids'] = nest.GetNodes(obj)[0] else: n = int(collection.get('n', 1)) obj = nest.Create(collection['model'], n) collections[idx]['global_ids'] = list(obj) if collection['element_type'] == 'recorder': model = models[collection['model']] record = { 'recorder': { 'global_ids': list(obj), 'idx': idx, 'model': model['existing'] } } if 'record_from' in model['params']: record['record_from'] = model['params']['record_from'] records.append(record) collections_obj.append(obj) logs.append(log('Connect collections')) for connectome in connectomes: source = collections[connectome['source']] target = collections[connectome['target']] source_obj = collections_obj[connectome['source']] target_obj = collections_obj[connectome['target']] if ('spatial' in source) and ('spatial' in target): projections = connectome['projections'] tp.ConnectLayers(source_obj, target_obj, serialize.projections(projections)) else: conn_spec = connectome.get('conn_spec', 'all_to_all') syn_spec = connectome.get('syn_spec', 'static_synapse') # NEST 2.18 source_nodes = getNodes(source_obj, source) target_nodes = getNodes(target_obj, target) if 'tgt_idx' in connectome: tgt_idx = connectome['tgt_idx'] if len(tgt_idx) > 0: if isinstance(tgt_idx[0], int): source = source_nodes target = np.array(target_nodes)[tgt_idx].tolist() nest.Connect(source_nodes, target, serialize.conn(conn_spec), serialize.syn(syn_spec)) else: for idx in range(len(tgt_idx)): target = np.array(target_nodes)[ tgt_idx[idx]].tolist() if 'src_idx' in connectome: src_idx = connectome['src_idx'] source = np.array(source_nodes)[ src_idx[idx]].tolist() else: source = [source_nodes[idx]] nest.Connect(source, target, serialize.conn(conn_spec), serialize.syn(syn_spec)) else: nest.Connect(source_nodes, target_nodes, serialize.conn(conn_spec), serialize.syn(syn_spec)) # NEST 3 # nest.Connect(source_obj, target_obj, serialize.conn(conn_spec), serialize.syn(syn_spec)) logs.append(log('Start simulation')) nest.Simulate(float(simtime)) logs.append(log('End simulation')) data['kernel']['time'] = nest.GetKernelStatus('time') logs.append(log('Serialize recording data')) ndigits = int(-1 * np.log10(resolution)) for idx, record in enumerate(records): records[idx]['idx'] = idx if record['recorder']['model'] == 'spike_detector': neuron, rec = 'source', 'target' else: rec, neuron = 'source', 'target' global_ids = [] for connectome in connectomes: if connectome[rec] == record['recorder']['idx']: collection = collections[connectome[neuron]] global_ids.extend(collection['global_ids']) records[idx]['global_ids'] = global_ids recorder_obj = collections_obj[record['recorder']['idx']] events =, ndigits) records[idx]['events'] = events records[idx]['senders'] = list(set(events['senders'])) data['records'] = records return {'data': data, 'logs': logs}
B_top = nest.GetStatus(RG, 'topology')[0] ctr_id = topo.GetElement( RG, [int(B_top['rows'] / 2), int(B_top['columns'] / 2)]) # find excitatory element in B E_id = [gid for gid in ctr_id if nest.GetStatus([gid], 'model')[0] == 'E'] # get all targets, split into excitatory and inhibitory alltgts = nest.GetStatus( nest.GetConnections(E_id, synapse_model='static_synapse'), 'target') Etgts = [t for t in alltgts if nest.GetStatus([t], 'model')[0] == 'E'] Itgts = [t for t in alltgts if nest.GetStatus([t], 'model')[0] == 'I'] # obtain positions of targets Etpos = tuple(zip(*topo.GetPosition(Etgts))) Itpos = tuple(zip(*topo.GetPosition(Itgts))) # plot excitatory pylab.clf() pylab.subplot(121) pylab.scatter(Etpos[0], Etpos[1]) ctrpos = pylab.array(topo.GetPosition(E_id)[0]) ax = pylab.gca() ax.add_patch( pylab.Circle(ctrpos, radius=0.02, zorder=99, fc='r', alpha=0.4, ec='none')) ax.add_patch( pylab.Rectangle(ctrpos + pylab.array((-0.4, -0.2)), 0.8, 0.4, zorder=1,
l1 = topo.CreateLayer( {'extent': [1.5, 1.5, 1.5], # must specify 3d extent AND center 'center': [0., 0., 0.], 'positions': pos, 'elements': 'iaf_psc_alpha'}) # visualize # xext, yext = nest.GetStatus(l1, 'topology')[0]['extent'] # xctr, yctr = nest.GetStatus(l1, 'topology')[0]['center'] # l1_children is a work-around until NEST 3.0 is released l1_children = nest.hl_api.GetChildren(l1)[0] # extract position information, transpose to list of x, y and z positions xpos, ypos, zpos = zip(*topo.GetPosition(l1_children)) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') ax.scatter(xpos, ypos, zpos, s=15, facecolor='b', edgecolor='none') # Gaussian connections in full volume [-0.75,0.75]**3 topo.ConnectLayers(l1, l1, {'connection_type': 'divergent', 'allow_autapses': False, 'mask': {'volume': {'lower_left': [-0.75, -0.75, -0.75], 'upper_right': [0.75, 0.75, 0.75]}}, 'kernel': {'gaussian': {'p_center': 1., 'sigma': 0.25}}}) # show connections from center element # sender shown in red, targets in green ctr = topo.FindCenterElement(l1) xtgt, ytgt, ztgt = zip(*topo.GetTargetPositions(ctr, l1)[0])
#! below by updating the ``'elements'`` dictionary entry for each #! population. #! Retina #! ------ layerProps.update({'elements': 'RetinaNode'}) retina = topo.CreateLayer(layerProps) #! Now set phases of retinal oscillators; we use a list comprehension instead #! of a loop. [ nest.SetStatus( [n], { "phi": phiInit( topo.GetPosition([n])[0], Params["lambda_dg"], Params["phi_dg"]) }) for n in nest.GetLeaves(retina)[0] ] #! Thalamus #! -------- #! We first introduce specific neuron models for the thalamic relay #! cells and interneurons. These have identical properties, but by #! treating them as different models, we can address them specifically #! when building connections. #! #! We use a list comprehension to do the model copies. [ nest.CopyModel('ThalamicNeuron', SpecificModel)
pylab.clf() # plot targets of neurons in different grid locations for ctr in [[15, 15]]: # obtain node id for center: pick first node of composite ctr_id = topo.GetElement(a, ctr) # get all projection targets of center neuron tgts = [ci[1] for ci in nest.GetConnections(ctr_id)] # get positions of targets tpyr = pylab.array( tuple( zip(*[ topo.GetPosition([n])[0] for n in tgts if nest.GetStatus([n], 'model')[0] == 'pyr' ]))) tin = pylab.array( tuple( zip(*[ topo.GetPosition([n])[0] for n in tgts if nest.GetStatus([n], 'model')[0] == 'in' ]))) # scatter-plot pylab.scatter(tpyr[0] - 0.02, tpyr[1] - 0.02, 20, 'b', zorder=10) pylab.scatter(tin[0] + 0.02, tin[1] + 0.02, 20, 'r', zorder=10) # mark locations with background grey circle pylab.plot(tpyr[0],