Exemple #1
class CheckpointTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.nest = Nest()
        self.nest.add('list', [[]], create_dir=False)
        self.w = scons.SConsWrap(self.nest)
        self.w.add('level1', range(2))
        self.w.add('level2', (1, 2, 3))

    def test_pop_with_name(self):
        w = self.w

        def key_file(outdir, c):
            return True

        def assertion_during(outdir, c):
            self.assertTrue('level2' in c)
            return True

        n2 = w.nest
        n1 = w.nest

        # Want to make sure nested level checkpoints are popped off as well
        self.assertEqual(len(w.checkpoints), 0)
        # Make sure we have the right nest now
        self.assertTrue(self.nest is n1)
        self.assertFalse(self.nest is n2)

        def assertion_after(outdir, c):
            self.assertFalse('key_file' in c)
            self.assertEqual(6, len(c['list']))
            self.assertFalse('level2' in c)

    def test_pop_last(self):
        w = self.w

        # This time, there should be one checkpoint left
        self.assertEqual(len(w.checkpoints), 1)
        self.assertTrue('level1' in w.checkpoints)

        def assertion_after(outdir, c):
            self.assertFalse('level2' in c)
            self.assertTrue('level1' in c)

    def test_pop_missing(self):
        self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.w.pop, 'missing_key')
        self.assertEqual(['level1', 'level2'],
Exemple #2
 def setUp(self):
     # Default output will a return a reference, which means consecutive
     # calls to .Clone will return references to the same dictionary. Use
     # OutputCopyingMock to avoid clobbering mutation.
     self.env = OutputCopyingMock(['Clone'], name='MockSConsEnvironment')
     self.env.Clone.return_value = {}
     self.func_mock = mock.Mock('__call__', name='func_mock')
     self.func_mock.__name__ = 'func_mock'
     self.n = Nest()
     self.n.add('item', [1, 2])
Exemple #3
class AddTargetWithEnvTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        # Default output will a return a reference, which means consecutive
        # calls to .Clone will return references to the same dictionary. Use
        # OutputCopyingMock to avoid clobbering mutation.
        self.env = OutputCopyingMock(['Clone'], name='MockSConsEnvironment')
        self.env.Clone.return_value = {}
        self.func_mock = mock.Mock('__call__', name='func_mock')
        self.func_mock.__name__ = 'func_mock'
        self.n = Nest()
        self.n.add('item', [1, 2])

    def test_basic(self):
        w = scons.SConsWrap(self.n)


        # Clone is be called with no arguments

        calls = [mock.call({'item': 1, 'OUTDIR': './1'}, './1', {'item': 1, 'OUTDIR': '1'}),
                 mock.call({'item': 2, 'OUTDIR': './2'}, './2', {'item': 2, 'OUTDIR': '2'})]
Exemple #4
 def setUp(self):
     self.nest = Nest()
     self.nest.add('list', [[]], create_dir=False)
     self.w = scons.SConsWrap(self.nest)
     self.w.add('level1', range(2))
     self.w.add('level2', (1, 2, 3))
from nestly import Nest
from nestly.scons import SConsWrap, name_targets
import os
import os.path
import numpy
import appconfig

config = appconfig.read('config.yaml')

# Base folder
nest = Nest()
wrap = SConsWrap(
env = Environment(ENV=os.environ)

# Used for resolving what type of execution environment will be used.
exec_env = appconfig.ExecutionEnvironment(
    ARGUMENTS, supported_env=['pbs', 'sge', 'local'])

# Variation

# don't include root as we don't want it embedded in this nest hierarchy
hic_paths = appconfig.get_precedents(config['map_folder'],
wrap.add('hic_path', hic_paths)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob
import os
import os.path

from nestly import Nest, stripext

wd = os.getcwd()
startersdir = os.path.join(wd, "starters")
winedir = os.path.join(wd, "wine")
mainsdir = os.path.join(wd, "mains")

nest = Nest()

bn = os.path.basename

# Start by mirroring the two directory levels in startersdir, and name those
# directories "ethnicity" and "dietary".
nest.add('ethnicity', glob.glob(os.path.join(startersdir, '*')),
# In the `dietary` key, the anonymous function `lambda ...` chooses as values
# names of directories the current `ethnicity` directory
nest.add('dietary', lambda c: glob.glob(os.path.join(c['ethnicity'], '*')),

## Now get all of the starters.
nest.add('starter', lambda c: glob.glob(os.path.join(c['dietary'], '*')),
## Then get the corresponding mains.
nest.add('main', lambda c: [os.path.join(mainsdir, bn(c['ethnicity']) + "_stirfry.txt")],
#!/usr/bin/env python

import glob
import math
import os
import os.path
from nestly import Nest

wd = os.getcwd()
input_dir = os.path.join(wd, 'inputs')

nest = Nest()

# Simplest case: Levels are added with a name and an iterable
nest.add('strategy', ('exhaustive', 'approximate'))

# Sometimes it's useful to add multiple keys to the nest in one operation, e.g.
# for grouping related data.
# This can be done by passing an iterable of dictionaries to the `Nest.add` call,
# each containing at least the named key, along with the `update=True` flag.
# Here, 'run_count' is the named key, and will be used to create a directory in the nest,
# and the value of 'power' will be added to each control dictionary as well.
nest.add('run_count', [{'run_count': 10**i, 'power': i}
                       for i in range(3)], update=True)

# label_func can be used to generate a meaningful name. Here, it strips the all
# but the file name from the file path
nest.add('input_file', glob.glob(os.path.join(input_dir, 'file*')),