Exemple #1
def classify(img, classifier, class_names, ops=None, distribution_class_index=-1):
  """ img: a 2D RandomAccessibleInterval.
      classifier: a WEKA Classifier instance, like SMO or FastRandomForest, etc. Any.
                  If it's a string, interprets it as a file path and attempts to deserialize
                  a previously saved trained classifier.
      class_names: the list of names of each class to learn.
      ops: the filter bank of ImgMath ops for the img.
      distribution_class_index: defaults to -1, meaning return the class index for each pixel.
                                When larger than -1, it's interpreted as a class index, and
                                returns instead the floating-point value of each pixel in
                                the distribution of that particular class index. """
  if type(classifier) == str:
    classifier = SerializationHelper.read(classifier)

  ops = ops if ops else filterBank(img)
  attributes = ArrayList()
  for i in xrange(len(ops)):
    attributes.add(Attribute("attr-%i" % i))
  #for name in classifier.attributeNames()[0][1]:
  #  attributes.add(Attribute(name))
  attributes.add(Attribute("class", class_names))
  info = Instances("structure", attributes, 1)
  info.setClassIndex(len(attributes) -1)

  opImgs = [compute(op).into(ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])) for op in ops]
  cs_opImgs = Views.collapse(Views.stack(opImgs))

  result = ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])
  cr = result.cursor()
  cop = Views.iterable(cs_opImgs).cursor()

  while cr.hasNext():
    tc = cop.next()
    vector = array((tc.get(i).getRealDouble() for i in xrange(len(opImgs))), 'd')
    vector += array([0], 'd')
    di = DenseInstance(1.0, vector)
    di.setDataset(info) # the list of attributes
    if distribution_class_index > -1:

  return result
Exemple #2
def createTrainingData(img, samples, class_names, n_samples=0, ops=None):
  """ img: a 2D RandomAccessibleInterval.
      samples: a sequence of long[] (or int numeric sequence or Localizable) and class_index pairs; can be a generator.
      n_samples: optional, the number of samples (in case samples is e.g. a generator).
      class_names: a list of class names, as many as different class_index.
      ops: optional, the sequence of ImgMath ops to apply to the img, defaults to filterBank(img)

      return an instance of WEKA Instances
  ops = ops if ops else filterBank(img)

  if 0 == n_samples:
    n_samples = len(samples)
  # Define a WEKA Attribute for each feature (one for op in the filter bank, plus the class)
  attribute_names = ["attr-%i" % (i+1) for i in xrange(len(ops))]
  attributes = ArrayList()
  for name in attribute_names:
  # Add an attribute at the end for the classification classes
  attributes.add(Attribute("class", class_names))

  # Create the training data structure
  training_data = Instances("training", attributes, n_samples)
  training_data.setClassIndex(len(attributes) -1)

  opImgs = [compute(op).into(ArrayImgs.floats([img.dimension(0), img.dimension(1)])) for op in ops]
  ra = Views.collapse(Views.stack(opImgs)).randomAccess()

  for position, class_index in samples:
    tc = ra.get()
    vector = array((tc.get(i).getRealDouble() for i in xrange(len(opImgs))), 'd')
    vector += array([class_index], 'd')
    training_data.add(DenseInstance(1.0, vector))

  return training_data