def quick_test(): input = tf.ones((4, 512, 512, 3)) # dimensions should be equal model = HRNet(FLAGS.net_cfg) output = model.forward_eval(input) print(output) target = tf.ones((4, 512 // 4, 512 // 4, output.get_shape()[3])) loss, _ = JointsMSELoss()(output, target) print(loss) with tf.Session() as sess: with tf.device("/cpu:0"):
def full_test(): cfg = config.load_net_cfg_from_file(FLAGS.net_cfg) coco = coco_keypoints_dataset(cfg, "./data/coco/", FLAGS.test_path, False) inputs = images, labels = inputs.get_next() model = HRNet(FLAGS.net_cfg) output = model.forward_eval(images) print(output) print(labels) loss, _ = JointsMSELoss()(output, labels) with tf.Session() as sess: with tf.device("/cpu:0"): real_loss = print(real_loss)
def __init__(self, data_path, netcfg): self.data_scope = 'DATA' self.model_scope = 'HRNET' # initialize training & evaluation subsets self.dataset_train = Ilsvrc12Dataset(is_train=True, data_dir=data_path) self.dataset_eval = Ilsvrc12Dataset(is_train=False, data_dir=data_path) # initialize network self.hrnet = HRNet(netcfg) # learning rate self.lr_init = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['lr_rate_init'] self.model_path = './models' self.log_path = './logs' self.summ_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['summary_step'] self.save_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['save_step'] self.nb_iters_start = 0
def __init__(self, netcfg): self.data_scope = 'DATA' self.model_scope = 'HRNET' # initialize network self.hrnet = HRNet(netcfg) # initialize training & evaluation subsets self.dataset_train = coco_keypoints_dataset(self.hrnet.cfg, FLAGS.data_path, FLAGS.train_path, True) self.dataset_eval = coco_keypoints_dataset(self.hrnet.cfg, FLAGS.data_path, FLAGS.test_path, False) # learning rate self.lr_init = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['lr_rate_init'] self.model_path = './models' self.log_path = './logs' self.summ_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['summary_step'] self.save_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['save_step'] self.nb_iters_start = 0
class Trainer(): def __init__(self, data_path, netcfg): self.data_scope = 'DATA' self.model_scope = 'HRNET' # initialize training & evaluation subsets self.dataset_train = Ilsvrc12Dataset(is_train=True, data_dir=data_path) self.dataset_eval = Ilsvrc12Dataset(is_train=False, data_dir=data_path) # initialize network self.hrnet = HRNet(netcfg) # learning rate self.lr_init = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['lr_rate_init'] self.model_path = './models' self.log_path = './logs' self.summ_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['summary_step'] self.save_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['save_step'] self.nb_iters_start = 0 def build_graph(self, is_train): with tf.Graph().as_default(): # TensorFlow session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str( mgw.local_rank() if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu else 0) # pylint: disable=no-member sess = tf.Session(config=config) # data input pipeline with tf.variable_scope(self.data_scope): iterator = ) if is_train else images, labels = iterator.get_next() if not isinstance(images, dict): tf.add_to_collection('images_final', images) else: tf.add_to_collection('images_final', images['image']) # model definition - primary model with tf.variable_scope(self.model_scope): # forward pass logits = self.hrnet.forward_train( images) if is_train else self.hrnet.forward_eval(images) if not isinstance(logits, dict): tf.add_to_collection('logits_final', logits) else: for value in logits.values(): tf.add_to_collection('logits_final', value) # loss & extra evaluation metrics loss, metrics = self.hrnet.calc_loss(labels, logits, self.trainable_vars) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) for key, value in metrics.items(): tf.summary.scalar(key, value) # optimizer & gradients if is_train: self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() lrn_rate, self.nb_iters_train = self.setup_lrn_rate( self.global_step) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( lrn_rate, self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['momentum']) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: optimizer = mgw.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients( loss, self.trainable_vars) # TF operations & model saver if is_train: self.sess_train = sess with tf.control_dependencies(self.update_ops): self.train_op = optimizer.apply_gradients( grads, global_step=self.global_step) self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() self.sm_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir=self.log_path) self.log_op = [lrn_rate, loss] + list(metrics.values()) self.log_op_names = ['lr', 'loss'] + list(metrics.keys()) self.init_op = tf.variables_initializer(self.vars) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: self.bcast_op = mgw.broadcast_global_variables(0) self.saver_train = tf.train.Saver(self.vars) else: self.sess_eval = sess self.eval_op = [loss] + list(metrics.values()) self.eval_op_names = ['loss'] + list(metrics.keys()) self.saver_eval = tf.train.Saver(self.vars) def train(self): """Train a model and periodically produce checkpoint files.""" # initialization tf.summary.FileWriter(self.model_path, self.sess_train.graph) if FLAGS.resume_training: save_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( os.path.dirname(self.model_path + '/model.ckpt')) self.saver_train.restore(self.sess_train, save_path) self.nb_iters_start = get_global_step_from_ckpt(save_path) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: # train the model through iterations and periodically save & evaluate the model time_prev = timer() for idx_iter in range(self.nb_iters_start, self.nb_iters_train): # train the model if (idx_iter + 1) % self.summ_step != 0: else: __, summary, log_rslt = [self.train_op, self.summary_op, self.log_op]) if self.is_primary_worker('global'): time_step = timer() - time_prev self.__monitor_progress(summary, self.summ_step, log_rslt, idx_iter, time_step) time_prev = timer() # save and eval the model at certain steps if self.is_primary_worker('global') and (idx_iter + 1) % self.save_step == 0: # save model, os.path.join(self.model_path, 'model.ckpt'), global_step=self.global_step) self.eval() # save the final model if self.is_primary_worker('global'): # save model, os.path.join(self.model_path, 'model.ckpt'), global_step=self.global_step) self.eval() def eval(self): # restore model first ckpt_path = self.__restore_model(self.saver_eval, self.sess_eval)'restore from %s' % (ckpt_path)) # eval nb_iters = int( np.ceil(float(FLAGS.nb_smpls_eval) / FLAGS.batch_size_eval)) eval_rslts = np.zeros((nb_iters, len(self.eval_op))) for idx_iter in range(nb_iters): eval_rslts[idx_iter] = for idx, name in enumerate(self.eval_op_names):'%s = %.4e' % (name, np.mean(eval_rslts[:, idx]))) def __restore_model(self, saver, session): ckpt_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_path) saver.restore(session, ckpt_path) return ckpt_path def setup_lrn_rate(self, global_step): """Setup the learning rate (and number of training iterations).""" nb_epochs = 100 idxs_epoch = [30, 60, 90] decay_rates = [1.0, 0.1, 0.01, 0.001] nb_epochs_rat = 1.0 batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size * (1 if not FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu else mgw.size()) lrn_rate = setup_lrn_rate_piecewise_constant(global_step, self.lr_init, batch_size, idxs_epoch, decay_rates) nb_iters = int(FLAGS.nb_smpls_train * nb_epochs * nb_epochs_rat / batch_size) return lrn_rate, nb_iters def __monitor_progress(self, summary, summ_step, log_rslt, idx_iter, time_step): """Monitor the training progress. Args: * summary: summary protocol buffer * summ_step: step to write summary * log_rslt: logging operations' results * idx_iter: index of the training iteration * time_step: time step between two summary operations """ # write summaries for TensorBoard visualization self.sm_writer.add_summary(summary, idx_iter) # compute the training speed speed = FLAGS.batch_size * summ_step / time_step if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: speed *= mgw.size() # display monitored statistics log_str = ' | '.join([ '%s = %.4e' % (name, value) for name, value in zip(self.log_op_names, log_rslt) ])'iter #%d: %s | speed = %.2f pics / sec' % (idx_iter + 1, log_str, speed)) def auto_barrier(self): """Automatically insert a barrier for multi-GPU training, or pass for single-GPU training.""" auto_barrier_impl(self.mpi_comm) @classmethod def is_primary_worker(cls, scope='global'): """Check whether is the primary worker of all nodes (global) or the current node (local). Args: * scope: check scope ('global' OR 'local') Returns: * flag: whether is the primary worker """ return is_primary_worker_impl(scope) @property def vars(self): """List of all global variables.""" return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=self.model_scope) @property def trainable_vars(self): """List of all trainable variables.""" return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=self.model_scope) @property def update_ops(self): """List of all update operations.""" return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope=self.model_scope)
class Trainer(): def __init__(self, netcfg): self.data_scope = 'DATA' self.model_scope = 'HRNET' # initialize network self.hrnet = HRNet(netcfg) # initialize training & evaluation subsets self.dataset_train = coco_keypoints_dataset(self.hrnet.cfg, FLAGS.data_path, FLAGS.train_path, True) self.dataset_eval = coco_keypoints_dataset(self.hrnet.cfg, FLAGS.data_path, FLAGS.test_path, False) # learning rate self.lr_init = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['lr_rate_init'] self.model_path = './models' self.log_path = './logs' self.summ_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['summary_step'] self.save_step = self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['save_step'] self.nb_iters_start = 0 def build_graph(self, is_train): with tf.Graph().as_default(): # TensorFlow session config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.visible_device_list = str( mgw.local_rank() if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu else 0) # pylint: disable=no-member sess = tf.Session(config=config) # data input pipeline with tf.variable_scope(self.data_scope): iterator = ) if is_train else images, labels, ids = iterator.get_next() if not isinstance(images, dict): tf.add_to_collection('images_final', images) else: tf.add_to_collection('images_final', images['image']) # model definition - primary model with tf.variable_scope(self.model_scope): # forward pass logits = self.hrnet.forward_train( images) if is_train else self.hrnet.forward_eval(images) if not isinstance(logits, dict): tf.add_to_collection('logits_final', logits) else: for value in logits.values(): tf.add_to_collection('logits_final', value) # loss & extra evaluation metrics loss, metrics = JointsMSELoss()(logits, labels) tf.summary.scalar('loss', loss) for key, value in metrics.items(): tf.summary.scalar(key, value) # optimizer & gradients if is_train: self.global_step = tf.train.get_or_create_global_step() lrn_rate, self.nb_iters_train = self.setup_lrn_rate( self.global_step) optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer( lrn_rate, self.hrnet.cfg['COMMON']['momentum']) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: optimizer = mgw.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer) grads = optimizer.compute_gradients( loss, self.trainable_vars) # TF operations & model saver if is_train: self.sess_train = sess with tf.control_dependencies(self.update_ops): steps = optimizer.apply_gradients( grads, global_step=self.global_step) self.train_op = steps self.summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all() self.sm_writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(logdir=self.log_path) self.log_op = [lrn_rate, loss] + list(metrics.values()) self.log_op_names = ['lr', 'loss'] + list(metrics.keys()) self.init_op = tf.variables_initializer(self.vars) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: self.bcast_op = mgw.broadcast_global_variables(0) self.saver_train_wo_head = self._create_saver( discard_head=True) self.saver_train = self._create_saver() else: self.sess_eval = sess self.eval_op = [logits, labels, ids, loss] self.eval_op_names = ['logits', 'labels', 'ids', 'loss'] self.saver_eval = self._create_saver() print("Graph build finished.") def train(self): """Train a model and periodically produce checkpoint files.""" # initialization if FLAGS.resume_training: print("Model path: " + self.model_path + '/model.ckpt') save_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint( os.path.dirname(self.model_path + '/model.ckpt')) if FLAGS.load_head_weights: # check if saver will restore only some layers self.saver_train.restore(self.sess_train, save_path) else: self.saver_train_wo_head.restore( self.sess_train, save_path ) # restore only weights from other layers except head. self.nb_iters_start = get_global_step_from_ckpt(save_path) if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: # train the model through iterations and periodically save & evaluate the model # one iteration corresponds with a single batch run (# epochs * # batches) time_prev = timer() for idx_iter in range(self.nb_iters_start, self.nb_iters_train): # train the model if (idx_iter + 1) % self.summ_step != 0: else: __, summary, log_rslt = [self.train_op, self.summary_op, self.log_op]) if self.is_primary_worker('global'): time_step = timer() - time_prev self.__monitor_progress(summary, self.summ_step, log_rslt, idx_iter, time_step) time_prev = timer() # save and eval the model at certain steps (at the last iteration too) if self.is_primary_worker('global') and \ (((idx_iter + 1) % self.save_step == 0) or (idx_iter + 1 == self.nb_iters_train)): last_performance = self._save_and_eval(saver=self.saver_train, sess=self.sess_train) def eval(self): # TODO: Pass writer_dict for tensorboard when training ckpt_path = self.__restore_model(self.saver_eval, self.sess_eval)'restore from %s' % (ckpt_path)) print("Starting evaluation process") # eval nb_iters = int( np.ceil(float(self.dataset_eval.num_images) / FLAGS.batch_size)) eval_rslts = np.zeros((nb_iters, 1)) all_logits = [] all_targets = [] all_ids = [] for idx_iter in range(nb_iters): logits, labels, ids, loss = eval_rslts[idx_iter] = loss all_logits.append([x for x in logits]) all_targets.append([x for x in labels]) all_ids.append([x for x in ids]) name_values, perf_indicator = validate(self.hrnet.cfg, self.dataset_eval, outputs=all_logits, targets=all_targets, ids=all_ids, output_dir=self.log_path, writer_dict=None) # TODO: Extend in case of more metrics added beyond loss'%s = %.4e' % ('loss', np.mean(eval_rslts)))'%s = %.4e' % ('AP', perf_indicator)) return perf_indicator def __restore_model(self, saver, session): ckpt_path = tf.train.latest_checkpoint(self.model_path) saver.restore(session, ckpt_path) return ckpt_path def setup_lrn_rate(self, global_step): """Setup the learning rate (and number of training iterations).""" nb_epochs = 210 # TODO: move all this to the configuration file idxs_epoch = [170, 200] decay_rates = [1.0, 0.1, 0.01] # decay from original nb_epochs_rat = 1.0 batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size * (1 if not FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu else mgw.size()) lrn_rate = setup_lrn_rate_piecewise_constant( global_step, self.lr_init, batch_size, idxs_epoch, decay_rates, self.dataset_train.num_images) nb_iters = int(self.dataset_train.num_images * nb_epochs * nb_epochs_rat / batch_size) return lrn_rate, nb_iters def __monitor_progress(self, summary, summ_step, log_rslt, idx_iter, time_step): """Monitor the training progress. Args: * summary: summary protocol buffer * summ_step: step to write summary * log_rslt: logging operations' results * idx_iter: index of the training iteration * time_step: time step between two summary operations """ # write summaries for TensorBoard visualization self.sm_writer.add_summary(summary, idx_iter) # compute the training speed speed = FLAGS.batch_size * summ_step / time_step if FLAGS.enbl_multi_gpu: speed *= mgw.size() # display monitored statistics log_str = ' | '.join([ '%s = %.4e' % (name, value) for name, value in zip(self.log_op_names, log_rslt) ])'iter #%d: %s | speed = %.2f pics / sec' % (idx_iter + 1, log_str, speed)) def auto_barrier(self): """Automatically insert a barrier for multi-GPU training, or pass for single-GPU training.""" auto_barrier_impl(self.mpi_comm) @classmethod def is_primary_worker(cls, scope='global'): """Check whether is the primary worker of all nodes (global) or the current node (local). Args: * scope: check scope ('global' OR 'local') Returns: * flag: whether is the primary worker """ return is_primary_worker_impl(scope) @property def vars(self): """List of all global variables.""" return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=self.model_scope) @property def trainable_vars(self): """List of all trainable variables.""" trainable = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=self.model_scope) if FLAGS.freeze_first: trainable = [x for x in trainable if 'HEAD' in] return trainable @property def update_ops(self): """List of all update operations.""" return tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope=self.model_scope) def _create_saver(self, discard_head=False): vars_to_restore = [x for x in self.vars if 'HEAD' not in ] if discard_head else self.vars return tf.train.Saver(vars_to_restore) def _save_and_eval( self, saver, sess): # TODO: save only if performance is better than before sess, os.path.join( self.model_path, 'model.ckpt' ), # First save and then evaluate because it reads model checkpoint before evaluating global_step=self.global_step) perf_indicator = self.eval() return perf_indicator