Exemple #1
    def test_get_all_historical_raw_performance_statistics(self):
        api = StatisticsApi()
        statistics_api = None
            statistics_api = api.get_all_historical_raw_performance_statistics(
                system_id="test", )
            # For the DELETE calls, there's no reponse returned and we want to set that as a valid sdk call.
            if statistics_api is None:
                statistics_api = 1
        except (ApiException, IOError) as exp:
            # The API call went through but got a HTTP errorcode, which means the SDK works
            statistics_api = 1

        self.assertNotEqual(statistics_api, None)
#use URL of the proxy or embedded server/controller and appropriate credentials
#NOTE:Modify the below variable to match your configuration.

config.host = "http:localhost:8080"
config.username = "******"
config.password = "******"

#For a proxy it assumes that the array is already added and its ID is "c5". For embedded, the array ID is 1.
#NOTE:Modify the below variable to match the array ID.

sys_id = "c5"

#Create a client object to use with the above defined configuration.
api_client = ApiClient()
config.api_client = api_client

stat_api = StatisticsApi(api_client)

#Get All raw stats.

    stat_response = stat_api.get_all_historical_raw_performance_statistics(

except ApiException as ae:
    print("There was an exception: {}.".format(ae.reason))

print stat_response