Exemple #1
 for v in myvars:
     ndays_total = 0
     output = []
     n_years = myyear_end[index]-myyear_start[index]+1
     for y in range(myyear_start[index],myyear_end[index]+1):
         if (mypft[index] <= 0 or 'PFT' in v):
           fname = rundir+case+'.'+options.model_name+'.h0.'+str(10000+y)[1:]+'-01-01-00000.nc'
           myindex = max(0,mypft[index])
           hol_add = 1
           fname = rundir+case+'.'+options.model_name+'.h1.'+str(10000+y)[1:]+'-01-01-00000.nc'
           myindex = mypft[index]
           hol_add = 17
         if (os.path.exists(fname)):
           mydata = nffun.getvar(fname,v) 
           if (len(mydata) < 10):
             npy = 1 
           elif (len(mydata) >= 365):    #does not currently allow hourly
             npy = 365
           mydata = np.zeros([npy,34], np.float)+np.NaN
         #get output and average over days/years
         n_days = myday_end[index]-myday_start[index]+1
         ndays_total = ndays_total + n_days
         #get number of timesteps per output file
         if (npy == 365):
             for d in range(myday_start[index]-1,myday_end[index]):
                 if ('US-SPR' in case):
def calc_costfucntion(constraints, thisjob, runroot, case):
  #Calculate cost function value (SSE) given the data constraints in the provided directory
  rundir = runroot+'/UQ/'+case+'/g'+str(100000+thisjob)[1:]+'/'
  sse = 0
  os.system('rm '+rundir+case+'.clm2*_constraint.nc')
  myoutput = open(rundir+'myoutput_sse.txt','w')
  for filename in os.listdir(constraints):

   if (not os.path.isdir(filename)):
    myinput = open(constraints+'/'+filename,'r')
    myvarname = filename.split('.')[0]  #model variable is filename
    #code to deal with special variables and/or aggregation
    lnum = 0   #line number
    year = 0
    for s in myinput:
        if (lnum == 0):
            header = s.split()
        elif (len(header) == len(s.split())):
            hnum = 0
            PFT=-1      #default:  don't use PFT-specific info 
                        #  if specified, use h1 file (PFT-specific)
            doy=-1      #default:  annual average
            month=-1    #default:  don't use monthly data
            unc = -999
            for h in header:
                if (h.lower() == 'year'):
                    year_last = year
                    year = int(s.split()[hnum])
                if (h.lower() == 'doy'):
                    doy = int(s.split()[hnum])
                if (h.lower() == 'month'):
                    month = int(s.split()[hnum])
                if (h.lower() == 'pft'):
                    PFT = int(s.split()[hnum])
                if (h.lower() == 'value'):
                    value = float(s.split()[hnum])
                if (h.lower() == 'depth'):
                    depth = float(s.split()[hnum])
                if ('unc' in h.lower()):
                    unc   = float(s.split()[hnum])
                hnum = hnum+1
            #get the relevant variable/dataset
            #Assumes annual file with daily output
            if (PFT == -1):
                myfile  = rundir+case+'.clm2.h0.'+str(year)+'-01-01-00000_constraint.nc'
                myfileo = rundir+case+'.clm2.h0.'+str(year)+'-01-01-00000.nc'
                myfile  = rundir+case+'.clm2.h1.'+str(year)+'-01-01-00000_constraint.nc'
                myfileo = rundir+case+'.clm2.h1.'+str(year)+'-01-01-00000.nc'
            #post processing of model output with nco to match constraining variables
            if (not os.path.isfile(myfile)):
                os.system('cp '+myfileo+' '+myfile)
                if ('h1' in myfile and ('STEMC' in myvarname or 'AGBIOMASS' in myvarname)):
                    os.system('ncap2 -3 -s "STEMC=DEADSTEMC+LIVESTEMC" '+myfile+' '+myfile+'.tmp')
                    os.system('mv '+myfile+'.tmp '+myfile)
                    os.system('ncap2 -3 -s "AGBIOMASS=DEADSTEMC+LIVESTEMC+LEAFC" '+myfile+' '+myfile+'.tmp')
                    os.system('mv '+myfile+'.tmp '+myfile)
                if ('h0' in myfile and 'WTHT' in myvarname):
                    #Water table height relative to hollow bottoms (7.5cm below hollow gridcell mean)
                    os.system('ncap2 -3 -s "WTHT=(ZWT*-1+0.225)*1000 " '+myfile+' '+myfile+'.tmp')
                    os.system('mv '+myfile+'.tmp '+myfile)
            myvals = nffun.getvar(myfile, myvarname)
            if (doy > 0 and value > -900):
                #Daily constraint
                if (myvarname == 'WTHT'):
                    unc = 50.0   #no uncertainty given for water table height.
                if (PFT > 0):
                    #PFT-specific constraints (daily)
                    if (myvarname == 'AGBIOMASS' and PFT == 3):
                        #Both tree types - Larch and spruce, hummock+hollow
                        model_val = (myvals[doy,PFT-1]*0.25+myvals[doy,PFT]*0.25)*0.75 \
                        #use hummock+hollow
                        model_val = myvals[doy,PFT-1]*0.25*0.75 + myvals[doy,PFT+16]*0.25*0.25
                    if (unc < 0):
                        unc = value*0.25 #default uncertainty set to 25%
                    sse = sse + ((model_val-value) /unc)**2
                elif (depth > 0):
                    #depth-specific constraint in cm (relative to hollow)
                    layers = [0,1.8,4.5,9.1,16.6,28.9,49.3,82.9,138.3,229.6,343.3]
                    for l in range(0,10):
                        if (depth >= layers[l] and depth < layers[l+1]):
                            thislayer = l
                            model_val = myvals[doy,thislayer,1]   #Hollow 
                            sse = sse + ((model_val-value) / unc )**2
                    #Column-level constraint (daily)
                    #Water table, column-level (no PFT info), use hummock only
                    model_val = myvals[doy,0]
                    sse = sse + ((model_val-value) / unc )**2
            elif (value > -900):
                #Monthly or annual constraint
                if (month > 0):
                  lbound = daysm[month-1]
                  ubound = daysm[month]
                  lbound = 0
                  ubound = 365
                #model_val = sum(myvals[0:365,PFT-1]*0.25*0.75)*24*3600 + \
                #            sum(myvals[0:365,PFT+16]*0.25*0.25)*24*3600
                if (PFT <= 0):
                  model_val = sum(myvals[lbound:ubound,0]) / (ubound - lbound)
                  model_val = sum(myvals[lbound:ubound,PFT-1]) / (ubound - lbound)
                sse = sse + ((model_val-value) / unc )**2
                myoutput.write(str(myvarname)+' '+str(year)+' '+str(month)+' '+str(PFT)+' '+ \
                  str(model_val)+' '+str(value)+' '+str(unc)+' '+str(sse)+'\n')
        lnum = lnum+1
  return sse
Exemple #3
        os.system(' mv ' + ens_dir + '/' + f + '.tmp ' + ens_dir + '/' + f)

pnum = 0
CNP_parms = ['ks_sorption', 'r_desorp', 'r_weather', 'r_adsorp', 'k_s1_biochem', 'smax', 'k_s3_biochem', \
             'r_occlude', 'k_s4_biochem', 'k_s2_biochem']

fates_seed_zeroed = [False, False]
for p in parm_names:
    if ('INI' in p):
        if ('BGC' in casename):
            scalevars = ['soil3c_vr', 'soil3n_vr', 'soil3p_vr']
            scalevars = ['soil4c_vr', 'soil4n_vr', 'soil4p_vr']
        sumvars = ['totsomc', 'totsomp', 'totcolc', 'totcoln', 'totcolp']
        for v in scalevars:
            myvar = nffun.getvar(finidat_file_new, v)
            myvar = parm_values[pnum] * myvar
            ierr = nffun.putvar(finidat_file_new, v, myvar)
    elif (p == 'lai'):
        myfile = surffile
        param = nffun.getvar(myfile, 'MONTHLY_LAI')
        param[:, :, :, :] = parm_values[pnum]
        ierr = nffun.putvar(myfile, 'MONTHLY_LAI', param)
    elif (p != 'co2'):
        if (p in CNP_parms):
            myfile = CNPfile
        elif ('fates' in p):
            myfile = fates_paramfile
            myfile = pftfile
        param = nffun.getvar(myfile, p)
Exemple #4
#get corresponding 0.5x0.5 and 1.9x2.5 degree grid cells
if (options.res == 'hcru_hcru'):
    longxy = (numpy.cumsum(numpy.ones([721])) - 1) * 0.5
    latixy = (numpy.cumsum(numpy.ones([361])) - 1) * 0.5 - 90.0
elif (options.res == 'f19_f19'):
    longxy = (numpy.cumsum(numpy.ones([145])) - 1) * 2.5 - 1.25
    latixy_centers = (numpy.cumsum(numpy.ones([96])) - 1) * (180.0 / 95) - 90.0
    latixy = numpy.zeros([97], numpy.float)
    longxy[0] = 0
    latixy[0] = -90
    latixy[96] = 90
    for i in range(1, 96):
        latixy[i] = (latixy_centers[i - 1] + latixy_centers[i]) / 2.0
    longxy = nffun.getvar(surffile_orig, 'LONGXY')
    latixy = nffun.getvar(surffile_orig, 'LATIXY')

xgrid_min = []
xgrid_max = []
ygrid_min = []
ygrid_max = []
for n in range(0, n_grids):
    if (issite):
        lon_bounds = [lon[n], lon[n]]
        lat_bounds = [lat[n], lat[n]]
    if ('ne' in options.res):
Exemple #5
        os.system(' mv '+ens_dir+'/'+f+'.tmp '+ens_dir+'/'+f)

pnum = 0
CNP_parms = ['ks_sorption', 'r_desorp', 'r_weather', 'r_adsorp', 'k_s1_biochem', 'smax', 'k_s3_biochem', \
             'r_occlude', 'k_s4_biochem', 'k_s2_biochem']

for p in parm_names:
   if ('INI' in p):
      if ('BGC' in casename):
         scalevars = ['soil3c_vr','soil3n_vr','soil3p_vr']
         scalevars = ['soil4c_vr','soil4n_vr','soil4p_vr']
      sumvars = ['totsomc','totsomp','totcolc','totcoln','totcolp']
      for v in scalevars:
         myvar = nffun.getvar(finidat_file_new, v)
         myvar = parm_values[pnum] * myvar
         ierr = nffun.putvar(finidat_file_new, v, myvar)
   elif (p == 'lai'):
     myfile = surffile
     param = nffun.getvar(myfile, 'MONTHLY_LAI')
     param[:,:,:,:] = parm_values[pnum]
     ierr = nffun.putvar(myfile, 'MONTHLY_LAI', param)
   elif (p != 'co2'):
      if (p in CNP_parms):
         myfile= CNPfile
      elif ('fates' in p):
         myfile = fates_paramfile
         myfile = pftfile
      param = nffun.getvar(myfile,p)
Exemple #6
  var_names2d = ['CWDC_vr', 'CWDN_vr', 'CWDP_vr', 'SOIL4C_vr', 'SOIL4N_vr', 'SOIL4P_vr', 'SOIL3C_vr', \
                   'SOIL3N_vr', 'SOIL3P_vr']
if (options.harvest):

if (options.harvest):
  for v in range(0,len(var_names_harvest)):	
    rest_vals = nffun.getvar(fname_restart, var_names_harvest[v].lower())
    #Loop through all valid values in the restart file.
    n_rest = len(rest_vals)
    for i in range(0,n_rest):
      rest_vals[i] = rest_vals[i]*0.05
      if (var_names_harvest[v] == 'LEAFC'):
        rest_vals[i] = 0.33/0.03
      elif (var_names_harvest[v] == 'FROOTC'):
        rest_vals[i] = 0.33/0.03*0.666
      elif (var_names_harvest[v] == 'LEAFN'):
        rest_vals[i] = 0.33/0.03/25.0
      elif (var_names_harvest[v] == 'FROOTN'):
        rest_vals[i] = 0.33/0.03/42.0
    ierr = nffun.putvar(fname_restart, var_names_harvest[v].lower(), rest_vals)