def onchange_qty(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) pricelist_id = data["price_list_id"] qty = line["qty"] if line.get("unit_price") is None: price = None if pricelist_id: price = get_model("price.list").get_price(pricelist_id,, qty) price_list = get_model("price.list").browse(pricelist_id) price_currency_id = if price is None: price = prod.sale_price settings = get_model("settings").browse(1) price_currency_id = if price is not None: currency_id = data["currency_id"] price_cur = get_model("currency").convert(price, price_currency_id, currency_id) line["unit_price"] = price_cur data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def update_cost_price(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) cost_price_cur=line["cost_price_cur"] or 0 qty=line["qty"] or 0 currency_id=data["currency_id"] if not currency_id: raise Exception("Missing currency") currency=get_model("currency").browse(currency_id) currency_rate=data["currency_rate"] date=data["date"] settings=get_model("settings").browse(1) if not currency_rate: if currency_id == currency_rate = 1 else: rate_from = currency.get_rate(date=date) if not rate_from: raise Exception("Missing currency rate for %s" % currency.code) rate_to = settings.currency_id.get_rate(date=date) if not rate_to: raise Exception("Missing currency rate for %s" % settings.currency_id.code) currency_rate = rate_from / rate_to cost_price=get_model("currency").convert(cost_price_cur,currency_id,,rate=currency_rate) cost_amount=cost_price*qty line["cost_price"]=cost_price line["cost_amount"]=cost_amount return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] type = data["type"] path = context["path"] contact_id = data["contact_id"] contact = get_model("contact").browse(contact_id) line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["description"] = prod.description line["qty"] = 1 if prod.uom_id is not None: line["uom_id"] = if type == "out": if prod.sale_price is not None: line["unit_price"] = prod.sale_price if prod.sale_account_id is not None: line["account_id"] = if prod.sale_tax_id is not None: line["tax_id"] = or elif type == "in": if prod.purchase_price is not None: line["unit_price"] = prod.purchase_price if prod.purchase_account_id is not None: line["account_id"] = if prod.purchase_tax_id is not None: line["tax_id"] = or data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["description"] = prod.description line["qty"] = 1 if prod.uom_id is not None: line["uom_id"] = pricelist_id = data["price_list_id"] price = None if pricelist_id: price = get_model("price.list").get_price(pricelist_id,, 1) price_list = get_model("price.list").browse(pricelist_id) price_currency_id = if price is None: price = prod.purchase_price settings = get_model("settings").browse(1) price_currency_id = if price is not None: currency_id = data["currency_id"] price_cur = get_model("currency").convert(price, price_currency_id, currency_id) line["unit_price"] = price_cur if prod.purchase_tax_id is not None: line["tax_id"] = if prod.location_id: line["location_id"] = data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_book(self, context={}): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data,path,parent=True) book_id = line["book_id"] book = get_model("").browse(book_id) line["unit_price"]=book.cost return data
def get_line_desc(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] if not data.get("default_line_desc"): return if not get_data_path(data, path): set_data_path(data, path, data.get("narration")) return data
def onchange_product(self, context={}): data = context.get('data') path = context.get('path') line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) product = get_model('product').browse(line['product_id']) line['description'] = product.description if product.description else "-" line['uom_id'] = return data
def onchange_to_product(self, context={}): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["uom_id"] = line["qty"] = 1 return data
def onchange_product(self,context={}): data=context['data'] path=context['path'] line=get_data_path(data,path,parent=True) product_id=line['product_id'] if product_id: product=get_model('product').browse(product_id) line['uom_id'] return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) product_id = line["product_id"] prod = get_model("product").browse(product_id) line["description"] = prod.description line["unit_price"] = prod.cost_price return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["uom_id"] = return data
def onchange_est_margin(self,context={}): data=context["data"] path=context["path"] line=get_data_path(data,path,parent=True) margin=line["est_margin_percent_input"] amt=line["est_cost_amount"]/(1-margin/Decimal(100)) price=round(amt/line["qty"]) line["unit_price"]=price self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_lot(self, context): data = context["data"] loc_id = data["location_from_id"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line["product_id"] lot_id = line["lot_id"] res = get_model("stock.location").compute_balance([loc_id], prod_id, lot_id=lot_id) line["qty"] = res["bal_qty"] return data
def onchange_qc_test(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) test_id = line.get("test_id") if not test_id: return test = get_model("qc.test").browse(test_id) line["min_value"] = test.min_value line["max_value"] = test.max_value return data
def onchange_account(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) acc_id = line.get("account_id") if not acc_id: return {} acc = get_model("account.account").browse(acc_id) line["tax_id"] = data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["qty"] = 1 if prod.uom_id is not None: line["uom_id"] = if data["type"] == "in": if prod.purchase_price is not None: line["cost_price_cur"] = prod.purchase_price return data
def onchange_uom(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) uom_id = line.get("uom_id") if not uom_id: return {} uom = get_model("uom").browse(uom_id) if prod.sale_price is not None: line["unit_price"] = prod.sale_price * uom.ratio / prod.uom_id.ratio data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_qc_value(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) try: value = float(line.get("value")) except: return min_value = line.get("min_value") max_value = line.get("max_value") if min_value and value < min_value: line["result"] = "no" elif max_value and value > max_value: line["result"] = "no" else: line["result"] = "yes" return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] loc_id = data["location_id"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) lot_id = line.get("lot_id") qty = get_model("stock.balance").get_qty_phys(loc_id, prod_id, lot_id) unit_price = get_model("stock.balance").get_unit_price(loc_id, prod_id) line["bin_location"] = prod.bin_location line["prev_qty"] = qty line["prev_cost_price"] = unit_price line["new_qty"] = qty line["unit_price"] = unit_price line["uom_id"] = return data
def onchange_item(self, context={}): data = context["data"] emp_id = data.get("employee_id") if not emp_id: return date = data.get("date") emp = get_model("hr.employee").browse(emp_id) path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) item_id = line["payitem_id"] if not item_id: return item = get_model("hr.payitem").browse(item_id) qty, rate = item.compute(context={"employee_id": emp_id, "date": date}) line["qty"] = qty line["rate"] = rate line["amount"] = qty * rate self.update_amounts(context=context) return data
def onchange_cost_product(self,context): data=context["data"] path=context["path"] line=get_data_path(data,path,parent=True) prod_id=line.get("product_id") if prod_id: prod=get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["description"] line["list_price"]=prod.purchase_price line["purchase_price"]=prod.purchase_price line["landed_cost"]=prod.landed_cost line["qty"]=1 line["uom_id"] line["currency_id"] line["purchase_duty_percent"]=prod.purchase_duty_percent line["purchase_ship_percent"]=prod.purchase_ship_percent line["landed_cost"]=prod.landed_cost line["purcase_price"]=prod.purchase_price if prod.suppliers: line["supplier_id"]=prod.suppliers[0] return data
def onchange_uom(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") uom_id = line.get("uom_id") pricelist_id = data["price_list_id"] price=None if not prod_id:return data prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) if not uom_id: return data uom = get_model("uom").browse(uom_id) if pricelist_id: price = get_model("price.list").get_price(pricelist_id,, 1) if price is None: price = prod.purchase_price if price is not None: if prod.purchase_currency_id and != data['currency_id']: price=get_model("currency").convert(price,, data['currency_id']) line["unit_price"] = price * uom.ratio / prod.uom_id.ratio if prod.purchase_uom_id: line["unit_price"] = price * uom.ratio / prod.purchase_uom_id.ratio or 1 data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] contact_id = data.get("contact_id") if contact_id: contact = get_model("contact").browse(contact_id) else: contact = None path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["description"] = prod.description or "/" line["qty"] = 1 line["uom_id"] = or pricelist_id = data["price_list_id"] price = None if pricelist_id: price = get_model("price.list").get_price(pricelist_id,, 1) price_list = get_model("price.list").browse(pricelist_id) price_currency_id = if price is None: price = prod.sale_price settings = get_model("settings").browse(1) price_currency_id = if price is not None: currency_id = data["currency_id"] price_cur = get_model("currency").convert(price, price_currency_id, currency_id) line["unit_price"] = price_cur if prod.sale_tax_id is not None: line["tax_id"] = if prod.location_id: line["location_id"] = data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def onchange_product(self, context={}): data = context['data'] path = context['path'] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) product_model = get_model("product").browse(line.get("product_id")) line["description"] = product_model.description if product_model.get("purchase_account_id"): line["account_id"] = else: line[ "account_id"] = if product_model.categ_id.purchase_account_id else None if product_model.purchase_tax_id is not None and line["tax_id"] = else: if product_model.categ_id.purchase_tax_id is not None and line["tax_id"] = else: line["tax_id"] = None if line['tax_id']: line['tax_type'] = "tax_ex" else: line['tax_type'] = None if data.get("fund_id"): fund_id = get_model("").browse( int(data.get("fund_id"))) if fund_id: data[ "number_receive"] = if fund_id.number_receive else None data["amount_bal"] = fund_id.acc_bal if data.get("type") == "out": line[ 'track_id'] = if fund_id.track_id else None line[ 'track2_id'] = if fund_id.track2_id else None return data
def update_cost(self,context={}): data =context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data,path,parent=True) line["total_cost"] = line['qty']*line['unit_price']
def update_cost_amount(self, context={}): settings = get_model('settings').browse(1) data = context['data'] path = context['path'] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) pur_price = round(Decimal(line['purchase_price'] or 0), 2) purchase_ship_percent = round( Decimal(line['purchase_ship_percent'] or 0), 2) purchase_duty_percent = round( Decimal(line['purchase_duty_percent'] or 0), 2) qty = round(Decimal(line['qty'] or 0), 2) amount = Decimal(0) landed_cost = round( pur_price + (pur_price * (purchase_ship_percent / 100)) + (pur_price * (purchase_duty_percent / 100)), 2) amount = round((qty) * (landed_cost), 2) line['landed_cost'] = landed_cost prod = get_model('product').browse(line.get('product_id')) if prod.purchase_currency_id: if == if data["currency_id"] == line['amount'] = amount line['amount_conv'] = amount else: cost_conv = get_model("currency").convert( amount,, data['currency_id'], date=data['date']) line['amount'] = amount line['amount_conv'] = cost_conv else: cost = get_model("currency").convert( amount,,, date=data['date']) cost_conv = get_model("currency").convert( cost,, data['currency_id'], date=data['date']) line['amount'] = cost line['amount_conv'] = cost_conv else: if data["currency_id"] != cost = get_model("currency").convert(amount, data['currency_id'],, date=data['date']) cost_conv = get_model("currency").convert( cost,, data['currency_id'], date=data['date']) line['amount'] = cost line['amount_conv'] = cost_conv else: line['amount'] = amount line['amount_conv'] = amount return data
def onchange_product(self, context): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] settings=get_model("settings").browse(1) line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) prod_id = line.get("product_id") if not prod_id: return {} prod_cur_id = None prod = get_model("product").browse(prod_id) line["description"] = prod.description line["qty"] = prod.purchase_min_qty or 1 line["uom_id"] = or pricelist_id = data["price_list_id"] price = 0 if pricelist_id: price = get_model("price.list").get_price(pricelist_id,, 1) or 0 prod_cur_id = get_model("price.list").browse(pricelist_id) or None if not price or price == 0: price = prod.purchase_price or 0 if not prod_cur_id: prod_cur_id = or None currency_id = data["currency_id"] currency_rate = self.get_currency_rate(context) if price: if prod_cur_id: if prod_cur_id != currency_id: cur_id=get_model("currency").browse(prod_cur_id) currency_from_rate=cur_id.get_rate(date=data['date'],rate_type="buy") or 1 price = get_model("currency").convert(price, prod_cur_id, currency_id, from_rate=currency_from_rate, to_rate=currency_rate) else: price = get_model("currency").convert(price, prod_cur_id, currency_id, to_rate=currency_rate) else: price = get_model("currency").convert(price,, currency_id, to_rate=currency_rate) line["unit_price"] = price ratio = get_model("uom").browse(int(line["uom_id"])).ratio line["unit_price"] = price * ratio if prod.purchase_uom_id: line["unit_price"] = price * ratio / prod.purchase_uom_id.ratio or 1 if prod.categ_id and prod.categ_id.purchase_tax_id: line["tax_id"] = if prod.purchase_tax_id is not None: line["tax_id"] = contact_id=data.get('contact_id') if contact_id: contact=get_model("contact").browse(contact_id) if contact.tax_payable_id: line["tax_id"] = if data.get("tax_type","")=="no_tax": line["tax_id"]=None if prod.location_id: line["location_id"] = elif prod.locations: line["location_id"] = prod.locations[0] #TODO #amount_cur self.onchange_location(context) data = self.update_amounts(context) return data
def update_cost(self, context={}): data = context["data"] path = context["path"] line = get_data_path(data, path, parent=True) line["total_cost"] = line['qty'] * line['unit_price']