Exemple #1
    def random(Boxes, num=1, scale=1.0, format='xywh', rng=None, tensor=False):
        Makes random boxes

            >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WHITESPACE
            >>> Boxes.random(3, rng=0, scale=100)
                array([[27, 35, 30, 27],
                       [21, 32, 21, 44],
                       [48, 19, 39, 26]]))>
            >>> Boxes.random(3, rng=0, scale=100, tensor=True)
                tensor([[ 27,  35,  30,  27],
                        [ 21,  32,  21,  44],
                        [ 48,  19,  39,  26]]))>
        from netharn import util
        rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)

        xywh = (rng.rand(num, 4) * scale / 2)
        as_integer = isinstance(scale, int)
        if as_integer:
            xywh = xywh.astype(np.int)
        if tensor:
            if as_integer:
                xywh = torch.LongTensor(xywh)
                xywh = torch.FloatTensor(xywh)
        boxes = Boxes(xywh, format='xywh').toformat(format, copy=False)
        return boxes
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, size=4, border=1, n=100, rng=None):
        rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)

        h = w = size

        whiteish = 1 - (np.abs(rng.randn(n, 1, h, w) / 4) % 1)
        blackish = (np.abs(rng.randn(n, 1, h, w) / 4) % 1)

        fw = border
        slices = [slice(None, fw), slice(-fw, None)]

        # class 0 is white block inside a black frame
        data1 = whiteish.copy()
        for sl1, sl2 in it.product(slices, slices):
            data1[..., sl1, :] = blackish[..., sl1, :]
            data1[..., :, sl2] = blackish[..., :, sl2]

        # class 1 is black block inside a white frame
        data2 = blackish.copy()
        for sl1, sl2 in it.product(slices, slices):
            data2[..., sl1, :] = whiteish[..., sl1, :]
            data2[..., :, sl2] = whiteish[..., :, sl2]

        self.data = np.concatenate([data1, data2], axis=0)
        self.labels = np.array(([0] * n) + ([1] * n))
Exemple #3
def compare_loss_speed():
    python ~/code/netharn/netharn/models/yolo2/light_region_loss.py compare_loss_speed

        >>> compare_loss_speed()
    from netharn.models.yolo2.light_yolo import Yolo
    import netharn.models.yolo2.light_region_loss
    import lightnet.network
    import ubelt as ub
    network = Yolo(num_classes=2, conf_thresh=4e-2)

    self1 = netharn.models.yolo2.light_region_loss.RegionLoss(
        num_classes=network.num_classes, anchors=network.anchors)
    self2 = lightnet.network.RegionLoss(num_classes=network.num_classes,

    # Win, Hin = 416, 416
    Win, Hin = 96, 96

    # ----- More targets -----
    rng = util.ensure_rng(0)
    import netharn as nh

    bsize = 4
    # Make a random semi-realistic set of groundtruth items
    n_targets = [rng.randint(0, 10) for _ in range(bsize)]
    target_list = [
                rng.randint(0, network.num_classes, nT)[:, None],
                util.Boxes.random(nT, scale=1.0, rng=rng).data
            ])) for nT in n_targets
    target = nh.data.collate.padded_collate(target_list)

    im_data = torch.randn(len(target), 3, Hin, Win)
    output = network.forward(im_data)

    self1.iou_mode = 'c'
    for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, label='cython_ious'):
        with timer:
            loss_cy = float(self1(output, target))

    self1.iou_mode = 'py'
    for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, label='python_ious'):
        with timer:
            loss_py = float(self1(output, target))

    for timer in ub.Timerit(100, bestof=10, label='original'):
        with timer:
            loss_orig = float(self2(output, target))

    print('loss_cy   = {!r}'.format(loss_cy))
    print('loss_py   = {!r}'.format(loss_py))
    print('loss_orig = {!r}'.format(loss_orig))
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self, needed_std=1.0, std_tol=0.1, max_attempts=10,
                 do_orthonorm=True, rng=None):

        self.rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)

        self.do_orthonorm = do_orthonorm
        self.needed_std = needed_std
        self.std_tol = std_tol
        self.max_attempts = max_attempts
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, rng=None):
        Spiral 2d data points

            python ~/code/netharn/netharn/data/toydata.py ToyData1d --show

            >>> dset = ToyData1d()
            >>> data, labels = next(iter(dset.make_loader(batch_size=2000)))
            >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show)
            >>> from netharn.util import mplutil
            >>> mplutil.qtensure()  # xdoc: +SKIP
            >>> mplutil.figure(fnum=1, doclf=True)
            >>> cls1 = data[labels == 0]
            >>> cls2 = data[labels == 1]
            >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
            >>> plt.plot(*cls1.T.numpy(), 'rx')
            >>> plt.plot(*cls2.T.numpy(), 'bx')
            >>> mplutil.show_if_requested()
        rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)

        # spiral equation in parameteric form:
        # x(t) = r(t) * cos(t)
        # y(t) = r(t) * sin(t)

        # class 1
        n = 1000
        theta1 = rng.rand(n) * 10
        x1 = theta1 * np.cos(theta1)
        y1 = theta1 * np.sin(theta1)

        theta2 = rng.rand(n) * 10
        x2 = -theta2 * np.cos(theta2)
        y2 = -theta2 * np.sin(theta2)

        data = []
        labels = []

        data.extend(list(zip(x1, y1)))
        labels.extend([0] * n)

        data.extend(list(zip(x2, y2)))
        labels.extend([1] * n)

        data = np.array(data)
        labels = np.array(labels)

        self.data = data
        self.labels = labels
Exemple #6
def svd_orthonormal(shape, rng=None, cache_key=None):
    If cache_key is specified, then the result will be cached, and subsequent
    calls with the same key and shape will return the same result.

        Orthonorm init code is taked from Lasagne
    rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)

    if len(shape) < 2:
        raise RuntimeError("Only shapes of length 2 or more are supported.")
    flat_shape = (shape[0], np.prod(shape[1:]))

    enabled = False and cache_key is not None
    if enabled:
        rand_sequence = rng.randint(0, 2**16)
        depends = [shape, cache_key, rand_sequence]
        cfgstr = ub.hash_data(depends)
        cfgstr = ''

    # this process can be expensive, cache it

    # TODO: only cache very large matrices (4096x4096)
    # TODO: only cache very large matrices, not (256,256,3,3)
    cacher = ub.Cacher('svd_orthonormal',
    q = cacher.tryload()
    if q is None:
        # print('Compute orthonormal matrix with shape ' + str(shape))
        a = rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, flat_shape)
        u, _, v = np.linalg.svd(a, full_matrices=False)
        q = u if u.shape == flat_shape else v
        # print(shape, flat_shape)
        q = q.reshape(shape)
        q = q.astype(np.float32)
    return q
Exemple #7
def profile_loss_speed():
    python ~/code/netharn/netharn/models/yolo2/light_region_loss.py profile_loss_speed --profile

        >>> profile_loss_speed()
    from netharn.models.yolo2.light_yolo import Yolo
    import netharn.models.yolo2.light_region_loss
    import lightnet.network
    import netharn as nh

    rng = util.ensure_rng(0)
    network = Yolo(num_classes=2, conf_thresh=4e-2)

    self1 = netharn.models.yolo2.light_region_loss.RegionLoss(
        num_classes=network.num_classes, anchors=network.anchors)
    self2 = lightnet.network.RegionLoss(num_classes=network.num_classes,

    bsize = 8
    # Make a random semi-realistic set of groundtruth items
    n_targets = [rng.randint(0, 20) for _ in range(bsize)]
    target_list = [
                rng.randint(0, network.num_classes, nT)[:, None],
                util.Boxes.random(nT, scale=1.0, rng=rng).data
            ])) for nT in n_targets
    target = nh.data.collate.padded_collate(target_list)

    Win, Hin = 416, 416
    im_data = torch.randn(len(target), 3, Hin, Win)
    output = network.forward(im_data)

    loss1 = float(self1(output, target))
    loss2 = float(self2(output, target))
    print('loss1 = {!r}'.format(loss1))
    print('loss2 = {!r}'.format(loss2))
Exemple #8
    def random(Boxes,
               anchor_std=1.0 / 6):
        Makes random boxes

            num (int): number of boxes to generate
            scale (float): size of imgdims
            format (str): format of boxes to be created (e.g. tlbr, xywh)
            anchors (ndarray): normalized width / heights of anchor boxes to
                perterb and randomly place. (must be in range 0-1)

            >>> # xdoctest: +IGNORE_WHITESPACE
            >>> Boxes.random(3, rng=0, scale=100)
                array([[54, 54,  6, 17],
                       [42, 64,  1, 25],
                       [79, 38, 17, 14]]))>
            >>> Boxes.random(3, rng=0, scale=100, tensor=True)
                tensor([[ 54,  54,   6,  17],
                        [ 42,  64,   1,  25],
                        [ 79,  38,  17,  14]]))>
            >>> anchors = np.array([[.5, .5], [.3, .3]])
            >>> Boxes.random(3, rng=0, scale=100, anchors=anchors)
                array([[ 2, 13, 51, 51],
                       [32, 51, 32, 36],
                       [36, 28, 23, 26]]))>
        from netharn import util
        rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)
        as_integer = isinstance(scale, int)

        if anchors is None:
            tlbr = rng.rand(num, 4)

            tl_x = np.minimum(tlbr[:, 0], tlbr[:, 2])
            tl_y = np.minimum(tlbr[:, 1], tlbr[:, 3])
            br_x = np.maximum(tlbr[:, 0], tlbr[:, 2])
            br_y = np.maximum(tlbr[:, 1], tlbr[:, 3])

            tlbr[:, 0] = tl_x
            tlbr[:, 1] = tl_y
            tlbr[:, 2] = br_x
            tlbr[:, 3] = br_y
            anchors = np.asarray(anchors)
            assert np.all(anchors <= 1.0)
            assert np.all(anchors > 0.0)
            anchor_xs = rng.randint(0, len(anchors), size=num)
            base_whs = anchors[anchor_xs]
            rand_whs = np.clip(
                base_whs * np.exp(rng.randn(num, 2) * anchor_std), 0, 1)
            # Allow cxy to vary within the allowed range
            min_cxy = rand_whs / 2
            max_cxy = (1 - min_cxy)
            rel_cxy = rng.rand(num, 2) * .99
            rand_cxwy = rel_cxy * (max_cxy - min_cxy) + min_cxy
            cxywh = np.hstack([rand_cxwy, rand_whs])
            tlbr = Boxes(cxywh, 'cxywh').to_tlbr().data

        tlbr = tlbr * scale
        if as_integer:
            tlbr = tlbr.astype(np.int)
        if tensor:
            if as_integer:
                tlbr = torch.LongTensor(tlbr)
                tlbr = torch.FloatTensor(tlbr)
        boxes = Boxes(tlbr, format='tlbr').toformat(format, copy=False)
        return boxes
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, rng=None):
     self.rng = util.ensure_rng(rng)