Exemple #1
    def init_state(
        machine: Union[Callable, nn.Module],
        parameters: PyTree,
        seed: Optional[SeedType] = None,
    ) -> SamplerState:
        Creates the structure holding the state of the sampler.

        If you want reproducible samples, you should specify `seed`, otherwise the state
        will be initialised randomly.

        If running across several MPI processes, all sampler_states are guaranteed to be
        in a different (but deterministic) state.
        This is achieved by first reducing (summing) the seed provided to every MPI rank,
        then generating n_rank seeds starting from the reduced one, and every rank is
        initialized with one of those seeds.

        The resulting state is guaranteed to be a frozen python dataclass (in particular,
        a flax's dataclass), and it can be serialized using Flax serialization methods.

            machine: a Flax module or callable with the forward pass of the log-pdf.
            parameters: The PyTree of parameters of the model.
            seed: An optional seed or jax PRNGKey. If not specified, a random seed will be used.

            The structure holding the state of the sampler. In general you should not expect
            it to be in a valid state, and should reset it before use.
        key = nkjax.PRNGKey(seed)

        return sampler._init_state(get_afun_if_module(machine), parameters,
Exemple #2
    def init_parameters(
        self, init_fun: Optional[NNInitFunc] = None, *, seed: Optional[PRNGKeyT] = None
        Re-initializes all the parameters with the provided initialization function, defaulting to
        the normal distribution of standard deviation 0.01.

        .. warning::

            The init function will not change the dtype of the parameters, which is determined by the

            init_fun: a jax initializer such as :ref:`netket.nn.initializers.normal`. Must be a Callable
                taking 3 inputs, the jax PRNG key, the shape and the dtype, and outputting an array with
                the valid dtype and shape. If left unspecified, defaults to :code:`netket.nn.initializers.normal(stddev=0.01)`
            seed: Optional seed to be used. The seed is synced across all MPI processes. If unspecified, uses
                a random seed.
        if init_fun is None:
            init_fun = nknn.initializers.normal(stddev=0.01)

        rng = nkjax.PRNGSeq(nkjax.PRNGKey(seed))

        def new_pars(par):
            return jnp.asarray(
                init_fun(rng.take(1)[0], shape=par.shape, dtype=par.dtype),

        self.parameters = jax.tree_map(new_pars, self.parameters)
Exemple #3
    def init(self, seed=None, dtype=None):
        Initialises the variational parameters of the variational state.
        if self._init_fun is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "Cannot initialise the parameters of this state"
                "because you did not supply a valid init_function.")

        if dtype is None:
            dtype = self.sampler.dtype

        key = nkjax.PRNGKey(seed)

        dummy_input = jnp.zeros((1, self.hilbert.size), dtype=dtype)

        variables = jit_evaluate(self._init_fun, {"params": key}, dummy_input)
        self.variables = variables
Exemple #4
    def __init__(
        sampler: Sampler,
        n_samples: int = 1000,
        n_discard: Optional[int] = None,
        variables: Optional[PyTree] = None,
        init_fun: NNInitFunc = None,
        apply_fun: Callable = None,
        sample_fun: Callable = None,
        seed: Optional[SeedT] = None,
        sampler_seed: Optional[SeedT] = None,
        mutable: bool = False,
        training_kwargs: Dict = {},
        Constructs the MCState.

            sampler: The sampler
            model: (Optional) The model. If not provided, you must provide init_fun and apply_fun.

        Keyword Arguments:
            n_samples: the total number of samples across chains and processes when sampling (default=1000).
            n_discard: number of discarded samples at the beginning of each monte-carlo chain (default=n_samples/10).
            parameters: Optional PyTree of weights from which to start.
            seed: rng seed used to generate a set of parameters (only if parameters is not passed). Defaults to a random one.
            sampler_seed: rng seed used to initialise the sampler. Defaults to a random one.
            mutable: Dict specifing mutable arguments. Use it to specify if the model has a state that can change
                during evaluation, but that should not be optimised. See also flax.linen.module.apply documentation
            init_fun: Function of the signature f(model, shape, rng_key, dtype) -> Optional_state, parameters used to
                initialise the parameters. Defaults to the standard flax initialiser. Only specify if your network has
                a non-standard init method.
            apply_fun: Function of the signature f(model, variables, σ) that should evaluate the model. Defafults to
                `model.apply(variables, σ)`. specify only if your network has a non-standard apply method.
            training_kwargs: a dict containing the optionaal keyword arguments to be passed to the apply_fun during training.
                Useful for example when you have a batchnorm layer that constructs the average/mean only during training.

        # Init type 1: pass in a model
        if model is not None:
            # exetract init and apply functions
            # Wrap it in an HashablePartial because if two instances of the same model are provided,
            # model.apply and model2.apply will be different methods forcing recompilation, but
            # model and model2 will have the same hash.
            _, model = maybe_wrap_module(model)

            self.model = model

            self._init_fun = nkjax.HashablePartial(
                lambda model, *args, **kwargs: model.init(*args, **kwargs), model
            self._apply_fun = nkjax.HashablePartial(
                lambda model, *args, **kwargs: model.apply(*args, **kwargs), model

        elif apply_fun is not None:
            self._apply_fun = apply_fun

            if init_fun is not None:
                self._init_fun = init_fun
            elif variables is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If you don't provide variables, you must pass a valid init_fun."
            raise ValueError(
                "Must either pass the model or apply_fun, otherwise how do you think we"
                "gonna evaluate the model?"

        if sample_fun is not None:
            self._sample_fun = sample_fun
            self._sample_fun = self._apply_fun

        self.mutable = mutable
        self.training_kwargs = flax.core.freeze(training_kwargs)

        if variables is not None:
            self.variables = variables
            self.init(seed, dtype=sampler.dtype)

        if sampler_seed is None and seed is not None:
            key, key2 = jax.random.split(nkjax.PRNGKey(seed), 2)
            sampler_seed = key2

        self._sampler_seed = sampler_seed
        self.sampler = sampler

        self.n_samples = n_samples
        self.n_discard = n_discard
Exemple #5
    def __init__(
        sampler_diag: Sampler = None,
        n_samples_diag: int = None,
        n_samples_per_rank_diag: Optional[int] = None,
        n_discard_per_chain_diag: Optional[int] = None,
        n_discard_diag: Optional[int] = None,  # deprecated
        sampler_seed: Optional[int] = None,
        Constructs the MCMixedState.
        Arguments are the same as :class:`MCState`.

            sampler: The sampler
            model: (Optional) The model. If not provided, you must provide init_fun and apply_fun.
            n_samples: the total number of samples across chains and processes when sampling (default=1000).
            n_samples_per_rank: the total number of samples across chains on one process when sampling. Cannot be
                specified together with n_samples (default=None).
            n_discard_per_chain: number of discarded samples at the beginning of each monte-carlo chain (default=n_samples/10).
            n_samples_diag: the total number of samples across chains and processes when sampling the diagonal
                of the density matrix (default=1000).
            n_samples_per_rank_diag: the total number of samples across chains on one process when sampling the diagonal.
                Cannot be specified together with `n_samples_diag` (default=None).
            n_discard_per_chain_diag: number of discarded samples at the beginning of each monte-carlo chain used when sampling
                the diagonal of the density matrix for observables (default=n_samples_diag/10).
            parameters: Optional PyTree of weights from which to start.
            seed: rng seed used to generate a set of parameters (only if parameters is not passed). Defaults to a random one.
            sampler_seed: rng seed used to initialise the sampler. Defaults to a random one.
            mutable: Dict specifying mutable arguments. Use it to specify if the model has a state that can change
                during evaluation, but that should not be optimised. See also flax.linen.module.apply documentation
            init_fun: Function of the signature f(model, shape, rng_key, dtype) -> Optional_state, parameters used to
                initialise the parameters. Defaults to the standard flax initialiser. Only specify if your network has
                a non-standard init method.
            apply_fun: Function of the signature f(model, variables, σ) that should evaluate the model. Defaults to
                `model.apply(variables, σ)`. specify only if your network has a non-standard apply method.
            training_kwargs: a dict containing the optional keyword arguments to be passed to the apply_fun during training.
                Useful for example when you have a batchnorm layer that constructs the average/mean only during training.


        seed, seed_diag = jax.random.split(nkjax.PRNGKey(seed))
        if sampler_seed is None:
            sampler_seed_diag = None
            sampler_seed, sampler_seed_diag = jax.random.split(

        self._diagonal = None

        hilbert_physical = sampler.hilbert.physical


        if sampler_diag is None:
            sampler_diag = sampler.replace(hilbert=hilbert_physical)

        sampler_diag = sampler_diag.replace(machine_pow=1)

        diagonal_apply_fun = nkjax.HashablePartial(apply_diagonal, self._apply_fun)

        for kw in [
        ]:  # TODO remove n_discard after deprecation.
            if kw in kwargs:

        # TODO: remove deprecation.
        if n_discard_diag is not None and n_discard_per_chain_diag is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`n_discard_diag` has been renamed to `n_discard_per_chain_diag` and deprecated."
                "Specify only `n_discard_per_chain_diag`."
        elif n_discard_diag is not None:
                "`n_discard_diag` has been renamed to `n_discard_per_chain_diag` and deprecated."
                "Please update your code to `n_discard_per_chain_diag`."
            n_discard_per_chain_diag = n_discard_diag

        self._diagonal = MCState(
Exemple #6
    def __init__(
        sampler: Sampler,
        n_samples: int = None,
        n_samples_per_rank: Optional[int] = None,
        n_discard: Optional[int] = None,  # deprecated
        n_discard_per_chain: Optional[int] = None,
        chunk_size: Optional[int] = None,
        variables: Optional[PyTree] = None,
        init_fun: NNInitFunc = None,
        apply_fun: Callable = None,
        sample_fun: Callable = None,
        seed: Optional[SeedT] = None,
        sampler_seed: Optional[SeedT] = None,
        mutable: bool = False,
        training_kwargs: Dict = {},
        Constructs the MCState.

            sampler: The sampler
            model: (Optional) The model. If not provided, you must provide init_fun and apply_fun.
            n_samples: the total number of samples across chains and processes when sampling (default=1000).
            n_samples_per_rank: the total number of samples across chains on one process when sampling. Cannot be
                specified together with n_samples (default=None).
            n_discard_per_chain: number of discarded samples at the beginning of each monte-carlo chain (default=0 for exact sampler,
                and n_samples/10 for approximate sampler).
            parameters: Optional PyTree of weights from which to start.
            seed: rng seed used to generate a set of parameters (only if parameters is not passed). Defaults to a random one.
            sampler_seed: rng seed used to initialise the sampler. Defaults to a random one.
            mutable: Dict specifing mutable arguments. Use it to specify if the model has a state that can change
                during evaluation, but that should not be optimised. See also flax.linen.module.apply documentation
            init_fun: Function of the signature f(model, shape, rng_key, dtype) -> Optional_state, parameters used to
                initialise the parameters. Defaults to the standard flax initialiser. Only specify if your network has
                a non-standard init method.
            variables: Optional initial value for the variables (parameters and model state) of the model.
            apply_fun: Function of the signature f(model, variables, σ) that should evaluate the model. Defafults to
                `model.apply(variables, σ)`. specify only if your network has a non-standard apply method.
            sample_fun: Optional function used to sample the state, if it is not the same as `apply_fun`.
            training_kwargs: a dict containing the optionaal keyword arguments to be passed to the apply_fun during training.
                Useful for example when you have a batchnorm layer that constructs the average/mean only during training.
            n_discard: DEPRECATED. Please use `n_discard_per_chain` which has the same behaviour.

        # Init type 1: pass in a model
        if model is not None:
            # extract init and apply functions
            # Wrap it in an HashablePartial because if two instances of the same model are provided,
            # model.apply and model2.apply will be different methods forcing recompilation, but
            # model and model2 will have the same hash.
            _, model = maybe_wrap_module(model)

            self._model = model

            self._init_fun = nkjax.HashablePartial(
                lambda model, *args, **kwargs: model.init(*args, **kwargs), model
            self._apply_fun = wrap_to_support_scalar(
                    lambda model, pars, x, **kwargs: model.apply(pars, x, **kwargs),

        elif apply_fun is not None:
            self._apply_fun = wrap_to_support_scalar(apply_fun)

            if init_fun is not None:
                self._init_fun = init_fun
            elif variables is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "If you don't provide variables, you must pass a valid init_fun."

            self._model = wrap_afun(apply_fun)

            raise ValueError(
                "Must either pass the model or apply_fun, otherwise how do you think we"
                "gonna evaluate the model?"

        # default argument for n_samples/n_samples_per_rank
        if n_samples is None and n_samples_per_rank is None:
            # get the first multiple of sampler.n_chains above 1000 to avoid
            # printing a warning on construction
            n_samples = int(np.ceil(1000 / sampler.n_chains) * sampler.n_chains)
        elif n_samples is not None and n_samples_per_rank is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "Only one argument between `n_samples` and `n_samples_per_rank`"
                "can be specified at the same time."

        if n_discard is not None and n_discard_per_chain is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "`n_discard` has been renamed to `n_discard_per_chain` and deprecated."
                "Specify only `n_discard_per_chain`."
        elif n_discard is not None:
                "`n_discard` has been renamed to `n_discard_per_chain` and deprecated."
                "Please update your code to use `n_discard_per_chain`."
            n_discard_per_chain = n_discard

        if sample_fun is not None:
            self._sample_fun = sample_fun
            self._sample_fun = self._apply_fun

        self.mutable = mutable
        self.training_kwargs = flax.core.freeze(training_kwargs)

        if variables is not None:
            self.variables = variables
            self.init(seed, dtype=sampler.dtype)

        if sampler_seed is None and seed is not None:
            key, key2 = jax.random.split(nkjax.PRNGKey(seed), 2)
            sampler_seed = key2

        self._sampler_seed = sampler_seed
        self.sampler = sampler

        if n_samples is not None:
            self.n_samples = n_samples
            self.n_samples_per_rank = n_samples_per_rank

        self.n_discard_per_chain = n_discard_per_chain

        self.chunk_size = chunk_size