Exemple #1
def batchRun():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)

    #params[''] = []
    #params[''] = []

    #params['EEconn'] = [0.05, 0.1, 0.2]
    #params['IEconn'] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]

    #params['numCells'] = [10, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000]

    #params['ampIClamp2'] = [0.24, 0.25, 0.26]
    #params['noisePV5'] = [True, False]

    #params['PT5_noise_amp'] = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]
    #params['PT5_noise_std'] = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0]

    #params['ampIClamp1'] = [0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6]
    #params['ampIClamp2'] = [0.3, 0.3125, 0.325, 0.375]

    params['GABAAfastWeight'] = [0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001]
    params['noise'] = [False, True]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = batchLabel
    b.method = 'grid'

    if runType == 'hpc_slurm':
        b.saveFolder = saveFolder + b.batchLabel
        b.runCfg = {
            'type': 'hpc_slurm',
            'allocation': allocation,
            'walltime': '00:30:00',
            'nodes': 4,
            'coresPerNode': 48,
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'folder': runFolder,
            'script': 'init.py',
            'mpiCommand': 'ibrun',
            'skip': True,
            'custom': '#SBATCH -p skx-normal'
    elif runType == 'mpi_bulletin':
        if not os.path.isdir('data'):
        b.saveFolder = 'data/' + b.batchLabel
        b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'init.py', 'skip': True}
        raise Exception(
            "Problem in batch file: runType must be either 'hpc_slurm' or 'mpi_bulletin'."

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #2
def batchRun():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)

    params['numCells'] = [10, 100, 500, 1000, 5000]

    #params['EEconv'] = [1.5, 3.0, 6.0] # Default 3.0
    #params['IEconv'] = [6.0, 12.0, 24.0] # Default 12.0

    #params['ampIClamp1'] = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAfastWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.01, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAslowWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = batchLabel
    b.method = 'grid'

    if runType == 'hpc_slurm':
        b.saveFolder = '/oasis/scratch/comet/jwgraham/temp_project/EEE_network/eee_net/' + b.batchLabel
        b.runCfg = {
            'type': 'hpc_slurm',
            'allocation': 'csd403',
            'walltime': '01:00:00',
            'nodes': 4,
            'coresPerNode': 24,
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'folder': '/home/jwgraham/EEE_network/eee_net/',
            'script': 'init.py',
            'mpiCommand': 'ibrun',
            'skip': True
    elif runType == 'mpi_bulletin':
        if not os.path.isdir('batch_data'):
        b.saveFolder = 'batch_data/' + b.batchLabel
        b.runCfg = {
            'type': 'mpi_bulletin',
            'script': 'init_norun.py',
            'skip': True
        raise Exception(
            "Problem in batch file: runType must be either 'hpc_slurm' or 'mpi_bulletin'."

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #3
def batchNMDAMapping():
    params = {'tau1NMDA': [10, 15, 20, 25]}
    initCfg = {'duration': 1100}

    from cfg import cfg
    from netParams import netParams
    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg, cfg=cfg, netParams=netParams)
    runBatch(b, 'batchNMDAMapping', setup='mpi_bulletin')
def batchNa():
    params = {
        'dendNa': [0.025, 0.03, 0.035, 0.4],
        ('IClamp1', 'amp'): list(np.arange(-2.0, 8.0, 0.5) / 10.0)
    initCfg = {'duration': 1.1, 'tau1NMDA': 15}
    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg)
    runBatch(b, 'batchNa', setup='mpi_bulletin')
def batchNMDA():
    params = {
        'tau1NMDA': [10, 15, 20, 25],
        ('NetStim1', 'weight'): list(np.arange(1.0, 10.0, 1.0) / 1e4)
    initCfg = {'duration': 1.1}
    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg)
    runBatch(b, 'batchNMDA', setup='mpi_bulletin')
def custom():
    params = specs.ODict()

    params[('seeds', 'conn')] = [1]
    # params[('EEGain')] = [0.5, 1, 2, 4]
    # params[('IClamp1')] = [0.001]

    b = Batch(params=params, netParamsFile='netParams.py', cfgFile='cfg.py')

    return b
Exemple #7
def run_batch(experiment):
    # Map params to netpyne format
    params = specs.ODict()
    grouped_params = []
    for param in experiment["params"]:
        params[param["mapsTo"]] = param["values"]
        if param["inGroup"]:

    with open("netParams.json", "r") as f:
        net_params = json.load(f)
        net_params = specs.NetParams(net_params["net"]["params"])

    with open("simConfig.json", "r") as f:
        sim_config = json.load(f)
        sim_config = specs.SimConfig(sim_config["simConfig"])

    batch = Batch(
        seed=experiment.get("seed", None),

    # Label will be subfolder of saveFolder
    batch.batchLabel = experiment.get("name", "batch_template_run")

    # Have to overwrite the saveFolder, default goes to root folder which is not always allowed by OS
    batch.saveFolder = os.getcwd()

    # For now, we only support grid|list
    batch.method = experiment.get("method", "grid")

    # for now, we only support mpi_direct or bulletinboard
    # * mpi_direct can be started by running batch.py
    # * mpi_bulletin requires to run "mpiexec -n 4 nrniv -mpi batch.py", otherwise runs in single core
    run_cfg = experiment.get("runCfg", None)

    cores = run_cfg.get("cores", None)
    cores = int(cores) if cores else None

    if run_cfg:
        batch.runCfg = {
            "type": run_cfg.get("type", "mpi_bulletin"),
            "script": run_cfg.get("script", "run.py"),
            "skip": run_cfg.get("skip", True),
            "cores": cores,

    return batch
def custom():
    params = specs.ODict()
    # params[('seeds', 'conn')] =  [1] 
    # params[('EEGain')] = [1, 2]
    params[('wgkbar')] = [0.0001, 0.0002, 0.0004, 0.0008]
    params[('IClamp1')] = [0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6] 

    b = Batch(params=params, netParamsFile='netParams.py', cfgFile='cfg.py')

    return b
Exemple #9
def EEbalance():
	params = specs.ODict()

	params["EEgain"] = [0.01, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2]
	params["glutAmp"] = [0.4,0.5,0.6]

	b = Batch(params=params, netParamsFile='netParams.py', cfgFile='cfg.py')

	grouped = []  # list of params that are grouped (vary together)
	for p in b.params:
		if p['label'] in grouped: p['group'] = True
	return b
Exemple #10
def batchRun():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)

    #params['stimScale'] = [45.0, 90.0, 180.0]
    params['noise'] = [True, False]

    #params['numSynsPyrInh'] = [2, 4, 6, 8]  # Default: 2
    params['pyrInjectAmp'] = [0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = batchLabel
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.saveFolder = batchSaveFolder

    if runType == 'hpc_slurm':
        b.runCfg = {
            'type': 'hpc_slurm',
            'allocation': allocation,
            'walltime': '00:30:00',
            'nodes': 4,
            'coresPerNode': 48,
            'email': '*****@*****.**',
            'folder': runFolder,
            'script': 'init.py',
            'mpiCommand': 'ibrun',
            'skip': True,
            'custom': '#SBATCH -p skx-normal'
    elif runType == 'mpi_bulletin':
        b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'init.py', 'skip': True}
        raise Exception(
            "Problem in batch file: runType must be either 'hpc_slurm' or 'mpi_bulletin'."

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #11
def run_batch(label, params, cfgFile, netParamsFile, batchdatadir="batch_data", grouped=None):
    """Runs a batch of simulations."""

    b = Batch(cfgFile=cfgFile, netParamsFile=netParamsFile)
    for k,v in params.iteritems():
        b.params.append({'label': k, 'values': v})
    if grouped is not None:
        for p in b.params:
            if p['label'] in grouped: 
                p['group'] = True
    b.batchLabel = label
    b.saveFolder = os.path.join(batchdatadir, b.batchLabel)
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi', 
                'script': 'init.py', #'batch_init.py', 
                'skip': True}
Exemple #12
def multi_params():
	params = specs.ODict()

	#params["EEgain"] = [0.0008, 0.001, 0.0012]
	params["IEgain"] = [0.035, 0.04, 0.045]#[0.04, 0.05, 0.06]
	params["EIgain"] = [0.8, 0.9, 1.0, 1.1, 1.2]#[0.15, 0.2, 0.25]
	#params["IIgain"] = [0.00005, 0.0001, 0.0002]#[0.00008, 0.0001, 0.00012]
	#params["exc_noise_amp"] = [0.18, 0.2, 0.22]
	#params["inh_noise_amp"] = [0.18, 0.2, 0.22]

	b = Batch(params=params, netParamsFile='netParams.py', cfgFile='cfg.py')#, groupedParams=grouped)

	grouped = []  # list of params that are grouped (vary together)
	for p in b.params:
		if p['label'] in grouped: p['group'] = True
	return b
Exemple #13
def stim_batch():
	params = specs.ODict()

	params["glutAmp"] = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]#, 2.0, 3.0]#, 4.0, 5.0]
	params["glutAmpExSynScale"] = [1.0, 1.5, 2.0]#, 2.0, 3.0]#, 4.0, 5.0] 
	#params["synLocMiddle"] = [0.2,0.5,0.8]
	#params["allNaScale"] = [1.0, 1.05, 1.1, 1.15, 1.2]
	#params["RaScale"] = [0.6, 0.65, 0.7]
	params['synTime2'] = [200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 500, 600]
	params['glutAmp2'] = [0.0, 1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0]

	b = Batch(params=params, netParamsFile='netParams.py', cfgFile='cfg.py')#, groupedParams=grouped)

	grouped = ["glutAmp","glutAmpExSynScale"]  # list of params that are grouped (vary together)
	for p in b.params:
		if p['label'] in grouped: p['group'] = True
	return b
def batchTauWeight():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)
    params['synMechTau2'] = [3.0, 5.0, 7.0]
    params['connWeight'] = [0.005, 0.01, 0.15]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'tauWeight'
    b.saveFolder = 'data'
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'init.py', 'skip': True}

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #15
def batchRxd():
    init_list = [0.0, 1.0]
    gip3r_list = [12040 * 50, 12040 * 150]
    params = {'ip3_init' : init_list,
            'gip3r' : gip3r_list}

    initCfg = {'duration' : 0.5*1e3}

    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg)
    b.batchLabel = 'batchRxd'
    b.saveFolder = 'data/'+b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'grid'

    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin',
                'script': 'init.py'}
def batchTauWeight():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # Parameters and values to explore (corresponds to variable in simConfig)
    params['synMechTau2'] = [3.0, 5.0, 7.0]
    params['connWeight'] = [0.005, 0.01, 0.15]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and model files to use
    b = Batch(params=params,

    # Set output folder, optimization method, and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'tauWeight'
    b.saveFolder = 'tut8_data'
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'tut8_init.py', 'skip': True}

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #17
def batchTest():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)
    params['glutAmp'] = [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1.0]
    #params['glutAmp'] = [0.02, 0.2, 2.0]
    #params['ampIClamp1'] = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAfastWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.01, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAslowWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'batch_test'
    b.saveFolder = 'batch_data'
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'init.py', 'skip': True}

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #18
def batchRun():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)

    params['PT5_exc_noise_amp'] = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]  # Default 1.0
    params['PT5_inh_noise_amp'] = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0]  # Default 1.0

    #params['ampIClamp1'] = [0.1, 0.5, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAfastWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.01, 1.0]
    #params['GABAAslowWeight'] = [0.0001, 0.001, 0.01]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'v01_batch04'
    b.saveFolder = '/oasis/scratch/comet/jwgraham/temp_project/EEE_network/eee_net/' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'hpc_slurm',
        'allocation': 'shs100',
        'walltime': '00:30:00',
        'nodes': 1,
        'coresPerNode': 24,
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'folder': '/home/jwgraham/EEE_network/eee_net/',
        'script': 'init.py',
        'mpiCommand': 'ibrun',
        'skip': True

    #b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin',
    #			'script': 'init.py',
    #			'skip': True}

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #19
def run_batch(label, params, cfgFile, netParamsFile, script, grouped=None):
    """Runs a batch of simulations."""

    b = Batch(cfgFile=cfgFile, netParamsFile=netParamsFile)
    for k, v in params.items():
        b.params.append({'label': k, 'values': v})
    if grouped is not None:
        for p in b.params:
            if p['label'] in grouped:
                p['group'] = True
    b.batchLabel = label
    b.saveFolder = os.path.join(b.batchLabel + '_data')
    b.method = 'grid'
    b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': script, 'skip': True}

    if not os.path.isdir(b.saveFolder):

Exemple #20
def batchTauWeight():
    # Create variable of type ordered dictionary (NetPyNE's customized version)
    params = specs.ODict()

    # fill in with parameters to explore and range of values (key has to coincide with a variable in simConfig)
    params['synMechTau2'] = [3.0, 5.0, 7.0]
    params['connWeight'] = [0.005, 0.01, 0.15]

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params,

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'tauWeight'
    b.saveFolder = 'tut8_data'
    b.method = 'grid'

    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'hpc_slurm',
        'allocation': 'shs100',
        'walltime': '0:30:00',
        'nodes': 1,
        'coresPerNode': 24,
        'email': '*****@*****.**',
        'folder': '/home/jwgraham/EEE_network/batch_tut',
        'script': 'tut8_init.py',
        'mpiCommand': 'ibrun',
        'skip': True

    # b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin',
    # 			'script': 'tut8_init.py',
    # 			'skip': True}

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #21
def _create_trials(experiment: model.Experiment) -> List[model.Trial]:
    """Gerates based on `experiment.params` all possible trial combinations.

    :param experiment: given experiment.
    :return: list of generated trials.
    params = copy.deepcopy(experiment.params)
    params = process_params(params)

    if len(experiment.params) < 1:
        # No params defined -> one trial representing base model
        return [_create_base_model_trial()]

    params_dict = {}
    grouped_params = []
    for p in params:
        params_dict[p.mapsTo] = p.values
        if p.inGroup:

    # Initialize Batch so that we can call getParamCombinations()
    batch = Batch(params=params_dict, groupedParams=grouped_params)
    batch.method = "grid"
    batch.saveFolder = ""
    batch.batchLabel = ""

    # { indices, values, labels, filenames}
    combinations = batch.getParamCombinations()
    if not combinations["labels"]:
        return [_create_base_model_trial()]

    trials = []
    for combIdx, paramValues in enumerate(combinations["values"]):
        # index of paramValues := index of labels list
        # value of paramValues := parameter value
        params = [{combinations["labels"][idx]: v for idx, v in enumerate(paramValues)}]

        filename = combinations["filenames"][combIdx][1:]
        indices = combinations["indices"][combIdx]
        name = f"Condition {combIdx + 1}"

            model.Trial(name=name, params=params, indices=indices, id=filename)

    return trials
Exemple #22
def createBatch(params):
    b = Batch(netParamsFile='M1_cell.py')
    for k, v in params.iteritems():
        b.params.append({'label': k, 'values': v})
    return b
Exemple #23
def createBatch(params):
	# Create Batch object
	b = Batch()
	for k,v in params.iteritems():
		b.params.append({'label': k, 'values': v})
	return b
Exemple #24
def batchOptuna():
    # parameters space to explore

    ## simple net
    params = specs.ODict()
    params['prob'] = [0.01, 0.5]  # can add 3rd value for starting value (0)
    params['weight'] = [0.001, 0.1]
    params['delay'] = [1, 20]

    pops = {}
    pops['S'] = {'target': 5, 'width': 2, 'min': 2}
    pops['M'] = {'target': 15, 'width': 2, 'min': 0.2}

    # fitness function
    fitnessFuncArgs = {}
    fitnessFuncArgs['pops'] = pops
    fitnessFuncArgs['maxFitness'] = 1000

    def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
        import numpy as np
        pops = kwargs['pops']
        maxFitness = kwargs['maxFitness']
        popFitness = [None for i in pops.items()]

        popFitness = [
            min(np.exp(abs(v['target'] - simData['popRates'][k]) /
                       v['width']), maxFitness)
            if simData["popRates"][k] > v['min'] else maxFitness
            for k, v in pops.items()
        fitness = np.mean(popFitness)
        popInfo = '; '.join([
            '%s rate=%.1f fit=%1.f' % (p, r, f)
            for p, r, f in zip(list(simData['popRates'].keys()),
                               list(simData['popRates'].values()), popFitness)
        print('  ' + popInfo)
        return fitness

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params)

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'simple'
    b.saveFolder = './' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'optuna'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'mpi_direct',  #'hpc_slurm',
        'script': 'init.py',
        # options required only for mpi_direct or hpc
        'mpiCommand': 'mpiexec',
        'nodes': 1,
        'coresPerNode': 2,
        # 'allocation': 'default',
        # 'email': '*****@*****.**',
        # 'reservation': None,
        # 'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
        #'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
    b.optimCfg = {
        'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc,  # fitness expression (should read simData)
        'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
        'maxFitness': fitnessFuncArgs['maxFitness'],
        20,  #    Maximum number of iterations (1 iteration = 1 function evaluation)
        'maxtime': 3600,  #    Maximum time allowed, in seconds
        'maxiter_wait': 10,
        'time_sleep': 5,
        'popsize': 1  # unused - run with mpi

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #25
def batchASD():
    # parameters space to explore

    ## simple net
    params = specs.ODict()
    params['prob'] = [0.01, 0.5,
                      [0.4, 0.3]]  # can add 3rd value for starting value (0)
    params['weight'] = [0.001, 0.1, [0.1, 0.2]]
    params['delay'] = [1, 20, [5, 3]]

    pops = {}
    pops['S'] = {'target': 5, 'width': 2, 'min': 2}
    pops['M'] = {'target': 15, 'width': 2, 'min': 0.2}

    # fitness function
    fitnessFuncArgs = {}
    fitnessFuncArgs['pops'] = pops
    fitnessFuncArgs['maxFitness'] = 1000

    def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
        import numpy as np
        pops = kwargs['pops']
        maxFitness = kwargs['maxFitness']
        popFitness = [None for i in pops.items()]
        popFitness = [
            min(np.exp(abs(v['target'] - simData['popRates'][k]) /
                       v['width']), maxFitness)
            if simData["popRates"][k] > v['min'] else maxFitness
            for k, v in pops.items()
        fitness = np.mean(popFitness)
        popInfo = '; '.join([
            '%s rate=%.1f fit=%1.f' % (p, r, f)
            for p, r, f in zip(list(simData['popRates'].keys()),
                               list(simData['popRates'].values()), popFitness)
        print('  ' + popInfo)
        return fitness

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params)

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'simple'
    b.saveFolder = './' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'asd'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'mpi_direct',  #'hpc_slurm', 
        'script': 'init.py',
        # options required only for mpi_direct or hpc
        'mpiCommand': 'mpiexec',
        'nodes': 1,
        'coresPerNode': 2,
        # 'allocation': 'default',
        # 'email': '*****@*****.**',
        # 'reservation': None,
        # 'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
        #'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
    b.optimCfg = {
        'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc,  # fitness expression (should read simData)
        'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
        'maxFitness': fitnessFuncArgs['maxFitness'],
        'stepsize': 0.1,  #   Initial step size as a fraction of each parameter
        'sinc': 2,  #   Step size learning rate (increase)
        'sdec': 2,  #   Step size learning rate (decrease)
        'pinc': 2,  #   Parameter selection learning rate (increase)
        'pdec': 2,  #   Parameter selection learning rate (decrease)
        #'pinitial':     None,    #    Set initial parameter selection probabilities
        #'sinitial':     None,    #    Set initial step sizes; if empty, calculated from stepsize instead
        2,  #    Maximum number of iterations (1 iteration = 1 function evaluation)
        'maxtime': 3600,  #    Maximum time allowed, in seconds
        'abstol': 1e-6,  #    Minimum absolute change in objective function
        'reltol': 1e-3,  #    Minimum relative change in objective function
        #'stalliters':   10*len(params)*len(params),  #    Number of iterations over which to calculate TolFun (n = number of parameters)
        #'stoppingfunc': None,    #    External method that can be used to stop the calculation from the outside.
        #'randseed':     None,    #    The random seed to use
        'verbose': 2,  #    How much information to print during the run
        #'label':        None    #    A label to use to annotate the output
        'maxiter_wait': 10,
        'time_sleep': 5,
        'popsize': 1

    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #26
def evolCellITS4():
    # parameters space to explore
    params = specs.ODict()

    params[('tune', 'soma', 'Ra')] = [100. * 0.5, 100 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'cm')] = [0.75 * 0.5, 0.75 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'kv', 'gbar')] = [1700.0 * 0.5, 1700.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'naz', 'gmax')] = [72000.0 * 0.5, 72000.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'pas', 'e')] = [-70 * 1.5, -70.0 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'pas', 'g')] = [
        3.3333333333333335e-05 * 0.5, 3.3333333333333335e-05 * 1.5

    params[('tune', 'dend',
            'Ra')] = [0.02974858749381221 * 0.5, 0.02974858749381221 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'cm')] = [0.75 * 0.5, 0.75 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'Nca', 'gmax')] = [0.3 * 0.5, 0.3 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'kca', 'gbar')] = [3.0 * 0.5, 3.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'km', 'gbar')] = [0.1 * 0.5, 0.1 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'naz', 'gmax')] = [15.0 * 0.5, 15.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'pas', 'e')] = [-70 * 1.5, -70.0 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'pas', 'g')] = [
        3.3333333333333335e-05 * 0.5, 3.3333333333333335e-05 * 1.5

    params[('tune', 'dend1',
            'Ra')] = [0.015915494309189534 * 0.5, 0.015915494309189534 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'cm')] = [0.75 * 0.5, 0.75 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'Nca', 'gmax')] = [0.3 * 0.5, 0.3 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'kca', 'gbar')] = [3.0 * 0.5, 3.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'km', 'gbar')] = [0.1 * 0.5, 0.1 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'naz', 'gmax')] = [15.0 * 0.5, 15.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'pas', 'e')] = [-70 * 1.5, -70.0 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend1', 'pas', 'g')] = [
        3.3333333333333335e-05 * 0.5, 3.3333333333333335e-05 * 1.5

    # current injection params
    amps = list(np.arange(0.0, 0.65, 0.05))  # amplitudes
    times = list(np.arange(1000, 2000 * len(amps), 2000))  # start times
    dur = 500  # ms
    targetRates = [
        0., 0., 19., 29., 37., 45., 51., 57., 63., 68., 73., 77., 81.

    # initial cfg set up
    initCfg = {}  # specs.ODict()
    initCfg['duration'] = 2000 * len(amps)
    initCfg[('hParams', 'celsius')] = 37

    initCfg['savePickle'] = True
    initCfg['saveJson'] = False
    initCfg['saveDataInclude'] = ['simConfig', 'netParams', 'net', 'simData']

    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'pop')] = 'ITS4'
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'amp')] = amps
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'start')] = times
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'dur')] = 1000

    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'amps')] = amps
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'times')] = times
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'dur')] = dur
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'targetRates')] = targetRates

    for k, v in params.items():
        initCfg[k] = v[0]  # initialize params in cfg so they can be modified

    # fitness function
    fitnessFuncArgs = {}
    fitnessFuncArgs['targetRates'] = targetRates

    def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
        targetRates = kwargs['targetRates']

        diffRates = [abs(x - t) for x, t in zip(simData['fI'], targetRates)]
        fitness = np.mean(diffRates)

        print(' Candidate rates: ', simData['fI'])
        print(' Target rates:    ', targetRates)
        print(' Difference:      ', diffRates)

        return fitness

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg)

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'ITS4_evol'
    b.saveFolder = 'data/' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'evol'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'mpi_bulletin',  #'hpc_slurm', 
        'script': 'init.py',
        # # options required only for hpc
        # 'mpiCommand': 'mpirun',
        # 'nodes': 1,
        # 'coresPerNode': 2,
        # 'allocation': 'default',
        # 'email': '*****@*****.**',
        # 'reservation': None,
        # 'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
        # #'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
    b.evolCfg = {
        'evolAlgorithm': 'custom',
        'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc,  # fitness expression (should read simData)
        'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
        'pop_size': 40,
        1,  # keep this number of parents for next generation if they are fitter than children
        'mutation_rate': 0.4,
        'crossover': 0.5,
        'maximize': False,  # maximize fitness function?
        'max_generations': 20,
        5,  # wait this time before checking again if sim is completed (for each generation)
        20,  # max number of times to check if sim is completed (for each generation)
        1000  # set fitness value in case simulation time is over
    # Run batch simulations
Exemple #27
def evolCellNGF():
    # parameters space to explore
    params = specs.ODict()

    params[('tune', 'soma', 'Ra')] = [14., 14.]  #*0.5, 14.*1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'cm')] = [1.5 * 0.5, 1.5 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_CavL',
            'gmax')] = [0.056108352 * 0.5, 0.056108352 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_CavN',
            'gmax')] = [0.00058169587 * 0.5, 0.00058169587 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_KCaS', 'gmax')] = [0.006 * 0.5, 0.006 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_Kdrfastngf',
            'gmax')] = [0.09 * 0.5, 0.09 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_KvAngf', 'gmax')] = [0.052 * 0.5, 0.052 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_KvAngf', 'gml')] = [1.0 * 0.5, 1.0 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_KvAngf', 'gmn')] = [0.6 * 0.5, 0.6 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_KvCaB',
            'gmax')] = [1.0235317e-06 * 0.5, 1.0235317e-06 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'ch_Navngf', 'gmax')] = [0.1 * 0.5, 0.1 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'hd', 'ehd')] = [-30 * 1.5, -30 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'hd', 'elk')] = [-70 * 1.5, -70 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'hd', 'gbar')] = [1e-05 * 0.5, 1e-05 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'hd', 'vhalfl')] = [-90 * 1.5, -90 * 0.5]
    # params[('tune', 'soma', 'iconc_Ca', 'caiinf')] = [5e-06*0.5, 5e-06*1.5]   # convergence issues
    # params[('tune', 'soma', 'iconc_Ca', 'catau')] = [-10*1.5, -10*0.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'pas', 'e')] = [-85 * 1.5, -85 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'soma', 'pas', 'g')] = [5e-7 * 0.5, 5e-7 * 1.5]

    params[('tune', 'dend', 'Ra')] = [14 * 0.5, 14 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'cm')] = [1.5 * 0.5, 1.5 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'ch_Kdrfastngf',
            'gmax')] = [0.03 * 0.5, 0.03 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'ch_Navngf',
            'gmax')] = [3.7860265 * 0.5, 3.7860265 * 1.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'pas', 'e')] = [-67 * 1.5, -67 * 0.5]
    params[('tune', 'dend', 'pas', 'g')] = [0.0003 * 0.5, 0.0003 * 1.5]

    # current injection params
    interval = 10000
    dur = 500  # ms
    durSteady = 200  # ms
    amps = list(np.arange(0.04 + 0.075, 0.121 + 0.075, 0.01))  # amplitudes
    times = list(np.arange(1000, (dur + interval) * len(amps),
                           dur + interval))  # start times
    targetRatesOnset = [43., 52., 68., 80., 96., 110., 119., 131., 139.]
    targetRatesSteady = [22., 24., 27., 30., 33., 35., 37., 39., 41.]
    #targetRates = [(o + s) / 2 for o, s in zip(targetRatesOnset, targetRatesSteady)]

    # initial cfg set up
    initCfg = {}  # specs.ODict()
    initCfg['duration'] = (dur + interval) * len(amps)
    initCfg[('hParams', 'celsius')] = 37

    initCfg['savePickle'] = True
    initCfg['saveJson'] = False
    initCfg['saveDataInclude'] = ['simConfig', 'netParams', 'net', 'simData']

    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'pop')] = 'NGF'
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'amp')] = amps
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'start')] = times
    initCfg[('IClamp1', 'dur')] = dur

    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotTraces', 'timeRange')] = [0, initCfg['duration']]
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'amps')] = amps
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'times')] = times
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'calculateOnset')] = True
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'dur')] = dur
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'durSteady')] = durSteady
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'targetRates')] = []  #
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'targetRatesOnset')] = targetRatesOnset
    initCfg[('analysis', 'plotfI', 'targetRatesSteady')] = targetRatesSteady

    for k, v in params.items():
        initCfg[k] = v[0]  # initialize params in cfg so they can be modified

    # fitness function
    fitnessFuncArgs = {}
    fitnessFuncArgs['targetRatesOnset'] = targetRatesOnset
    fitnessFuncArgs['targetRatesSteady'] = targetRatesSteady

    def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
        targetRatesOnset = kwargs['targetRatesOnset']
        targetRatesSteady = kwargs['targetRatesSteady']

        diffRatesOnset = [
            abs(x - t) for x, t in zip(simData['fI_onset'], targetRatesOnset)
        diffRatesSteady = [
            abs(x - t) for x, t in zip(simData['fI_steady'], targetRatesSteady)

        fitness = np.mean(diffRatesOnset + diffRatesSteady)

        print(' Candidate rates: ', simData['fI_onset'] + simData['fI_steady'])
        print(' Target rates:    ', targetRatesOnset + targetRatesSteady)
        print(' Difference:      ', diffRatesOnset + diffRatesSteady)

        return fitness

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params, initCfg=initCfg)

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'NGF_evol'
    b.saveFolder = 'data/' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'evol'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'mpi_bulletin',  #'hpc_slurm', 
        'script': 'init.py',
        # # options required only for hpc
        # 'mpiCommand': 'mpirun',
        # 'nodes': 1,
        # 'coresPerNode': 2,
        # 'allocation': 'default',
        # 'email': '*****@*****.**',
        # 'reservation': None,
        # 'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
        # #'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
    b.evolCfg = {
        'evolAlgorithm': 'custom',
        'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc,  # fitness expression (should read simData)
        'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
        'pop_size': 9,
        1,  # keep this number of parents for next generation if they are fitter than children
        'mutation_rate': 0.4,
        'crossover': 0.5,
        'maximize': False,  # maximize fitness function?
        'max_generations': 10,
        10,  # wait this time before checking again if sim is completed (for each generation)
        20,  # max number of times to check if sim is completed (for each generation)
        1000  # set fitness value in case simulation time is over
    # Run batch simulations
from netpyne import specs
from netpyne.batch import Batch
import numpy as np

params = specs.ODict()

params['freq'] = 1
params['npulses'] = 1
params['duration'] = 50

params['mttxs'] = [x for x in np.linspace(0.5, 1.0, 6)]
#params['mn1p8'] = [x for x in np.linspace(0.5, 1.0, 6)]
b = Batch(params=params, cfgFile='cfg.py', netParamsFile='netParams.py')

b.batchLabel = 'mttxs'
b.saveFolder = 'mttxs_batch'
b.method = 'grid'
b.runCfg = {'type': 'mpi_bulletin', 'script': 'init.py', 'skip': True}

Exemple #29
def batchEvol(networkType):
	# parameters space to explore

	if networkType == 'simple':
		## simple net
		params = specs.ODict()
		params['prob'] = [0.01, 0.5]
		params['weight'] = [0.001, 0.1]
		params['delay'] = [1, 20]

		pops = {}
		pops['S'] = {'target': 5, 'width': 2, 'min': 2}
		pops['M'] = {'target': 15, 'width': 2, 'min': 0.2}

	elif networkType == 'complex':
		# complex net
		params = specs.ODict()
		params['probEall'] = [0.05, 0.2] # 0.1
		params['weightEall'] = [0.0025, 0.0075] #5.0
		params['probIE'] = [0.2, 0.6] #0.4
		params['weightIE'] = [0.0005, 0.002]
		params['probLengthConst'] = [100,200]
		params['stimWeight'] = [0.05, 0.2]

		pops = {}
		pops['E2'] = {'target': 5, 'width': 2, 'min': 1}
		pops['I2'] = {'target': 10, 'width': 5, 'min': 2}
		pops['E4'] = {'target': 30, 'width': 10, 'min': 1}
		pops['I4'] = {'target': 10, 'width': 3, 'min': 2}
		pops['E5'] = {'target': 40, 'width': 4, 'min': 1}
		pops['I5'] = {'target': 25, 'width': 5, 'min': 2}

	# fitness function
	fitnessFuncArgs = {}
	fitnessFuncArgs['pops'] = pops
	fitnessFuncArgs['maxFitness'] = 1000

	def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
		import numpy as np
		pops = kwargs['pops']
		maxFitness = kwargs['maxFitness']
		popFitness = [None for i in pops.items()]
		popFitness = [min(np.exp(  abs(v['target'] - simData['popRates'][k])  /  v['width']), maxFitness)
				if simData["popRates"][k]>v['min'] else maxFitness for k,v in pops.items()]
		fitness = np.mean(popFitness)
		popInfo = '; '.join(['%s rate=%.1f fit=%1.f'%(p,r,f) for p,r,f in zip(list(simData['popRates'].keys()), list(simData['popRates'].values()), popFitness)])
		print('  '+popInfo)
		return fitness

	# create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
	b = Batch(params=params)

	# Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
	b.batchLabel = 'simple'
	b.saveFolder = './'+b.batchLabel
	b.method = 'evol'
	b.runCfg = {
		'type': 'mpi_bulletin',#'hpc_slurm',
		'script': 'init.py',
		# options required only for hpc
		'mpiCommand': 'mpirun',
		'nodes': 1,
		'coresPerNode': 2,
		'allocation': 'default',
		'email': '*****@*****.**',
		'reservation': None,
		'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
		#'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
	b.evolCfg = {
		'evolAlgorithm': 'custom',
		'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc, # fitness expression (should read simData)
		'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
		'pop_size': 6,
		'num_elites': 1, # keep this number of parents for next generation if they are fitter than children
		'mutation_rate': 0.4,
		'crossover': 0.5,
		'maximize': False, # maximize fitness function?
		'max_generations': 4,
		'time_sleep': 5, # wait this time before checking again if sim is completed (for each generation)
		'maxiter_wait': 40, # max number of times to check if sim is completed (for each generation)
		'defaultFitness': 1000 # set fitness value in case simulation time is over
	# Run batch simulations
Exemple #30
def batchEvol():
    # parameters space to explore

    ## simple net
    params = specs.ODict()
    params['na11a'] = [0.001, 0.2]
    params['na12a'] = [0.001, 0.2]
    params['na13a'] = [0.001, 0.2]
    params['na16a'] = [0.001, 0.2]

    # fitness function
    fitnessFuncArgs = {}

    def fitnessFunc(simData, **kwargs):
        import numpy as np
        import json

        with open("./data/original/NaV_0.json", "r") as f:
            obs_data = json.load(f)
        targetMemb_ = obs_data["simData"]["V_soma"]["cell_0"]

        # # calculate MEMBRANE VOLTAGE at interesting point for comparison
        sum_vol = []
        for i in range(len(simData["t"])):
            diff_vol_ = abs(targetMemb_[i] - simData["V_soma"]["cell_0"][i])
            diff_vol = np.array(diff_vol_)

        fitness = sum(sum_vol) / 600
        return fitness

    # create Batch object with paramaters to modify, and specifying files to use
    b = Batch(params=params,

    # Set output folder, grid method (all param combinations), and run configuration
    b.batchLabel = 'na_evol'
    b.saveFolder = 'data/' + b.batchLabel
    b.method = 'evol'
    b.runCfg = {
        'type': 'mpi_bulletin',  #'hpc_slurm', 
        'script': 'init_SG.py',
        ## options required only for hpc
        # 'mpiCommand': 'mpirun',
        # 'nodes': 1,
        # 'coresPerNode': 2,
        # 'allocation': 'default',
        # 'email': '*****@*****.**',
        # 'reservation': None,
        # 'folder': '/home/salvadord/evol'
        #'custom': 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$HOME/.openmpi/lib"' # only for conda users
    b.evolCfg = {
        'evolAlgorithm': 'custom',
        'fitnessFunc': fitnessFunc,  # fitness expression (should read simData)
        'fitnessFuncArgs': fitnessFuncArgs,
        'pop_size': 40,
        1,  # keep this number of parents for next generation if they are fitter than children
        'mutation_rate': 0.4,
        'crossover': 0.5,
        'maximize': False,  # maximize fitness function?
        'max_generations': 100,
        20,  # wait this time before checking again if sim is completed (for each generation)
        15,  # 40 * 5 sec = 200sec; max number of times to check if sim is completed (for each generation)
        10000  # set fitness value in case simulation time is over
    # Run batch simulations