class TransmissionStart(Record): """TransmissionStart is the first record in every OCR file. A file can only contain a single transmission. Each transmission can contain any number of assignments. """ transmission_number = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(7)) data_transmitter = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(8)) data_recipient = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(8)) RECORD_TYPE = netsgiro.RecordType.TRANSMISSION_START _PATTERNS = [ re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>00) 00 # Transmission type, always 00 10 # Record type (?P<data_transmitter>\d{8}) (?P<transmission_number>\d{7}) (?P<data_recipient>\d{8}) 0{49} # Padding $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ) ] def to_ocr(self) -> str: """Get record as OCR string.""" return ( 'NY000010' '{self.data_transmitter:8}' '{self.transmission_number:7}' '{self.data_recipient:8}' + ('0' * 49) ).format(self=self)
class Transaction: """Transaction contains an OCR Giro transaction. Transactions are found in assignments with the service code :attr:`~netsgiro.ServiceCode.OCR_GIRO` type, which are only created by Nets. """ #: The service code. One of :class:`~netsgiro.ServiceCode`. service_code = attr.ib(converter=netsgiro.ServiceCode) #: The transaction type. One of :class:`~netsgiro.TransactionType`. type = attr.ib(converter=netsgiro.TransactionType) #: Transaction number. Unique and ordered within an assignment. number = attr.ib(validator=instance_of(int)) #: Nets' processing date. date = attr.ib(validator=instance_of( #: Transaction amount in NOK with two decimals. amount = attr.ib(converter=Decimal) #: KID number to identify the customer and invoice. kid = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of(str))) #: The value depends on the payment method. reference = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of(str))) #: Up to 40 chars of free text from the payment terminal. text = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of(str))) #: Used for OCR Giro. centre_id = attr.ib(validator=optional(str_of_length(2))) #: Used for OCR Giro. day_code = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of(int))) #: Used for OCR Giro. partial_settlement_number = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of(int))) #: Used for OCR Giro. partial_settlement_serial_number = attr.ib( validator=optional(str_of_length(5))) #: Used for OCR Giro. sign = attr.ib(validator=optional(str_of_length(1))) #: Used for OCR Giro. form_number = attr.ib(validator=optional(str_of_length(10))) #: Used for OCR Giro. bank_date = attr.ib(validator=optional(instance_of( #: Used for OCR Giro. debit_account = attr.ib(validator=optional(str_of_length(11))) _filler = attr.ib(validator=optional(str_of_length(7))) @property def amount_in_cents(self) -> int: """Transaction amount in NOK cents.""" return int(self.amount * 100) @classmethod def from_records(cls, records: List[Record]) -> 'Transaction': """Build a Transaction object from a list of record objects.""" amount_item_1 = records.pop(0) assert isinstance(amount_item_1, netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem1) amount_item_2 = records.pop(0) assert isinstance(amount_item_2, netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem2) if len(records) == 1 and isinstance( records[0], netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem3): text = records[0].text else: text = None return cls( service_code=amount_item_1.service_code, type=amount_item_1.transaction_type, number=amount_item_1.transaction_number, date=amount_item_1.nets_date, amount=Decimal(amount_item_1.amount) / 100, kid=amount_item_1.kid, reference=amount_item_2.reference, text=text, centre_id=amount_item_1.centre_id, day_code=amount_item_1.day_code, partial_settlement_number=amount_item_1.partial_settlement_number, partial_settlement_serial_number=( amount_item_1.partial_settlement_serial_number), sign=amount_item_1.sign, form_number=amount_item_2.form_number, bank_date=amount_item_2.bank_date, debit_account=amount_item_2.debit_account, filler=amount_item_2._filler, ) def to_records(self) -> Iterable[Record]: """Convert the transaction to a list of records.""" yield netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem1( service_code=self.service_code, transaction_type=self.type, transaction_number=self.number,, amount=self.amount_in_cents, kid=self.kid, centre_id=self.centre_id, day_code=self.day_code, partial_settlement_number=self.partial_settlement_number, partial_settlement_serial_number=( self.partial_settlement_serial_number), sign=self.sign, ) yield netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem2( service_code=self.service_code, transaction_type=self.type, transaction_number=self.number, reference=self.reference, form_number=self.form_number, bank_date=self.bank_date, debit_account=self.debit_account, filler=self._filler, ) if self.type in ( netsgiro.TransactionType.REVERSING_WITH_TEXT, netsgiro.TransactionType.PURCHASE_WITH_TEXT, ): yield netsgiro.records.TransactionAmountItem3( service_code=self.service_code, transaction_type=self.type, transaction_number=self.number, text=self.text, )
class Transmission: """Transmission is the top-level object. An OCR file contains a single transmission. The transmission can contain multiple :class:`~netsgiro.Assignment` objects of various types. """ #: Data transmitters unique enumeration of the transmission. String of 7 #: digits. number = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(7)) #: Data transmitter's Nets ID. String of 8 digits. data_transmitter = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(8)) #: Data recipient's Nets ID. String of 8 digits. data_recipient = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(8)) #: For OCR Giro files from Nets, this is Nets' processing date. #: #: For AvtaleGiro payment request, the earliest due date in the #: transmission is automatically used. date = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(instance_of( #: List of assignments. assignments = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), repr=False) @classmethod def from_records(cls, records: List[Record]) -> 'Transmission': """Build a Transmission object from a list of record objects.""" if len(records) < 2: raise ValueError('At least 2 records required, got {}'.format( len(records))) start, body, end = records[0], records[1:-1], records[-1] assert isinstance(start, netsgiro.records.TransmissionStart) assert isinstance(end, netsgiro.records.TransmissionEnd) return cls( number=start.transmission_number, data_transmitter=start.data_transmitter, data_recipient=start.data_recipient, date=end.nets_date, assignments=cls._get_assignments(body), ) @staticmethod def _get_assignments(records: List[Record]) -> List['Assignment']: assignments = collections.OrderedDict() current_assignment_number = None for record in records: if isinstance(record, netsgiro.records.AssignmentStart): current_assignment_number = record.assignment_number assignments[current_assignment_number] = [] if current_assignment_number is None: raise ValueError( 'Expected AssignmentStart record, got {!r}'.format(record)) assignments[current_assignment_number].append(record) if isinstance(record, netsgiro.records.AssignmentEnd): current_assignment_number = None return [Assignment.from_records(rs) for rs in assignments.values()] def to_ocr(self) -> str: """Convert the transmission to an OCR string.""" lines = [record.to_ocr() for record in self.to_records()] return '\n'.join(lines) def to_records(self) -> Iterable[Record]: """Convert the transmission to a list of records.""" yield self._get_start_record() for assignment in self.assignments: yield from assignment.to_records() yield self._get_end_record() def _get_start_record(self) -> Record: return netsgiro.records.TransmissionStart( service_code=netsgiro.ServiceCode.NONE, transmission_number=self.number, data_transmitter=self.data_transmitter, data_recipient=self.data_recipient, ) def _get_end_record(self) -> Record: avtalegiro_payment_request = all( assignment.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO and assignment.type in ( netsgiro.AssignmentType.TRANSACTIONS, netsgiro.AssignmentType.AVTALEGIRO_CANCELLATIONS, ) for assignment in self.assignments) if self.assignments and avtalegiro_payment_request: date = min(assignment.get_earliest_transaction_date() for assignment in self.assignments) else: date = return netsgiro.records.TransmissionEnd( service_code=netsgiro.ServiceCode.NONE, num_transactions=self.get_num_transactions(), num_records=self.get_num_records(), total_amount=int(self.get_total_amount() * 100), nets_date=date, ) def add_assignment(self, *, service_code: netsgiro.ServiceCode, assignment_type: netsgiro.AssignmentType, agreement_id: Optional[str] = None, number: str, account: str, date: Optional[] = None) -> 'Assignment': """Add an assignment to the tranmission.""" assignment = Assignment( service_code=service_code, type=assignment_type, agreement_id=agreement_id, number=number, account=account, date=date, ) self.assignments.append(assignment) return assignment def get_num_transactions(self) -> int: """Get number of transactions in the transmission.""" return sum(assignment.get_num_transactions() for assignment in self.assignments) def get_num_records(self) -> int: """Get number of records in the transmission. Includes the transmission's start and end record. """ return 2 + sum(assignment.get_num_records() for assignment in self.assignments) def get_total_amount(self) -> Decimal: """Get the total amount from all transactions in the transmission.""" return sum(assignment.get_total_amount() for assignment in self.assignments)
class Assignment: """An Assignment groups multiple transactions within a transmission. Use :meth:`netsgiro.Transmission.add_assignment` to create assignments. """ #: The service code. One of :class:`~netsgiro.ServiceCode`. service_code = attr.ib(converter=netsgiro.ServiceCode) #: The transaction type. One of :class:`~netsgiro.TransactionType`. type = attr.ib(converter=netsgiro.AssignmentType) #: The assignment number. String of 7 digits. number = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(7)) #: The payee's bank account. String of 11 digits. account = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(11)) #: Used for OCR Giro. #: #: The payee's agreement ID with Nets. String of 9 digits. agreement_id = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(9))) #: Used for OCR Giro. #: #: The date the assignment was generated by Nets. date = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(instance_of( #: List of transaction objects, like :class:`~netsgiro.Agreement`, #: :class:`~netsgiro.PaymentRequest`, :class:`~netsgiro.Transaction`. transactions = attr.ib(default=attr.Factory(list), repr=False) _next_transaction_number = 1 @classmethod def from_records(cls, records: List[Record]) -> 'Assignment': """Build an Assignment object from a list of record objects.""" if len(records) < 2: raise ValueError('At least 2 records required, got {}'.format( len(records))) start, body, end = records[0], records[1:-1], records[-1] assert isinstance(start, netsgiro.records.AssignmentStart) assert isinstance(end, netsgiro.records.AssignmentEnd) if start.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO: if (start.assignment_type == netsgiro.AssignmentType.AVTALEGIRO_AGREEMENTS): transactions = cls._get_agreements(body) else: transactions = cls._get_payment_requests(body) elif start.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.OCR_GIRO: transactions = cls._get_transactions(body) else: raise ValueError('Unknown service code: {}'.format( start.service_code)) return cls( service_code=start.service_code, type=start.assignment_type, agreement_id=start.agreement_id, number=start.assignment_number, account=start.assignment_account, date=end.nets_date, transactions=transactions, ) @staticmethod def _get_agreements(records: List[Record]) -> List['Agreement']: return [Agreement.from_records([r]) for r in records] @classmethod def _get_payment_requests(cls, records: List[Record]) -> List['PaymentRequest']: transactions = cls._group_by_transaction_number(records) return [ PaymentRequest.from_records(rs) for rs in transactions.values() ] @classmethod def _get_transactions(cls, records: List[Record]) -> List['Transaction']: transactions = cls._group_by_transaction_number(records) return [Transaction.from_records(rs) for rs in transactions.values()] @staticmethod def _group_by_transaction_number( records: List[Record], ) -> Mapping[int, List[Record]]: transactions = collections.OrderedDict() for record in records: if record.transaction_number not in transactions: transactions[record.transaction_number] = [] transactions[record.transaction_number].append(record) return transactions def to_records(self) -> Iterable[Record]: """Convert the assignment to a list of records.""" yield self._get_start_record() for transaction in self.transactions: yield from transaction.to_records() yield self._get_end_record() def _get_start_record(self) -> Record: return netsgiro.records.AssignmentStart( service_code=self.service_code, assignment_type=self.type, assignment_number=self.number, assignment_account=self.account, agreement_id=self.agreement_id, ) def _get_end_record(self) -> Record: if self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.OCR_GIRO: dates = { 'nets_date_1':, 'nets_date_2': self.get_earliest_transaction_date(), 'nets_date_3': self.get_latest_transaction_date(), } elif self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO: dates = { 'nets_date_1': self.get_earliest_transaction_date(), 'nets_date_2': self.get_latest_transaction_date(), } else: raise ValueError('Unhandled service code: {}'.format( self.service_code)) return netsgiro.records.AssignmentEnd( service_code=self.service_code, assignment_type=self.type, num_transactions=self.get_num_transactions(), num_records=self.get_num_records(), total_amount=int(self.get_total_amount() * 100), **dates) def add_payment_request( self, *, kid: str, due_date:, amount: Decimal, reference: Optional[str] = None, payer_name: Optional[str] = None, bank_notification: Union[bool, str] = False) -> 'Transaction': """Add an AvtaleGiro payment request to the assignment. The assignment must have service code :attr:`~netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO` and assignment type :attr:`~netsgiro.AssignmentType.TRANSACTIONS`. """ assert (self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO ), 'Can only add payment requests to AvtaleGiro assignments' assert (self.type == netsgiro.AssignmentType.TRANSACTIONS ), 'Can only add payment requests to transaction assignments' if bank_notification: transaction_type = ( netsgiro.TransactionType.AVTALEGIRO_WITH_BANK_NOTIFICATION) else: transaction_type = ( netsgiro.TransactionType.AVTALEGIRO_WITH_PAYEE_NOTIFICATION) return self._add_avtalegiro_transaction( transaction_type=transaction_type, kid=kid, due_date=due_date, amount=amount, reference=reference, payer_name=payer_name, bank_notification=bank_notification, ) def add_payment_cancellation( self, *, kid: str, due_date:, amount: Decimal, reference: Optional[str] = None, payer_name: Optional[str] = None, bank_notification: Union[bool, str] = False) -> 'Transaction': """Add an AvtaleGiro cancellation to the assignment. The assignment must have service code :attr:`~netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO` and assignment type :attr:`~netsgiro.AssignmentType.AVTALEGIRO_CANCELLATIONS`. Otherwise, the cancellation must be identical to the payment request it is cancelling. """ assert (self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO ), 'Can only add cancellation to AvtaleGiro assignments' assert (self.type == netsgiro.AssignmentType.AVTALEGIRO_CANCELLATIONS ), 'Can only add cancellation to cancellation assignments' return self._add_avtalegiro_transaction( transaction_type=netsgiro.TransactionType.AVTALEGIRO_CANCELLATION, kid=kid, due_date=due_date, amount=amount, reference=reference, payer_name=payer_name, bank_notification=bank_notification, ) def _add_avtalegiro_transaction(self, *, transaction_type, kid, due_date, amount, reference=None, payer_name=None, bank_notification=None) -> 'Transaction': if isinstance(bank_notification, str): text = bank_notification else: text = '' number = self._next_transaction_number self._next_transaction_number += 1 transaction = PaymentRequest( service_code=self.service_code, type=transaction_type, number=number, date=due_date, amount=amount, kid=kid, reference=reference, text=text, payer_name=payer_name, ) self.transactions.append(transaction) return transaction def get_num_transactions(self) -> int: """Get number of transactions in the assignment.""" return len(self.transactions) def get_num_records(self) -> int: """Get number of records in the assignment. Includes the assignment's start and end record. """ return 2 + sum( len(list(transaction.to_records())) for transaction in self.transactions) def get_total_amount(self) -> Decimal: """Get the total amount from all transactions in the assignment.""" transactions = [ transaction for transaction in self.transactions if hasattr(transaction, 'amount') ] if not transactions: return Decimal(0) return sum(transaction.amount for transaction in transactions) def get_earliest_transaction_date(self) -> Optional[]: """Get earliest date from the assignment's transactions.""" transactions = [ transaction for transaction in self.transactions if hasattr(transaction, 'date') ] if not transactions: return None return min( for transaction in transactions) def get_latest_transaction_date(self) -> Optional[]: """Get latest date from the assignment's transactions.""" transactions = [ transaction for transaction in self.transactions if hasattr(transaction, 'date') ] if not transactions: return None return max( for transaction in transactions)
class TransactionAmountItem2(TransactionRecord): """TransactionAmountItem2 is the second record of a transaction. The record is used both for AvtaleGiro and for OCR Giro. """ # TODO Validate `reference` length, which depends on service code reference = attr.ib(converter=to_safe_str_or_none) # Only OCR Giro form_number = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(10))) bank_date = attr.ib(default=None, converter=to_date) debit_account = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(11))) # XXX In use in OCR Giro "from giro debited account" transactions in test # data, but documented as a filler field. _filler = attr.ib(default=None) # Only AvtaleGiro payer_name = attr.ib(default=None, converter=to_safe_str_or_none) RECORD_TYPE = netsgiro.RecordType.TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_ITEM_2 _PATTERNS = [ re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>09) (?P<transaction_type>\d{2}) # 10-21 31 # Record type (?P<transaction_number>\d{7}) (?P<form_number>\d{10}) (?P<reference>\d{9}) (?P<filler>.{7}) # XXX Documented as filler, in use in test data (?P<bank_date>\d{6}) (?P<debit_account>\d{11}) 0{22} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>21) (?P<transaction_type>\d{2}) # 02, 21, or 93 31 # Record type (?P<transaction_number>\d{7}) (?P<payer_name>.{10}) [ ]{25} # Filler (?P<reference>.{25}) 0{5} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), ] def to_ocr(self) -> str: """Get record as OCR string.""" common_fields = ( 'NY' '{self.service_code:02d}' '{self.transaction_type:02d}' '31' '{self.transaction_number:07d}' ).format(self=self) if self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.OCR_GIRO: service_fields = ( '{self.form_number:10}' + (self.reference and '{self.reference:9}' or (' ' * 9)) + (self._filler and '{self._filler:7}' or ('0' * 7)) + (self.bank_date and '{self.bank_date:%d%m%y}' or '0' * 6) + '{self.debit_account:11}' + ('0' * 22) ).format(self=self) elif self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.AVTALEGIRO: service_fields = ( ( self.payer_name and '{:10}'.format(self.payer_name[:10]) or (' ' * 10) ) + (' ' * 25) + (self.reference and '{self.reference:25}' or (' ' * 25)) + ('0' * 5) ).format(self=self) else: service_fields = ' ' * 35 return common_fields + service_fields
class TransactionAmountItem1(TransactionRecord): """TransactionAmountItem1 is the first record of a transaction. The record is used both for AvtaleGiro and for OCR Giro. """ nets_date = attr.ib(converter=to_date) amount = attr.ib(converter=int) kid = attr.ib( converter=to_safe_str_or_none, validator=optional(str_of_max_length(25)) ) # Only OCR Giro centre_id = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(2))) day_code = attr.ib(default=None, converter=value_or_none(int)) partial_settlement_number = attr.ib( default=None, converter=value_or_none(int) ) partial_settlement_serial_number = attr.ib( default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(5)) ) sign = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(1))) RECORD_TYPE = netsgiro.RecordType.TRANSACTION_AMOUNT_ITEM_1 _PATTERNS = [ re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>09) (?P<transaction_type>\d{2}) # 10-21 30 # Record type (?P<transaction_number>\d{7}) (?P<nets_date>\d{6}) (?P<centre_id>\d{2}) (?P<day_code>\d{2}) (?P<partial_settlement_number>\d{1}) (?P<partial_settlement_serial_number>\d{5}) (?P<sign>[-0]{1}) (?P<amount>\d{17}) (?P<kid>[\d ]{25}) 0{6} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>21) (?P<transaction_type>\d{2}) # 02, 21, or 93 30 # Record type (?P<transaction_number>\d{7}) (?P<nets_date>\d{6}) [ ]{11} # Filler (?P<amount>\d{17}) (?P<kid>[\d ]{25}) 0{6} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), ] def to_ocr(self) -> str: """Get record as OCR string.""" if self.service_code == netsgiro.ServiceCode.OCR_GIRO: ocr_giro_fields = ( '{self.centre_id:2}' '{self.day_code:02d}' '{self.partial_settlement_number:01d}' '{self.partial_settlement_serial_number:5}' '{self.sign:1}' ).format(self=self) else: ocr_giro_fields = ' ' * 11 return ( 'NY' '{self.service_code:02d}' '{self.transaction_type:02d}' '30' '{self.transaction_number:07d}' '{self.nets_date:%d%m%y}' + ocr_giro_fields + '{self.amount:017d}' '{self.kid:>25}' + ('0' * 6) ).format(self=self)
class AssignmentStart(Record): """AssignmentStart is the first record of an assignment. Each assignment can contain any number of transactions. """ assignment_type = attr.ib(converter=to_assignment_type) assignment_number = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(7)) assignment_account = attr.ib(validator=str_of_length(11)) # Only for assignment_type == AssignmentType.TRANSACTIONS agreement_id = attr.ib(default=None, validator=optional(str_of_length(9))) RECORD_TYPE = netsgiro.RecordType.ASSIGNMENT_START _PATTERNS = [ re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>(09|21)) (?P<assignment_type>00) 20 # Record type (?P<agreement_id>\d{9}) (?P<assignment_number>\d{7}) (?P<assignment_account>\d{11}) 0{45} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>21) (?P<assignment_type>24) 20 # Record type 0{9} # Filler (?P<assignment_number>\d{7}) (?P<assignment_account>\d{11}) 0{45} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), re.compile( r''' ^ NY # Format code (?P<service_code>21) (?P<assignment_type>36) 20 # Record type 0{9} # Filler (?P<assignment_number>\d{7}) (?P<assignment_account>\d{11}) 0{45} # Filler $ ''', re.VERBOSE, ), ] def to_ocr(self) -> str: """Get record as OCR string.""" return ( 'NY' '{self.service_code:02d}' '{self.assignment_type:02d}' '20' + (self.agreement_id and '{self.agreement_id:9}' or ('0' * 9)) + '{self.assignment_number:7}' '{self.assignment_account:11}' + ('0' * 45) ).format(self=self)