Exemple #1
def checkout_maya_open_check(retCode, clientData):
    Standard implementation of checking out a file in Maya

    WIP Procedure
    - determine if maya file
    - is the file the proper naming convention?
    - determine if local
    - determine if remote
    - determine if a registered user
    - is the queried file+folder path over the OS's character limit?
    - is the root folder+filename too long for the farm?

     Is that currently even a restriction right now?

    - if in maya, use the maya open command with a file open GUI
    - if in the command shell, use a command shell call method, instead
    - open the file

    - check the open. If open was successful, lock the file
    - init maya with a callback for opening/saving
    # fileToOpen = '/home/ckenne24/mount/stuhome/s001_ckenne24_069_exampleProject.0001.ma'  # ::TO DO:: remove
    fileToOpen = om.MfileIO.beforeOpenFilename()

    fileIO = checkout.FileCheckoutMaya(fileToOpen)

    if fileIO.fileName.endswith(('untitled.ma', 'untitled.mb')):
        return True  # pass thru for the default maya session

    if not fileIO.is_maya_file_fast():
        LOGGER.error(['MYA5702', 'match_false'], {'file': fileIO.fullPath})
    if not fileIO.check_naming_convention(consts.RE_FILENAME_MATCH):
        LOGGER.info(['AIE6601', 'match_false'], {'file': fileIO.fullPath,
                                                 'convention': consts.MATCH_RE,
                                                 'match': consts.RE_FILENAME_MATCH})
        # ::AUTHORNOTE:: ::TO DO:: have a print-out of all maya-related name conventions

    networkManager = NetworkManager()
    networkManager.file = fileToOpen

    if networkManager.is_local():
    elif networkManager.is_remote():
        # ::TO DO:: You will need to add a FTP protocol here.
        # Or change some variable here to be used in a future method later
        # ::TO DO:: Value is set to False to not allow any FTP work currently.
        # Once I have a method for this remove
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if not fileIO.is_registered:
        LOGGER.critical(['AIE9001'], {'user': consts.USERNAME})
        fileIO.allow_save = False
    if fileIO.is_character_limit or fileIO.is_farm_character_limit:
        LOGGER.error(['MYA5603'], {'file': fileIO.fileName,
                                   'path': fileIO.filePath})
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if not fileIO.allow_save:

    if fileIO.open_file():
        networkManager.locked = True
        LOGGER.critical(['AIE9002'], {'file': fileIO.fileName})
Exemple #2
def checkout_nuke_write_render_before(fileIO, filePath, forceSave=consts.FORCE_SAVE):
    Standard implementation of writing files. Originally built for Nuke but
    later implements Exceptions in order to make the function agnostic. In
    every implementation of each software, this function is wrapped in a
    try/except block which, upon exception, will then handle the issue of
    blocking or allowing saves. This was an alternative to subclassing out
    and maintaining separate classes for each application.

    For a full list of the checks that this function undergoes,
    see :ref:`fileio#checks_to_allow_access`

    The function is used in mayamanager :ref:`mayamanager`, nukemanager
    :ref:`nukemanager`, and houdinimanager :ref:`houmanager`

     .. Note::
      This has been largely deprecated because, instead of using subclasses
      PASsed directly into the function, this function remains generic and
      simply uses exceptions to escape the script mid-execution when a file is
      allowed/disallowed access permissions. These exceptions are built
      directly in to one of the base classes from within fileio. For more
      information, see: the fileio.controller.checkout module :ref:`fileio`,
      and the fileio.controller.globerror module for the list of exceptions

        fileIO (<FileIO object>): fileIO base object (and be any class as long
                                  as it inherits from FileIO)
        filePath (str): The full path to a file location. This location is where
                        read/write access permission is determined
        forceSave (bool): Ignores the entire save method and lets the user save
        .. note::
            Using this method does NOT lock the file during save, and is thus unsafe

        <IOValidationError or IOValidationPassedError> Technically nothing but
                                                       will almost always raise
                                                       some sort of error for
                                                       exception handling
    # Null - replace later
    # fileToSave = r"C:\Users\korinkite\Dropbox\Private\my_PROJECT\proj_POP2\Pipeline\the_LATEST_pre_maya_open_close_edits_0001\sys_PY\py_MODULES\fileio\test\test_nuke_project\output\s001_ckenne24_010_MODEL_someDescription.0001.ma"
    fileToSave = filePath  # ::TO DO:: "fileToSave" is redundant. search/replace all in this function to "filePath"
    LOGGER.info(['AIE1601'], {'file': fileToSave})
    global GLOB_ERROR_MSG
    fileIO = fileIO(fileToSave)
    # fileIO.allow_save = True  # by default, let the user save
    # if consts.USERNAME == "kerfuffle":
    #   LOGGER.info("FILECHECKOUT: Got the value of true and is going to throw the pass error")
    #   fileIO.allow_save = True
    if forceSave == True:
        fileIO.allow_save = True  # exit the script and set the save status

    if not fileIO.is_registered:
        LOGGER.warning(['AIE7700', 'match_false'], {'user': getpass.getuser(),
                                                  'proj': consts.PROJECT_NAME_LONG})
        fileIO.error_msg = "You are not currently registered on the project\n\n"\
                           "Please contact admin {admins} to get "\
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    networkManager = NetworkManager()
    networkManager.file = fileToSave

    # DEPRECATED - I'm placing this in the consts file, instead
    # if not networkManager.is_allowed_application():
    #   LOGGER.warning(['6900', 'match_false'], {'app': os.environ['APP_EXECUTABLE'], 'proj': consts.PROJECT_NAME_LONG})
    #   fileIO.allow_save = False

    if networkManager.is_local():
        fileIO.allow_save = True
    elif networkManager.is_remote():
        # ::TO DO:: You will need to add a FTP protocol here. Or change some variable here
        # to be used in a future method later
        msg = "Remote access is disabled. Must be on SCAD network in order to work"
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        fileIO.error_msg = msg
        LOGGER.error(['AIE7201', 'match_false'],
                     {'ip': socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())})
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if not networkManager.has_access():
        LOGGER.warning(["AIE5601", 'match_false'], {'file': fileIO.fullPath})
        contactInfo = networkManager.read_contact_info_from_locked_file()
        isContInfoMissing = networkManager.is_incomplete_read_contact_info(contactInfo)

        if isContInfoMissing:
            msg = "Attempted to get contact info from:\n\n{loc}\n\nbut the user "\
                  "has bad credentials.\n\nSave this: {dict}\n\n"\
                  "Please notify admin\n\n{bug}".format(loc=fileToSave,
            msg = "Save Location:\n\n{loc}\n\nis lacking permissions for "\
                  "current account.\nThe current owner of the file is\n"\
                  "username: {username}\n\n"\
                  "name: {name}\n\n"\
                  "ip: {ip}\n"\
                  "room number: {roomnumber}\n"\
                  "machine: {machinenumber}\n"\
                  "time locked: {time}\n"\
                  "date locked: {date}\n"\
                  "e-mail: {email}\n"\
                  "phone number: {phonenumber}\n\n"\
                  "IMPORTANT: IF THIS IS YOU - Please send a bug report "\
                  "to the admin immediately.\n\n{bug}\n\nIf it isn't you and "\
                  "you're in the computer labs, their room number is above. "\
                  "Otherwise, you can just call them, "\
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        fileIO.error_msg = msg
        LOGGER.error(['AIE9002', 'match_false'], {'file': fileToSave})
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if fileIO.check_naming_convention(regex=consts.RE_FILENAME_MATCH) is None:
        LOGGER.warning(["AIE6601", 'match_false'],
                       {'f':fileIO.fullPath, 'convention': consts.MATCH_RE})

        for name in consts.FILE_CONVENTION_EXAMPLE['Nuke']:
            LOGGER.info(['AIE5605'], {'name': name})
        msg = "File: {f} does not match any possible naming "\
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        fileIO.error_msg = msg
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if fileIO.is_character_limit():
        LOGGER.warning(['AIE6500'], {'path': fileIO.fullPath, 'limit': fileIO._sys_character_limit})
        msg = "Path: \"{path}\" exceeds character limit \"{limit}\". Please shorten your file",
        msg = msg.format(path=FileIO.fullPath, limit=FileIO._sys_character_limit)
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        fileIO.error_msg = msg
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if fileIO.is_farm_character_limit():
        LOGGER.warning(['AIE6500'], {'path': fileIO.fullPath, 'limit': fileIO._farm_character_limit})
        msg = "Path: \"{path}\" exceeds character limit \"{limit}\". Please shorten your file",
        msg = msg.format(path=FileIO.fullPath, limit=FileIO._farm_character_limit)
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        fileIO.error_msg = msg
        fileIO.allow_save = False

    if not fileIO.allow_save:
        # just in case for some reason the script failed to exit, one last check
        GLOB_ERROR_MSG = msg
        LOGGER.warning(['AIE9700'], {"file": fileToSave})
        fileIO.set_save = False

    # File survived all check conditions
    # Lock the file in preparation for saving if it is not already
    # (if it is already, we presume it's because they're an admin)
    # (or they are the user that locked it)
    if not networkManager.is_locked:
        LOGGER.info('fileToSave' + str(fileToSave))
        # create the nested folder structure for the file
        folderToSaveInto = os.path.dirname(fileToSave)
        if not os.path.isdir(folderToSaveInto):
            if networkManager.is_local():
                LOGGER.info(['AIE5606', 'match_false'], {'folder': folderToSaveInto})
                LOGGER.info(['NET5606', 'match_false'], {'folder': folderToSaveInto})

        networkManager.locked = True  # lock the file from external editting
        lockedUserInfo = networkManager.collect_contact_info()
        LOGGER.info(['AIE1202'], {"full_name": lockedUserInfo['USERFULLNAME'],
                                  "user": lockedUserInfo['USERNAME'],
                                  "ip": lockedUserInfo['IP'],
                                  "machine": lockedUserInfo['MACHINE'],
                                  "email": lockedUserInfo['EMAIL'],
                                  "phone": lockedUserInfo['PHONENUMBER']})
        LOGGER.info(['AIE1203'], {"f": fileToSave})
    fileIO.allow_save = True  # exit the script and set the save status