def GS2CChat(sock_fd, msg): packer = C_net.CPacker() packer.pack_int(0x01) packer.pack_char(1) packer.pack_short(2) packer.pack_int(10) packer.pack_log(10000) packer.pack_string(msg) network.send_msg(sock_fd, packer.get_data()) print("GS2CChat = {}".format(msg))
def threaded_client(conn, player): global game # send clinet player msg = game.players[player] send_msg(conn, msg) # devider conn.recv(1) # send overall game msg = game send_msg(conn, msg) reply = "" while True: try: data = recv(conn) if not data: print("Disconnected") break else: if data != "get" and data != "r": elif data == "r": game.game_status = 'r' for dead in game.just_died: game.board[dead.row][dead.col] = None reply = game if game.animation and player == animation = game.animation if animation.start < 30: animation.start += 1 else: animation.start = 1 if animation.winner: game.board[animation.winner.row][ animation.winner.col] = None if (animation.winner.row, animation.winner.col) in game.revealed_pieces: index = game.revealed_pieces.index( (animation.winner.row, animation.winner.col)) game.revealed_pieces[index] = ( game.revealed_pieces[index][0] + animation.direction[0], game.revealed_pieces[index][1] + animation.direction[1]) animation.winner.row += animation.direction[0] animation.winner.col += animation.direction[1] game.board[animation.winner.row][ animation.winner.col] = animation.winner if animation.winner.row == animation.end[ 0] and animation.winner.col == animation.end[1]: game.board[animation.just_died[0].row][ animation.just_died[0].col] = None game.board[animation.end[0]][ animation.end[1]] = animation.winner game.animation = None game.revealed_pieces = [(animation.end[0], animation.end[1])] else: for dead in animation.just_died: if dead.row != animation.end[ 0] or dead.col != animation.end[1]: if (dead.row, dead.col) in game.revealed_pieces: index = game.revealed_pieces.index( (dead.row, dead.col)) game.revealed_pieces[index] = ( game.revealed_pieces[index][0] + animation.direction[0], game.revealed_pieces[index][1] + animation.direction[1]) game.board[dead.row][dead.col] = None dead.row += animation.direction[0] dead.col += animation.direction[1] game.board[dead.row][dead.col] = dead if animation.just_died[0].row == animation.just_died[ 1].row and animation.just_died[ 0].col == animation.just_died[1].col: game.board[animation.just_died[0].row][ animation.just_died[0].col] = None game.animation = None #print("Received: ", data) #print("Sending : ", reply) #print(reply) #print(pickle.loads(reply)) send_msg(conn, reply) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno, str(e)) break print("Lost connection") conn.close()
def processer(stop_signal): """ Processer thread """ global chain, transaction_queue, proposed_block, send_msg, set_delay, schedule_proposer, schedule_interrupt print("processing") while True: while task_queue.empty(): if stop_signal(): break if not task_queue.empty(): task = task_queue.get() # print('task:', str(task)[:60]) if task['type'] == 'console': if len(task['args']) == 0: pass elif task['args'][0] == 'propose' or task['args'][0] == 'p': propose() elif task['args'][0] == 'moneyTransfer' or task['args'][0] == 't': sender = int(task['args'][1]) receiver = int(task['args'][2]) amount = float(task['args'][3]) trans = Transaction(sender, receiver, amount) if sender == receiver: print('Sender and receiver cannot be the same') continue # compute current balance after transactions in queue current_balance = apply_transactions(copy(chain.balance), transaction_queue) if apply_transactions(current_balance, [trans]): print("Valid transaction.") transaction_queue.append(trans) schedule_proposer() else: print('Insufficient balance.') elif task['args'][0] == 'printBlockchain' or task['args'][ 0] == 'pc': print(chain) elif task['args'][0] == 'printBalance' or task['args'][0] == 'pb': print(chain.balance) elif task['args'][0] == 'printQueue' or task['args'][0] == 'pq': print(transaction_queue) elif task['args'][0] == 'printPaxos' or task['args'][0] == 'pp': paxos.print() elif task['args'][0] == 'update': # debug send_msg(int(task['args'][1]), { 'type': 'chain-reply', 'chain': chain }) elif task['args'][0] == 'failLink': link_off(int(task['args'][1])) elif task['args'][0] == 'fixLink': link_on(int(task['args'][1])) elif task['args'][0] == 'failProcess': return elif task['args'][0] == 'delay': set_delay(float(task['args'][1])) elif task['args'][0] == 'save': save() elif task['args'][0] == 'load': load() print(paxos) print(transaction_queue) elif task['type'] == 'msg-prepare': # print('msg-prepare') paxos.recv_prepare(task) elif task['type'] == 'msg-promise': # print('msg-promise') paxos.recv_promise(task) elif task['type'] == 'msg-accept': # print('msg-accept') paxos.recv_accept(task) elif task['type'] == 'msg-accepted': # print('msg-accepted') paxos.recv_accepted(task) elif task['type'] == 'msg-decision': # print('msg-decision') paxos.recv_decision(task) elif task['type'] == 'chain-request': # print('chain-request') send_msg(task['from'], {'type': 'chain-reply', 'chain': chain}) elif task['type'] == 'chain-reply': # print('chain-reply') received_chain = task['chain'] if received_chain.depth > chain.depth: # reset chain, paxos, queue chain = received_chain schedule_interrupt = True paxos.update_depth(chain.depth) transaction_queue = [] proposed_block = None print( 'Chain updated. All transactions in queue are discarded.') save() #save after every task
def on_offer(self, pid): global chain send_msg(pid, {'type': 'chain-reply', 'chain': chain})
def on_inconsistent_depth(self, pid): # print('on_inconsistent_depth') send_msg(pid, {'type': 'chain-request', 'from': my_pid})
def run(self): global start_time global stoped_clock while True: msg = network.recv_msg(self.socket) if msg is not None: (header, payload) = pickle.loads(msg) if header == 'start': print('start') self.barrier.wait( ) # wait for all nodes to send start message self.model_lock.acquire() if start_time == 0: start_time = time.time() self.model_lock.release() p = pickle.dumps(self.init_weights, -1) self.barrier.wait( ) # wait until all workers are ready to receive the initial weights network.send_msg(self.socket, p) # send initial weights to the worker elif header == 'train': # received new gradients grads_and_vars = payload if self.sync_mode == 'sync': self.model_lock.acquire() self.optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grads_and_vars, self.model.trainable_variables)) self.model_lock.release() self.barrier.wait() # wait for all workers new_weights = self.model.get_weights() else: # no need to wait for workers here self.model_lock.acquire() self.optimizer.apply_gradients( zip(grads_and_vars, self.model.trainable_variables)) new_weights = self.model.get_weights() self.model_lock.release() p = pickle.dumps(new_weights, -1) network.send_msg(self.socket, p) pass elif header == 'end': print('end') self.barrier.wait() # wait for all workers to finish self.model_lock.acquire() if not stoped_clock: elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time stoped_clock = True print('elapsed time = ' + str(elapsed_time)) if self.sup_socket is not None: p = pickle.dumps(('done', elapsed_time), -1) msg = struct.pack('>I', len(p)) + p self.sup_socket.sendall(msg) self.model_lock.release() break else: print('Received unknown message') else: print('Connection closed') self.socket.close() pass
def train(batch_size, model_fn=None, dataset_fn=None, num_epochs=1, index=0, n_nodes=0, cpu_affinity=False, server_address=''): if cpu_affinity: p = psutil.Process() p.cpu_affinity([index + 1]) # cpu 0 is parameter server batch_size = int(batch_size) sock = None is_connected = False while not is_connected: # connect to the parameter server try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.connect((server_address, 6000)) is_connected = True except ConnectionRefusedError: time.sleep(1) dataset = dataset_fn(batch_size, index=index) # get dataset model = model_fn() # get model p = pickle.dumps(('start', 'payload'), -1) network.send_msg(sock, p) # send initial message to parameter server p = network.recv_msg(sock) # wait and receive initial weights init_weights = pickle.loads(p) model.set_weights(init_weights) # set initial weights iteration = 0 for epoch in range(num_epochs): for x, y in dataset: x = tf.cast(x, tf.float32) y = tf.cast(y, 'int32') loss_value, grads_and_vars = grad(model, x, y) # calculate gradients p = pickle.dumps(('train', grads_and_vars), -1) network.send_msg(sock, p) # send new gradients to parameter server p = network.recv_msg( sock) # wait and receive new weights from parameter server weights = pickle.loads(p) model.set_weights(weights) # load new weights to the model if iteration % 50 == 0: print(iteration) iteration += 1 p = pickle.dumps(('end', 'end'), -1) network.send_msg(sock, p) sock.close()
def threaded_client(conn, this_player_id): """ This function serves and handles one client """ global game # recieves player request to join game this_player = None while True: # recieves player team & role try: this_player_team, this_player_role = recv(conn) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno, str(e)) break # checks if role is not taken for player in game.players: if and player.role == this_player_role and == this_player_team: send_msg(conn, "role taken") break # if role is accepted else: send_msg(conn, "role accepted") this_player = game.add_new_player(this_player_team, this_player_role) break # receives and handles requests and notifications from user current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) while this_player: try: if this_player.submarine.surfacing and not game.is_stopped: if time.time() > this_player.submarine.surfacing + this_player.submarine.surface_duration: this_player.submarine.surfacing = False this_player.submarine.surface_duration = SURFACE_DURATION data = recv(conn, blocking=False) if data: if data == "get": # client init current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) elif "clicked" in data: # user acted and the client will send what he clicked on target_clicked = recv(conn) this_player.clicked(game, target_clicked) current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) # captain stuff elif data == "captain stop": if not game.power_in_action: game.power_in_action = Power(this_player) game.is_stopped = True for submarine in game.submarines: if submarine.surfacing: submarine.surface_duration = submarine.surface_duration - (time.time() - submarine.surfacing) current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) elif data == "captain resume": if game.power_in_action: game.power_in_action.resume(game) current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) elif data == "captain sonar answer": answer_data = recv(conn) if game.power_in_action and game.power_in_action.action_type == ActionType.SONAR: game.power_in_action.answer_accepted(game, answer_data) current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) elif "captain submitted" in data: action_type_submitted = int(data.split(' ')[-1]) this_player.start_power(game, action_type_submitted) current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) send_msg(conn, tuple(current_player_state)) # update client for the new state if needed if this_player.get_state(game) != current_player_state: send_msg(conn, "sending game state") current_player_state = this_player.get_state(game) send_msg(conn, tuple(current_player_state)) except Exception as e: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() fname = os.path.split(exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename)[1] print(exc_type, fname, exc_tb.tb_lineno, str(e)) break print("Lost connection") conn.close() this_player.disconnected()