def onLoad(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Internal callback - The state of our upload changed. """ if self.xhr.status == 200: self.responseValue = json.loads(self.xhr.responseText) DeferredCall(self.onSuccess, _delay=1000) else: DeferredCall(self.onFailed, self.xhr.status, _delay=1000)
def onClick(self, sender=None): selection = self.parent().parent().getCurrentSelection() if not selection: return backOff = 50 self.disableViUnloadingWarning() for s in selection: if not isinstance(s, LeafFileWidget): continue DeferredCall(self.doDownload,, _delay=backOff) backOff += 50 DeferredCall(self.enableViUnloadingWarning, _delay=backOff + 1000)
def enable(self): self.otpform.hide() self.editform.hide() super(UserPasswordLoginHandler, self).enable() DeferredCall(self.focusLaterIdiot)
def __init__(self): #DOM.setAttribute( self.element, "class", "vi_topbar") super(TopBarWidget, self).__init__() self["class"] = "vi_topbar" anav = html5.Nav() anav["class"].append("iconnav") self.iconnav = html5.Ul() #self.logoContainer = html5.Div() #self.logoContainer["class"].append("logo") #self.appendChild( self.logoContainer ) self.sinkEvent("onClick") self.modulH1 = html5.H1() self.modulH1._setClass("module") self.appendChild(self.modulH1) self.modulContainer = html5.Div() self.modulContainer["class"].append("currentmodul") self.appendChild(self.modulContainer) self.modulImg = html5.Label() self.modulContainer.appendChild(self.modulImg) self.moduleName = html5.Span() self.modulContainer.appendChild(self.moduleName) anav.appendChild(self.iconnav) self.appendChild(anav) DeferredCall(self.setTitle, _delay=500)
def __init__(self, widget, selection, encoding=None, language=None, separator=None, lineSeparator=None, *args, **kwargs): super(ExportCsv, self).__init__() if encoding is None or encoding not in ["utf-8", "iso-8859-15"]: encoding = "utf-8" if language is None or language not in conf["server"].keys(): language = conf["currentlanguage"] self.widget = widget self.module = widget.module self.params = self.widget.getFilter().copy() self.params["amount"] = 99 = [] self.structure = None self.separator = separator or ";" self.lineSeparator = lineSeparator or "\n" self.encoding = encoding self.lang = language conf["mainWindow"].log("progress", self) self.parent()["class"].append("is_new") self.parent()["class"].append("log_progress") self.appendChild(html5.TextNode(translate("CSV-Export"))) DeferredCall(self.nextChunk)
def stackPane(self, pane, focus=False): assert self.currentPane is not None, "Cannot stack a pane. There's no current one." self.addPane(pane, parentPane=self.currentPane) if focus and not self.nextPane: # We defer the call to focus, as some widgets stack more than one pane at once. # If we focus directly, they will stack on each other, instead of the pane that # currently has focus self.nextPane = pane DeferredCall(self.focusNextPane)
def unserialize(self, data = None): """ Applies the actual data to the bones. """ for bone in self.bones.values(): if "setContext" in dir(bone) and callable(bone.setContext): bone.setContext(self.context) if data is not None: bone.unserialize(data) DeferredCall(self.performLogics)
def onClick(self, event=None, *args, **kwargs): if not self.childDomElem: self.childDomElem = html5.Ul() self.childDomElem["style"]["display"] = "none" self.appendChild(self.childDomElem) if not self.childPanes: self.lock() DeferredCall(self.loadChildren, _delay=100) if self.isExpanded: self.collapse() else: self.expand() if event: event.stopPropagation()
def __init__(self, descr=None, iconURL=None, iconClasses=None, closeable=False, collapseable=True, focusable=True, path=None): super(Pane, self).__init__() self.parentPane = None self.sinkEvent("onClick") self.groupPrefix = None self.descr = descr self.iconURL = iconURL self.iconClasses = iconClasses self.collapseable = collapseable self.focusable = focusable self.path = path self.childPanes = [] self.widgetsDomElm = html5.Div() self.widgetsDomElm["class"].append("has_no_child") self.childDomElem = None self.img = None self.label = html5.A() self.label["class"].append("button") self.appendChild(self.label) self.closeBtn = html5.ext.Button(translate("Close"), self.onBtnCloseReleased) self.closeBtn.addClass("closebtn") self.appendChild(self.closeBtn) if not closeable: self.closeBtn.hide() self.closeable = closeable self.isExpanded = False self.defaultImgSrc = self.iconURL DeferredCall(self.setText, _delay=250)
def setCursorRow(self, row, removeExistingSelection=True): """ Move the cursor to row 'row'. If removeExistingSelection is True, the current selection (if any) is invalidated. """ if self._currentRow is not None: self.getTrByIndex(self._currentRow)["class"].remove("is_focused") self._currentRow = row if self._currentRow is not None: self.getTrByIndex(self._currentRow)["class"].append("is_focused"), row) if removeExistingSelection: for row in self._selectedRows[:]: self.removeSelectedRow(row), self.getCurrentSelection()) DeferredCall(self.focusRow, row)
def log(self, type, msg): """ Adds a message to the log :param type: The type of the message. :type type: "success", "error", "warning", "info", "progress" :param msg: The message to append :type msg: str """ assert type in ["success", "error", "warning", "info", "progress"] liwrap = html5.Li() liwrap["class"].append("log_" + type) liwrap["class"].append("is_new") spanDate = html5.Span() spanDate.appendChild( html5.TextNode("%H:%M:%S"))) spanDate["class"].append("date") liwrap.appendChild(spanDate) if isinstance(msg, html5.Widget): #Append that widget directly liwrap.appendChild(msg) else: #Create a span element for that message spanMsg = html5.Span() spanMsg.appendChild(html5.TextNode(html5.utils.unescape(msg))) spanMsg["class"].append("msg") liwrap.appendChild(spanMsg) DeferredCall(self.removeNewCls, liwrap, _delay=2500) self.logUL.appendChild(liwrap) if len(self.logUL._children) > 1: self.logUL.element.removeChild(liwrap.element) self.logUL.element.insertBefore( liwrap.element, self.logUL.element.children.item(0))
def setData(self, request=None, data=None, ignoreMissing=False, askHierarchyCloning=True): """ Rebuilds the UI according to the skeleton received from server :param request: A finished NetworkService request :type request: NetworkService :type data: dict :param data: The data received """ assert (request or data) if request: data = NetworkService.decode(request) if "action" in data and (data["action"] == "addSuccess" or data["action"] == "editSuccess"): self.modified = False logDiv = html5.Div() logDiv["class"].append("msg") spanMsg = html5.Span() spanMsg.appendChild( html5.TextNode( translate( self.logaction ) ) ) spanMsg["class"].append("msgspan") logDiv.appendChild(spanMsg) if self.module in conf["modules"].keys(): spanMsg = html5.Span() if self.module.startswith( "_" ): spanMsg.appendChild( html5.TextNode( self.key ) ) else: spanMsg.appendChild( html5.TextNode( conf["modules"][self.module]["name"] )) spanMsg["class"].append("modulespan") logDiv.appendChild(spanMsg) if "values" in data.keys() and "name" in data["values"].keys(): spanMsg = html5.Span() name = data["values"].get("name") or data["values"].get("key", "") if isinstance(name, dict): if conf["currentlanguage"] in name.keys(): name = name[conf["currentlanguage"]] else: name = name.values() if isinstance(name, list): name = ", ".join(name) spanMsg.appendChild(html5.TextNode(str(html5.utils.unescape(name)))) spanMsg["class"].append("namespan") logDiv.appendChild(spanMsg) try: self.key = data["values"]["key"] except: self.key = None conf["mainWindow"].log("success",logDiv) if askHierarchyCloning and self.clone: # for lists, which are rootNode entries of hierarchies, ask to clone entire hierarchy if self.applicationType == EditWidget.appList and "rootNodeOf" in conf[ "modules" ][ self.module ]: YesNoDialog( translate( u"Do you want to clone the entire hierarchy?" ), yesCallback=self.doCloneHierarchy, noCallback=self.closeOrContinue ) return # for cloning within a hierarchy, ask for cloning all subentries. elif self.applicationType == EditWidget.appHierarchy: YesNoDialog( translate( u"Do you want to clone all subentries of this item?" ), yesCallback=self.doCloneHierarchy, noCallback=self.closeOrContinue ) return self.closeOrContinue() return #Clear the UI self.clear() self.bones = {} self.views = {} self.containers = {} self.actionbar.resetLoadingState() self.dataCache = data self.modified = False tmpDict = {k: v for k, v in data["structure"]} fieldSets = {} firstCat = None currRow = 0 hasMissing = False defaultCat = conf["modules"][self.module].get("visibleName", self.module) contextVariable = conf["modules"][self.module].get("editContext") if self.mode == "edit" and contextVariable: if not self.context: self.context = {} if "=" in contextVariable: contextVariable, contextKey = contextVariable.split("=", 1) else: contextKey = "key" self.context.update({ contextVariable: data["values"].get(contextKey) }) for key, bone in data["structure"]: cat = defaultCat #meow! if ("params" in bone.keys() and isinstance(bone["params"], dict) and "category" in bone["params"].keys()): cat = bone["params"]["category"] if not cat in fieldSets.keys(): fieldSets[cat] = EditWidgetFieldset(cat) wdgGen =, key, tmpDict) widget = wdgGen.fromSkelStructure(self.module, key, tmpDict) widget["id"] = "vi_%s_%s_%s_%s_bn_%s" % (self.editIdx, self.module, self.mode, cat, key) if "setContext" in dir(widget) and callable(widget.setContext): widget.setContext(self.context) if "changeEvent" in dir(widget): widget.changeEvent.register(self) descrLbl = html5.Label(key if conf["showBoneNames"] else bone.get("descr", key)) descrLbl["class"].append(key) descrLbl["class"].append(bone["type"].replace(".","_")) # Elements if ("params" in bone.keys() and isinstance(bone["params"], dict) and "elements.source" in bone["params"].keys()): descrLbl.addClass("elements-%s" % bone["params"]["elements.source"]) descrLbl["for"] = "vi_%s_%s_%s_%s_bn_%s" % (self.editIdx, self.module, self.mode, cat, key) if bone["required"] or (bone.get("unique") and bone["error"]): descrLbl["class"].append("is_required") if bone["error"] is not None: descrLbl["class"].append("is_invalid") descrLbl["title"] = bone["error"] fieldSets[ cat ]["class"].append("is_incomplete") # Put info into message center conf["mainWindow"].log("info", "%s: %s" % (bone.get("descr", key), translate(bone["error"]))) hasMissing = True elif bone["error"] is None and not self.wasInitialRequest: descrLbl["class"].append("is_valid") if isinstance(bone["error"], dict): widget.setExtendedErrorInformation(bone["error"]) containerDiv = html5.Div() containerDiv.appendChild(descrLbl) containerDiv.appendChild(widget) if ("params" in bone.keys() and isinstance(bone["params"], dict) and "tooltip" in bone["params"].keys()): containerDiv.appendChild(ToolTip(longText=bone["params"]["tooltip"])) fieldSets[cat]._section.appendChild(containerDiv) containerDiv.addClass("bone", "bone_%s" % key, bone["type"].replace(".","_")) if "." in bone["type"]: for t in bone["type"].split("."): containerDiv["class"].append(t) currRow += 1 self.bones[key] = widget self.containers[key] = containerDiv #Hide invisible bones or logic-flavored bones with their default desire if not bone["visible"] or (bone["params"] and bone["params"].get("logic.visibleIf")): self.containers[key].hide() elif bone["visible"] and not firstCat: firstCat = fieldSets[cat] # NO elif! if bone["params"] and bone["params"].get("logic.readonlyIf"): self.containers[key].disable() # Hide all fieldSets where all fields are invisible for fs in fieldSets.values(): fs.checkVisibility() # Show default category if firstCat: firstCat.removeClass("inactive") firstCat.addClass("active") tmpList = [(k,v) for (k,v) in fieldSets.items()] tmpList.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) for k, v in tmpList: self.form.appendChild( v ) v._section = None # Views views = conf["modules"][self.module].get("editViews") if self.mode == "edit" and isinstance(views, list): for view in views: vmodule = view.get("module") vvariable = view.get("context") vclass = view.get("class") vtitle = view.get("title") vcolumns = view.get("columns") vfilter = view.get("filter") vactions = view.get("actions") if not vmodule: print("Misconfiured view: %s" % view) continue if vmodule not in conf["modules"]: print("Module '%s' is not described." % vmodule) continue vdescr = conf["modules"][vmodule] fs = EditWidgetFieldset(vmodule, vtitle or vdescr.get("name", vmodule)) fs.addClass("editview", "inactive") if vclass: fs.addClass(*vclass) fieldSets[vmodule] = EditWidgetFieldset(vmodule, vtitle or vdescr.get("name", vmodule)) if vvariable: context = self.context.copy() if self.context else {} if "=" in vvariable: vkey, vvalue = vvariable.split("=", 1) if vvalue[0] == "$": vvalue = data["values"].get(vvalue[1:]) else: vkey = vvariable vvalue = data["values"].get("key") context[vkey] = vvalue else: context = self.context self.views[vmodule] = ListWidget( vmodule, filter=vfilter or vdescr.get("filter", {}), columns=vcolumns or vdescr.get("columns"), context=context, actions=vactions ) fs._section.appendChild(self.views[vmodule]) self.form.appendChild(fs) self.unserialize(data["values"]) if self._hashArgs: #Apply the default values (if any) self.unserialize(self._hashArgs) self._hashArgs = None self._lastData = data if hasMissing and not self.wasInitialRequest: conf["mainWindow"].log("warning",translate("Could not save entry!")) DeferredCall(self.performLogics)
def onBoneChange(self, bone): self.modified = True DeferredCall(self.performLogics)
def onChange(self, event): self.modified = True DeferredCall(self.performLogics)
def onChange(self, event): DeferredCall(self.performLogics)
def startup(self): config = conf["mainConfig"] assert config if not conf["currentUser"]: self.getCurrentUser() return conf["server"] = config.get("configuration", {}) if "" in conf["server"]: conf[""] = str(conf["server"][""]) self.userLoggedOutMsg = UserLogoutMsg() self.topBar.invoke() moduleGroups = [] # Save module groups if ("configuration" in config.keys() and isinstance(config["configuration"], dict)): if ("modulGroups" in config["configuration"].keys() and isinstance( config["configuration"]["modulGroups"], list)): alert( "Hello! Your project is still using 'admin.modulGroups' for its module grouping information.\n" "Please rename it to 'admin.moduleGroups' (yes, with 'e') to avoid this alert message.\n\n" "Thank you!") moduleGroups = config["configuration"]["modulGroups"] if ("moduleGroups" in config["configuration"].keys() and isinstance(config["configuration"]["moduleGroups"], list)): moduleGroups = config["configuration"]["moduleGroups"] # Modules groupPanes = {} panes = [] userAccess = conf["currentUser"].get("access", []) predefinedFilterCounter = 1 groupedModules = {} # First create group panes, if configured for group in moduleGroups: groupedModules[group["prefix"]] = [] groupPanes[group["prefix"]] = GroupPane(group["name"], iconURL=group.get("icon")) groupPanes[group["prefix"]].groupPrefix = group["prefix"] panes.append((group["name"], group.get("sortIndex"), groupPanes[group["prefix"]])) # Sort all modules first # read Hash to register startup module currentActiveGroup = None path = None urlHash = conf["startupHash"] if urlHash: if "?" in urlHash: hashStr = urlHash[1:urlHash.find("?")] else: hashStr = urlHash[1:] path = [x for x in hashStr.split("/") if x] sortedModules = [] topLevelModules = {} for module, info in config["modules"].items(): if not "root" in userAccess and not any( [x.startswith(module) for x in userAccess]): # Skip this module, as the user couldn't interact with it anyway continue sortedModules.append((module, info)) groupName = info["name"].split(":")[0] + ": " if groupName not in groupPanes.keys(): topLevelModules.update({module: info}) else: if path and module == path[0]: currentActiveGroup = groupName groupedModules[groupName].append((module, info)) conf["vi.groupedModules"] = groupedModules sortedModules.sort(key=lambda entry: "%d-%010d-%s" % ( 1 if entry[1].get("sortIndex") is None else 0, entry[1].get( "sortIndex", 0), entry[1].get("name"))) # When create module panes for module, info in sortedModules: if "views" in info.keys() and info["views"]: for v in info[ "views"]: # Work-a-round for PyJS not supporting id() v["__id"] = predefinedFilterCounter predefinedFilterCounter += 1 if currentActiveGroup or module in topLevelModules: handlerCls =, info) assert handlerCls is not None, "No handler available for module '%s'" % module info["visibleName"] = info["name"] handler = None if info["name"] and currentActiveGroup and info[ "name"].startswith(currentActiveGroup): info["visibleName"] = info["name"].replace( currentActiveGroup, "") handler = handlerCls(module, info) groupPanes[currentActiveGroup].addChildPane(handler) if not handler and module in topLevelModules: handler = handlerCls(module, info) panes.append( (info["visibleName"], info.get("sortIndex"), handler)) info["_handler"] = handler conf["modules"][module] = info # Sorting our top level entries panes.sort(key=lambda entry: "%d-%010d-%s" % (1 if entry[1] is None else 0, entry[1] or 0, entry[0])) # Add panes in the created order for name, idx, pane in panes: self.addPane(pane) # Finalizing! DeferredCall(self.checkInitialHash) self.unlock()
def startup(self): config = conf["mainConfig"] assert config if not conf["currentUser"]: self.getCurrentUser() return conf["server"] = config.get("configuration", {}) if "" in conf["server"]: conf[""] = str(conf["server"][""]) self.userLoggedOutMsg = UserLogoutMsg() self.topBar.invoke() moduleGroups = [] # Save module groups if ("configuration" in config.keys() and isinstance(config["configuration"], dict)): if ("modulGroups" in config["configuration"].keys() and isinstance( config["configuration"]["modulGroups"], list)): alert( "Hello! Your project is still using 'admin.modulGroups' for its module grouping information.\n" "Please rename it to 'admin.moduleGroups' (yes, with 'e') to avoid this alert message.\n\n" "Thank you!") moduleGroups = config["configuration"]["modulGroups"] if ("moduleGroups" in config["configuration"].keys() and isinstance(config["configuration"]["moduleGroups"], list)): moduleGroups = config["configuration"]["moduleGroups"] # Modules groupPanes = {} panes = [] userAccess = conf["currentUser"].get("access", []) predefinedFilterCounter = 1 # First create group panes, if configured for group in moduleGroups: groupPanes[group["prefix"]] = GroupPane(group["name"], iconURL=group.get("icon")) panes.append((group["name"], group.get("sortIndex"), groupPanes[group["prefix"]])) # Sort all modules first sortedModules = [(x, y) for x, y in config["modules"].items()] sortedModules.sort(key=lambda entry: "%d-%010d-%s" % ( 1 if entry[1].get("sortIndex") is None else 0, entry[1].get( "sortIndex", 0), entry[1].get("name"))) # When create module panes for module, info in sortedModules: if not "root" in userAccess and not any( [x.startswith(module) for x in userAccess]): #Skip this module, as the user couldn't interact with it anyway continue conf["modules"][module] = info if "views" in conf["modules"][module].keys( ) and conf["modules"][module]["views"]: for v in conf["modules"][module][ "views"]: #Work-a-round for PyJS not supporting id() v["__id"] = predefinedFilterCounter predefinedFilterCounter += 1 handlerCls =, info) assert handlerCls is not None, "No handler available for module '%s'" % module conf["modules"][module]["visibleName"] = conf["modules"][module][ "name"] handler = None for k in groupPanes.keys(): if info["name"].startswith(k): conf["modules"][module]["visibleName"] = conf["modules"][ module]["name"].replace(k, "") handler = handlerCls(module, info) groupPanes[k].addChildPane(handler) break if not handler: handler = handlerCls(module, info) panes.append( (info["visibleName"], info.get("sortIndex"), handler)) conf["modules"][module]["_handler"] = handler # Sorting our top level entries panes.sort(key=lambda entry: "%d-%010d-%s" % (1 if entry[1] is None else 0, entry[1] or 0, entry[0])) # Push the panes, ignore group panes with no children (due to right restrictions) for name, idx, pane in panes: #print("idx", name, idx) # Don't display GroupPanes without children. if (isinstance(pane, GroupPane) and (not pane.childPanes or all(c["style"].get("display") == "none" for c in pane.childPanes))): continue self.addPane(pane) # Finalizing! DeferredCall(self.checkInitialHash) self.unlock()