Exemple #1
 def sync_from_callback(self, operation, object_type, res_id,
         if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE:
             self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete(object_type +
                                                            '/' + res_id)
             if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE:
                 urlpath = object_type
                 method = 'post'
             elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE:
                 urlpath = object_type + '/' + res_id
                 method = 'put'
             self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath, resource_dict)
     except Exception:
         with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                 _LE("Unable to perform %(operation)s on "
                     "%(object_type)s %(res_id)s %(resource_dict)s"), {
                         'operation': operation,
                         'object_type': object_type,
                         'res_id': res_id,
                         'resource_dict': resource_dict
             self.out_of_sync = True
Exemple #2
    def _create_parsers(self):
        for parser_name in self.network_topology_parsers:
                yield NetworkTopologyParser.create_parser(parser_name)

            except Exception:
                    _LE('Error initializing topology parser: %(parser_name)r'),
                    {'parser_name': parser_name})
    def _create_parsers(self):
        for parser_name in self.network_topology_parsers:
                yield NetworkTopologyParser.create_parser(parser_name)

            except Exception:
                    _LE('Error initializing topology parser: %(parser_name)r'),
                    {'parser_name': parser_name})
Exemple #4
    def _fetch_elements_by_host(self, host_name, cache_timeout=60.0):
        '''Yields all network topology elements referring to given host name


        host_addresses = [host_name]
            # It uses both compute host name and known IP addresses to
            # recognize topology elements valid for given computed host
            ip_addresses = utils.get_addresses_by_name(host_name)
        except Exception:
            ip_addresses = []
                _LE('Unable to resolve IP addresses for host %(host_name)r'),
                {'host_name': host_name})

        yield_elements = set()
            for _, element in self._elements_by_ip.fetch_all(
                    host_addresses, cache_timeout):
                # yields every element only once
                if element not in yield_elements:
                    yield element

        except cache.CacheFetchError as error:
            # This error is expected on most of the cases because typically not
            # all host_addresses maps to a network topology element.
            if yield_elements:
                # As we need only one element for every host we ignore the
                # case in which others host addresseses didn't map to any host
                    'Host addresses not found in networking topology: %s',
                    ', '.join(error.missing_keys))
                    _LE('No such network topology elements for given host '
                        '%(host_name)r and given IPs: %(ip_addresses)s.'), {
                            'host_name': host_name,
                            'ip_addresses': ", ".join(ip_addresses)
    def _fetch_elements_by_host(self, host_name, cache_timeout=60.0):
        '''Yields all network topology elements referring to given host name


        host_addresses = [host_name]
            # It uses both compute host name and known IP addresses to
            # recognize topology elements valid for given computed host
            ip_addresses = utils.get_addresses_by_name(host_name)
        except Exception:
            ip_addresses = []
                _LE('Unable to resolve IP addresses for host %(host_name)r'),
                {'host_name': host_name})

        yield_elements = set()
            for _, element in self._elements_by_ip.fetch_all(
                    host_addresses, cache_timeout):
                # yields every element only once
                if element not in yield_elements:
                    yield element

        except cache.CacheFetchError as error:
            # This error is expected on most of the cases because typically not
            # all host_addresses maps to a network topology element.
            if yield_elements:
                # As we need only one element for every host we ignore the
                # case in which others host addresseses didn't map to any host
                    'Host addresses not found in networking topology: %s',
                    ', '.join(error.missing_keys))
                    _LE('No such network topology elements for given host '
                        '%(host_name)r and given IPs: %(ip_addresses)s.'),
                    {'host_name': host_name,
                     'ip_addresses': ", ".join(ip_addresses)})
Exemple #6
    def _fetch_and_parse_network_topology(self, addresses):
        # The cache calls this method to fecth new elements when at least one
        # of the addresses is not in the cache or it has expired.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        LOG.info(_LI('Fetch network topology from ODL.'))
        response = self._client.get()

        network_topology = response.json()
        if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            topology_str = jsonutils.dumps(network_topology,
                                           separators=(',', ': '))
            LOG.debug("Got network topology:\n%s", topology_str)

        at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses = False
        for parser in self._parsers:
                for element in parser.parse_network_topology(network_topology):
                    if not isinstance(element, NetworkTopologyElement):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "Yield element doesn't implement interface "
                            "'NetworkTopologyElement': {!r}".format(element))
                    # the same element can be known by more host addresses
                    for host_address in element.host_addresses:
                        if host_address in addresses:
                            at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses = True
                        yield host_address, element
            except Exception:
                    _LE("Parser %(parser)r failed to parse network topology."),
                    {'parser': parser})

        if not at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses:
            # this will mark entries for given addresses as failed to allow
            # calling this method again as soon it is requested and avoid
            # waiting for cache expiration
            raise ValueError(
                'No such topology element for given host addresses: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(addresses)))
    def _fetch_and_parse_network_topology(self, addresses):
        # The cache calls this method to fecth new elements when at least one
        # of the addresses is not in the cache or it has expired.

        # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        LOG.info(_LI('Fetch network topology from ODL.'))
        response = self._client.get()

        network_topology = response.json()
        if LOG.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            topology_str = jsonutils.dumps(
                network_topology, sort_keys=True, indent=4,
                separators=(',', ': '))
            LOG.debug("Got network topology:\n%s", topology_str)

        at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses = False
        for parser in self._parsers:
                for element in parser.parse_network_topology(network_topology):
                    if not isinstance(element, NetworkTopologyElement):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "Yield element doesn't implement interface "
                            "'NetworkTopologyElement': {!r}".format(element))
                    # the same element can be known by more host addresses
                    for host_address in element.host_addresses:
                        if host_address in addresses:
                            at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses = True
                        yield host_address, element
            except Exception:
                    _LE("Parser %(parser)r failed to parse network topology."),
                    {'parser': parser})

        if not at_least_one_element_for_asked_addresses:
            # this will mark entries for given addresses as failed to allow
            # calling this method again as soon it is requested and avoid
            # waiting for cache expiration
            raise ValueError(
                'No such topology element for given host addresses: {}'.format(
                    ', '.join(addresses)))
Exemple #8
    def sync_single_resource(self, operation, object_type, context):
        """Sync over a single resource from Neutron to OpenDaylight.

        Handle syncing a single operation over to OpenDaylight, and correctly
        filter attributes out which are not required for the requisite
        operation (create or update) being handled.
        # Convert underscores to dashes in the URL for ODL
        object_type_url = object_type.replace('_', '-')
            obj_id = context.current['id']
            if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE:
                self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete(
                    object_type_url + '/' + obj_id)
                filter_cls = self.FILTER_MAP[object_type]
                if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE:
                    urlpath = object_type_url
                    method = 'post'
                    attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_create_attributes
                elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE:
                    urlpath = object_type_url + '/' + obj_id
                    method = 'put'
                    attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_update_attributes
                resource = copy.deepcopy(context.current)
                attr_filter(resource, context)
                self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath,
                                     {object_type_url[:-1]: resource})
        except Exception:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                    _LE("Unable to perform %(operation)s on "
                        "%(object_type)s %(object_id)s"), {
                            'operation': operation,
                            'object_type': object_type,
                            'object_id': obj_id
                self.out_of_sync = True
 def sync_from_callback(self, operation, object_type, res_id,
         if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE:
             self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete(
                 object_type + '/' + res_id)
             if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE:
                 urlpath = object_type
                 method = 'post'
             elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE:
                 urlpath = object_type + '/' + res_id
                 method = 'put'
             self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath, resource_dict)
     except Exception:
         with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
             LOG.error(_LE("Unable to perform %(operation)s on "
                           "%(object_type)s %(res_id)s %(resource_dict)s"),
                       {'operation': operation,
                        'object_type': object_type,
                        'res_id': res_id,
                        'resource_dict': resource_dict})
             self.out_of_sync = True
    def sync_single_resource(self, operation, object_type, context):
        """Sync over a single resource from Neutron to OpenDaylight.

        Handle syncing a single operation over to OpenDaylight, and correctly
        filter attributes out which are not required for the requisite
        operation (create or update) being handled.
        # Convert underscores to dashes in the URL for ODL
        object_type_url = object_type.replace('_', '-')
            obj_id = context.current['id']
            if operation == odl_const.ODL_DELETE:
                self.out_of_sync |= not self.client.try_delete(
                    object_type_url + '/' + obj_id)
                filter_cls = self.FILTER_MAP[object_type]
                if operation == odl_const.ODL_CREATE:
                    urlpath = object_type_url
                    method = 'post'
                    attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_create_attributes
                elif operation == odl_const.ODL_UPDATE:
                    urlpath = object_type_url + '/' + obj_id
                    method = 'put'
                    attr_filter = filter_cls.filter_update_attributes
                resource = copy.deepcopy(context.current)
                attr_filter(resource, context)
                self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath,
                                     {object_type_url[:-1]: resource})
        except Exception:
            with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception():
                LOG.error(_LE("Unable to perform %(operation)s on "
                              "%(object_type)s %(object_id)s"),
                          {'operation': operation,
                           'object_type': object_type,
                           'object_id': obj_id})
                self.out_of_sync = True
Exemple #11
    def bind_port(self, port_context):
        """Set binding for a valid segment

        host_name = port_context.host
        elements = list()
            # Append to empty list to add as much elements as possible
            # in the case it raises an exception
        except Exception:
                _LE('Error fetching elements for host %(host_name)r.'),
                {'host_name': host_name},

        if not elements:
            # In case it wasn't able to find any network topology element
            # for given host then it uses the legacy OVS one keeping the old
            # behaviour
                _LW('Using legacy OVS network topology element for port '
                    'binding for host: %(host_name)r.'),
                {'host_name': host_name})

            # Imported here to avoid cyclic module dependencies
            from networking_odl.ml2 import ovsdb_topology
            elements = [ovsdb_topology.OvsdbNetworkTopologyElement()]

        # TODO(Federico Ressi): in the case there are more candidate virtual
        # switches instances for the same host it choses one for binding
        # port. As there isn't any know way to perform this selection it
        # selects a VIF type that is valid for all switches that have
        # been found and a VIF type valid for all them. This has to be improved
        for vif_type in self.valid_vif_types:
            vif_type_is_valid_for_all = True
            for element in elements:
                if vif_type not in element.valid_vif_types:
                    # it is invalid for at least one element: discard it
                    vif_type_is_valid_for_all = False

            if vif_type_is_valid_for_all:
                # This is the best VIF type valid for all elements
                    "Found VIF type %(vif_type)r valid for all network "
                    "topology elements for host %(host_name)r.", {
                        'vif_type': vif_type,
                        'host_name': host_name

                for element in elements:
                    # It assumes that any element could be good for given host
                    # In most of the cases I expect exactely one element for
                    # every compute host
                        return element.bind_port(port_context, vif_type,

                    except Exception:
                            _LE('Network topology element has failed binding '
                            {'element': element.to_json()})

            _LE('Unable to bind port element for given host and valid VIF '
                '\thostname: %(host_name)s\n'
                '\tvalid VIF types: %(valid_vif_types)s'), {
                    'host_name': host_name,
                    'valid_vif_types': ', '.join(self.valid_vif_types)
Exemple #12
    def sync_pending_row(self, exit_after_run=False):
        # Block until all pending rows are processed
        session = neutron_db_api.get_session()
        while not self.event.is_set():
            # Clear the event and go back to waiting after
            # the sync block exits
            while True:
                LOG.debug("Thread walking database")
                row = db.get_oldest_pending_db_row_with_lock(session)
                if not row:
                    LOG.debug("No rows to sync")

                # Validate the operation
                validate_func = db.VALIDATION_MAP[row.object_type]
                valid = validate_func(session, row.object_uuid,
                                      row.operation, row.data)
                if not valid:
                    LOG.info(_LI("%(operation)s %(type)s %(uuid)s is not a "
                                 "valid operation yet, skipping for now"),
                             {'operation': row.operation,
                              'type': row.object_type,
                              'uuid': row.object_uuid})

                    # Set row back to pending.
                    db.update_db_row_pending(session, row)
                    if exit_after_run:

                LOG.info(_LI("Syncing %(operation)s %(type)s %(uuid)s"),
                         {'operation': row.operation, 'type': row.object_type,
                          'uuid': row.object_uuid})

                # Add code to sync this to ODL
                method, urlpath, to_send = self._json_data(row)

                    self.client.sendjson(method, urlpath, to_send)
                    db.update_processing_db_row_passed(session, row)
                except exceptions.ConnectionError as e:
                    # Don't raise the retry count, just log an error
                    LOG.error(_LE("Cannot connect to the Opendaylight "
                    # Set row back to pending
                    db.update_db_row_pending(session, row)
                    # Break our of the loop and retry with the next
                    # timer interval
                except Exception as e:
                    LOG.error(_LE("Error syncing %(type)s %(operation)s,"
                                  " id %(uuid)s Error: %(error)s"),
                              {'type': row.object_type,
                               'uuid': row.object_uuid,
                               'operation': row.operation,
                               'error': e.message})
                    db.update_pending_db_row_retry(session, row,
            LOG.debug("Clearing sync thread event")
            if exit_after_run:
                # Permanently waiting thread model breaks unit tests
                # Adding this arg to exit here only for unit tests
    def bind_port(self, port_context):
        """Set binding for a valid segment

        host_name = port_context.host
        elements = list()
            # Append to empty list to add as much elements as possible
            # in the case it raises an exception
        except Exception:
                _LE('Error fetching elements for host %(host_name)r.'),
                {'host_name': host_name}, exc_info=1)

        if not elements:
            # In case it wasn't able to find any network topology element
            # for given host then it uses the legacy OVS one keeping the old
            # behaviour
                _LW('Using legacy OVS network topology element for port '
                    'binding for host: %(host_name)r.'),
                {'host_name': host_name})

            # Imported here to avoid cyclic module dependencies
            from networking_odl.ml2 import ovsdb_topology
            elements = [ovsdb_topology.OvsdbNetworkTopologyElement()]

        # TODO(Federico Ressi): in the case there are more candidate virtual
        # switches instances for the same host it choses one for binding
        # port. As there isn't any know way to perform this selection it
        # selects a VIF type that is valid for all switches that have
        # been found and a VIF type valid for all them. This has to be improved
        for vif_type in self.valid_vif_types:
            vif_type_is_valid_for_all = True
            for element in elements:
                if vif_type not in element.valid_vif_types:
                    # it is invalid for at least one element: discard it
                    vif_type_is_valid_for_all = False

            if vif_type_is_valid_for_all:
                # This is the best VIF type valid for all elements
                    "Found VIF type %(vif_type)r valid for all network "
                    "topology elements for host %(host_name)r.",
                    {'vif_type': vif_type, 'host_name': host_name})

                for element in elements:
                    # It assumes that any element could be good for given host
                    # In most of the cases I expect exactely one element for
                    # every compute host
                        return element.bind_port(
                            port_context, vif_type, self._vif_details)

                    except Exception:
                            _LE('Network topology element has failed binding '
                            {'element': element.to_json()})

            _LE('Unable to bind port element for given host and valid VIF '
                '\thostname: %(host_name)s\n'
                '\tvalid VIF types: %(valid_vif_types)s'),
            {'host_name': host_name,
             'valid_vif_types': ', '.join(self.valid_vif_types)})