Exemple #1
def _canary_network_missing_on_odl():
    # Try to reach the ODL server, sometimes it might be up & responding to
    # HTTP calls but inoperative..
    client = _CLIENT.get_client()
    response = client.get(odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS)

    response = client.get(odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS + "/" + _CANARY_NETWORK_ID)
    if response.status_code == requests.codes.not_found:
        return True

    # In case there was an error raise it up because we don't know how to deal
    # with it..
    return False
def _canary_network_missing_on_odl():
    # Try to reach the ODL server, sometimes it might be up & responding to
    # HTTP calls but inoperative..
    client = _CLIENT.get_client()
    response = client.get(odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS)

    response = client.get(odl_const.ODL_NETWORKS + "/" + _CANARY_NETWORK_ID)
    if response.status_code == requests.codes.not_found:
        return True

    # In case there was an error raise it up because we don't know how to deal
    # with it..
    return False