def test_directed_node_connectivity():
    G = nx.cycle_graph(10, create_using=nx.DiGraph())  # only one direction
    D = nx.cycle_graph(10).to_directed()  # 2 reciprocal edges
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G, 1, 4))
    assert_equal(2, approx.node_connectivity(D))
    assert_equal(2, approx.node_connectivity(D, 1, 4))
Exemple #2
def test_global_node_connectivity():
    # Figure 1 chapter on Connectivity
    G = nx.Graph()
            (1, 2),
            (1, 3),
            (1, 4),
            (1, 5),
            (2, 3),
            (2, 6),
            (3, 4),
            (3, 6),
            (4, 6),
            (4, 7),
            (5, 7),
            (6, 8),
            (6, 9),
            (7, 8),
            (7, 10),
            (8, 11),
            (9, 10),
            (9, 11),
            (10, 11),
    assert 2 == approx.local_node_connectivity(G, 1, 11)
    assert 2 == approx.node_connectivity(G)
    assert 2 == approx.node_connectivity(G, 1, 11)
def test_directed_node_connectivity():
    G = nx.cycle_graph(10, create_using=nx.DiGraph()) # only one direction
    D = nx.cycle_graph(10).to_directed() # 2 reciprocal edges
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G, 1, 4))
    assert_equal(2,  approx.node_connectivity(D))
    assert_equal(2,  approx.node_connectivity(D, 1, 4))
def test_global_node_connectivity():
    # Figure 1 chapter on Connectivity
    G = nx.Graph()
    assert_equal(2, approx.local_node_connectivity(G,1,11))
    assert_equal(2, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(2, approx.node_connectivity(G,1,11))
Exemple #5
def measure_connectivity(G,grouping = None):
    overall_conn = approx.node_connectivity(G)
    print('Minimum number of nodes that must be removed to disconnect studets: '+str(overall_conn))
    pairwise_conn = approx.all_pairs_node_connectivity(G)
    plt.title('Distribution of Min Removed Nodes to Disconnect Pair')
    avg_cluster = approx.average_clustering(G)
    print('Mean of the fraction of triangles that actually exist over all possible triangles in each neighborhood: '+str(avg_cluster))
def get_connectivity(prefix, group_id):
    userlist, user_info = load_user(prefix, group_id)
    filename = util.get_full_prefix(prefix) + "group_" + str(
        group_id) + "_user_followers_dic.json"
    myFollowerFinder = follower.FollowerFinder(prefix=prefix,
    """generate and save json file"""
    TYPE = "undirected"
    SAVE_DIR = "gephi/"
    g = Graph(myFollowerFinder.load_file(filename=filename), TYPE)
    print len(g.get_graph().nodes())
    print approx.node_connectivity(g.get_graph())
    dic = degree_alg.degree_centrality(g.get_graph())
    print sum(dic.values()) / len(dic)
    return sum(dic.values()) / len(dic)
Exemple #7
def measure_between_group_connectivity(induced, name = '', plots = False):
    overall_conn = approx.node_connectivity(induced)
    print('Minimum number of nodes that must be removed to disconnect studets: '+str(overall_conn))
    pairwise_conn = approx.all_pairs_node_connectivity(induced)
    avg_cluster = approx.average_clustering(induced)
    print('Mean of the fraction of triangles that actually exist over all possible triangles in each neighborhood: '+str(avg_cluster))
    avg_cluster = approx.average_clustering(induced)
    print('Mean of the fraction of triangles that actually exist over all possible triangles in each neighborhood: '+str(avg_cluster))
    if plots:
        p.pairwise_conn_dist(pairwise_conn, name)
def test_white_harary1():
    # Figure 1b white and harary (2001)
    # A graph with high adhesion (edge connectivity) and low cohesion
    # (node connectivity)
    G = nx.disjoint_union(nx.complete_graph(4), nx.complete_graph(4))
    for i in range(4, 7):
        G.add_edge(0, i)
    G = nx.disjoint_union(G, nx.complete_graph(4))
    G.remove_node(G.order() - 1)
    for i in range(7, 10):
        G.add_edge(0, i)
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
def test_white_harary1():
    # Figure 1b white and harary (2001)
    # A graph with high adhesion (edge connectivity) and low cohesion
    # (node connectivity)
    G = nx.disjoint_union(nx.complete_graph(4), nx.complete_graph(4))
    for i in range(4,7):
    G = nx.disjoint_union(G, nx.complete_graph(4))
    for i in range(7,10):
    assert_equal(1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
Exemple #10
def draw_graph():
    Get all edges information and draw the graph of connection of robots.
    token = sign_in(args["-u"], args["-p"])

    req = {"access_token": token}
    resp = access("/api/datagraph", req)
    if resp["code"] != 0:
        print "[ERROR] get robot edges info error"

    # create graph
    G = nx.Graph()

    # add nodes
    # nodes = resp["robot_nodes"]
    # for node in nodes:
    #     graph.add_node(node["username"], group=node["group"])

    # add edges
    edges = resp["robot_edges"]
    weighted_edges = [(e["source"], e["target"], e["weight"]) for e in edges]

    # export data with GraphML format
    # for example, Cytoscape can read the GraphML format
    nx.write_graphml(G, "static/tmp/test.graphml")

    # draw graph
    # nx.draw_random(G)
    # nx.draw_circular(G)
    # nx.draw_spectral(G)  # need optional dependence matplotlab

    # demos the usage of algorithms in networkx
    print approx.node_connectivity(G)
Exemple #11
def vis_degree_distribution(graph, dynasty):
    degree_seq = [d for n, d in]
    print(len(degree_seq), approx.node_connectivity(graph))
    degree = sorted(degree_seq, reverse=True)
    degreeCount = collections.Counter(degree)
    deg, cnt = zip(*degreeCount.items())
    ln_deg = [math.log(i, 10) for i in deg]
    ln_cn = [math.log(i, 10) for i in cnt]
    #, cnt, width=0.8)
    ax = plt.subplot()
    ax.scatter(ln_deg, ln_cn, marker='+')
    # print([i for i in ax.get_xticks()])
    print([10**i for i in ax.get_xticks()])
    ax.set_xticklabels([round(10**i, 1) for i in ax.get_xticks()])
    ax.set_yticklabels([round(10**i, 1) for i in ax.get_yticks()])
    ax.set_title(dynasty[0].upper() + dynasty[1:])
def test_dodecahedral():
    G = nx.dodecahedral_graph()
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
def test_octahedral():
    G = nx.octahedral_graph()
    assert_equal(4, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(4, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
def test_empty_graphs():
    for k in range(5, 25, 5):
        G = nx.empty_graph(k)
        assert_equal(0, approx.node_connectivity(G))
        assert_equal(0, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 3))
def test_petersen():
    G = nx.petersen_graph()
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
def test_dodecahedral():
    G = nx.dodecahedral_graph()
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
Exemple #17
def graphinfo(G):
    nodenum = G.number_of_nodes()
    edgenum = G.size()
    connectivity = approx.node_connectivity(G)
    avgdegree = nx.k_nearest_neighbors(G)
Exemple #18
def ver_medidas(G):
    Numero minimo de nodos que deben ser removidos para desconectar G
    print("Numero minimo de nodos que deben ser removidos para desconectar G :"+str(approximation.node_connectivity(G)))

    average clustering coefficient of G.
    print("average clustering coefficient of G: "+str(approximation.average_clustering(G)))

    Densidad de un Grafo
    print("Densidad de G: "+str(function.density(G)))

    Assortativity measures the similarity of connections in
    the graph with respect to the node degree.
    Valores positivos de r indican que existe una correlacion entre nodos 
    con grado similar, mientras que un valor negativo indica
    correlaciones entre nodos de diferente grado

    print("degree assortativity:"+str(assortativity.degree_assortativity_coefficient(G)))

    Assortativity measures the similarity of connections
    in the graph with respect to the given attribute.

    print("assortativity for node attributes: "+str(assortativity.attribute_assortativity_coefficient(G,"crime")))

    Grado promedio vecindad
    plt.title("Grado promedio vecindad")

    Grado de Centralidad de cada nodo

    plt.title("Grado de centralidad")

    Calcular el coeficiente de agrupamiento para nodos

    plt.title("coeficiente de agrupamiento")

    Media coeficiente de Agrupamiento
    print("Coeficiente de agrupamiento de G:"+str(cluster.average_clustering(G)))

    Centro del grafo
    El centro de un grafo G es el subgrafo inducido por el 
    conjunto de vertices de excentricidad minima.

     La  excentricidad  de  v  in  V  se  define  como  la
     distancia maxima desde v a cualquier otro vertice del 
     grafo G siguiendo caminos de longitud minima.

    print("Centro de G:"+ str(

    Diametro de un grafo
    The diameter is the maximum eccentricity.
    print("Diametro de G:"+str(distance_measures.diameter(G)))

    Excentricidad de cada Nodo
    The eccentricity of a node v is the maximum distance
    from v to all other nodes in G.
    plt.title("Excentricidad de cada Nodo")

    The periphery is the set of nodes with eccentricity equal to the diameter.
    print("Periferia de G:")

    The radius is the minimum eccentricity.


    print("Radio de G:"+str(distance_measures.radius(G)))

    PageRank calcula una clasificacion de los nodos
    en el grafico G en funcion de la estructura de 
    los enlaces entrantes. Originalmente fue disenado
    como un algoritmo para clasificar paginas web.

    plt.title("Puntaje de cada Nodo")

    Coeficiente de Small World.
    A graph is commonly classified as small-world if sigma>1.


    print("Coeficiente de Small World: " + str(smallworld.sigma(G)))

    The small-world coefficient (omega) ranges between -1 and 1.
    Values close to 0 means the G features small-world characteristics.
    Values close to -1 means G has a lattice shape whereas values close
    to 1 means G is a random graph.
    print("Omega coeficiente: "+str(
def test_empty_graphs():
    for k in range(5, 25, 5):
        G = nx.empty_graph(k)
        assert_equal(0, approx.node_connectivity(G))
        assert_equal(0, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 3))
Exemple #20
def test_octahedral():
    G = nx.octahedral_graph()
    assert 4 == approx.node_connectivity(G)
    assert 4 == approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5)
Exemple #21

"""                         Assortativity                    """

"""                     Network Analysis Undirected          """
mastodon_undirected = mastodon_digraph.to_undirected()

average_node_degree = nx.average_degree_connectivity(mastodon_undirected)
print ("average node degree", average_node_degree.keys())

average_clustering = approx.average_clustering(mastodon_undirected)
print("Average Clustering: ", average_clustering)

node_connectivity = approx.node_connectivity(mastodon_undirected)
print("Node connectivity: ", node_connectivity)

"""                   Max degree node + Ego Network          """

#find node with largest degree
node_and_degree =
(largest_hub, degree) = sorted(node_and_degree, key=itemgetter(1))[-1]
# Create ego graph of main hub
hub_ego = nx.ego_graph(mastodon_digraph, largest_hub)
# Draw graph
pos = nx.spring_layout(hub_ego)
nx.draw(hub_ego, pos, node_color='b', node_size=50, with_labels=False)
# Draw ego as large and red
nx.draw_networkx_nodes(hub_ego, pos, nodelist=[largest_hub], node_size=300, node_color='r')
Exemple #22
def test_dodecahedral():
    G = nx.dodecahedral_graph()
    assert 3 == approx.node_connectivity(G)
    assert 3 == approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5)
Exemple #23
def test_petersen():
    G = nx.petersen_graph()
    assert 3 == approx.node_connectivity(G)
    assert 3 == approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5)
Exemple #24
def test_icosahedral():
    G = nx.icosahedral_graph()
    assert_equal(5, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(5, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
Exemple #25
def ncnt():
        "Info", "Node Connectivity of the graph is {}".format(
Exemple #26
def test_icosahedral():
    assert_equal(5, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(5, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
def test_complete_graphs():
    for n in range(5, 25, 5):
        G = nx.complete_graph(n)
        assert_equal(n-1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
        assert_equal(n-1, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 3))
Exemple #28

G.add_edge(1, 2)
E = (2, 3)
G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (1, 3)])

G.add_edge(1, 8)
G[1][8]['color'] = 'blue'

print '\nDraw out with matplotlib...'

print '\nIterators...'
FG = nx.Graph()
    [(1, 2, 0.125), (1, 3, 0.75), (2, 4, 1.2), (3, 4, 0.375), (1, 4, 0.175)])
for n, nbrs in FG.adjacency_iter():
    for nbr, attr in nbrs.items():
        if attr['weight'] < 0.5:
            print '(%d, %d, %.3f)' % (n, nbr, attr['weight'])

for (u, v, d) in FG.edges(data='weight'):
    if d < 0.5:
        print '(%d, %d, %.3f)' % (u, v, d)

print "\nAlgorithms operators..."
print approx.node_connectivity(G)
def test_petersen():
    G = nx.petersen_graph()
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(3, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
def test_complete_graphs():
    for n in range(5, 25, 5):
        G = nx.complete_graph(n)
        assert_equal(n - 1, approx.node_connectivity(G))
        assert_equal(n - 1, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 3))
def test_octahedral():
    assert_equal(4, approx.node_connectivity(G))
    assert_equal(4, approx.node_connectivity(G, 0, 5))
        print('#weakly connected component:\t',
        print('Is strongly connected:\t', is_strongly_connected(G), file=f)
        print('#strongly connected component:\t',

        print('#node in largest SCC:\t',
        print('#node in largest WCC:\t',
        print('node connectivity (approx.):\t',

        # exact, slow
        # print('node connectivity:', node_connectivity(G.to_undirected()))
        # print('edge connectivity:', edge_connectivity(G.to_undirected()))

        #print('------------DAG-------------', file = f)
        print('Is DAG (should be true):\t',
        print('Longest path length:\t', dag_longest_path_length(G), file=f)

        # exact, slow
        # print('Average clustering coefficient (undirected):', average_clustering(G.to_undirected()))
Exemple #33
 def node_connectivity(network):
     """ Computes the node connectivity for the network. """
     connectivity = approx.node_connectivity(network)
     return connectivity
def conn2(g, row):
        ret = approx.node_connectivity(g, row.question1, row.question2)
        return 1
    return ret
Exemple #35
 def graph_node_connectivity(self, source=None, dest=None):
     conn = approx.node_connectivity(self.graph, source, dest)
     return conn
def get_graph_properties(edges):
    # Set up graph
    connections = np.array([int(x) for x in edges.split(';')])

    nodes = sorted(list(set(connections)))
    # Calculate Properties
    properties = []
    timings = {}

    if connections[0] > 0:
        edges = connections.reshape(int(connections.size / 2), 2)
        timeS = time.time()

        # directed graph
        G = nx.DiGraph()

        # undirected graph
        U = nx.Graph()
        # graph generated

        # property 1: number of components
        num_comp = nx.number_connected_components(U)

        # property 2: number of strongly connected components
        num_strong_comp = nx.number_strongly_connected_components(G)

        # property 3: average in/out degree
        indeg = []
        outdeg = []
        indeg_ls = list(G.in_degree())
        outdeg_ls = list(G.out_degree())

        for x in np.arange(len(nodes)):
        av_deg = np.mean(indeg)

        # property 4: link density
        linkden = connections.size / (len(nodes) * len(nodes))

        # property 5: number of self loops
        numloop = list(G.selfloop_edges())
        numloop = len(numloop)
        #       # property 6: number of simple cycles (excluding self loops)
        #       numcyc = list(nx.simple_cycles(G))
        #       numcyc = len(numcyc) - numloop
        #       properties.append(numcyc)

        #       timings.update({'p6':time.time()-timeS})
        #       print('p6')
        #       print(timings['p6'])
        #       timeS = time.time()

        # find all components
        components = list(nx.connected_components(U))

        ischain = [None] * len(components)
        istree = [None] * len(components)
        isdag = [None] * len(components)
        unicel = [None] * len(components)
        isscc = [None] * len(components)
        iscyc = [None] * len(components)
        iseul = [None] * len(components)
        indeg_by_comp = []
        outdeg_by_comp = []
        node_conn = [0] * len(components)
        av_clust = [0.] * len(components)
        assort = [0.] * len(components)
        indeg_cen_av = [0.] * len(components)
        indeg_cen_max = [0.] * len(components)
        indeg_cen_min = [0.] * len(components)
        outdeg_cen_av = [0.] * len(components)
        outdeg_cen_max = [0.] * len(components)
        outdeg_cen_min = [0.] * len(components)
        bet_cen_av = [0.] * len(components)
        bet_cen_max = [0.] * len(components)
        bet_cen_min = [0.] * len(components)
        eig_cen_av = [0.] * len(components)
        eig_cen_max = [0.] * len(components)
        eig_cen_min = [0.] * len(components)
        triangles_av = [0.] * len(components)
        triangles_max = [0.] * len(components)
        triangles_min = [0.] * len(components)
        squares_av = [0.] * len(components)
        squares_max = [0.] * len(components)
        squares_min = [0.] * len(components)
        transitivity = [0.] * len(components)
        rc = [0.] * len(components)
        loopnumber = [0] * len(components)

        for compnum in np.arange(len(components)):
            # property 6: ischain?(remove self-loops and then test this property)
            # want: how many chains does the graph contain.. look at each component, not the whole graph in one go.
            # most graphs are single components.
            G1 = G.subgraph(list(components[compnum]))
            Gnoself = G1.copy()
            Unoself = nx.Graph()

            # if all in and out degrees are 1, graph is a not include in trees
            indeg2 = []
            outdeg2 = []
            indeg_ls2 = list(Gnoself.in_degree())
            outdeg_ls2 = list(Gnoself.out_degree())
            # nx gives indeg and outdeg as tuples (nodename, in/out deg). which is why i need the for loop below
            for x in np.arange(len(G1.nodes())):
            indeg_by_comp.append(int_arr_to_str(indeg2, delim=';'))
            outdeg_by_comp.append(int_arr_to_str(outdeg2, delim=';'))

            indeg2 = np.array(indeg2)
            outdeg2 = np.array(outdeg2)
            in_min_out = indeg2 - outdeg2
            ischain[compnum] = int((np.sum(in_min_out) == 0)
                                   & (np.sum(np.abs(in_min_out)) == 2)
                                   & (np.all(indeg2 <= 1))
                                   & (np.all(outdeg2 <= 1)))
            # property 7: istree(remove chains first)
            istree[compnum] = int((nx.is_tree(Gnoself) - ischain[compnum]) > 0)
            # property 8: isdag(only looking at DAGs other than trees and chains)
            isdag[compnum] = int((int(nx.is_directed_acyclic_graph(Gnoself)) -
                                  istree[compnum] - ischain[compnum]) > 0)
            if isdag[compnum] > 0:
                loopnumber[compnum] = len(list(
                    Gnoself.edges)) - (len(list(Gnoself.nodes)) - 1)
            # property 9: single celled
            unicel[compnum] = int(len(Gnoself.nodes) == 1)
            istree[compnum] = int(istree[compnum]) - int(
            )  # nx counts single node with no self-edge as a tree
            # property 10: isscc (excluding unicellular)
            num_strong_comp2 = nx.number_strongly_connected_components(Gnoself)
            isscc[compnum] = int(num_strong_comp2 == 1)
            isscc[compnum] = int((isscc[compnum] - unicel[compnum]) > 0)
            # property 11: iscyc(cyclic graphs other than those with a single scc and single celled graphs)
            iscyc[compnum] = int((isdag[compnum] + istree[compnum] +
                                  ischain[compnum] + isscc[compnum] +
                                  unicel[compnum]) == 0)
            # property 12: is eulerian
            iseul[compnum] = int(nx.is_eulerian(Gnoself))
            # property 13: node connectivity
            node_conn[compnum] = approx.node_connectivity(Gnoself)
            # property 14: clustering coefficient
            av_clust[compnum] = nx.average_clustering(Gnoself)
            # property 15: assortativity(pearson's coefficient)
                assort[compnum] = nx.degree_pearson_correlation_coefficient(
                    Gnoself)  #####################check
                assort[compnum] = 0.0
            # property 16,17,18: in degree centrality (average, maximum and minimum)
            indeg_cen = []
            dict1 = nx.in_degree_centrality(Gnoself)
            for a1 in dict1:
            indeg_cen_av[compnum] = np.average(indeg_cen)
            indeg_cen_max[compnum] = max(indeg_cen)
            indeg_cen_min[compnum] = min(indeg_cen)
            # property 19,20,21: out degree centrality (average, maximum, minimum)
            outdeg_cen = []
            dict1 = nx.out_degree_centrality(Gnoself)
            for a1 in dict1:
            outdeg_cen_av[compnum] = np.average(outdeg_cen)
            outdeg_cen_max[compnum] = max(outdeg_cen)
            outdeg_cen_min[compnum] = min(outdeg_cen)
            # property 22,23,24: betweenness centrality (average,maximum, minimum)
            bet_cen = []
            dict1 = nx.betweenness_centrality(Gnoself)
            for a1 in dict1:
            bet_cen_av[compnum] = np.average(bet_cen)
            bet_cen_max[compnum] = max(bet_cen)
            bet_cen_min[compnum] = min(bet_cen)
            # property 25,26,27: eigen vector centrality (average,maximum, minimum)
            eig_cen = []
                dict1 = nx.eigenvector_centrality(Gnoself)
                for a1 in dict1:
                eig_cen_av[compnum] = np.average(eig_cen)
                eig_cen_max[compnum] = max(eig_cen)
                eig_cen_min[compnum] = min(eig_cen)
            except nx.PowerIterationFailedConvergence:
            # property 28,29,30: number of triangles for each node (average,maximum, minimum)
            triangles = []
            dict1 = nx.triangles(Unoself)
            for a1 in dict1:
            if len(triangles):
                triangles_av[compnum] = np.average(triangles)
                triangles_max[compnum] = max(triangles)
                triangles_min[compnum] = min(triangles)
            # property 31: transitivity (fraction of all possible triangles present in the graph)
            transitivity[compnum] = nx.transitivity(Gnoself)
            # property 32,33,34: square clustering for each node(fraction of all possible squares present at a node)
            squares = []
            dict1 = nx.square_clustering(Gnoself)
            for a1 in dict1:
            if len(squares):
                squares_av[compnum] = np.average(squares)
                squares_max[compnum] = max(squares)
                squares_min[compnum] = min(squares)
            # propery 35: rich club coefficient
            if len(list(Unoself.nodes())) > 3:
                rc[compnum] = 0.0

#               rc[compnum] = nx.rich_club_coefficient(Unoself).values()# only works if graph has 4 or more edges
# property 36 and 37: number of source and target nodes

        iseul = sum(iseul)
        iscyc = sum(iscyc)
        isscc = sum(isscc)
        unicel = sum(unicel)
        isdag = sum(isdag)
        istree = sum(istree)
        ischain = sum(ischain)
        indeg_by_comp = ';'.join([str(x) for x in indeg_by_comp])
        outdeg_by_comp = ';'.join([str(x) for x in outdeg_by_comp])
        node_conn = ';'.join([str(x) for x in node_conn
                              ])  # node connectivity for each component
        avav_clust = np.average(
            av_clust)  # average clustering coefficient over all components
        av_clust = ';'.join([
            str(round(x, 2)) for x in av_clust
        ])  # average clustering coefficients for each component
        av_assort = np.average(
            assort)  # average assortativity over all components
        assort = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in assort
                           ])  # assortativity for each component
        indeg_cen_avav = np.average(
            indeg_cen_av)  # average indeg centrality over all components
        indeg_cen_av = ';'.join([
            str(round(x, 2)) for x in indeg_cen_av
        ])  # average indeg centrality for each component
        indeg_cen_maxmax = max(
            indeg_cen_max)  # maximum indeg centrality across all components
        indeg_cen_max = ';'.join([
            str(round(x, 2)) for x in indeg_cen_max
        ])  # maximum indeg centrality for each component
        indeg_cen_minmin = min(
            indeg_cen_min)  # minimum indeg centrality across all components
        indeg_cen_min = ';'.join([
            str(round(x, 2)) for x in indeg_cen_min
        ])  # minimum indeg centrality for each component

        outdeg_cen_avav = np.average(outdeg_cen_av)
        outdeg_cen_av = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in outdeg_cen_av])
        outdeg_cen_maxmax = max(outdeg_cen_max)
        outdeg_cen_max = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in outdeg_cen_max])
        outdeg_cen_minmin = min(outdeg_cen_min)
        outdeg_cen_min = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in outdeg_cen_min])
        bet_cen_avav = np.average(bet_cen_av)
        bet_cen_av = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in bet_cen_av])
        bet_cen_maxmax = max(bet_cen_max)
        bet_cen_max = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in bet_cen_max])
        bet_cen_minmin = min(bet_cen_min)
        bet_cen_min = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in bet_cen_min])
        eig_cen_avav = np.average(eig_cen_av)
        eig_cen_av = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in eig_cen_av])
        eig_cen_maxmax = max(eig_cen_max)
        eig_cen_max = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in eig_cen_max])
        eig_cen_minmin = min(eig_cen_min)
        eig_cen_min = ';'.join([str(round(x, 2)) for x in eig_cen_min])
        triangles_avav = np.average(triangles_av)
        triangles_av = ';'.join([str(x) for x in triangles_av])
        triangles_maxmax = max(triangles_max)
        triangles_max = ';'.join([str(x) for x in triangles_max])
        triangles_minmin = min(triangles_min)
        triangles_min = ';'.join([str(x) for x in triangles_min])
        transitivity_av = np.average(transitivity)
        transitivity_max = max(transitivity)
        transitivity_min = min(transitivity)
        transitivity = ';'.join([str(x) for x in transitivity])
        squares_avav = np.average(squares_av)
        squares_maxmax = max(squares_max)
        squares_minmin = min(squares_min)
        squares_av = ';'.join([str(x) for x in squares_av])
        squares_max = ';'.join([str(x) for x in squares_max])
        squares_min = ';'.join([str(x) for x in squares_min])
        rc_av = np.average(rc)
        rc_max = max(rc)
        rc_min = min(rc)
        rc = ';'.join([str(x) for x in rc])
        ln = [loopnumber[x] for x in np.nonzero(loopnumber)[0]]
        if any(ln):
            loopnumber_av = np.average(ln)
            loopnumber_av = 0.0
        loopnumber = ';'.join([str(x) for x in loopnumber])

        # check.. sum of iscyc, isscc, unicel, dag,tree, chain should be the total number of components
        if num_comp != (iscyc + isscc + unicel + isdag + istree + ischain):
            print('Number of components is wrong!!!!!!')
            print([iscyc, isscc, unicel, isdag, istree, ischain])

        properties.append(indeg_by_comp)  # string
        properties.append(outdeg_by_comp)  #string
        properties.append(ischain)  #int
        properties.append(istree)  #int
        properties.append(isdag)  #int
        properties.append(unicel)  #int
        properties.append(isscc)  #int
        properties.append(iscyc)  #int
        properties.append(iseul)  #int
        properties.append(loopnumber_av)  #float
        properties.append(loopnumber)  #string
        properties.append(node_conn)  #string
        properties.append(avav_clust)  #float
        properties.append(av_clust)  #string
        properties.append(av_assort)  #float
        properties.append(assort)  #string
        properties.append(indeg_cen_avav)  #float
        properties.append(indeg_cen_av)  #string
        properties.append(indeg_cen_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(indeg_cen_max)  #string
        properties.append(indeg_cen_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(indeg_cen_min)  #string
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_avav)  #float
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_av)  #string
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_max)  #string
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(outdeg_cen_min)  #string
        properties.append(bet_cen_avav)  #float
        properties.append(bet_cen_av)  #string
        properties.append(bet_cen_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(bet_cen_max)  #string
        properties.append(bet_cen_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(bet_cen_min)  #string
        properties.append(eig_cen_avav)  #float
        properties.append(eig_cen_av)  #string
        properties.append(eig_cen_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(eig_cen_max)  #string
        properties.append(eig_cen_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(eig_cen_min)  #string
        properties.append(triangles_avav)  #float
        properties.append(triangles_av)  #string
        properties.append(triangles_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(triangles_max)  #string
        properties.append(triangles_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(triangles_min)  #string
        properties.append(transitivity_av)  # float
        properties.append(transitivity_max)  #float
        properties.append(transitivity_min)  #float
        properties.append(transitivity)  #string
        properties.append(squares_avav)  #float
        properties.append(squares_av)  #string
        properties.append(squares_maxmax)  #float
        properties.append(squares_max)  #string
        properties.append(squares_minmin)  #float
        properties.append(squares_min)  #string
        properties.append(rc_av)  # float
        properties.append(rc_max)  #float
        properties.append(rc_min)  #float
        properties.append(rc)  #string

        # append more properties.....
        # property 14:

        # property x: in-degree sequence
        #indeg = # list(G.in_degree())[iterate over number of nodes][1]
        # property y: out-degree sequence
        #outdeg = # list(G.in_degree())[iterate over number of nodes][1]
        properties = [0] * 2 + [0.] * 2 + [0] + [''] * 2 + [0] * 7 + [
        ] + [''] * 2 + [0., ''] * 17 + [0.] * 3 + [''] + [0., ''] * 3 + [
            0., 0., 0., ''

    # return list of properties
    return properties