def test_dual_barabasi_albert(self, m1=1, m2=4, p=0.5):
        Tests that the dual BA random graph generated behaves consistently.

        Tests the exceptions are raised as expected.

        The graphs generation are repeated several times to prevent lucky shots

        seed = 42
        repeats = 2

        while repeats:
            repeats -= 1

            # This should be BA with m = m1
            BA1 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, seed)
            DBA1 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 1, seed)
            assert_equal(BA1.size(), DBA1.size())

            # This should be BA with m = m2
            BA2 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m2, seed)
            DBA2 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 0, seed)
            assert_equal(BA2.size(), DBA2.size())

        # Testing exceptions
        dbag = dual_barabasi_albert_graph
        assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m1, m1, m2, 0)
        assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m2, m1, m2, 0)
        assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, -0.5)
        assert_raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, 1.5)
Exemple #2
    def test_dual_barabasi_albert(self, m1=1, m2=4, p=0.5):
        Tests that the dual BA random graph generated behaves consistently.

        Tests the exceptions are raised as expected.

        The graphs generation are repeated several times to prevent lucky shots

        seed = 42
        repeats = 2

        while repeats:
            repeats -= 1

            # This should be BA with m = m1
            BA1 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, seed)
            DBA1 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 1, seed)
            assert BA1.size() == DBA1.size()

            # This should be BA with m = m2
            BA2 = barabasi_albert_graph(100, m2, seed)
            DBA2 = dual_barabasi_albert_graph(100, m1, m2, 0, seed)
            assert BA2.size() == DBA2.size()

        # Testing exceptions
        dbag = dual_barabasi_albert_graph
        pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m1, m1, m2, 0)
        pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, m2, m1, m2, 0)
        pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, -0.5)
        pytest.raises(NetworkXError, dbag, 100, m1, m2, 1.5)