Exemple #1
def buildGraph(filePath):
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    file = open(filePath, "r")
    for line in file:
        x, y = line.rstrip("\n").split('\t')
        G.add_edge(x, y)
    return G
Exemple #2
def roget_graph():
    """Return the thesaurus graph from the roget.dat example in
    the Stanford Graph Base.
    # open file roget_dat.txt.gz
    fh = gzip.open("roget_dat.txt.gz", "r")

    G = nx.DiGraph()

    for line in fh.readlines():
        line = line.decode()
        if line.startswith("*"):  # skip comments
        if line.startswith(" "):  # this is a continuation line, append
            line = oldline + line
        if line.endswith("\\\n"):  # continuation line, buffer, goto next
            oldline = line.strip("\\\n")

        (headname, tails) = line.split(":")

        # head
        numfind = re.compile(r"^\d+")  # re to find the number of this word
        head = numfind.findall(headname)[0]  # get the number


        for tail in tails.split():
            if head == tail:
                print("skipping self loop", head, tail, file=sys.stderr)
            G.add_edge(head, tail)

    return G
Exemple #3
def recipes_to_graph(recipes):
    Given a list of recipes, will create a func dep graph for each which it will then compose.
    :param recipes: A list of recipe object
    :return: A combined graph where the 'starts' attribute for each node has been set
    result_graph = nx.DiGraph()

    for r in recipes:
        # Turn recipe to graph and get top nodes
        r_graph = r.to_DiGraph()
        top_nodes = get_top_nodes(r_graph)
        top_nodes = [x[0] for x in top_nodes
                     ]  # Get only names of nodes not attributes

        # Iterate over each node in graph
        for node in r_graph.nodes(data=True):
            work = node[0]
            attributes = node[1]

            # If node is a top node, it has its starts attribute set to the recipe name
            attributes['starts'] = set()
            if work in top_nodes:

                # If this node is already in the result_graph we store elements from its start attributes
                # in the r_graph node, as to retain it after compose.
                if work in result_graph:
                    res_set = result_graph.node[work]['starts']

        # Attributes of r_graph take presedence over result_graph's
        result_graph = nx.compose(result_graph, r_graph)
    return result_graph
 def test_directed_star(self):
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_edge(1, 2, weight=0.5)
     G.add_edge(1, 3, weight=0.5)
     grc = nx.global_reaching_centrality
     assert_equal(grc(G, weight="weight", normalized=False), 0.5)
     assert_equal(grc(G, weight="weight", normalized=True), 1)
Exemple #5
def solve_mincost_problem_for_expenses(expenses, people, debug=False):
    if debug: print(expenses)
    nodes = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for idx, expense in enumerate(expenses):
        whopaid = expense["whopaid"]
        whoshouldpay = expense["whoshouldpay"]
        #total = functools.reduce(lambda accu, that: that["amount"] + accu, whopaid, 0)
        total = sum(that["amount"] for that in whopaid)
        for v in people:
            if v in whoshouldpay:
                if whoshouldpay[v] is not None:
                    idealcontrib = whoshouldpay[v]
                    notnone = [x for x in whoshouldpay.values() if x is not None]
                    idealcontrib = Fraction(total - sum(notnone), len(whoshouldpay) - len(notnone))
                idealcontrib = 0
            actualcontrib = sum([w["amount"] for w in expense["whopaid"] if w["personId"] == v])
            diff = actualcontrib - idealcontrib
            #print(actualcontrib, idealcontrib, diff)
            nodes[v] += diff;
    for i, v in nodes.items():
        G.add_node(i, demand=v)
    G.add_weighted_edges_from(x + (1,) for x in itertools.permutations(people, 2))
    flowCost, flowDict = nx.network_simplex(G)
    return flowDict
Exemple #6
def depend(ctx, flavor, qualifiers, format, output, full, package, version):
    Product dependency information for the given product.
    format = format or os.path.splitext(output)[1][1:]
    if format not in ['raw','dot']:
        raise RuntimeError, 'Unknown format: "%s"' % format

    repos = [ups.repos.UpsRepo(pdir) for pdir in ctx.obj['PRODUCTS']]
    tree = ups.repos.squash_trees(repos)

    flavor = flavor or repos[0].uc.flavor()
    seed = make_product(package, version, qualifiers, flavor)
    subtree = nx.DiGraph()
    subtree.add_edges_from(nx.bfs_edges(tree, seed)) # this is a minimal rep
    if full:
        sg = tree.subgraph(subtree.nodes())

    if format == 'dot':
        from . import dot
        text = dot.simple(subtree)
    # raw
    print '%d nodes, %d edges' % (len(subtree.nodes()), len(subtree.edges()))
def create_network_from_json(nwjson):
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    print "Number of nodes: %s" % str(len(nwjson["nodes"]))
    for pointjs in nwjson["nodes"]:
        nodeattr = pointjs["attr"]
        nodeattr["dataPointId"] = pointjs["dataPointId"]
        graph.add_node(pointjs["id"], **nodeattr)

    print "Number of links: %s" % str(len(nwjson["links"]))
    for linkjs in nwjson["links"]:
        linkattr = linkjs["attr"]
        linkattr["id"] = linkjs["id"]
        linkattr["isDirectional"] = linkjs["isDirectional"]
        graph.add_edge(linkjs["source"], linkjs["target"], **linkattr)

    nodeAttrDescriptors = [
        load_attr_from_json(attrjs) for attrjs in nwjson["nodeAttrDescriptors"]
    linkAttrDescriptors = [
        load_attr_from_json(attrjs) for attrjs in nwjson["linkAttrDescriptors"]
    nw = Network(nwjson["id"], nwjson["datasetId"], nwjson["projectId"],
                 nwjson["name"], nwjson['description'], graph,
                 nodeAttrDescriptors, linkAttrDescriptors,
                 nwjson.get("clusterInfo", {}), nwjson["networkInfo"],
                 nwjson["generatorInfo"], nwjson.get("nodesFile", None),
                 nwjson.get("linksFile", None),
                 get_time(nwjson, "createdAt", "dateCreated"),
                 get_time(nwjson, "modifiedAt", "dateModified"))
    return nw
Exemple #8
def tech_graph(h, technician_skill_set, technician_nodes, customer_nodes,
        Create a graph that includes the technician node and all the customer location where the technician can install
        h, int: technician under consideration
        technician_skill_set, list: the skillset of each technician
        technician_nodes, dict: nodes of technicians
        customer_nodes, dict: nodes of customers
        customer_machine_types, list: machine type of each customer order/request
        G_tech_h, networkx DiGraph for technician h
    G_tech_h = nx.DiGraph()
        {key: technician_nodes[key]
         for key in [len(customer_nodes) + 1 + h]})

    customers_to_add = []
    for i in customer_nodes:
        if technician_skill_set[h][customer_machine_types[i - 1]]:

        {key: customer_nodes[key]
         for key in customers_to_add})

    return G_tech_h
Exemple #9
 def __init__(self, node_id_map, transition_mat, workers):
     self.look_back_list = node_id_map
     self.T = transition_mat
     self.workers = workers
     self.rec_G = nx.to_networkx_graph(
         self.T, create_using=nx.DiGraph()
     )  # reconstructed "directed" "weighted" graph based on transition matrix
    def _parse_and_add_graph_tag(self, nk_tag):
        if nk_tag.attrib['isDirected'] == 'true':
            g = nx.DiGraph()
            g = nx.Graph()

        g.graph['sourceType'] = nk_tag.attrib['sourceType']
        g.graph['source'] = nk_tag.attrib['source']
        g.graph['targetType'] = nk_tag.attrib['targetType']
        g.graph['target'] = nk_tag.attrib['target']
        g.graph['id'] = nk_tag.attrib['id']
        g.graph['isDirected'] = nk_tag.attrib['isDirected'] == 'true'
        g.graph['allowSelfLoops'] = nk_tag.attrib['allowSelfLoops'] == 'true'
        g.graph['isBinary'] = nk_tag.attrib['isBinary'] == 'true'
        #for attrib_key in nk_tag.attrib:
        #   g.graph[attrib_key] = format_prop(nk_tag.attrib[attrib_key])

        link_list = list()
        if g.graph['isBinary']:
            for link in nk_tag.iterfind('link'):
                    (link.attrib['source'], link.attrib['target']))
            for link in nk_tag.iterfind('link'):
                weight = float(
                    link.attrib['value']) if 'value' in link.attrib else 1.0
                    (link.attrib['source'], link.attrib['target'], weight))

        self.networks[nk_tag.attrib['id']] = g
Exemple #11
def graph_from_xml(method_el):
    insns = insns_from_xml(method_el)
    bbs = basic_blocks(method_el)
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    bb_entry_points = {}
    for bb in bbs:
        bb_entry_points[bb.entry_point_index()] = bb

    # 0. Connect sequential basic blocks
    for i, bb in enumerate(bbs):
        tail = bb.tail_instruction()
        if tail.follows_sequential_instruction():
            if (i + 1) in range(len(bbs)):
                graph.add_edge(bb, bbs[i + 1])

    # 1. Connect branches
    for bb in bbs:
        tail = bb.tail_instruction()
        if tail.has_target():
            dest = bb_entry_points[tail.target_index()]
            graph.add_edge(bb, dest)

    # 2. Connect blocks within try blocks to handler entry points
    handlers = exception_handlers(method_el)
    for start, end in handlers:
        for bb in bbs:
            if bb.index() in range(start, end + 1):
                for index in handlers[(start, end)]:
                    graph.add_edge(bb, bb_entry_points[index])
    return graph
Exemple #12
def sample_graph():
    """Return a sample graph to be used by different iterator tests."""
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    graph.add_edge('a', 'b')
    graph.add_edge('a', 'e')
    graph.add_edge('b', 'c')
    graph.add_edge('c', 'b')
    graph.add_edge('c', 'd')
    return graph
Exemple #13
def test_relabel_selfloop():
    G = nx.DiGraph([(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
    G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, {1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}, copy=False)
    assert sorted(G.nodes()) == ['One', 'Three', 'Two']
    G = nx.MultiDiGraph([(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)])
    G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, {1: 'One', 2: 'Two', 3: 'Three'}, copy=False)
    assert sorted(G.nodes()) == ['One', 'Three', 'Two']
    G = nx.MultiDiGraph([(1, 1)])
    G = nx.relabel_nodes(G, {1: 0}, copy=False)
    assert sorted(G.nodes()) == [0]
Exemple #14
 def __init__(self, base_graph=None):
     if not base_graph:
         self.G = nx.DiGraph()
         self.G = base_graph
     self.carrier_count = 0
     self.meter_count = 0
     self.cw_count = 0
     self.iw_count = 0
     self.temp = nx.Graph()
Exemple #15
	def plot(self):
		drawableGraph = nx.DiGraph()
		for v in self.graph.vertices:
			adjs = self.graph.edges[v]
			for a in adjs:
				drawableGraph.add_edge(v, a)

		nx.draw(drawableGraph, with_labels=True, node_color='blue', node_size=50, width=1)
Exemple #16
def read_graph():
	Reads the input network in networkx.
    if args.weighted:
        G = nx.read_edgelist(args.input,
                             data=(('weight', float), ),
        G = nx.read_edgelist(args.input,
        for edge in G.edges():
            G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight'] = 1

    if not args.directed:
        G = G.to_undirected()

    return G
Exemple #17
def cycles(model, limit=6, threshold=0.01):


    :param model:  O dicionário contendo informações de transições de telas para um conjunto de usuários.
    :param limit: Um valor máximo de caminho. Geralmente caminhos com valores maior que 10 tem uma probabilidade muito
    pequena e raramente são escolhidos
    :param threshold: Um valor mínimo de probabilidade para caminhos. Este parâmetro evita que caminhos muito longos,
    ou seja, com baixa probabilidade continuem a ser buscados, reduzindo assim o tempo de execução do algoritmo
    :return: Um novo model contendo as informações das telas dos caminhos gerados e seus respectivos custos


    count_graph = model['model']

    probabilities_graph = {}

    for key in count_graph:
        transitions = count_graph[key]
        total = sum(transitions.values())
        features = {}
        for feature in transitions:
            features[feature] = {'weight': float(transitions[feature]) / total}
        probabilities_graph[key] = features

    graph = {}

    for key in list(probabilities_graph.keys()):
        graph[key] = list(probabilities_graph[key].keys())

    G = nx.DiGraph(probabilities_graph)

    all_simple_cycles = list(simple_cycles(G, limit=limit, threshold=threshold))

    all_cycles_sorted, cost_of_all_cycles = cost_of_cycles(probabilities_graph, all_simple_cycles, threshold=threshold)

    all_frames = []
    for cycle in all_cycles_sorted:
        all_frames += cycle

    all_frames = list(set(all_frames))

    model = []

    for i in range(len(all_cycles_sorted)):
        path = all_cycles_sorted[i]
        path_as_int = []

        for index in range(len(path)):
        model.append({"cost": cost_of_all_cycles[i], "path": path_as_int})

    return model, all_frames
def ReorderEvents(event_lst):
  if len(event_lst) == 0:
    return []
  node_id = 0
  graph = nx.DiGraph()
  connectors = {}
  last_event_per_cpu = {}
  last_userspace_event_per_thread = {}
  first_userspace_event_per_thread = {}
  # 1st pass: link all events belongs to the same core and same thread
  for evt in event_lst:
    graph.add_node(node_id, data=evt)
    if evt.cpu != 9:
      # kernel events
      if evt.cpu in last_event_per_cpu:
        graph.add_edge(last_event_per_cpu[evt.cpu], node_id)
      last_event_per_cpu[evt.cpu] = node_id
      # user space events
      if evt.pid in last_userspace_event_per_thread:
        graph.add_edge(last_userspace_event_per_thread[evt.pid], node_id)
      last_userspace_event_per_thread[evt.pid] = node_id
      if evt.pid not in first_userspace_event_per_thread:
        first_userspace_event_per_thread[evt.pid] = node_id
    node_id += 1
  # if all events are in one core, there is no need to do reordering
  if len(last_event_per_cpu.keys()) < 2 and len(first_userspace_event_per_thread.keys()) == 0:
    return event_lst
  # 2nd pass: extract all connector events
  for n in graph:
    LinkOtherEvents(n, connectors, graph)
  # 3rd pass: find all the events which the connector links to
  for n in graph:
    LinkOtherEvents(n, connectors, graph)
  # Do topological sort
    sorted_lst = nx.topological_sort(graph)
    sys.stderr.write('\n-----Found a cycle when doing reordering of the following events.-----\n')
    sys.stderr.write('\n'.join([str(e) for e in event_lst]))
    return event_lst
  if sorted_lst is None:
    return event_lst
  for n in sorted_lst:
    LinkUserSpaceEvents(n, graph, first_userspace_event_per_thread, last_userspace_event_per_thread)
  sorted_lst = nx.topological_sort(graph)
  if sorted_lst is None:
    return event_lst
  new_lst = []
  for n in sorted_lst:
  return new_lst
Exemple #19
 def __init__(
         parallel_walks=10):  # recommend: parallel_walks = number_walks
     self.look_back_list = node_id_map  # if memory error due to python multiprocessor module, plz reduce parallel_walks
     self.T = transition_mat
     self.workers = workers
     self.parallel_walks = parallel_walks
     self.rec_G = nx.to_networkx_graph(
         self.T, create_using=nx.DiGraph()
     )  # reconstructed "directed" "weighted" graph based on transition matrix
def create_dataset_from_json(dsjson):
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    for pointjs in dsjson["datapoints"]:
        graph.add_node(pointjs["id"], **pointjs["attr"])

    attrDescriptors = [
        load_attr_from_json(attrjs) for attrjs in dsjson["attrDescriptors"]
    ds = Dataset(dsjson["id"], dsjson["projectId"], dsjson["name"], graph,
                 attrDescriptors, dsjson["sourceInfo"],
                 dsjson.get("datapointsFile", None),
                 get_time(dsjson, "createdAt", "dateCreated"),
                 get_time(dsjson, "modifiedAt", "dateModified"))
    return ds
Exemple #21
def has_loop(edges, threshold=2):
    """check if a list of edges representing a directed graph contains a loop

        edges: list of edge sets representing a directed graph i.e. [(1, 2), (2, 1)]
        threshold: min number of nodes contained in loop

    g = nx.DiGraph()
    return any(
        len(comp) >= threshold for comp in strongly_connected_components(g))
Exemple #22
def __nested_remixgroup(dg1, remix_group):
    print "============= nested remix_group ================ \n"
    dg2 = nx.DiGraph()
    data = json.loads(remix_group.networkx_data)

    print "========== MERGED GROUP NODES: " + str(dg1.nodes())

    # FIXME: this combines the graphs correctly
    #        recheck the time-bound concept
    dg1 = nx.compose(dg1, dg2)
    print dg1.nodes()

    return dg1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Add date to nodes for sorting (FIXME: how can we avoid this query???)
        for node in dg.nodes():
            cursor.execute("SELECT snd.created, snd.original_filename, au.username " \
                           "FROM sounds_sound snd, auth_user au WHERE au.id=snd.user_id AND snd.id = %s", [node])
            temp = cursor.fetchone()
            dg.add_node(node, {'date':temp[0],
                               'nodeName': temp[1],
                               'username': temp[2]})
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)

        # print dg.nodes(data=True)
        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)
        node_list = []

        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate

        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset
        #    and create the groups
        for sg in subgraphs:
            # _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg_idx, sg)
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
Exemple #24
def copy_graph(G):
    new_graph = nx.DiGraph()
    node_mapping = {}

    for node in G.nodes():
        new_node = copy.deepcopy(node)
        node_mapping[node] = new_node

    new_edges = []

    for (n1, n2) in G.edges():
        new_edges.append((node_mapping[n1], node_mapping[n2]))


    return new_graph
Exemple #25
def LoadGraph(location):
    Function reads in a Json file containing a graph and associated edge metadata and returns a Networkx directed
    graph and a dictionary containing the associated edge metadata.
    :param location: path and file name where json file is stored
    :return: the function outputs a list of lists where list[0] "metadata" contains a dictionary where the keys are
    the NETS edges and te values are the associated metadata needed to recreate the original OWL representation and
    list[1] contains an directed OWL-NET graph

    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    data = json.load(open(location))
    edge_metadata = data['metadata']

    return edge_metadata, graph
def create_network_new(dataset, networkName):
    graph = nx.DiGraph()
    nodeAttrDescriptors = []
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalX", "OriginalX", 'float', "Original_layout",
                       None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalY", "OriginalY", 'float', "Original_layout",
                       None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalColor", "OriginalColor", 'color',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalSize", "OriginalSize", 'float',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalLabel", "OriginalLabel", 'string',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))

    linkAttrDescriptors = []
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalColor", "OriginalColor", 'color',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalSize", "OriginalSize", 'float',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))
        AttrDescriptor("OriginalLabel", "OriginalLabel", 'string',
                       "Original_layout", None, None, False, False))

    nw = Network(str(ObjectId()), dataset.id, dataset.projectId, "network",
                 "network for " + dataset.name, graph, nodeAttrDescriptors,
                 linkAttrDescriptors, {}, {}, {}, None, None,
                 datetime.datetime.utcnow(), datetime.datetime.utcnow())

    if networkName is not None:
        nw.name = networkName
        nw.genName = True

    return nw
Exemple #27
    def test_directed_weighted(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edge("A", "B", weight=5)
        G.add_edge("B", "C", weight=1)
        G.add_edge("B", "D", weight=0.25)
        G.add_edge("D", "E", weight=1)

        denom = len(G) - 1
        A_local = sum([5, 3, 2.625, 2.0833333333333]) / denom
        B_local = sum([1, 0.25, 0.625]) / denom
        C_local = 0
        D_local = sum([1]) / denom
        E_local = 0

        local_reach_ctrs = [A_local, C_local, B_local, D_local, E_local]
        max_local = max(local_reach_ctrs)
        expected = sum(max_local - lrc for lrc in local_reach_ctrs) / denom
        grc = nx.global_reaching_centrality
        actual = grc(G, normalized=False, weight='weight')
        assert almost_equal(expected, actual, places=7)
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        logger.info("Starting to create remix grooups")

        # 1) Get all the sounds that have remixes
        cursor = connection.cursor()
                            src.from_sound_id AS from,
                            src.to_sound_id AS to,
                            snd.created AS created
                            sounds_sound_sources src,
                            sounds_sound snd
                            src.to_sound_id = snd.id
                        ORDER BY
                            snd.created ASC

        # 2) Create directed graph
        dg = nx.DiGraph()
        for row in cursor:
            dg.add_edge(row[0], row[1])

        # 3) Create nodes with dates and metadata
        dg = _create_nodes(dg)

        # 4) Find weakly connected components (single direction)
        subgraphs = nx.weakly_connected_component_subgraphs(dg)

        # 5) delete all remixgroup objects to recalculate

        # 6) Loop through all connected graphs in the dataset and create the groups
        n_groups_created = 0
        for sg in subgraphs:
            _create_and_save_remixgroup(sg, RemixGroup())
            n_groups_created += 1

        logger.info("Finished createing remix grooups (%i groups created)" %
Exemple #29
def read_networkx_graph(driver, label, directed=True):
    if label is None or label == '':
        raise Exception("You must provide a valid graph label")

    print("Reading networkx graph labeled %s" % label)
    nodes = """
        MATCH (n:`%s`) 
            n.id as id, 
            apoc.map.removeKey(n{.*}, 'id') as props
    """ % label

    rels = """
        MATCH (a:`%s`)-[r:`%s`]->(b:`%s`) 
            a.id as a, 
            b.id as b, 
            apoc.map.removeKey(r{.*}, 'id') as props
    """ % (label, label, label)

    G = None
    if directed:
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G = nx.Graph()

    with driver.session() as session:
        # print(nodes)
        node_results = session.read_transaction(generic_worker(nodes))

        for n in node_results:
            G.add_node(n['id'], **n['props'])

        # print(rels)
        edge_results = session.read_transaction(generic_worker(rels))

        for e in edge_results:
            G.add_edge(e['a'], e['b'], **e['props'])

    print("Read graph %s" % G)
    return label, G
Exemple #30
def get_max_cut_star_5():
    n = 5
    V = np.arange(0, n, 1)
    E = [
        (0, 1, 3.0),
        (1, 2, 2.0),
        (2, 3, 2.0),
        (3, 4, 3.0),
        (4, 0, 1.0),
        (0, 3, 3.0),
        (1, 0, 3.0),
        (2, 1, 2.0),
        (3, 2, 2.0),
        (4, 3, 3.0),
        (0, 4, 1.0),
        (3, 0, 3.0),

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    return G