Exemple #1
    def _min_span_edges(self, data=True):
        Computes minumum spanning edges between nodes in Graph
        based on Kruskal algorithm. Only works for undirected graphs.
        Directed graphs will throw an error.

        data: Bool



        from networkx.utils import UnionFind
        # networkx implementation for finding minimum spanning edges #

        if self.graph.is_directed():
            raise nx.NetworkXError(
                "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

        subtrees = UnionFind()
        edges = sorted(self.graph.edges(data=True))
        for u, v, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if data:
                    yield (u, v, d)
                    yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
    def max_spacing(self, features=['curvature'], num_clusters=2):
        Adds cluster group attribute to example based on features and numbe of clusters
        using max spcaing algorithm
        example_pairs = list(combinations(range(len(self.examples)), 2))
        pair_dist = lambda x: self.dist(x, features)
        pair_to_edge = lambda x: [x[0], x[1], pair_dist(x)]
        edges = list(map(pair_to_edge, example_pairs))
        edges.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
        union_find = UnionFind()
        #list(map(lambda x: union_find[x], range(len(self.examples))))
        current_num_clusters = len(self.examples)

        while current_num_clusters != num_clusters:
            edge = edges.pop(0)

            if union_find[edge[0]] != union_find[edge[1]]:
                union_find.union(edge[0], edge[1])
                current_num_clusters -= 1

        for (index, example) in enumerate(self.examples):
            example.cluster_group = union_find[index]

        print(list(map(lambda x: x.cluster_group, self.examples)))
Exemple #3
def kruskal(G: "networkx Graph object") -> (list, list, list):
    Function that recieves a graph an returns the history of the algorithm, 
    the Mininum Spanning Tree and the edges that causes cycles
    # List for the minimum spanning tree
    mst = []
    # List for the history of the algorithm
    history = []
    # List for the edges tat causes cycles
    cycles = []
    # Disjoint structure for calculating the edges that causes cycles
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    # Sort the edges in ascendant order
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get('weight', 1))
    # For node A, Node B, Weight in the sorted edges
    for u, v, d in edges:
        # If the edge doesn't make a cycle append it to the mst
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            mst.append((u, v))
            subtrees.union(u, v)
        # Else append it to a cycle
            cycles.append((u, v))
        history.append((u, v))
    return history, mst, cycles
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, minimum, weight='weight', keys=True, data=True):
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    if G.is_multigraph():
        edges = G.edges(keys=True, data=True)
        edges = G.edges(data=True)
    getweight = lambda t: t[-1].get(weight, 1)
    edges = sorted(edges, key=getweight, reverse=not minimum)
    is_multigraph = G.is_multigraph()
    # Multigraphs need to handle edge keys in addition to edge data.
    if is_multigraph:
        for u, v, k, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if keys:
                    if data:
                        yield (u, v, k, d)
                        yield (u, v, k)
                    if data:
                        yield (u, v, d)
                        yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
        for u, v, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if data:
                    yield (u, v, d)
                    yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
def kruskal_mst(G):
    """Finds MST using Kruskal's algoritm
    G: NetworkX Graph
        An input weighted graph to find MST
    T: NetworkX Graph
        A minimum spanning tree
    T = nx.Graph()

    forest = UnionFind(G)

    edges = G.edges(data=True)

    def get_weights():
        """Unpacks the weights from a dictionary"""
        for u, v, dct in edges:
            w = dct.get('weight', 1)

            yield w, u, v, dct

    edges = sorted(get_weights(), key=itemgetter(0))

    for w, u, v, _ in edges:
        if forest[u] != forest[v]:
            T.add_edge(u, v, weight=w)
            forest.union(u, v)

    return T
    def get_steiner_tree(self):
        if self.steiner_tree is None:
            # Path expansion from scratch
            self.steiner_tree = nx.Graph()
            self.steiner_cost = 0
            edges = []

            for parent, timestamp in self.terminals.items():
                for child in self.metric_steiner_tree[parent]:
                    if child in self.terminals and self.terminals[
                            child] > timestamp:
                        new_path = []
                        self._fill_path(child, parent, new_path)
                        for i in range(len(new_path)):
                            prev_node = new_path[i]
                            next_node = new_path[i + 1] if (
                                i + 1) < len(new_path) else parent
                            heapq.heappush(edges, (self._get_edge_weight(
                                prev_node, next_node), prev_node, next_node))

            # Kruskal's algorithm to break cycles
            subtrees = UnionFind()
            while edges:
                d, u, v = heapq.heappop(edges)
                if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                    self.steiner_tree.add_edge(u, v, weight=d)
                    self.steiner_cost += d
                    subtrees.union(u, v)

        return self.steiner_tree, self.steiner_cost
    def connectAllNodesInRadius(self, graph, kdTree, radius):

        # keep a union-find data structure to improve search performance by not
        # allowing cycles in the graph
        graphPartitions = UnionFind()

        for currNodeLabel, currNodeData in list(graph.nodes(data=True)):

            currPos = currNodeData['pos']

            # search for all nodes in radius of the current node in question
            pointToCheck = currPos.flatten()
            neighborLabelsInRadius = kdTree.query_ball_point(
                pointToCheck, radius)

            # adding all NEW edges that don't collide to the graph
            for neighborLabel in neighborLabelsInRadius:

                goalPos = graph.getNodeData(neighborLabel, 'pos')

                collides = self.checkCollision(currPos, goalPos)
                notInSameComponent = self.checkConnectivity(
                    graphPartitions, currNodeLabel, neighborLabel)

                if (not collides) and notInSameComponent:

                    weight = self.calculateDist(currPos, goalPos)
                    graph.add_edge(currNodeLabel, neighborLabel, weight=weight)

                    # need to update union-find data with the new edge
                    graphPartitions.union(currNodeLabel, neighborLabel)

        return graph
Exemple #8
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, weight='weight', data=True):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected
    weighted graph.
    G : NetworkX Graph
    weight : string
       Edge data key to use for weight (default 'weight').
    data : bool, optional
       If True yield the edge data along with the edge.
    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()

    #average sum of incident edges
    track_sum = {}
    for edge in G.edges(data=True):
        edge = list(edge)
        incident_degree = G.degree(edge[0]) + G.degree(edge[1]) - 2
        sum_of_incident = sum([
            v3['weight'] for v1, v2, v3 in G.edges.data()
            if v1 == edge[0] or v2 == edge[0]
        sum_of_incident += sum([
            v3['weight'] for v1, v2, v3 in G.edges.data()
            if v1 == edge[1] or v2 == edge[1]
        average_sum_of_incident = sum_of_incident / incident_degree
        edge[2]['weight'] += average_sum_of_incident
        track_sum[str(edge[0]) + str(edge[1]) +
                  str(edge[2]['weight'])] = average_sum_of_incident
    track_sum = {}
    for edge in G.edges(data=True):
        edge = list(edge)
        incident_degree = G.degree(edge[0]) + G.degree(edge[1]) - 2
        sum_of_incident = sum([v3['weight'] for v1,v2,v3 in G.edges.data() if v1==edge[0] or v2==edge[0]])
        sum_of_incident += sum([v3['weight'] for v1,v2,v3 in G.edges.data() if v1==edge[1] or v2==edge[1]])
        edge[2]['weight'] += incident_degree
        track_sum[str(edge[0]) + str(edge[1]) + str(edge[2]['weight'])] = incident_degree
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1))
    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                remove = track_sum.get(str(u) + str(v) + str(d['weight']))
                d['weight'] -= remove
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #9
def minimum_spanning_edges(G):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected 
    weighted graph.

    A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree)
    with the minimum sum of edge weights.  A spanning forest is a
    union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph
    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print(sorted(edgelist))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]
    >>> T=nx.Graph(edgelist)  # build a graph of the MST.
    >>> print(sorted(T.edges(data=True)))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    If the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1
    will be assigned.

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind

    if G.is_directed():
        raise NetworkXError(\
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted((G[u][v].get('weight', 1), u, v) for u in G for v in G[u])
    for W, u, v in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            yield (u, v, {'weight': W})
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #10
def minimum_spanning_edges(G):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected 
    weighted graph.

    A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree)
    with the minimum sum of edge weights.  A spanning forest is a
    union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph
    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print(sorted(edgelist))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]
    >>> T=nx.Graph(edgelist)  # build a graph of the MST.
    >>> print(sorted(T.edges(data=True)))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    If the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1
    will be assigned.

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind

    if G.is_directed():
        raise NetworkXError(\
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted((G[u][v].get('weight',1),u,v) for u in G for v in G[u])
    for W,u,v in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            yield (u,v,{'weight':W})
Exemple #11
def minimum_spanning_edges(G, weight='weight', data=True):
    Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected
    weighted graph.

    A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree)
    with the minimum sum of edge weights.  A spanning forest is a
    union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

    :param G: NetworkX Graph
    :param weight: Edge data key to use for weight (default 'weight')
    :param data: If True yield the edge data along with the edge (optional)

    :return edges: iterator. A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.

    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G,data=False) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print(sorted(edgelist))
    [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    If the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1
    will be used.

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1.0))

    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
def kruskal(maze):
    walls = []
    for node in maze.graph.nodes():
        walls.extend(w for w in maze.walls(node) if w not in walls)
    cells = UnionFind()
    for c in maze.graph.nodes(): cells[c]
    for c1, c2 in walls:
        if cells[c1] != cells[c2]:
            yield 'connect', (c1, c2)
            cells.union(c1, c2)
Exemple #13
def minimum_spanning_edges(G, weight='weight', data=False):
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = list(G.edges())
    for u, v in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #14
def kruskal(maze):
    walls = []
    for node in maze.graph.nodes():
        walls.extend(w for w in maze.walls(node) if w not in walls)
    cells = UnionFind()
    for c in maze.graph.nodes():
    for c1, c2 in walls:
        if cells[c1] != cells[c2]:
            yield 'connect', (c1, c2)
            cells.union(c1, c2)
Exemple #15
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, minimum, weight='weight', data=True):
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1),
                   reverse=not minimum)

    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #16
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, minimum, weight='weight', data=True):
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True),
                   key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1),
                   reverse=not minimum)

    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #17
def mst(g, weight='weight', data=True):

    # Initialize a UnionFind() object to store the spanning edges of the MST
    mst = UnionFind()
    # Sort the edges in ascending order of their weights
    edges = sorted(g.edges(data = True), key = lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1))
    # For each edge (u, v) by ordered weight, check if adding the edge
    # will create a cycle; if not, add to the mst, else discard the edge
    for (u, v, w) in edges:
        if mst[u] != mst[v]:
            yield (u, v, w) 
        mst.union(u, v)
Exemple #18
def minimum_spanning_edges(G,weight='weight',data=True):
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True),key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight,1))
    for u,v,d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u,v,d)
                yield (u,v)
Exemple #19
def kruskal_mst(G):
    """Generate a minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph.

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    G : NetworkX Graph
    A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
    The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.kruskal_mst(G) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print sorted(edgelist)
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]
    >>> T=nx.Graph(edgelist)  # build a graph of the MST.
    >>> print sorted(T.edges(data=True))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006

    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted((G[u][v].get('weight', 1), u, v) for u in G for v in G[u])
    for W, u, v in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            yield (u, v, {'weight': W})
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #20
def kruskal_mst(G):
    """Generate a minimum spanning tree of an undirected graph.

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    G : NetworkX Graph
    A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
    The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.kruskal_mst(G) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print sorted(edgelist)
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]
    >>> T=nx.Graph(edgelist)  # build a graph of the MST.
    >>> print sorted(T.edges(data=True))
    [(0, 1, {'weight': 1}), (1, 2, {'weight': 1}), (2, 3, {'weight': 1})]

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006

    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted((G[u][v].get('weight',1),u,v) for u in G for v in G[u])
    for W,u,v in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            yield (u,v,{'weight':W})
Exemple #21
def minimum_spanning_edges(G, weight='weight', data=True):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected
    weighted graph.

    A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree)
    with the minimum sum of edge weights.  A spanning forest is a
    union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph

    weight : string
       Edge data key to use for weight (default 'weight').

    data : bool, optional
       If True yield the edge data along with the edge.

    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.


    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1))
    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #22
def krustal(G):
    T = nx.Graph()
    subtrees = UnionFind()

    # make list of all edges in G
    edge_pool = list(E(G))

    #loop until no more edges left to consider adding
    while len(edge_pool) > 0:
        #get the shortest edge in the edge list, I don't know how to sort yet
        edge = get_min_edge(G, edge_pool)
        #remove the edge from the pool for the next iteration

        #check if the edge will form a cycle, if not then add it to the tree
        if subtrees[edge[0]] != subtrees[edge[1]]:
            subtrees.union(edge[0], edge[1])
    return T
Exemple #23
def kruskal(G, pos):
    subG = nx.empty_graph()
    subsets = UnionFind()
    edgelist = []
    for edge in G.edges:
        edgelist.append([edge[0], edge[1], G[edge[0]][edge[1]]['weight']])
    edgelist.sort(key=lambda x: x[2])
    i = 0
    for edge in edgelist:
        edge = edgelist[i]
        if subsets[edge[0]] != subsets[edge[1]]:
            subsets.union(edge[0], edge[1])
            subG.add_edge(edge[0], edge[1], weight=edge[2], color='g')
            drawGraph(G, pos, subG)
        i += 1
    drawGraph(subG, pos, subG)
    return subG
Exemple #24
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, minimum, weight='weight', keys=True, data=True):
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    if G.is_multigraph():
        edges = G.edges(keys=True, data=True)
        edges = G.edges(data=True)
    getweight = lambda t: t[-1].get(weight, 1)
    edges = sorted(edges, key=getweight, reverse=not minimum)
    is_multigraph = G.is_multigraph()
    # Multigraphs need to handle edge keys in addition to edge data.
    if is_multigraph:
        for u, v, k, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if keys:
                    if data:
                        yield (u, v, k, d)
                        yield (u, v, k)
                    if data:
                        yield (u, v, d)
                        yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
        for u, v, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if data:
                    yield (u, v, d)
                    yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #25
def minimum_spanning_edges(G, weight='weight', data=True):

    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G,data=False) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print(sorted(edgelist))
    [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    If the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1
    will be used.

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind
    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError(
            "Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1))
    probability = 99
    for u, v, d in edges:
        r = rand.randint(1, 101)
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data and (r in range(probability)):
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
        probability -= 1
Exemple #26
def calculate_hamming_clusters(numbers):
    numbers_map = defaultdict(list)
    for index, node in enumerate(numbers):

    # no duplicates in the union find
    union_find = UnionFind(numbers_map)

    hamming_distance_one = [1 << i for i in range(24)]
    hamming_distance_two = [
        1 << i ^ 1 << j for i, j in itertools.combinations(range(24), 2)

    hamming_distances = [*hamming_distance_one, *hamming_distance_two]

    keys = list(numbers_map)
    for distance_mask in hamming_distances:
        for key in keys:
            key2 = key ^ distance_mask
            if numbers_map[key2]:
                union_find.union(key, key2)

    return len(list(union_find.to_sets()))
Exemple #27
def lca_networkx(G, root, pairs):
    Implemented according to CLRS page 584 (3rd edition).
    Compare to [epp]

    [nx]: https://github.com/networkx/networkx/master/
    [epp]: https://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/LCA.py

    from collections import defaultdict
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind, arbitrary_element
    from networkx import dfs_postorder_nodes

    pair_dict = defaultdict(set)
    for u, v in pairs:

    # Iterative implementation of Tarjan's offline lca algorithm
    # as described in CLRS on page 521.
    uf = UnionFind()
    ancestors = {}
    for node in G:
        ancestors[node] = uf[node]

    colors = defaultdict(bool)
    for node in dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root):
        colors[node] = True
        for v in pair_dict[node]:
            if colors[v]:
                if (v, node) in pairs:
                    yield (v, node), ancestors[uf[v]]
        if node != root:
            parent = arbitrary_element(G.pred[node])
            uf.union(parent, node)
            ancestors[uf[parent]] = parent
Exemple #28
def tarjan(G, root=None, pairs=None):
    LCA for graph G with Tarjan's algorithm tarjan.
    if len(G) == 0:
        raise nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept("LCA meaningless on null graphs.")
    elif None in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("None is not a valid node.")
    # Index pairs of interest for efficient lookup from either side.
    if pairs is not None:
        pair_dict = defaultdict(set)
        # See note on all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor.
        if not isinstance(pairs, (Mapping, Set)):
            pairs = set(pairs)
        for u, v in pairs:
            for n in (u, v):
                if n not in G:
                    msg = "The node %s is not in the digraph." % str(n)
                    raise nx.NodeNotFound(msg)
    if root is None:
        for n, deg in G.in_degree:
            if deg == 0:
                if root is not None:
                    msg = "No root specified and tree has multiple sources."
                    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
                root = n
            elif deg > 1:
                msg = "Tree LCA only defined on trees; use DAG routine."
                raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
    if root is None:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Graph contains a cycle.")
    uf = UnionFind()
    ancestors = {}
    for node in G:
        ancestors[node] = uf[node]
    colors = defaultdict(bool)
    for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root):
        colors[node] = True
        for v in (pair_dict[node] if pairs is not None else G):
            if colors[v]:
                # If the user requested both directions of a pair, give it.
                # Otherwise, just give one.
                if pairs is not None and (node, v) in pairs:
                    yield (node, v), ancestors[uf[v]]
                if pairs is None or (v, node) in pairs:
                    yield (v, node), ancestors[uf[v]]
        if node != root:
Exemple #29
def main():
    H, W = pin(2)
    Q = pin(1)
    uf = UnionFind()
    C = Counter()
    for _ in [0] * Q:
        t = pin(1)
        if t == 1:
            x, y = pin(2)
            x -= 1
            y -= 1
            C[(x, y)] = 1
            for i in [(0, 1), (0, -1), (1, 0), (-1, 0)]:
                if C[(x + i[0], y + i[1])] == 1:
                    uf.union((x, y), ((x + i[0], y + i[1])))
            xa, ya, xb, yb = pin(4)
            if C[(xa - 1, ya - 1)] == 0:
            elif uf[(xa - 1, ya - 1)] == uf[(xb - 1, yb - 1)]:
def boruvka_mst(G):
    """Finds MST using Boruvka's algoritm
    G: NetworkX Graph
        An input weighted graph to find MST
    T: NetworkX Graph
        A minimum spanning tree
    T = nx.Graph()

    forest = UnionFind(G)

    def find_edge(comp):
        """Finds the minimum edge for the given connected component"""

        minw = np.inf
        border = None

        for e in nx.edge_boundary(G, comp, data=True):
            w = e[-1].get('weight', 1)

            if w < minw:
                minw = w
                border = e

        return border

    min_edges = (find_edge(comp) for comp in forest.to_sets())
    min_edges = [edge for edge in min_edges if edge is not None]

    while min_edges:
        min_edges = (find_edge(comp) for comp in forest.to_sets())
        min_edges = [edge for edge in min_edges if edge is not None]

        for u, v, w in min_edges:
            if forest[u] != forest[v]:
                T.add_edge(u, v, weight=w['weight'])
                forest.union(u, v)

    return T
def tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(G, root=None, pairs=None):
    r"""Yield the lowest common ancestor for sets of pairs in a tree.

    G : NetworkX directed graph (must be a tree)

    root : node, optional (default: None)
        The root of the subtree to operate on.
        If None, assume the entire graph has exactly one source and use that.

    pairs : iterable or iterator of pairs of nodes, optional (default: None)
        The pairs of interest. If None, Defaults to all pairs of nodes
        under `root` that have a lowest common ancestor.

    lcas : generator of tuples `((u, v), lca)` where `u` and `v` are nodes
        in `pairs` and `lca` is their lowest common ancestor.

    Only defined on non-null trees represented with directed edges from
    parents to children. Uses Tarjan's off-line lowest-common-ancestors
    algorithm. Runs in time $O(4 \times (V + E + P))$ time, where 4 is the largest
    value of the inverse Ackermann function likely to ever come up in actual
    use, and $P$ is the number of pairs requested (or $V^2$ if all are needed).

    Tarjan, R. E. (1979), "Applications of path compression on balanced trees",
    Journal of the ACM 26 (4): 690-715, doi:10.1145/322154.322161.

    See Also
    all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor (similar routine for general DAGs)
    lowest_common_ancestor           (just a single pair for general DAGs)
    if len(G) == 0:
        raise nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept("LCA meaningless on null graphs.")
    elif None in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("None is not a valid node.")

    # Index pairs of interest for efficient lookup from either side.
    if pairs is not None:
        pair_dict = defaultdict(set)
        # See note on all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor.
        if not isinstance(pairs, (Mapping, Set)):
            pairs = set(pairs)
        for u, v in pairs:
            for n in (u, v):
                if n not in G:
                    msg = f"The node {str(n)} is not in the digraph."
                    raise nx.NodeNotFound(msg)

    # If root is not specified, find the exactly one node with in degree 0 and
    # use it. Raise an error if none are found, or more than one is. Also check
    # for any nodes with in degree larger than 1, which would imply G is not a
    # tree.
    if root is None:
        for n, deg in G.in_degree:
            if deg == 0:
                if root is not None:
                    msg = "No root specified and tree has multiple sources."
                    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
                root = n
            elif deg > 1:
                msg = "Tree LCA only defined on trees; use DAG routine."
                raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
    if root is None:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Graph contains a cycle.")

    # Iterative implementation of Tarjan's offline lca algorithm
    # as described in CLRS on page 521 (2nd edition)/page 584 (3rd edition)
    uf = UnionFind()
    ancestors = {}
    for node in G:
        ancestors[node] = uf[node]

    colors = defaultdict(bool)
    for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root):
        colors[node] = True
        for v in (pair_dict[node] if pairs is not None else G):
            if colors[v]:
                # If the user requested both directions of a pair, give it.
                # Otherwise, just give one.
                if pairs is not None and (node, v) in pairs:
                    yield (node, v), ancestors[uf[v]]
                if pairs is None or (v, node) in pairs:
                    yield (v, node), ancestors[uf[v]]
        if node != root:
            parent = arbitrary_element(G.pred[node])
            uf.union(parent, node)
            ancestors[uf[parent]] = parent
Exemple #32
def boruvka_mst_edges(G,
    """Iterate over edges of a Borůvka's algorithm min/max spanning tree.

    G : NetworkX Graph
        The edges of `G` must have distinct weights,
        otherwise the edges may not form a tree.

    minimum : bool (default: True)
        Find the minimum (True) or maximum (False) spanning tree.

    weight : string (default: 'weight')
        The name of the edge attribute holding the edge weights.

    keys : bool (default: True)
        This argument is ignored since this function is not
        implemented for multigraphs; it exists only for consistency
        with the other minimum spanning tree functions.

    data : bool (default: True)
        Flag for whether to yield edge attribute dicts.
        If True, yield edges `(u, v, d)`, where `d` is the attribute dict.
        If False, yield edges `(u, v)`.

    ignore_nan : bool (default: False)
        If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised.
        If `ignore_nan is True` then that edge is ignored instead.

    # Initialize a forest, assuming initially that it is the discrete
    # partition of the nodes of the graph.
    forest = UnionFind(G)

    def best_edge(component):
        """Returns the optimum (minimum or maximum) edge on the edge
        boundary of the given set of nodes.

        A return value of ``None`` indicates an empty boundary.

        sign = 1 if minimum else -1
        minwt = float('inf')
        boundary = None
        for e in nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=True):
            wt = e[-1].get(weight, 1) * sign
            if isnan(wt):
                if ignore_nan:
                msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                raise ValueError(msg % (e, ))
            if wt < minwt:
                minwt = wt
                boundary = e
        return boundary

    # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each component
    # in the forest.
    best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
    best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
    # If each entry was ``None``, that means the graph was disconnected,
    # so we are done generating the forest.
    while best_edges:
        # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each
        # component in the forest.
        # This must be a sequence, not an iterator. In this list, the
        # same edge may appear twice, in different orientations (but
        # that's okay, since a union operation will be called on the
        # endpoints the first time it is seen, but not the second time).
        # Any ``None`` indicates that the edge boundary for that
        # component was empty, so that part of the forest has been
        # completed.
        # TODO This can be parallelized, both in the outer loop over
        # each component in the forest and in the computation of the
        # minimum. (Same goes for the identical lines outside the loop.)
        best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
        best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
        # Join trees in the forest using the best edges, and yield that
        # edge, since it is part of the spanning tree.
        # TODO This loop can be parallelized, to an extent (the union
        # operation must be atomic).
        for u, v, d in best_edges:
            if forest[u] != forest[v]:
                if data:
                    yield u, v, d
                    yield u, v
                forest.union(u, v)
Exemple #33
def kruskal_mst_edges(G,
    """Iterate over edges of a Kruskal's algorithm min/max spanning tree.

    G : NetworkX Graph
        The graph holding the tree of interest.

    minimum : bool (default: True)
        Find the minimum (True) or maximum (False) spanning tree.

    weight : string (default: 'weight')
        The name of the edge attribute holding the edge weights.

    keys : bool (default: True)
        If `G` is a multigraph, `keys` controls whether edge keys ar yielded.
        Otherwise `keys` is ignored.

    data : bool (default: True)
        Flag for whether to yield edge attribute dicts.
        If True, yield edges `(u, v, d)`, where `d` is the attribute dict.
        If False, yield edges `(u, v)`.

    ignore_nan : bool (default: False)
        If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised.
        If `ignore_nan is True` then that edge is ignored instead.

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    if G.is_multigraph():
        edges = G.edges(keys=True, data=True)

        def filter_nan_edges(edges=edges, weight=weight):
            sign = 1 if minimum else -1
            for u, v, k, d in edges:
                wt = d.get(weight, 1) * sign
                if isnan(wt):
                    if ignore_nan:
                    msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                    raise ValueError(msg % ((u, v, f, k, d), ))
                yield wt, u, v, k, d
        edges = G.edges(data=True)

        def filter_nan_edges(edges=edges, weight=weight):
            sign = 1 if minimum else -1
            for u, v, d in edges:
                wt = d.get(weight, 1) * sign
                if isnan(wt):
                    if ignore_nan:
                    msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                    raise ValueError(msg % ((u, v, d), ))
                yield wt, u, v, d

    edges = sorted(filter_nan_edges(), key=itemgetter(0))
    # Multigraphs need to handle edge keys in addition to edge data.
    if G.is_multigraph():
        for wt, u, v, k, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if keys:
                    if data:
                        yield u, v, k, d
                        yield u, v, k
                    if data:
                        yield u, v, d
                        yield u, v
                subtrees.union(u, v)
        for wt, u, v, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if data:
                    yield (u, v, d)
                    yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #34
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, minimum, weight='weight',
                      keys=True, data=True, ignore_nan=False):
    """Iterate over edges of a Kruskal's algorithm min/max spanning tree.

    G : NetworkX Graph
        The graph holding the tree of interest.

    minimum : bool (default: True)
        Find the minimum (True) or maximum (False) spanning tree.

    weight : string (default: 'weight')
        The name of the edge attribute holding the edge weights.

    keys : bool (default: True)
        If `G` is a multigraph, `keys` controls whether edge keys ar yielded.
        Otherwise `keys` is ignored.

    data : bool (default: True)
        Flag for whether to yield edge attribute dicts.
        If True, yield edges `(u, v, d)`, where `d` is the attribute dict.
        If False, yield edges `(u, v)`.

    ignore_nan : bool (default: False)
        If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised.
        If `ignore_nan is True` then that edge is ignored instead.

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    if G.is_multigraph():
        edges = G.edges(keys=True, data=True)

        def filter_nan_edges(edges=edges, weight=weight):
            sign = 1 if minimum else -1
            for u, v, k, d in edges:
                wt = d.get(weight, 1) * sign
                if isnan(wt):
                    if ignore_nan:
                    msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                    raise ValueError(msg % ((u, v, k, d),))
                yield wt, u, v, k, d
        edges = G.edges(data=True)

        def filter_nan_edges(edges=edges, weight=weight):
            sign = 1 if minimum else -1
            for u, v, d in edges:
                wt = d.get(weight, 1) * sign
                if isnan(wt):
                    if ignore_nan:
                    msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                    raise ValueError(msg % ((u, v, d),))
                yield wt, u, v, d
    edges = sorted(filter_nan_edges(), key=itemgetter(0))
    # Multigraphs need to handle edge keys in addition to edge data.
    if G.is_multigraph():
        for wt, u, v, k, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if keys:
                    if data:
                        yield u, v, k, d
                        yield u, v, k
                    if data:
                        yield u, v, d
                        yield u, v
                subtrees.union(u, v)
        for wt, u, v, d in edges:
            if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
                if data:
                    yield (u, v, d)
                    yield (u, v)
                subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #35
def boruvka_mst_edges(G, minimum=True, weight='weight', keys=False, data=True):
    """Iterates over the edges of a minimum spanning tree as computed by
    Borůvka's algorithm.

    `G` is a NetworkX graph. Also, the edges must have distinct weights,
    otherwise the edges may not form a tree.

    `weight` is the edge attribute that stores the edge weights. Each
    edge in the graph must have such an attribute, otherwise a
    :exc:`KeyError` will be raised.

    If `data` is True, this iterator yields edges of the form
    ``(u, v, d)``, where ``u`` and ``v`` are nodes and ``d`` is the edge
    attribute dictionary. Otherwise, it yields edges of the form
    ``(u, v)``.

    The `keys` argument is ignored, since this function is not
    implemented for multigraphs; it exists only for consistency with the
    other minimum spanning tree functions.

    opt = min if minimum else max
    # Initialize a forest, assuming initially that it is the discrete
    # partition of the nodes of the graph.
    forest = UnionFind(G)

    def best_edge(component):
        """Returns the optimum (minimum or maximum) edge on the edge
        boundary of the given set of nodes.

        A return value of ``None`` indicates an empty boundary.

        # TODO In Python 3.4 and later, we can just do
        #     boundary = nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=weight)
        #     return opt(boundary, key=lambda e: e[-1][weight], default=None)
        # which is better because it doesn't require creating a list.
        boundary = list(nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=True))
        if not boundary:
            return None
        return opt(boundary, key=lambda e: e[-1][weight])

    # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each component
    # in the forest.
    best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
    best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
    # If each entry was ``None``, that means the graph was disconnected,
    # so we are done generating the forest.
    while best_edges:
        # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each
        # component in the forest.
        # This must be a sequence, not an iterator. In this list, the
        # same edge may appear twice, in different orientations (but
        # that's okay, since a union operation will be called on the
        # endpoints the first time it is seen, but not the second time).
        # Any ``None`` indicates that the edge boundary for that
        # component was empty, so that part of the forest has been
        # completed.
        # TODO This can be parallelized, both in the outer loop over
        # each component in the forest and in the computation of the
        # minimum. (Same goes for the identical lines outside the loop.)
        best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
        best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
        # Join trees in the forest using the best edges, and yield that
        # edge, since it is part of the spanning tree.
        # TODO This loop can be parallelized, to an extent (the union
        # operation must be atomic).
        for u, v, d in best_edges:
            if forest[u] != forest[v]:
                if data:
                    yield u, v, d
                    yield u, v
                forest.union(u, v)
Exemple #36
if __name__ == "__main__":
    filename = "clustering_big.txt"
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()

    n_nodes, n_bits = map(int, lines[0].split())
    print(f'{n_nodes} nodes')
    print(f'{n_bits} bits per node')

    numbers = [int(''.join(line.split()), 2) for line in lines[1:]]
    nodes = {}
    for node, num in enumerate(numbers):
        if num not in nodes:
            nodes[num] = set()

    uf = UnionFind(range(n_nodes))

    distances = [1 << i for i in range(n_bits)]
    distances += [(1 << ix_1) ^ (1 << ix_2) for (ix_1, ix_2) in itertools.combinations(range(n_bits), 2)]

    for distance in distances:
        for number in nodes.keys():
            if (number ^ distance) in nodes:
                for node_from in nodes[number]:
                    for node_to in nodes[number ^ distance]:
                        uf.union(node_from, node_to)
    print(len(list(uf.to_sets())))  # 6118
Exemple #37
def minimum_spanning_edges(G, weight="weight", data=True):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected 
    weighted graph.

    A minimum spanning tree is a subgraph of the graph (a tree)
    with the minimum sum of edge weights.  A spanning forest is a
    union of the spanning trees for each connected component of the graph.

    G : NetworkX Graph
    weight : string
       Edge data key to use for weight (default 'weight').

    data : bool, optional
       If True yield the edge data along with the edge.
    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    >>> G=nx.cycle_graph(4)
    >>> G.add_edge(0,3,weight=2) # assign weight 2 to edge 0-3
    >>> mst=nx.minimum_spanning_edges(G,data=False) # a generator of MST edges
    >>> edgelist=list(mst) # make a list of the edges
    >>> print(sorted(edgelist))
    [(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3)]

    Uses Kruskal's algorithm.

    If the graph edges do not have a weight attribute a default weight of 1
    will be used.

    Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # Modified code from David Eppstein, April 2006
    # http://www.ics.uci.edu/~eppstein/PADS/
    # Kruskal's algorithm: sort edges by weight, and add them one at a time.
    # We use Kruskal's algorithm, first because it is very simple to
    # implement once UnionFind exists, and second, because the only slow
    # part (the sort) is sped up by being built in to Python.
    from networkx.utils import UnionFind

    if G.is_directed():
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Mimimum spanning tree not defined for directed graphs.")

    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(G.edges(data=True), key=lambda t: t[2].get(weight, 1))
    for u, v, d in edges:
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            if data:
                yield (u, v, d)
                yield (u, v)
            subtrees.union(u, v)
Exemple #38
def kruskal_mst_edges(G, weight='weight', data=True):
    """Generate edges in a minimum spanning forest of an undirected
    weighted graph.
    G : NetworkX Graph
    weight : string
       Edge data key to use for weight (default 'weight').
    data : bool, optional
       If True yield the edge data along with the edge.
    edges : iterator
       A generator that produces edges in the minimum spanning tree.
       The edges are three-tuples (u,v,w) where w is the weight.
    subtrees = UnionFind()
    edges = sorted(
        key=lambda t: t[2].get("weight"))  #sorted by edge weights first
    edges_no_weights = [e[0:2] for e in edges]  #same order as edges
    edges_copy = edges.copy()
    available_edges = len(G.nodes) - 1
    dominated = set()  #set of dominated vertices
    num_edges_mst = 0

    while num_edges_mst < len(G.nodes):
        i = 0
        u, v, d = edges_copy[0]
        while (u in dominated and v in dominated and i + 1 < len(edges_copy)
               and subtrees[u] == subtrees[v]):
            i += 1
            u, v, d = edges_copy[i]
        if subtrees[u] != subtrees[v]:
            new_v_reached = 0
            u_subtree = []
            v_subtree = []

            #for loop to find the number of new vertices reached:
            for x, y, w in edges_copy:
                if x in set(G.__getitem__(u)) or y in set(
                        G.__getitem__(v)):  #neighbors of u and v
                    if x not in dominated:
                        new_v_reached += 1
                    if y not in dominated:
                        new_v_reached += 1

            #all parts of current mst
            subtrees.union(u, v)
            curr_mst_vertices = [list(s) for s in subtrees.to_sets() if u in s]
            curr_mst_vertices = curr_mst_vertices[0]
            current_tree = nx.Graph()
            for v1, v2, v3 in G.edges.data():
                if v1 in curr_mst_vertices and v2 in curr_mst_vertices:
                    edges_ = edges[edges_no_weights.index((v1, v2))]
                    current_tree.add_edge(v1, v2, weight=v3['weight'])
            before = average_pairwise_distance(current_tree)

            #add one edge to find increase in cost
            for v1, v2, v3 in edges_copy:
                new_tree = current_tree.copy()
                #edge (u, X) (v, X) (X, u) (X, v)
                if (v1 == u and v2 != v) or (v1 == v and v2 != v) or (
                        v2 == u and v1 != v) or (v2 == v and v1 != u):
                    new_tree.add_edge(v1, v2, weight=v3['weight'])
                    after = average_pairwise_distance(new_tree)
                    edge_update = edges_copy[edges_no_weights.index((v1, v2))]
                    edge_update_list = list(edge_update[0:2])
                    if after - before > 0 and new_v_reached != 0:
                            {'weight': ((after - before) / new_v_reached)})
                            (v1, v2))] = edge_update_list
            #update edges_copy
            edges_copy = sorted(edges_copy, key=lambda x: x[2]['weight'])
            #available_edges -= 1
            num_edges_mst += 1
            yield (u, v, edges[edges_no_weights.index((u, v))][2])
            if num_edges_mst == len(G.nodes) - 1:
Exemple #39
def boruvka_mst_edges(G, minimum=True, weight='weight',
                      keys=False, data=True, ignore_nan=False):
    """Iterate over edges of a Borůvka's algorithm min/max spanning tree.

    G : NetworkX Graph
        The edges of `G` must have distinct weights,
        otherwise the edges may not form a tree.

    minimum : bool (default: True)
        Find the minimum (True) or maximum (False) spanning tree.

    weight : string (default: 'weight')
        The name of the edge attribute holding the edge weights.

    keys : bool (default: True)
        This argument is ignored since this function is not
        implemented for multigraphs; it exists only for consistency
        with the other minimum spanning tree functions.

    data : bool (default: True)
        Flag for whether to yield edge attribute dicts.
        If True, yield edges `(u, v, d)`, where `d` is the attribute dict.
        If False, yield edges `(u, v)`.

    ignore_nan : bool (default: False)
        If a NaN is found as an edge weight normally an exception is raised.
        If `ignore_nan is True` then that edge is ignored instead.

    # Initialize a forest, assuming initially that it is the discrete
    # partition of the nodes of the graph.
    forest = UnionFind(G)

    def best_edge(component):
        """Returns the optimum (minimum or maximum) edge on the edge
        boundary of the given set of nodes.

        A return value of ``None`` indicates an empty boundary.

        sign = 1 if minimum else -1
        minwt = float('inf')
        boundary = None
        for e in nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=True):
            wt = e[-1].get(weight, 1) * sign
            if isnan(wt):
                if ignore_nan:
                msg = "NaN found as an edge weight. Edge %s"
                raise ValueError(msg % (e,))
            if wt < minwt:
                minwt = wt
                boundary = e
        return boundary

    # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each component
    # in the forest.
    best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
    best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
    # If each entry was ``None``, that means the graph was disconnected,
    # so we are done generating the forest.
    while best_edges:
        # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each
        # component in the forest.
        # This must be a sequence, not an iterator. In this list, the
        # same edge may appear twice, in different orientations (but
        # that's okay, since a union operation will be called on the
        # endpoints the first time it is seen, but not the second time).
        # Any ``None`` indicates that the edge boundary for that
        # component was empty, so that part of the forest has been
        # completed.
        # TODO This can be parallelized, both in the outer loop over
        # each component in the forest and in the computation of the
        # minimum. (Same goes for the identical lines outside the loop.)
        best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
        best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
        # Join trees in the forest using the best edges, and yield that
        # edge, since it is part of the spanning tree.
        # TODO This loop can be parallelized, to an extent (the union
        # operation must be atomic).
        for u, v, d in best_edges:
            if forest[u] != forest[v]:
                if data:
                    yield u, v, d
                    yield u, v
                forest.union(u, v)
Exemple #40
def boruvka_mst_edges(G, minimum=True, weight='weight', keys=False, data=True):
    """Iterates over the edges of a minimum spanning tree as computed by
    Borůvka's algorithm.

    `G` is a NetworkX graph. Also, the edges must have distinct weights,
    otherwise the edges may not form a tree.

    `weight` is the edge attribute that stores the edge weights. Each
    edge in the graph must have such an attribute, otherwise a
    :exc:`KeyError` will be raised.

    If `data` is True, this iterator yields edges of the form
    ``(u, v, d)``, where ``u`` and ``v`` are nodes and ``d`` is the edge
    attribute dictionary. Otherwise, it yields edges of the form
    ``(u, v)``.

    The `keys` argument is ignored, since this function is not
    implemented for multigraphs; it exists only for consistency with the
    other minimum spanning tree functions.

    opt = min if minimum else max
    # Initialize a forest, assuming initially that it is the discrete
    # partition of the nodes of the graph.
    forest = UnionFind(G)

    def best_edge(component):
        """Returns the optimum (minimum or maximum) edge on the edge
        boundary of the given set of nodes.

        A return value of ``None`` indicates an empty boundary.

        # TODO In Python 3.4 and later, we can just do
        #     boundary = nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=weight)
        #     return opt(boundary, key=lambda e: e[-1][weight], default=None)
        # which is better because it doesn't require creating a list.
        boundary = list(nx.edge_boundary(G, component, data=True))
        if not boundary:
            return None
        return opt(boundary, key=lambda e: e[-1][weight])

    # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each component
    # in the forest.
    best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
    best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
    # If each entry was ``None``, that means the graph was disconnected,
    # so we are done generating the forest.
    while best_edges:
        # Determine the optimum edge in the edge boundary of each
        # component in the forest.
        # This must be a sequence, not an iterator. In this list, the
        # same edge may appear twice, in different orientations (but
        # that's okay, since a union operation will be called on the
        # endpoints the first time it is seen, but not the second time).
        # Any ``None`` indicates that the edge boundary for that
        # component was empty, so that part of the forest has been
        # completed.
        # TODO This can be parallelized, both in the outer loop over
        # each component in the forest and in the computation of the
        # minimum. (Same goes for the identical lines outside the loop.)
        best_edges = (best_edge(component) for component in forest.to_sets())
        best_edges = [edge for edge in best_edges if edge is not None]
        # Join trees in the forest using the best edges, and yield that
        # edge, since it is part of the spanning tree.
        # TODO This loop can be parallelized, to an extent (the union
        # operation must be atomic).
        for u, v, d in best_edges:
            if forest[u] != forest[v]:
                if data:
                    yield u, v, d
                    yield u, v
                forest.union(u, v)
Exemple #41
from networkx.utils import UnionFind

H, W = map(int, input().split())
Q = int(input())
P = set()
uf = UnionFind()

for _ in range(Q):
    t, *q = map(int, input().split())
    if t == 1:
        x, y = (a-1 for a in q)
        P.add((x, y))
        for u, v in [(x, y+1), (x, y-1), (x+1, y), (x-1, y)]:
            if (u, v) in P:
                uf.union((x, y), (u, v))
        xa, ya, xb, yb = (a-1 for a in q)
        if {(xa, ya), (xb, yb)}<=P and uf[(xa, ya)]==uf[(xb, yb)]:
def tree_all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor(G, root=None, pairs=None):
    r"""Yield the lowest common ancestor for sets of pairs in a tree.

    G : NetworkX directed graph (must be a tree)

    root : node, optional (default: None)
        The root of the subtree to operate on.
        If None, assume the entire graph has exactly one source and use that.

    pairs : iterable or iterator of pairs of nodes, optional (default: None)
        The pairs of interest. If None, Defaults to all pairs of nodes
        under `root` that have a lowest common ancestor.

    lcas : generator of tuples `((u, v), lca)` where `u` and `v` are nodes
        in `pairs` and `lca` is their lowest common ancestor.

    Only defined on non-null trees represented with directed edges from
    parents to children. Uses Tarjan's off-line lowest-common-ancestors
    algorithm. Runs in time $O(4 \times (V + E + P))$ time, where 4 is the largest
    value of the inverse Ackermann function likely to ever come up in actual
    use, and $P$ is the number of pairs requested (or $V^2$ if all are needed).

    Tarjan, R. E. (1979), "Applications of path compression on balanced trees",
    Journal of the ACM 26 (4): 690-715, doi:10.1145/322154.322161.

    See Also
    all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor (similar routine for general DAGs)
    lowest_common_ancestor           (just a single pair for general DAGs)
    if len(G) == 0:
        raise nx.NetworkXPointlessConcept("LCA meaningless on null graphs.")
    elif None in G:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("None is not a valid node.")

    # Index pairs of interest for efficient lookup from either side.
    if pairs is not None:
        pair_dict = defaultdict(set)
        # See note on all_pairs_lowest_common_ancestor.
        if not isinstance(pairs, (Mapping, Set)):
            pairs = set(pairs)
        for u, v in pairs:
            for n in (u, v):
                if n not in G:
                    msg = "The node %s is not in the digraph." % str(n)
                    raise nx.NodeNotFound(msg)

    # If root is not specified, find the exactly one node with in degree 0 and
    # use it. Raise an error if none are found, or more than one is. Also check
    # for any nodes with in degree larger than 1, which would imply G is not a
    # tree.
    if root is None:
        for n, deg in G.in_degree:
            if deg == 0:
                if root is not None:
                    msg = "No root specified and tree has multiple sources."
                    raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
                root = n
            elif deg > 1:
                msg = "Tree LCA only defined on trees; use DAG routine."
                raise nx.NetworkXError(msg)
    if root is None:
        raise nx.NetworkXError("Graph contains a cycle.")

    # Iterative implementation of Tarjan's offline lca algorithm
    # as described in CLRS on page 521 (2nd edition)/page 584 (3rd edition)
    uf = UnionFind()
    ancestors = {}
    for node in G:
        ancestors[node] = uf[node]

    colors = defaultdict(bool)
    for node in nx.dfs_postorder_nodes(G, root):
        colors[node] = True
        for v in (pair_dict[node] if pairs is not None else G):
            if colors[v]:
                # If the user requested both directions of a pair, give it.
                # Otherwise, just give one.
                if pairs is not None and (node, v) in pairs:
                    yield (node, v), ancestors[uf[v]]
                if pairs is None or (v, node) in pairs:
                    yield (v, node), ancestors[uf[v]]
        if node != root:
            parent = arbitrary_element(G.pred[node])
            uf.union(parent, node)
            ancestors[uf[parent]] = parent