Exemple #1
def _generate_min_degree(gamma, average_degree, max_degree, tolerance, max_iters):
    """Returns a minimum degree from the given average degree."""
    # Defines zeta function whether or not Scipy is available
        from scipy.special import zeta
    except ImportError:

        def zeta(x, q):
            return _hurwitz_zeta(x, q, tolerance)

    min_deg_top = max_degree
    min_deg_bot = 1
    min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
    itrs = 0
    mid_avg_deg = 0
    while abs(mid_avg_deg - average_degree) > tolerance:
        if itrs > max_iters:
            raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations("Could not match average_degree")
        mid_avg_deg = 0
        for x in range(int(min_deg_mid), max_degree + 1):
            mid_avg_deg += (x ** (-gamma + 1)) / zeta(gamma, min_deg_mid)
        if mid_avg_deg > average_degree:
            min_deg_top = min_deg_mid
            min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
            min_deg_bot = min_deg_mid
            min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
        itrs += 1
    # return int(min_deg_mid + 0.5)
    return round(min_deg_mid)
Exemple #2
def _powerlaw_sequence(gamma, low, high, condition, length, max_iters, seed):
    """Returns a list of numbers obeying a constrained power law distribution.

    ``gamma`` and ``low`` are the parameters for the Zipf distribution.

    ``high`` is the maximum allowed value for values draw from the Zipf
    distribution. For more information, see :func:`_zipf_rv_below`.

    ``condition`` and ``length`` are Boolean-valued functions on
    lists. While generating the list, random values are drawn and
    appended to the list until ``length`` is satisfied by the created
    list. Once ``condition`` is satisfied, the sequence generated in
    this way is returned.

    ``max_iters`` indicates the number of times to generate a list
    satisfying ``length``. If the number of iterations exceeds this
    value, :exc:`~networkx.exception.ExceededMaxIterations` is raised.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
    for i in range(max_iters):
        seq = []
        while not length(seq):
            seq.append(_zipf_rv_below(gamma, low, high, seed))
        if condition(seq):
            return seq
    raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations("Could not create power law sequence")
Exemple #3
def generateConnexe(longueur, largeur, probarete, limite, fonctionpoids,
    i = 0
    g = generate(longueur, largeur, probarete, fonctionpoids, parampoids)
    while not (nx.is_connected(g)) and i < limite:
        i += 1
        g = generate(longueur, largeur, probarete, fonctionpoids, parampoids)
    if nx.is_connected(g):
        return g
        raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations('Pas de graphe connexe généré avant ' +
                                       str(limite) + ' itérations')
def _generate_communities(degree_seq, community_sizes, mu, max_iters, seed):
    """Returns a list of sets, each of which represents a community in
    the graph.

    ``degree_seq`` is the degree sequence that must be met by the

    ``community_sizes`` is the community size distribution that must be
    met by the generated list of sets.

    ``mu`` is a float in the interval [0, 1] indicating the fraction of
    intra-community edges incident to each node.

    ``max_iters`` is the number of times to try to add a node to a
    community. This must be greater than the length of
    ``degree_seq``, otherwise this function will always fail. If
    the number of iterations exceeds this value,
    :exc:`~networkx.exception.ExceededMaxIterations` is raised.

    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.

    The communities returned by this are sets of integers in the set {0,
    ..., *n* - 1}, where *n* is the length of ``degree_seq``.

    # This assumes the nodes in the graph will be natural numbers.
    result = [set() for _ in community_sizes]
    n = len(degree_seq)
    free = list(range(n))
    for i in range(max_iters):
        v = free.pop()
        c = seed.choice(range(len(community_sizes)))
        # s = int(degree_seq[v] * (1 - mu) + 0.5)
        s = round(degree_seq[v] * (1 - mu))
        # If the community is large enough, add the node to the chosen
        # community. Otherwise, return it to the list of unaffiliated
        # nodes.
        if s < community_sizes[c]:
        # If the community is too big, remove a node from it.
        if len(result[c]) > community_sizes[c]:
        if not free:
            return result
    msg = 'Could not assign communities; try increasing min_community'
    raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations(msg)
Exemple #5
def _generate_min_degree(gamma, average_degree, max_degree, tolerance, max_iters):
    """Returns a minimum degree from the given average degree."""
    min_deg_top = max_degree
    min_deg_bot = 1
    min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
    itrs = 0
    mid_avg_deg = 0
    while abs(mid_avg_deg - average_degree) > tolerance:
        if itrs > max_iters:
            raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations("Could not match average_degree")
        mid_avg_deg = 0
        for x in range(int(min_deg_mid), max_degree + 1):
            mid_avg_deg += (x ** (-gamma + 1)) / zeta(gamma, min_deg_mid, tolerance)
        if mid_avg_deg > average_degree:
            min_deg_top = min_deg_mid
            min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
            min_deg_bot = min_deg_mid
            min_deg_mid = (min_deg_top - min_deg_bot) / 2 + min_deg_bot
        itrs += 1
    return round(min_deg_mid)
Exemple #6
def _generate_communities(degree_seq, community_sizes, lab_coms, mu, labels,
                          noise, std, max_iters, seed, type_attr):
    """Returns a list of sets, each of which represents a community.
    ``degree_seq`` is the degree sequence that must be met by the
    ``community_sizes`` is the community size distribution that must be
    met by the generated list of sets.
    ``mu`` is a float in the interval [0, 1] indicating the fraction of
    intra-community edges incident to each node.
    ``max_iters`` is the number of times to try to add a node to a
    community. This must be greater than the length of
    ``degree_seq``, otherwise this function will always fail. If
    the number of iterations exceeds this value,
    :exc:`~networkx.exception.ExceededMaxIterations` is raised.
    seed : integer, random_state, or None (default)
        Indicator of random number generation state.
        See :ref:`Randomness<randomness>`.
    The communities returned by this are sets of integers in the set {0,
    ..., *n* - 1}, where *n* is the length of ``degree_seq``.
    card_lab = []
    for lb in labels:
        if lb == "auto":  # number of labels equal to the number of communities
            card_lab.append([i for i in range(1, len(community_sizes) + 1)])
            card_lab.append([i for i in range(1, lb + 1)])

    # This assumes the nodes in the graph will be natural numbers.
    result = [set() for _ in community_sizes]
    n = len(degree_seq)
    lab_nodes = [list(range(n)) for i in range(len(card_lab))]
    free = list(range(n))
    for i in range(max_iters):
        v = free.pop()
        c = random.choice(range(len(community_sizes)))
        # s = int(degree_seq[v] * (1 - mu) + 0.5)
        s = round(degree_seq[v] * (1 - mu))
        # If the community is large enough, add the node to the chosen
        # community. Otherwise, return it to the list of unaffiliated nodes.
        if s < community_sizes[c]:

            if type_attr == "continuous":
                for j, attr in enumerate(lab_coms):
                    lab_nodes[j][v] = float(np.random.normal(attr[c], std, 1))
                    #lab_nodes[j][v] = round(float(np.random.normal(attr[c], std, 1)))
            #if categorical
                for j, attr in enumerate(lab_coms):
                    if random.uniform(0, 1) < 1 - noise:
                        lab_nodes[j][v] = attr[c]
                        l = random.choice(card_lab[j])
                        lab_nodes[j][v] = l
                        # copy_card_lab = copy.copy(card_lab)
                        # copy_card_lab.remove(lab_coms[c])
                        # l = random.choice(copy_card_lab)
        # If the community is too big, remove a node from it.
        if len(result[c]) > community_sizes[c]:
        if not free:
            return lab_nodes, result
    msg = 'Could not assign communities'
    raise nx.ExceededMaxIterations(msg)