def augmentNodes(g): r1 = nx.eigenvector_centrality_numpy(g) r2 = nx.degree_centrality(g) # DP MY r3 = nx.betweenness_centrality(g) r5 = nx.load_centrality(g,weight='weight') # DY, WY-writename # Scientific collaboration networks: II. Shortest paths, weighted networks, and centrality, M. E. J. Newman, Phys. Rev. E 64, 016132 (2001). r6 = nx.pagerank(g, alpha=0.85, personalization=None, max_iter=100, tol=1e-08, nstart=None, weight='weight') if nx.is_directed(g) == True: r8 = nx.in_degree_centrality(g) r9 = nx.out_degree_centrality(g) # r10 = nx.hits(g, max_iter=100, tol=1e-08, nstart=None) else: r4 = nx.communicability_centrality(g) r7 = nx.clustering(g, weight='weight') for x in g.nodes(): g.node[x]['eigenvector_centrality_numpy'] = r1[x] g.node[x]['degree_centrality'] = r2[x] g.node[x]['betweenness_centrality'] = r3[x] g.node[x]['load_centrality'] = r5[x] g.node[x]['pagerank'] = r6[x] if nx.is_directed(g) == True: g.node[x]['in_degree_centrality'] = r8[x] g.node[x]['out_degree_centrality'] = r9[x] # g.node[x]['hits'] = r10[x] else: g.node[x]['communicability_centrality'] = r4[x] g.node[x]['clustering'] = r7[x] return g
def _create_flow_graph(G, H, infcapFlows): """Creates the flow graph on G corresponding to the auxiliary digraph H and infinite capacity edges flows infcapFlows. """ if nx.is_directed(G): flowGraph = nx.DiGraph(G) else: flowGraph = nx.Graph(G) for (u, v) in flowGraph.edges(): if H.has_edge(u, v): try: flowGraph[u][v]['flow'] = abs(G[u][v]['capacity'] - H[u][v]['capacity']) except KeyError: # (u, v) has infinite capacity try: flowGraph[u][v]['flow'] = H[v][u]['capacity'] except KeyError: # Infinite capacity digon in the original graph. if nx.is_directed(G): flowGraph[u][v]['flow'] = max(infcapFlows[(u, v)] - infcapFlows[(v, u)], 0) else: flowGraph[u][v]['flow'] = abs(infcapFlows[(u, v)] - infcapFlows[(v, u)]) else: flowGraph[u][v]['flow'] = G[u][v]['capacity'] return flowGraph
def calculate_network_measures(net, analyser): deg=nx.degree_centrality(net) clust=[] if(net.is_multigraph()): net = analyser.flatGraph(net) if(nx.is_directed(net)): tmp_net=net.to_undirected() clust=nx.clustering(tmp_net) else: clust=nx.clustering(net) if(nx.is_directed(net)): tmp_net=net.to_undirected() paths=nx.shortest_path(tmp_net, source=None, target=None, weight=None) else: paths=nx.shortest_path(net, source=None, target=None, weight=None) lengths = [map(lambda a: len(a[1]), x[1].items()[1:]) for x in paths.items()] all_lengths=[] for a in lengths: all_lengths.extend(a) max_value=max(all_lengths) #all_lengths = [x / float(max_value) for x in all_lengths] return deg.values(),clust.values(),all_lengths
def _create_auxiliary_digraph(G): """Initialize an auxiliary digraph and dict of infinite capacity edges for a given graph G. Ignore edges with capacity <= 0. """ auxiliary = nx.DiGraph() infcapFlows = {} if nx.is_directed(G): for edge in G.edges(data = True): if edge[2].has_key('capacity'): if edge[2]['capacity'] > 0: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) else: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) infcapFlows[(edge[0], edge[1])] = 0 else: for edge in G.edges(data = True): if edge[2].has_key('capacity'): if edge[2]['capacity'] > 0: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) auxiliary.add_edge(edge[1], edge[0], edge[2]) else: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) auxiliary.add_edge(edge[1], edge[0], edge[2]) infcapFlows[(edge[0], edge[1])] = 0 infcapFlows[(edge[1], edge[0])] = 0 return auxiliary, infcapFlows
def _create_flow_dict(G, H, infcapFlows, capacity="capacity"): """Creates the flow dict of dicts on G corresponding to the auxiliary digraph H and infinite capacity edges flows infcapFlows. """ flowDict = {} for u in G.nodes_iter(): if not u in flowDict: flowDict[u] = {} for v in G.neighbors(u): if H.has_edge(u, v): try: flowDict[u][v] = abs(G[u][v][capacity] - H[u][v][capacity]) except KeyError: # (u, v) has infinite capacity try: flowDict[u][v] = H[v][u][capacity] except KeyError: try: # Infinite capacity digon in the original graph. if nx.is_directed(G): flowDict[u][v] = max(infcapFlows[(u, v)] - infcapFlows[(v, u)], 0) else: flowDict[u][v] = abs(infcapFlows[(u, v)] - infcapFlows[(v, u)]) except KeyError: # Zero flow flowDict[u][v] = 0 else: flowDict[u][v] = G[u][v][capacity] return flowDict
def attack_based_max_closeness(G): """ Recalcuat closeness attack """ n = G.number_of_nodes() tot_ND = [0] * (n+1) tot_T = [0] * (n+1) ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[0] = ND tot_T[0] = 0 # remember when all the closeness have been zero for all nodes for i in range(1, n+1): all_closeness = nx.closeness_centrality(G) # get node with max betweenness node = max(all_closeness, key=all_closeness.get) # remove all the edges adjacent to node if not nx.is_directed(G): # undirected graph for key in G[node].keys(): G.remove_edge(node, key) else: # directed graph for x in [v for u, v in G.out_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(node, x) for x in [u for u, v in G.in_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(x, node) # calculate driver node number ND ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[i] = ND tot_T[i] = i return (tot_ND, tot_T, Max_Betweenness_Zero_T)
def random_rewiring(network): """ Rewires a pair of edges such that the degree sequence is preserved. Arguments: network => The input network. Returns: A network with one pair of edges randomly rewired. """ # Don't terminate until the rewiring is performed. while True: # Store the number of edges in the network to avoid repeated computation. network_edges = nx.edges(network) # If there isn't at least 1 edge, break out and return. if len(network_edges) == 0: break # Randomly selected a link from the network. link1 = (source1, target1) = random.choice(network_edges) # Find all the edges that share no nodes with link1. disjoint_links = [link for link in network_edges if not any(node in link for node in link1)] # If there are no disjoint links, it would be impossible to randomize the network while # still preserving the degree sequence, so break out and return. if len(disjoint_links) == 0: break # Randomly selected a DIFFERENT link from the network (no sharing of nodes allowed). link2 = (source2, target2) = random.choice(disjoint_links) # If the graph is directed, there is only one option. # If the graph is undirected, there are two options, each with a 50-50 chance. if not nx.is_directed(network) and random.random() < 0.5: # Rewire links A-B and C-D to A-C and B-D. new_link1 = (source1, source2) new_link2 = (target1, target2) else: # Rewire links A-B and C-D to A-D and C-B. new_link1 = (source1, target2) new_link2 = (source2, target1) # If the new links aren't in the network already, replace the old links with the new links. if not network.has_edge(*new_link1) and not network.has_edge(*new_link2): # Remove the old links. network.remove_edges_from([link1, link2]) # Add the new links. network.add_edges_from([new_link1, new_link2]) # Returned the slightly altered new network. return network
def estimate_joint_dist(graph, nsteps): assert(not nx.is_directed(graph)) assert('labeled' in graph.graph and graph.graph['labeled']) n = nsteps #total num seen n_iod = {} #total seen with indeg i, outdeg o, deg d # random initial node; don't include in estimator node = random.choice(graph.nodes()) # rw for i in xrange(nsteps): node = random.choice(list(nx.all_neighbors(graph, node))) iod_tuple = (graph.node[node]['in-degree'], graph.node[node]['out-degree'], graph.node[node]['degree']) n_iod[iod_tuple] = n_iod.get(iod_tuple,0) + 1 # degree distribution parameters max_indeg = max([graph.node[k]['in-degree'] for k in graph.node.keys()]) max_outdeg = max([graph.node[k]['out-degree'] for k in graph.node.keys()]) deg_par = np.zeros((max_indeg + 1, max_outdeg + 1)) for (indeg, outdeg, deg) in n_iod.keys(): val = n_iod[(indeg, outdeg, deg)] deg_par[indeg, outdeg] += float(val) / float(n * deg) #deg_par[indeg, outdeg] += float(val) / float(deg) # normalize deg_par /= deg_par.sum() np.savetxt("deg_par.csv", deg_par, delimiter=",") return deg_par
def prepare_visjs_data(g): nodes = [] for node in g.nodes_iter(): new = {'id': str(node), 'label': str(g.node[node]['label']) if 'label' in g.node[node] else str(node), 'shape': 'box' } nodes.append(new) edges = [] for fromnode, tonode, etype in g.edges_iter(keys=True): if 'label' in g[fromnode][tonode][etype]: label = str(g[fromnode][tonode][etype]['label']) elif 'weight' in g[fromnode][tonode][etype]: label = str(g[fromnode][tonode][etype]['weight']) else: #label = str(etype) label = '' new = {'from': str(fromnode), 'to': str(tonode), 'label': label, 'color': {'color': 'black', 'highlight': 'blue', 'hover': 'blue'}, } if nx.is_directed(g): new['arrows'] = 'to' edges.append(new) return {'nodes': nodes, 'edges': edges}
def DFS(G, s): cor = {} pred = {} d = {} f = {} tempo = 0 for v in G.nodes(): cor[v] = "branco" # cores possíveis: branco cinza e preto pred[v] = None for v in G.nodes(): if cor[v] == "branco": tempo = visit(G, v, cor, pred, d, f, tempo) H = nx.create_empty_copy(G) for v1, v2, data in G.edges(data=True): if (pred[v2] is v1) or (pred[v1] is v2 and not nx.is_directed(H)): H.add_edge(v1, v2, data) H.node[v1]["begin_time"] = d[v1] H.node[v2]["begin_time"] = d[v2] H.node[v1]["finish_time"] = f[v1] H.node[v2]["finish_time"] = f[v2] return H
def Prim(G = nx.Graph(), R = None): # Q é a lista de vértices que não estão na árvore Q = {} # pred armazenará o predecessor de cada vértice pred = {} # Inicializamos Q com todos os vértices com valor infinito, pois neste # ponto ainda não há ligação entre nenhum vértice. Igualmente, nenhum # vértice tem predecessor, portanto utilizamos o valor 'null'. for v,data in G.nodes(data=True): Q[v] = n.inf pred[v] = 'null' # Caso não haja pesos definidos para os vértices, atribuímos o valor 1.0. # Esta é uma abordagem alternativa à que usamos em Kruskal, de utilizar uma # variável para verificar se estamos levando em conta o peso ou não. for e,x in G.edges(): if ('weight' not in G[e][x]): G[e][x]['weight'] = 1.0 # Inicializamos a raiz da árvore com valor 0, e criamos uma árvore chamada # MST apenas com os vértices de G. Q[R] = 0.0 MST = nx.create_empty_copy(G) while Q: # u := índice do menor elemento de Q # pois queremos o vértice de menor peso u = min(Q,key=Q.get) # removemos de Q, pois ele será adicionado na árvore del Q[u] # guardamos os pesos mínimos de cada vizinho de u em Q, se forem # menores do que os já armazenados for vizinho in G[u]: if vizinho in Q: if G[u][vizinho]['weight'] < Q[vizinho]: pred[vizinho] = u Q[vizinho] = G[u][vizinho]['weight'] # Se existirem predecessores para u, então adicionaremos as arestas # conectando o vértice u a seus predecessores if pred[u] is not 'null': for v1,v2,data in G.edges(data=True): # para preservar os dados da aresta, foi necessário esse loop # que verifica todas as arestas do grafo e procura a aresta # (pred(u),u), porém, como um grafo não direcionado da # biblioteca não duplica a existência de suas arestas no # conjunto de arestas, isto é, se tem (u,v) não tem (v,u), há a # necessidade de verificar, no caso de grafos não direcionados, # se há a existência da aresta (u,pred(u)) ao invés de # (pred(u),u) if ( v1 is pred[u] and v2 is u ): MST.add_edge(pred[u],u,data) elif ( ( v1 is u and v2 is pred[u] ) and ( not nx.is_directed(G) ) ): MST.add_edge(pred[u],u,data) return MST
def _create_auxiliary_digraph(G, capacity="capacity"): """Initialize an auxiliary digraph and dict of infinite capacity edges for a given nxgraph G. Ignore edges with capacity <= 0. """ auxiliary = nx.DiGraph() auxiliary.add_nodes_from(G) inf_capacity_flows = {} if nx.is_directed(G): for edge in G.edges(data=True): if capacity in edge[2]: if edge[2][capacity] > 0: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) else: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) inf_capacity_flows[(edge[0], edge[1])] = 0 else: for edge in G.edges(data=True): if capacity in edge[2]: if edge[2][capacity] > 0: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) auxiliary.add_edge(edge[1], edge[0], edge[2]) else: auxiliary.add_edge(*edge) auxiliary.add_edge(edge[1], edge[0], edge[2]) inf_capacity_flows[(edge[0], edge[1])] = 0 inf_capacity_flows[(edge[1], edge[0])] = 0 return auxiliary, inf_capacity_flows
def output_graph_sgf(G): print("# Simple Graph Format") print("# name:", if nx.is_directed(G): d = "d" else: d = "u" print(d, G.number_of_nodes(), G.number_of_edges()) cnt = 0 for node in G.nodes_iter(data=True): node_id = node[0] if node_id != cnt: raise ("non-consecutive node exception") # if 'weight' in node[1]: cnt += 1 # print(G.out_edges([node[0]])) print(node_id, end="|") edges = [] # edges = [str(edge[1]) for edge in nx.edges_iter(G, [node[0]])] for edge in G.edges_iter([node[0]], data="weight"): # print('edge', edge) src = edge[0] dst = edge[1] weight = edge[2] if src != node_id: raise ("invalid link") if weight != None: edges.append(str(dst) + ":" + str(weight)) else: edges.append(str(dst)) print(",".join(edges)) if cnt != G.number_of_nodes(): raise ("non-consecutive node exception")
def scaling_mincostflow(G, s, t, capacity='capacity', weight='weight', demand='demand', refine_scaling_constant=2): """Find a minimum cost flow solution using the push-relabel algorithm/successive approximation algorithm """ if G.is_multigraph(): raise nx.NetworkXError( 'MultiGraph and MultiDiGraph not supported (yet).') if not nx.is_directed(G): raise nx.NetworkXError( 'Undirected graphs are not supported (yet).') getcontext().prec = 28 G_copy = nx.DiGraph(G) max_cost = max([G_copy[u][v][weight] for u,v in G_copy.edges_iter()]) #initialization price='price' for v in G_copy: G_copy.node[v][price] = 0 epsilon = Decimal(max_cost) _get_maxflow(G_copy, s, t, capacity) len_G = len(G_copy) tol = Decimal(1/Decimal(len_G)) while epsilon >= tol: epsilon = _refine(epsilon, G_copy, capacity, weight, refine_scaling_constant, s, t) return _create_flow_dict(G, G_copy, t)
def __init__( self, graph, weight='weight', cap='capacity', ): """ Constructor """ self.wt = weight self.cap = cap self.g = graph self.pathHeap = [] # Use the heapq module functions heappush(pathHeap, item) and heappop(pathHeap, item) self.pathList = [] # Contains WeightedPath objects self.deletedEdges = set() self.deletedNodes = set() self.kPath = None # Make a copy of the graph tempG that we can manipulate if isinstance(graph, nx.Graph): # self.tempG = graph.copy() if nx.is_directed(graph): self.tempG = nx.DiGraph(graph) else: self.tempG = nx.Graph(graph) else: self.tempG = None
def WC_model(G, a): # a: the set of initial active nodes # each edge from node u to v is assigned probability 1/in-degree(v) of activating v A = set(a) # A: the set of active nodes, initially a B = set(a) # B: the set of nodes activated in the last completed iteration converged = False if nx.is_directed(G): my_degree_function = G.in_degree else: my_degree_function = while not converged: nextB = set() for n in B: for m in set(G.neighbors(n)) - A: prob = random.random() # in the range [0.0, 1.0) p = 1.0/my_degree_function(m) if prob <= p: nextB.add(m) B = set(nextB) if not B: converged = True A |= B return len(A)
def attack_based_max_eigenvector(G): """ Recalculate eigenvector centrality attack """ n = G.number_of_nodes() tot_ND = [0] * (n+1) tot_T = [0] * (n+1) ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[0] = ND tot_T[0] = 0 for i in range(1, n+1): # calculate all nodes' eigenvector centrality allEigenvectorCentrality = nx.eigenvector_centrality(G, max_iter=1000, weight=None) # get node with max eigenvector centrality node = max(allEigenvectorCentrality, key=allEigenvectorCentrality.get) # remove all the edges adjacent to node if not nx.is_directed(G): # undirected graph for key in G[node].keys(): G.remove_edge(node, key) else: # directed graph for x in [v for u, v in G.out_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(node, x) for x in [u for u, v in G.in_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(x, node) ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[i] = ND tot_T[i] = i return (tot_ND, tot_T)
def single_discount_high_degree_nodes_gen(k, G): if nx.is_directed(G): my_degree_function = G.out_degree else: my_degree_function = D = [] for i in range(k): # find the node of max out_degree, discounting any out-edge # to a node already in D maxoutdeg_i = -1 v_i = -1 for v in list(set(G.nodes()) - set(D)): outdeg = my_degree_function(v) for u in D: if G.has_edge(v, u): outdeg -= 1 if outdeg > maxoutdeg_i: maxoutdeg_i = outdeg v_i = v D.append(v_i) yield D
def add_graph(canvas: CanvasSelection, graph, weight: Union[str, None] = 'weight') -> CanvasSelection: """ Adds all nodes and edges from a NetworkX graph to the given canvas. Edges will automatically set the :meth:`~graphics.EdgeSelection.directed` attribute and/or add a weight :meth:`~graphics.EdgeSelection.label` depending on the provided graph. :param canvas: The CanvasSelection onto which the graph should be added. :type canvas: :class:`~graphics.CanvasSelection` :param graph: The NetworkX graph :type graph: Any type of NetworkX graph :param weight: The name of the attribute which describes edge weight in the the NetworkX graph. Edges without the attribute will not display a weight, and a value of ``None`` will prevent any weight from being displayed. Defaults to "weight". :type weight: Union[str, None] :return: The provided CanvasSelection with animations disabled, allowing initial attributes to be configured. :rtype: :class:`~graphics.CanvasSelection` """ weighted_edges = [] unweighted_edges = [] for e in graph.edges: if weight in graph.edges[e]: weighted_edges.append(e) else: unweighted_edges.append(e) canvas.nodes(graph.nodes).add() if len(unweighted_edges) > 0: init_edges = canvas.edges(unweighted_edges).add() if is_directed(graph): init_edges.directed(True) if len(weighted_edges) > 0: init_edges = canvas.edges(weighted_edges).add() if is_directed(graph): init_edges.directed(True) init_edges.label().add().text(lambda e: graph.edges[e][weight]) return canvas.duration(0)
def matchingVertices(self, graph, trie_node, nodes_used, states): candidates = [] if not trie_node.areConditionsRespectedWeak(nodes_used): return candidates min_value = trie_node.getMinLabelForCurrentPos(nodes_used) if nodes_used == []: candidates = [x for x in graph.nodes() if x >= min_value] else: cand_graph = graph.to_undirected() if networkx.is_directed(graph) else graph connections = [set(cand_graph.neighbors(x)) for x in nodes_used] if trie_node.getGraph().degree(trie_node.getGraph().nodes()[len(nodes_used)]) == 0: connections.append(set([x for x, y in graph.degree_iter() if y == 0])) connections = list(set.union(*connections)) connections = [x for x in connections if x >= min_value] candidates = [x for x in connections if x not in nodes_used] #Testing the space reduction #candidates.sort(key=lambda x: len(graph.neighbors(x))) #candidates = [x for x in candidates if len(graph.neighbors(x)) == len(graph.neighbors(candidates[0]))] #candidates = [x for x in candidates if x not in nodes_used] #candidates = [] #if len(connections) > 0: #candidates = [x for x in graph.neighbors(connections[0]) if x not in nodes_used] vertices = [] for node in candidates: cand_test = [] test_nodes = copy.deepcopy(nodes_used) test_nodes.append(node) if states: if graph.node[node] == trie_node.getNodeStates()[len(nodes_used)]: for i in range(0, len(trie_node.getInLinks())): if ((trie_node.getInLinks()[i] == 1 and node in graph.edge[test_nodes[i]] and trie_node.getInLinkStates()[i] == graph.edge[test_nodes[i]][node]) or (trie_node.getInLinks()[i] == 0 and node not in graph.edge[test_nodes[i]])) and \ ((trie_node.getOutLinks()[i] == 1 and test_nodes[i] in graph.edge[node] and trie_node.getOutLinkStates()[i] == graph.edge[node][test_nodes[i]]) or (trie_node.getOutLinks()[i] == 0 and test_nodes[i] not in graph.edge[node])): cand_test.append(True) else: cand_test.append(False) if False not in cand_test: vertices.append(node) else: for i in range(0, len(trie_node.getInLinks())): if ((trie_node.getInLinks()[i] == 1 and node in graph.edge[test_nodes[i]]) or (trie_node.getInLinks()[i] == 0 and node not in graph.edge[test_nodes[i]])) and \ ((trie_node.getOutLinks()[i] == 1 and test_nodes[i] in graph.edge[node]) or (trie_node.getOutLinks()[i] == 0 and test_nodes[i] not in graph.edge[node])): cand_test.append(True) else: cand_test.append(False) if False not in cand_test: vertices.append(node) return vertices
def evaluate(input_graph, lst, teleportation_vector, r, alpha=0.85, element='edge', max_iter=100, tol=1e-3): """ evaluation :param input_graph: a networkx graph :param lst: list of selected edges/nodes, or the list of nodes in induced-subgraph :param teleportation_vector: teleportation vector :param r: ranking vector before elements removal :param alpha: damping factor :param element: edge, node, or subgraph :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations :param tol: tolerance :return: value for evaluation metric """ graph = deepcopy(input_graph) directed = nx.is_directed(graph) r_change = list() if element == 'edge': graph.remove_edges_from(lst) r_change = power_method_left(graph, teleportation_vector, alpha=alpha, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) if element == 'node': if directed: edge_vertices = list(graph.out_edges( lst, data='weight', default=1)) + list( graph.in_edges(lst, data='weight', default=1)) else: edge_vertices = list(graph.edges(lst, data='weight', default=1)) graph.remove_edges_from(edge_vertices) r_change = power_method_left(graph, teleportation_vector, alpha=alpha, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) if element == 'subgraph': subgraph = nx.subgraph(graph, lst) if directed: edge_subgraph = list(subgraph.out_edges( data='weight', default=1)) + list( subgraph.in_edges(data='weight', default=1)) else: edge_subgraph = list(subgraph.edges(data='weight', default=1)) graph.remove_edges_from(edge_subgraph) r_change = power_method_left(graph, teleportation_vector, alpha=alpha, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) change = abs(norm(r) - norm(r_change)) return change
def Prim(G=nx.Graph(), R=None): # Q é a lista de vértices que não estão na árvore Q = {} # pred armazenará o predecessor de cada vértice pred = {} # Inicializamos Q com todos os vértices com valor infinito, pois neste # ponto ainda não há ligação entre nenhum vértice. Igualmente, nenhum # vértice tem predecessor, portanto utilizamos o valor 'null'. for v, data in G.nodes(data=True): Q[v] = n.inf pred[v] = 'null' # Caso não haja pesos definidos para os vértices, atribuímos o valor 1.0. # Esta é uma abordagem alternativa à que usamos em Kruskal, de utilizar uma # variável para verificar se estamos levando em conta o peso ou não. for e, x in G.edges(): if ('weight' not in G[e][x]): G[e][x]['weight'] = 1.0 # Inicializamos a raiz da árvore com valor 0, e criamos uma árvore chamada # MST apenas com os vértices de G. Q[R] = 0.0 MST = nx.create_empty_copy(G) while Q: # u := índice do menor elemento de Q # pois queremos o vértice de menor peso u = min(Q, key=Q.get) # removemos de Q, pois ele será adicionado na árvore del Q[u] # guardamos os pesos mínimos de cada vizinho de u em Q, se forem # menores do que os já armazenados for vizinho in G[u]: if vizinho in Q: if G[u][vizinho]['weight'] < Q[vizinho]: pred[vizinho] = u Q[vizinho] = G[u][vizinho]['weight'] # Se existirem predecessores para u, então adicionaremos as arestas # conectando o vértice u a seus predecessores if pred[u] is not 'null': for v1, v2, data in G.edges(data=True): # para preservar os dados da aresta, foi necessário esse loop # que verifica todas as arestas do grafo e procura a aresta # (pred(u),u), porém, como um grafo não direcionado da # biblioteca não duplica a existência de suas arestas no # conjunto de arestas, isto é, se tem (u,v) não tem (v,u), há a # necessidade de verificar, no caso de grafos não direcionados, # se há a existência da aresta (u,pred(u)) ao invés de # (pred(u),u) if (v1 is pred[u] and v2 is u): MST.add_edge(pred[u], u, data) elif ((v1 is u and v2 is pred[u]) and (not nx.is_directed(G))): MST.add_edge(pred[u], u, data) return MST
def adjacency_embedding(G, max_dim=2, elb=1, get_lcc=True, weightcol='weight', svd_seed=None): """ Inputs G - A networkx graph Outputs eig_vectors - The scaled (or unscaled) eigenvectors """ # if get_lcc==True: # #print("extracting largest_connected_component") # G_lcc = lcc_BNU.extract_lcc(G) # else: # G_lcc = G.copy() # weightcolumn = weightcol # print("pass_to_ranks") # G_ptr = ptr.pass_to_ranks(G_lcc, weightcol=weightcolumn) # print ("diagonoal augmentation") # G_aug_ptr= cvec.diag_aug(G_ptr, weightcol=weightcolumn) sorted_vertex = sorted(G.nodes()) A = nx.to_scipy_sparse_matrix(G, nodelist=sorted_vertex) row, col = A.shape n = min(row, col) #print ("spectral embedding into %d dimensions" %max_dim) U, Sigma, VT = randomized_svd(A, n_components=min(max_dim, n - 1), n_iter=50, random_state=svd_seed) #print ("dimension reduction (elbow selection)") rank_graph = getElbows_BNU.getElbows(Sigma, n_elbows=elb) reduced_dim = rank_graph[(elb-1)] #print ("elbow is %d" %reduced_dim) s_sqrt = np.sqrt(Sigma) #[np.newaxis] Zeinab commented this out s_sqrt_dim_reduced = s_sqrt[:reduced_dim] U_dim_reduced = U[:, :reduced_dim ] VT_dim_reduced =VT[:reduced_dim, :] Xhat1 = np.multiply( s_sqrt_dim_reduced, U_dim_reduced) if nx.is_directed(G) == False: Xhat2 = np.array([]).reshape(Xhat1.shape[0],0) else: Xhat2 = np.multiply( np.transpose(VT_dim_reduced), s_sqrt_dim_reduced) Xhat = np.concatenate((Xhat1, Xhat2), axis=1) embedded = collections.namedtuple('embedded', 'X vertex_labels') result = embedded(X = Xhat, vertex_labels = sorted_vertex) return result
def train(self, G): self.G = G node2id = dict([(node, vid) for vid, node in enumerate(G.nodes())]) self.is_directed = nx.is_directed(self.G) self.num_node = self.G.number_of_nodes() self.num_edge = G.number_of_edges() self.edges = [[node2id[e[0]], node2id[e[1]]] for e in self.G.edges()] id2node = dict(zip(node2id.values(), node2id.keys())) self.num_neigh = np.asarray([len(list(self.G.neighbors(id2node[i]))) for i in range(self.num_node)]) self.neighbors = [[node2id[v] for v in self.G.neighbors(id2node[i])] for i in range(self.num_node)] s = time.time() self.alias_nodes = {} self.node_weight = {} for i in range(self.num_node): unnormalized_probs = [G[id2node[i]][nbr].get("weight", 1.0) for nbr in G.neighbors(id2node[i])] norm_const = sum(unnormalized_probs) normalized_probs = [float(u_prob)/norm_const for u_prob in unnormalized_probs] self.alias_nodes[i] = alias_setup(normalized_probs) self.node_weight[i] = dict(zip([node2id[nbr] for nbr in G.neighbors(id2node[i])],unnormalized_probs)) t = time.time() print('alias_nodes', t-s) # run netsmf algorithm with multiprocessing and apply randomized svd print("number of sample edges ", self.num_round * self.num_edge * self.window_size) print("random walk start...") t0 = time.time() results = [] pool = Pool(processes=self.worker) for i in range(self.worker): results.append(pool.apply_async(func=self._random_walk_matrix, args=(i,))) pool.close() pool.join() print('random walk time', time.time() - t0) matrix = sp.lil_matrix((self.num_node, self.num_node)) A = sp.csr_matrix(nx.adjacency_matrix(self.G)) degree = sp.diags(np.array(A.sum(axis=0))[0], format="csr") degree_inv = degree.power(-1) t1 = time.time() for res in results: matrix += res.get() print('number of nzz', matrix.nnz) t2 = time.time() print('construct random walk matrix time', time.time() - t1) L = sp.csgraph.laplacian(matrix, normed=False, return_diag=False) M = - L).dot(degree_inv) M = M * A.sum() / self.negative[ <= 1] = 1 = np.log( print('construct matrix sparsifier time', time.time() - t2) embedding = self._get_embedding_rand(M) return embedding
def test_graph_extract(self): """ Make sure that extract graph does not error """ G = self.reader.extract_graph() self.assertEqual(nx.number_of_nodes(G), 7) self.assertEqual(nx.number_of_edges(G), 6) self.assertFalse(nx.is_directed(G))
def is_directed_graph(graph): """ Get whether the graph has directed edges. :param graph: The graph. :return: True if the graph has directed edges. """ return nx.is_directed(graph)
def extract_ipc(self, dependency_graph): if nx.is_directed(dependency_graph):"Extracting IPC...") lng_path = nx.dag_longest_path(dependency_graph) if self.log_output:"Longest path:%s\n" % str(lng_path)) self.longest_path = str(lng_path) self.IPC = float(dependency_graph.order()) / (len(lng_path))
def jaccard_coefficient(graph, author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id): if not nx.is_directed(graph): pair = [(author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id)] jaccard_coefficient_iterator = nx.jaccard_coefficient(graph, pair) jaccard_coefficient_score = LinkPredictionStaticFunctions.get_score_from_iterator( jaccard_coefficient_iterator) return jaccard_coefficient_score return 0
def __init__(self, p, q, num_runs, g=nx.gnm_random_graph(10000, 30000)): if not nx.is_directed(g): self.g = g.to_directed() else: self.g = g self.p = p self.q = q self.num_runs = num_runs
def adamic_adar_index(graph, author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id): if not nx.is_directed(graph): pair = [(author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id)] adamic_adar_iterator = nx.adamic_adar_index(graph, pair) adamic_adar_score = LinkPredictionStaticFunctions.get_score_from_iterator( adamic_adar_iterator) return adamic_adar_score return 0
def dist(self, G1, G2): """A scalable approach to network similarity. A network similarity measure based on node signature distrubtions. Params ------ G1, G2 (nx.Graph): two undirected networkx graphs to be compared. Returns ------- dist (float): the distance between G1 and G2. """ # NOTE: the measure only works for undirected # graphs. For now we will silently convert a # directed graph to be undirected. directed_flag = False if nx.is_directed(G1): G1 = nx.to_undirected(G1) directed_flag = True if nx.is_directed(G2): G2 = nx.to_undirected(G2) directed_flag = True if directed_flag: warnings.warn("Coercing directed graph to undirected.", RuntimeWarning) # find the graph node feature matrices G1_node_features = feature_extraction(G1) G2_node_features = feature_extraction(G2) # get the graph signature vectors G1_signature = graph_signature(G1_node_features) G2_signature = graph_signature(G2_node_features) # the final distance is the absolute canberra distance dist = abs(canberra(G1_signature, G2_signature)) self.results['dist'] = dist return dist
def _check_directedness(self, graph): """Checking the undirected nature of a single graph.""" try: directed = nx.is_directed(graph) if directed: raise ValueError("Graph is directed. Please see requirements.") except: exit("Graph is directed. Please see requirements.")
def disparity_filter(G, weight='weight'): from scipy import integrate ''' Compute significance scores (alpha) for weighted edges in G as defined in Serrano et al. 2009 Args G: Weighted NetworkX graph Returns Weighted graph with a significance score (alpha) assigned to each edge References M. A. Serrano et al. (2009) Extracting the Multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks. PNAS, 106:16, pp. 6483-6488. ''' if nx.is_directed(G): # directed case N = nx.DiGraph() for u in G: k_out = G.out_degree(u) k_in = G.in_degree(u) if k_out > 1: sum_w_out = sum(np.absolute(G[u][v][weight]) for v in G.successors(u)) for v in G.successors(u): w = G[u][v][weight] p_ij_out = float(np.absolute(w)) / sum_w_out alpha_ij_out = 1 - (k_out - 1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1 - x) ** (k_out - 2), 0, p_ij_out)[0] N.add_edge(u, v, weight=w, alpha_out=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij_out)) elif k_out == 1 and G.in_degree(G.successors(u)[0]) == 1: # we need to keep the connection as it is the only way to maintain the connectivity of the network v = G.successors(u)[0] w = G[u][v][weight] N.add_edge(u, v, weight=w, alpha_out=0., alpha_in=0.) # there is no need to do the same for the k_in, since the link is built already from the tail if k_in > 1: sum_w_in = sum(np.absolute(G[v][u][weight]) for v in G.predecessors(u)) for v in G.predecessors(u): w = G[v][u][weight] p_ij_in = float(np.absolute(w)) / sum_w_in alpha_ij_in = 1 - (k_in - 1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1 - x) ** (k_in - 2), 0, p_ij_in)[0] N.add_edge(v, u, weight=w, alpha_in=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij_in)) return N else: # undirected case B = nx.Graph() for u in G: k = len(G[u]) if k > 1: sum_w = sum(np.absolute(G[u][v][weight]) for v in G[u]) for v in G[u]: w = G[u][v][weight] p_ij = float(np.absolute(w)) / sum_w alpha_ij = 1 - (k - 1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1 - x) ** (k - 2), 0, p_ij)[0] B.add_edge(u, v, weight=w, alpha=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij)) else: B.add_node(u) return B
def main(): args = parse_args() args.directed = True seed = args.seed training_edgelist_dir = os.path.join(args.output, "seed={:03d}".format(seed), "training_edges") removed_edges_dir = os.path.join(args.output, "seed={:03d}".format(seed), "removed_edges") if not os.path.exists(training_edgelist_dir): os.makedirs(training_edgelist_dir, exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(removed_edges_dir): os.makedirs(removed_edges_dir, exist_ok=True) training_edgelist_fn = os.path.join(training_edgelist_dir, "edgelist.tsv") val_edgelist_fn = os.path.join(removed_edges_dir, "val_edges.tsv") val_non_edgelist_fn = os.path.join(removed_edges_dir, "val_non_edges.tsv") test_edgelist_fn = os.path.join(removed_edges_dir, "test_edges.tsv") test_non_edgelist_fn = os.path.join(removed_edges_dir, "test_non_edges.tsv") graph, _ = load_data(args) print("loaded dataset") assert nx.is_directed(graph) edges = list(graph.edges()) print("enumerated edges") (training_edges, (val_edges, val_non_edges), (test_edges, test_non_edges)) = split_edges(graph, edges, seed, val_split=0) print("number of val edges", len(val_edges), "number of val non edges", len(val_edges)) print("number of test edges", len(test_edges), "number of test non edges", len(test_edges)) N = len(graph) graph.remove_edges_from(val_edges + test_edges) # remove val and test edges assert len(nx.DiGraph(training_edges)) == N print("removed edges") nx.write_edgelist(graph, training_edgelist_fn, delimiter="\t", data=["weight"]) write_edgelist_to_file(val_edges, val_edgelist_fn) write_edgelist_to_file(val_non_edges, val_non_edgelist_fn) write_edgelist_to_file(test_edges, test_edgelist_fn) write_edgelist_to_file(test_non_edges, test_non_edgelist_fn) print("done")
def from_nx(graph, any_hashable=True): """Create a graph from a NetworkX graph. :param graph: a graph :type graph: nx graph :param any_hashable: if true the returned graph uses the same objects as the nx graph, otherwise integers are used. In the later case a renumbering is performed independently from any possible ordering in the original graph. :type any_hashable: boolean :returns: a new graph :type: jgrapht graph """ try: import networkx as nx except ImportError: raise ImportError("NetworkX required") is_directed = nx.is_directed(graph) is_weighted = any("weight" in data for u, v, data in graph.edges(data=True)) allowing_multiple_edges = isinstance(graph, (nx.MultiGraph, nx.MultiDiGraph)) result = _create_graph( directed=is_directed, weighted=is_weighted, allowing_self_loops=True, allowing_multiple_edges=allowing_multiple_edges, any_hashable=any_hashable, ) if any_hashable: # copy graph topology and attributes result.graph_attrs.update(**graph.graph) for v in graph.nodes: result.add_vertex(vertex=v) result.vertex_attrs[v].update(**graph.nodes[v]) try: for u, v, k in graph.edges(keys=True): e = result.add_edge(u, v) result.edge_attrs[e].update(**graph.edges[u,v,k]) except TypeError: for u, v in graph.edges(): e = result.add_edge(u, v) result.edge_attrs[e].update(**graph.edges[u,v]) else: # copy graph topology only vmap = {} for v in graph.nodes: vmap[v] = result.add_vertex() for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if 'weight' in d: result.add_edge(vmap[u], vmap[v], weight=d['weight']) else: result.add_edge(vmap[u], vmap[v]) return result
def print_node_edge_data(DG): print '#Source----Destination---weight#' if(nx.is_directed(DG)): for node in DG.nodes_iter(): for item in DG.adjacency_iter(): if item[1].has_key(node): print str(item[0])+'--->'+str(node)+' : '+str(item[1][node]) else: print 'Not a Directed Graph'
def preferential_attachment(graph, author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id): if not nx.is_directed(graph): pair = [(author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id)] preferential_attachment_iterator = nx.preferential_attachment( graph, pair) preferential_attachment_score = LinkPredictionStaticFunctions.get_score_from_iterator( preferential_attachment_iterator) return preferential_attachment_score return 0
def common_neighbors(graph, author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id): if not nx.is_directed(graph): pair = [(author_osn_id, labeled_author_osn_id)] common_neighbors_iterator = nx.nx.cn_soundarajan_hopcroft( graph, pair) common_neighbors_score = LinkPredictionStaticFunctions.get_score_from_iterator( common_neighbors_iterator) return common_neighbors_score return 0
def scIndex(g, alpha=-1./2., _isWeightedCalc=True): res=0. #res=np.zeros(4); weights=nx.get_edge_attributes(g,'weight') for pair in weights.keys(): if _isWeightedCalc: if nx.is_directed(g): res+= (weights[pair])*np.power( ( g.out_degree(pair[0])+g.in_degree(pair[1]) ) ,alpha) else: res+= (weights[pair])*np.power( ([0])[1]) ) ,alpha) else: if nx.is_directed(g): res+= (1)*np.power( ( g.out_degree(pair[0])+g.in_degree(pair[1]) ) ,alpha) else: res+= (1)*np.power( ([0])[1]) ) ,alpha) return res
def display_node_attributes(node): """Accepts a node, calculates various attributes, and formats it into a string""" text = G[node]["name"] if hasattr(G[node], "name") else "Node: " + str(node) if nx.is_directed(G): text += ", In Degree: " + str(G.in_degree[node]) text += ", Out Degree: " + str(G.out_degree[node]) else: text += "Degree: " + str([node]) eccentricity = max(nx.single_source_shortest_path_length(G, node)) text += ", Ecentricity: " + str(eccentricity) if nx.is_directed(G): text += ", Reciprocity: {:.2f}".format(reciprocities[node]) return text
def makeAllDirected( *graphs ): """If any one of the input graphs is directed, make directed versions of all of the inputs and return them. Otherwise, return the input unchanged.""" someDirected = reduce( lambda x, y: x or y, map( nx.is_directed, graphs ) ) if someDirected: return [ ( g.to_directed() if (not nx.is_directed( g )) else g ) for g in graphs ] else: return graphs
def draw_top_size_cliques(graph, top=10, layout="spring"): if nx.is_directed(graph): print("Err, only graph undirected") return print("Showing the top " + str(top) + " for size") top_n_size_cliques = [] all_cliques = list(nx.algorithms.clique.enumerate_all_cliques(graph)) cliques = [] for i in range(len(all_cliques)): k = sorted(all_cliques[i], key=lambda j: j) if k not in cliques: cliques.append(k) s = [] for i in cliques: s.append((i, len(i))) s = sorted(s, key=lambda i: i[1]) s.reverse() max_size = int(s[0][1]) print("Max Size: ", str(max_size)) clique_for_size = dict() for i in range(1, max_size + 1): clique_for_size[i] = [] for i in s: clique_for_size[i[1]] += i[0] if top > max_size: top = max_size a = [] for i in range(max_size, max_size - top, -1): a += clique_for_size[i] for n in graph: if n in a and n not in top_n_size_cliques: top_n_size_cliques.append(n) graph = graph.subgraph(top_n_size_cliques) coords = layout_dealer(graph, layout) cliques = [ clique for clique in nx.find_cliques(graph) if len(clique) >= max_size - top ] print("Number of Cliques: " + str(len(cliques))) for clique in cliques: if len(clique) > max_size - top: plt.figure() nx.draw(graph, pos=coords, with_labels=graph.nodes().values()) print("Clique to appear: ", clique, " length: ", str(len(clique))) nx.draw_networkx_nodes(graph, pos=coords, nodelist=clique, node_color=next(colors))
def __check_type(self): if isinstance(self.graph, nx.Graph): self.directed = nx.is_directed(self.graph) = 0 elif ig is not None and isinstance(self.graph, ig.Graph): self.directed = self.graph.is_directed() = 1 else: raise ValueError("Graph model not supported")
def independent_numbers(G, nodes=None, seed=None): if not G: raise Exception("You must provice path graph value") if nx.is_directed(G): C = G.to_undirected() else: C = G return nx.maximal_independent_set(C, nodes=None, seed=None)
def check_graph(G, **kwargs): out = True if 'node_number' in kwargs: if len(G) is not kwargs['node_number']: out = False if 'directed' in kwargs: if nx.is_directed(G) is not kwargs['directed']: out = False return out
def calculate_shortest_paths_lengths(graph: Union[nx.Graph, nx.DiGraph], shortest_paths_path: Union[str, Path]): if nx.is_directed(graph): graph = nx.DiGraph(graph) else: graph = nx.Graph(graph), shortest_paths_path)
def signed_degrees(G, n): in_pos, in_neg = signed_in_degrees(G, n) pos = in_pos neg = in_neg if nx.is_directed(G): out_pos, out_neg = signed_out_degrees(G, n) pos += out_pos neg += out_neg return pos, neg
def deg_of_net(G): print 'Is the karate club network graph directed ? : ', nx.is_directed(G) all_degrees = [] # List containing degree of each individual nodes for i in all_degrees.append(i[1]) sum_degrees = 0 # Sum of degree of all nodes for i in all_degrees: sum_degrees = sum_degrees + i print 'Degree of the network is : ', sum_degrees / nx.number_of_nodes(G)
def Dijkstra(G, s): Lambda = {} # valores de "peso" para cada vértice pred = {} # predecessores Q = G.nodes() # vértices que ainda não estão na árvore de # caminhos mínimos # inicializamos todos os lambdas com infinito for v in G.nodes(): Lambda[v] = n.inf # Caso não haja pesos definidos para os vértices, atribuímos o valor 1 for v1,v2 in G.edges(): if ('weight' not in G[v1][v2]): G[v1][v2]['weight'] = 1 Lambda[s] = 0 pred[s] = None while Q: # encontramos o menor valor de Lambda pertencente a Q menor = n.inf u = Q[0] if sys.version_info[0] < 3: for k,v in Lambda.iteritems(): if (v < menor) and (k in Q): menor = v u = k else: for k,v in Lambda.items(): if (v < menor) and (k in Q): menor = v u = k # removemos o item de Q, já que está sendo inserido na árvore u_index = Q.index(u) del Q[u_index] # percorremos a vizinhança de u procurando pesos menores for v in G[u]: if (v in Q) and (Lambda[v] > Lambda[u] + G[u][v]['weight']): Lambda[v] = Lambda[u] + G[u][v]['weight'] pred[v] = u # Criamos um novo grafo vazio do mesmo tipo de G H = nx.create_empty_copy(G) # Adicionamos os vértices de acordo com os dados de G for v1,v2,data in G.edges(data=True): if (pred[v2] is v1) or (pred[v1] is v2 and not nx.is_directed(H)): H.add_edge( v1, v2, data ) H.node[v1]['lambda'] = Lambda[v1] H.node[v2]['lambda'] = Lambda[v2] # Retornamos a árvore de predecessores com a informação de Lambda[v] return H
def iteration(self, node_status=True): """ Execute a single model iteration :return: Iteration_id, Incremental node status (dictionary node->status) """ self.clean_initial_status(self.available_statuses.values()) actual_status = {node: nstatus for node, nstatus in future.utils.iteritems(self.status)} if self.actual_iteration == 0: self.actual_iteration += 1 delta, node_count, status_delta = self.status_delta(actual_status) if node_status: return {"iteration": 0, "status": actual_status.copy(), "node_count": node_count.copy(), "status_delta": status_delta.copy()} else: return {"iteration": 0, "status": {}, "node_count": node_count.copy(), "status_delta": status_delta.copy()} for u in self.graph.nodes(): if self.status[u] != 1: continue neighbors = list(self.graph.neighbors(u)) # neighbors and successors (in DiGraph) produce the same result # Standard threshold if len(neighbors) > 0: threshold = 1.0/len(neighbors) for v in neighbors: if actual_status[v] == 0: key = (u, v) # Individual specified thresholds if 'threshold' in self.params['edges']: if key in self.params['edges']['threshold']: threshold = self.params['edges']['threshold'][key] elif (v, u) in self.params['edges']['threshold'] and not nx.is_directed(self.graph): threshold = self.params['edges']['threshold'][(v, u)] flip = np.random.random_sample() if flip <= threshold: actual_status[v] = 1 actual_status[u] = 2 delta, node_count, status_delta = self.status_delta(actual_status) self.status = actual_status self.actual_iteration += 1 if node_status: return {"iteration": self.actual_iteration - 1, "status": delta.copy(), "node_count": node_count.copy(), "status_delta": status_delta.copy()} else: return {"iteration": self.actual_iteration - 1, "status": {}, "node_count": node_count.copy(), "status_delta": status_delta.copy()}
def _decompress(self, focus_frame, change_frame): """ Decompression function that takes the compressed graph: changeFrame, and "unpacks" it into the focusFrame. """ # Loop over the nodes in the compressed frame for nodes in change_frame.nodes_iter(): change = change_frame.node[nodes].pop(compressState.tag) # If the change state is 'Added', add node if change == compressState.added: add_node = nodes if nodes in focus_frame.nodes_iter(): add_node = max(focus_frame.nodes())+1 while add_node in change_frame.node: add_node += 1 update_map = {nodes: add_node} focus_frame.add_node(add_node, change_frame.node[nodes]) change_frame = nx.relabel_nodes(change_frame, update_map) else: focus_frame.add_node(add_node, change_frame.node[nodes]) # If the change state is 'Deleted', delete node elif change == compressState.deleted: focus_frame.remove_node(nodes) # If the change state is 'StateChanged', update with changed state elif change == compressState.stateChange: state_name = change_frame.node[nodes][compressState.stateChangedName] assert (focus_frame.node[nodes][state_name] == change_frame.node[nodes][compressState.stateChangedFrom]) focus_frame.node[nodes][state_name] = change_frame.node[nodes][compressState.stateChangedTo] processed = [] # Loop over the edges in the compressed frame for edges in change_frame.edges_iter(): # Extract start and end nodes for the edge start = edges[0] end = edges[1] change = change_frame.edge[start][end].pop(compressState.tag) #skip undirected edges that have already been changed if not nx.is_directed(focus_frame) and (end, start) in processed: continue # Was this edge added if change == compressState.added: focus_frame.add_edge(start, end, change_frame.edge[start][end]) # Or was it deleted elif change == compressState.deleted: # If it was deleted check to make sure the deletion of the nodes didn't already # clean the edges if start in focus_frame.edge and end in focus_frame.edge[start]: focus_frame.remove_edge(start, end) # If the change state is 'StateChanged', update with changed state elif change == compressState.stateChange: state_name = change_frame.edge[start][end][compressState.stateChangedName] assert (focus_frame.edge[start][end][state_name] == change_frame.edge[start][end][compressState.stateChangedFrom]) focus_frame.edge[start][end][state_name] = change_frame.edge[start][end][compressState.stateChangedTo] processed.append((start, end))
def disparity_filter(G, weight='weight'): ''' Compute significance scores (alpha) for weighted edges in G as defined in Serrano et al. 2009 Args G: Weighted NetworkX graph Returns Weighted graph with a significance score (alpha) assigned to each edge References M. A. Serrano et al. (2009) Extracting the Multiscale backbone of complex weighted networks. PNAS, 106:16, pp. 6483-6488. ''' if nx.is_directed(G): #directed case N = nx.DiGraph() for u in G: k_out = G.out_degree(u) k_in = G.in_degree(u) if k_out > 1: sum_w_out = sum(np.absolute(G[u][v][weight]) for v in G.successors(u)) for v in G.successors(u): w = G[u][v][weight] p_ij_out = float(np.absolute(w))/sum_w_out alpha_ij_out = 1 - (k_out-1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1-x)**(k_out-2), 0, p_ij_out)[0] N.add_edge(u, v, weight = w, alpha_out=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij_out)) elif k_out == 1 and G.in_degree(G.successors(u)[0]) == 1: #we need to keep the connection as it is the only way to maintain the connectivity of the network v = G.successors(u)[0] w = G[u][v][weight] N.add_edge(u, v, weight = w, alpha_out=0., alpha_in=0.) #there is no need to do the same for the k_in, since the link is built already from the tail if k_in > 1: sum_w_in = sum(np.absolute(G[v][u][weight]) for v in G.predecessors(u)) for v in G.predecessors(u): w = G[v][u][weight] p_ij_in = float(np.absolute(w))/sum_w_in alpha_ij_in = 1 - (k_in-1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1-x)**(k_in-2), 0, p_ij_in)[0] N.add_edge(v, u, weight = w, alpha_in=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij_in)) return N else: #undirected case B = nx.Graph() for u in G: k = len(G[u]) if k > 1: sum_w = sum(np.absolute(G[u][v][weight]) for v in G[u]) for v in G[u]: w = G[u][v][weight] p_ij = float(np.absolute(w))/sum_w alpha_ij = 1 - (k-1) * integrate.quad(lambda x: (1-x)**(k-2), 0, p_ij)[0] B.add_edge(u, v, weight = w, alpha=float('%.4f' % alpha_ij)) return B
def high_degree_nodes_gen(k, G): if nx.is_directed(G): my_degree_function = G.out_degree else: my_degree_function = V = [(my_degree_function(i), i) for i in G.nodes()] V.sort(reverse=True) N = [t[1] for t in V] for i in range(1, min(k, len(N)) + 1): yield N[:i]
def choose_most_inter_used_nodes(G, I, node_cnt, role, secondary_sort, seed=None): # select nodes with the specified role from graph G and create a list of tuples with their in-degree in graph I rank_node_pairs = list() for node in G.nodes(): node_role = G.node[node]['role'] if node_role == role: if nx.is_directed(I): rank = I.in_degree(node) else: rank = rank_node_pairs.append((rank, node)) return choose_nodes_by_rank(rank_node_pairs, node_cnt, secondary_sort, seed)
def _create_auxiliary_anti_parallel_digraph(G, capacity, preflow='preflow'): """ Converts the input graph to an anti parallel digraph which is amenable to simple implementations of the push-relabel algorithm variants. """ if not nx.is_directed(G): G_copy = nx.DiGraph() #Transform graph to anti-parallel digraph for u, v in G.edges_iter(): auxiliary_node = str(u)+'-'+str(v) if capacity in G.get_edge_data(u,v): edge_cap = G[u][v][capacity] G_copy.add_edge(u,v) G_copy.add_edge(v,auxiliary_node) G_copy.add_edge(auxiliary_node,u) G_copy[u][v][capacity] = edge_cap G_copy[v][auxiliary_node][capacity] = edge_cap G_copy[auxiliary_node][u][capacity] = edge_cap else: G_copy.add_edge(u,v) G_copy.add_edge(v,auxiliary_node) G_copy.add_edge(auxiliary_node,u) G_copy[u][v][preflow] = 0 G_copy[v][auxiliary_node][preflow] = 0 G_copy[auxiliary_node][u][preflow] = 0 else: G_copy = nx.DiGraph() for u, v in G.edges_iter(): if G_copy.has_edge(v,u): auxiliary_node = str(u)+'-'+str(v) if capacity in G.get_edge_data(u,v): edge_cap = G[u][v][capacity] G_copy.add_edge(u,auxiliary_node) G_copy.add_edge(auxiliary_node,v) G_copy[u][auxiliary_node][capacity] = edge_cap G_copy[auxiliary_node][v][capacity] = edge_cap else: G_copy.add_edge(u,auxiliary_node) G_copy.add_edge(auxiliary_node,v) G_copy[u][auxiliary_node][preflow] = 0 G_copy[auxiliary_node][v][preflow] = 0 else: if capacity in G.get_edge_data(u,v): G_copy.add_edge(u, v) edge_cap = G[u][v][capacity] G_copy[u][v][capacity] = G[u][v][capacity] else: G_copy.add_edge(u, v) G_copy[u][v][preflow] = 0 return G_copy
def compute_normalized_triad_motif_z_scores(network, num_rand_instances=10, num_rewirings=None): """ Computes the normalized triad motif z-score for each connected non-isomorphic triadic subgraph in the input network. Arguments: network => The input network (can be directed or undirected). num_rand_instances => The number of randomly-rewired network instances used when computing z-score values. num_rewirings => The number of edge rewirings performed when randomizing the network. Returns: A fixed-size numpy array where each index corresponds to a predefined unique triad motif and where the value at each index represents the normalized z-score for the average over- or underexpression of a triad motif in the network. """ # Determine if the network is directed or not (store to avoid recalculation). directed = nx.is_directed(network) # Count the number of occurences of each triad motif. original_motif_counts = count_triad_motifs(network, directed=directed) # Initialize an array for storing motif counts in randomized instances. rand_motif_counts = [] # Iterate through random instances. for _ in range(num_rand_instances): # Randomize the network. rand_network = randomize(network, num_rewirings=num_rewirings) # Store the number of occurences of each motif in the randomized instance. rand_motif_counts.append(count_triad_motifs(rand_network, directed=directed)) # Stack the counts as an array. rand_motif_counts = np.vstack(rand_motif_counts) # Divide the random motif counts by the number of instances to make them into average counts. avg_rand_motif_counts = np.mean(rand_motif_counts, axis=0) # Compute the random motif standard deviation. rand_motif_std_dev = np.std(rand_motif_counts, axis=0) # Compute the z-scores (ignoring division by 0 warnings and place the resulting NaNs/infs with 0s). with np.errstate(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore"): motif_z_scores = (original_motif_counts - avg_rand_motif_counts) / rand_motif_std_dev motif_z_scores[motif_z_scores == np.inf] = 0 motif_z_scores = np.nan_to_num(motif_z_scores) return motif_z_scores
def attack_based_max_betweenness(G): """ Recalculate betweenness attack Basic Idea: ---------- Every time we remove the node with max betweeneness-centrality, then recalcuate all nodes' betweenness NOTE that here remove a node only remove all the edges adjacent to it. Parameters: ---------- G: graph (directed or undirected) Returns: ------- tot_ND: the number of driver nodes after every node removed tot_T: the number of removed nodes Max_Betweenness_Zero_T: the number of removed nodes such that all nodes' betweenness centrality have been zeros """ n = G.number_of_nodes() tot_ND = [0] * (n+1) tot_T = [0] * (n+1) ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[0] = ND tot_T[0] = 0 # remember when all the betweenness have been zero for all nodes Max_Betweenness_Zero_T = -1 for i in range(1, n+1): all_betweenness = nx.betweenness_centrality(G) # get node with max betweenness node = max(all_betweenness, key=all_betweenness.get) if Max_Betweenness_Zero_T == -1 and abs(all_betweenness[node] - 0.0) < 1E-8: Max_Betweenness_Zero_T = i # remove all the edges adjacent to node if not nx.is_directed(G): # undirected graph for key in G[node].keys(): G.remove_edge(node, key) else: # directed graph for x in [v for u, v in G.out_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(node, x) for x in [u for u, v in G.in_edges_iter(node)]: G.remove_edge(x, node) # calculate driver node number ND ND, ND_lambda = ECT.get_number_of_driver_nodes(G) tot_ND[i] = ND tot_T[i] = i return (tot_ND, tot_T, Max_Betweenness_Zero_T)
def addNode_degree(G): """ Add strength, general and specific degree of nodes :param G: directed or undirected Graph :return: G """ # add strength degree for n in G.nodes(): G.node[n]['N'] =, weight='weight') G.node[n]['n'] = float( if G.node[n]['N']<=0.0: raise TypeError('find isolated node, or negative weight:{}-{}'.format(n,G.node[n]['label'])) #-------------- if nx.is_directed(G): G_nei_iter = PF.genChain(G.successors_iter, G.predecessors_iter) else: G_nei_iter = G.neighbors_iter def getMaxMinStrength(): node = G.nodes_iter().next() max_S = G.node[node]['N'] min_S = G.node[node]['N'] for n in G.nodes_iter(): s = G.node[n]['N'] if s > max_S: max_S = s if s < min_S: min_S = s return max_S,min_S def getNeiStrength(x): s=0 for n in G_nei_iter(x): s = s + G.node[n]['N'] return s maxS,minS = getMaxMinStrength() arrayForpercentile = [ G.node[n]['N'] for n in G.nodes() ]+[maxS] percdict = PF.listtopercentiles( arrayForpercentile ) # calculate general and specific degree for n in G.nodes(): strength = G.node[n]['N'] #general degree G.node[n]['G_r'] = strength / ( getNeiStrength(n) + 0.1 ) G.node[n]['G_n'] = PF.scaling( maxS + 0.1, minS - 0.1, strength) G.node[n]['G_p'] = percdict[strength] #specific degree G.node[n]['SP_r'] = 1.0 - G.node[n]['G_r'] G.node[n]['SP_n'] = 1.0 - G.node[n]['G_n'] G.node[n]['SP_p'] = 1.0 - G.node[n]['G_p'] return G