Exemple #1
def test_smetric():
    g = nx.Graph()
    g.add_edge(1, 2)
    g.add_edge(2, 3)
    g.add_edge(2, 4)
    g.add_edge(1, 4)
    sm = nx.s_metric(g, normalized=False)
    assert_equal(sm, 19.0)
    smNorm = nx.s_metric(g, normalized=True)
def test_smetric():
    g = nx.Graph()
    sm = nx.s_metric(g,normalized=False)
    assert_equal(sm, 19.0)
    smNorm = nx.s_metric(g,normalized=True)
def test_li_smax():
    G = networkx.barabasi_albert_graph(25,1) #Any old graph
    Gdegseq = G.degree().values() #degree sequence
    assert_true(not (sum(Gdegseq)%2)) #Tests the 'unconstrained version'
    Gmax = networkx.li_smax_graph(Gdegseq) 
    Gmaxdegseq = Gmax.degree().values()
    assert_equal(G.order(),Gmax.order()) #Sanity Check on the nodes
    assert_equal(Gdegseq,Gmaxdegseq) #make sure both graphs have the same degree sequence
    assert_true(networkx.s_metric(G) <= networkx.s_metric(Gmax)) #make sure the smax graph is actually bigger
Exemple #4
def test_li_smax():
    G = networkx.barabasi_albert_graph(25, 1)  #Any old graph
    Gdegseq = sorted(G.degree().values(), reverse=True)  #degree sequence
    # Tests the 'unconstrained version'
    assert_true(not (sum(Gdegseq) % 2))
    Gmax = networkx.li_smax_graph(Gdegseq)
    Gmaxdegseq = sorted(Gmax.degree().values(), reverse=True)
    assert_equal(G.order(), Gmax.order())  #Sanity Check on the nodes
    # make sure both graphs have the same degree sequence
    assert_equal(Gdegseq, Gmaxdegseq)
    # make sure the smax graph is actually bigger
    assert_true(networkx.s_metric(G) <= networkx.s_metric(Gmax))
Exemple #5
def networkxReport(networkxObj,reportFileName=None):
    import collections
    report = {}
    report['density'] = networkx.density(networkxObj)
    report['degDist'] = {
        'decription' : "degree distribution",
        'value': collections.Counter([d for n, d in networkxObj.degree()])
    report['RCC'] = {
        'decription': "For each degree k, the rich-club coefficient is the ratio of the number of actual to the number of potential edges for nodes with degree greater than k",
        'value': networkx.rich_club_coefficient(networkx.Graph(networkxObj), normalized=True)
    report['s-Metric'] = {
        'decription': "The s-metric is defined as the sum of the products deg(u)*deg(v) for every edge (u,v) in G",
        'value' : networkx.s_metric(networkxObj, normalized=False)
    report['degree-centrality'] = {
         'decription':"The degree centrality for a node v is the fraction of nodes it is connected to",
        'value' : networkx.degree_centrality(networkxObj)

    if reportFileName:
        f = open(reportFileName, "w")
    return report
Exemple #6
def compute_model_graph_metrics(model_name, dataset, root_dir, epoch,
    model = torch.load(model_location)
    if dataset == 'mnist':
        input_dim = (1, 1, 28, 28)
    elif dataset == 'cifar10':
        input_dim = (1, 3, 32, 32)

    param_info = get_model_param_info(model_name, dataset)

    architecture = model_name + "_" + dataset
    if (architecture not in model_graph_dict) or (epoch == 0):
        print(("Architecture: {} not found, creating").format(architecture))
        NNG = nn_graph.NNGraph()
        NNG.parameter_graph(model, param_info, input_dim, ignore_zeros=True)

    s_metric = nx.s_metric(NNG.G, normalized=False)
    degree_assortativity_coefficient = nx.degree_assortativity_coefficient(

    diameter = nx.diameter(NNG.G)
    global_efficiency = nx.global_efficiency(NNG.G)

    return [
        s_metric, degree_assortativity_coefficient, diameter, global_efficiency
Exemple #7
def test_smetric():
    g = nx.Graph()
    g.add_edge(1, 2)
    g.add_edge(2, 3)
    g.add_edge(2, 4)
    g.add_edge(1, 4)
    sm = nx.s_metric(g)
    assert_equal(sm, 19)
Exemple #8
def test_smetric():
    g = nx.Graph()
    sm = nx.s_metric(g)
    assert_equal(sm, 19)
Exemple #9
def test_smetric():
    g = nx.Graph()
    g.add_edge(1, 2)
    g.add_edge(2, 3)
    g.add_edge(2, 4)
    g.add_edge(1, 4)
    sm = nx.s_metric(g, normalized=False)
    assert sm == 19.0
Exemple #10
    def compute_features(self):

        # s metric
            lambda graph: nx.s_metric(graph, normalized=False),
            "The s-metric is defined as the sum of the products deg(u)*deg(v) for every edge (u,v) in G",
def GetGlobalGraphDescriptors(UndirectedGraph):

    cG = UndirectedGraph
    container = []
    featuresList = [nx.density, nx.diameter, nx.radius, GAI, ABC, ECI]

    for feat in featuresList:

    container.append(nx.s_metric(cG, normalized=False))

    return container
Exemple #12
def circuit_analysis(depth, trail, varying_param):
    if gdv_name == "TFL":
        folder = "BNTF"
        depth_string = "{:02}".format(depth)
        name_end = "TFL"
        if nr_qubits == 54:
            name_end = "QSE"

    elif gdv_name == "QSE":
        folder = "BSS"
        depth_string = "{:03}".format(depth)
        name_end = "QSE"

    # if nr_qubits==54:
    #     gdv_name = "QSE"

    qasm_file_name = "_private_benchmark/{}/{}QBT_{}CYC_{}_{}.qasm".format(
        folder, nr_qubits, depth_string, name_end, trail)

    solution_file_name = "_private_benchmark/meta/{}QBT_{}CYC_{}_{}_solution.csv".format(
        nr_qubits, depth_string, name_end, trail)

    # print("qiskit", depth)
    # input qasm file as circuit
    test_circuit = qiskit.QuantumCircuit.from_qasm_file(qasm_file_name)

        NetworkX analysis data

    dag_circ = circuit_to_dag(test_circuit)

    undirect = dag_circ._multi_graph.to_undirected(as_view=True)
    weighted = convert_to_weighted_graph(dag_circ._multi_graph)

    # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    # # nx.draw_networkx(undirect, with_labels=False, node_size=10)
    # nx.draw_networkx(dag_circ._multi_graph, with_labels=False, node_size=10)
    # plt.show()

    return max(nx.pagerank(weighted).values()),\
            undirect.number_of_nodes(), \
           nx.global_efficiency(weighted), \
           nx.s_metric(dag_circ._multi_graph, False)
Exemple #13
def a_s_metric(G):
    return nx.s_metric(G, normalized=False)
def test_normalized():
    sm = nx.s_metric(nx.Graph(), normalized=True)
Exemple #15
def test_normalized():
    with pytest.raises(nx.NetworkXError):
        sm = nx.s_metric(nx.Graph(), normalized=True)
def features_part1(info):
    second set of features.
    G = info['G']
    n = info['num_nodes']
    num_units = info['num_units']
    edges = info['edges']
    nedges = len(edges)

    res = dict()
    res['num_nodes'] = n
    res['num_edges'] = nedges
    res['reduce_frac'] = num_units / n - 1
    res['edges_per_node'] = nedges / n
    res['density'] = nx.density(G)
    res['transitivity'] = nx.transitivity(G)
    res['average_clustering'] = nx.average_clustering(G)
    res['average_node_connectivity'] = nx.average_node_connectivity(G)
    res['average_shortest_path_length'] = nx.average_shortest_path_length(G)
    res['s_metric_norm'] = np.sqrt(nx.s_metric(G, normalized=False) / nedges)
    res['global_reaching_centrality'] = nx.global_reaching_centrality(G)
    res['edge_connectivity'] = nx.edge_connectivity(G, 0, n - 1)
    res['modularity_trace'] = np.real(np.sum(nx.modularity_spectrum(G)))

    stages = info['stages']
    stagedict = get_stage_dict(n, stages)
    edges_diff = np.array([stagedict[j] - stagedict[i] for (i, j) in edges])
    n0 = np.sum(edges_diff == 0)
    n1 = np.sum(edges_diff == 1)
    n2 = np.sum(edges_diff == 2)

    res['intrastage'] = n0 / nedges
    res['interstage'] = n1 / nedges
    res['hops_per_node'] = n2 / n

    degrees = np.array(nx.degree(G))[:, 1]
    res['mean_degree'] = np.mean(degrees)
    res['std_degree'] = np.std(degrees)
    res['span_degree'] = np.amax(degrees) / np.amin(degrees)

    triadic = nx.triadic_census(G)
    res['021D'] = triadic['021D'] / nedges
    res['021U'] = triadic['021U'] / nedges
    res['021C'] = triadic['021C'] / nedges
    res['030T'] = triadic['030T'] / nedges

    paths_nums = pathhist(G)
    ns = np.arange(1, n + 1)
    paths_total = np.sum(paths_nums)
    mean_path = np.sum(ns * paths_nums) / paths_total
    mean_pathsqr = np.sum(ns**2 * paths_nums) / paths_total
    std_path = np.sqrt(mean_pathsqr - mean_path**2)

    nonz = np.nonzero(paths_nums)[0]
    shortest_path = nonz[0] + 1
    longest_path = nonz[-1] + 1

    res['log_paths'] = np.log(paths_total)
    res['mean_path'] = mean_path
    res['std_paths'] = std_path
    res['min_path'] = shortest_path
    res['max_path'] = longest_path
    res['span_path'] = longest_path / shortest_path

    return res
Exemple #17
def s_metric(G, posG, stages, stage=None):
    Computes the s-metric (not normalized).
    Graph = G if stage is None else gu.get_subgraph(G, posG, stages, stage)
    return nx.s_metric(Graph, normalized=False)
Exemple #18
def s_metric(graph):
    """Returns the s-metric of graph
    return nx.s_metric(graph.graph, normalized=False)
def test_normalized():
        sm = nx.s_metric(nx.Graph(),normalized=True)