Exemple #1
def ICM_Diffuse(g: nx.Graph, activated):
    current_activated = []

    # While there is a node in activated list chech diffusion
    while activated:
        if activated:
            node = activated.pop(0)
            for edge in g.out_edges(node, data=True):
                if edge[1] in set(g.graph['free']):

                    r = np.random.random()
                    New_Weight = edge[2]['new_weight']
                    if r < New_Weight:

                        # Node is activated
                        edge[2]['alpha'] = edge[2]['alpha'] + 1

                        edge[2]['beta'] = edge[2]['beta'] + 1
            if node in g.graph['free']:

    return current_activated
def get_bn_node_for_conv(graph: nx.Graph, conv_node: dict):
    out_edges = graph.out_edges(conv_node['key'])
    for _, out_node_key in out_edges:
        out_node = graph.nodes[out_node_key]
        if out_node['op_exec_context'].operator_name == 'batch_norm':
            return out_node
    return None
Exemple #3
def check_no_outgoing_edges(component: nx.Graph, G: nx.Graph) -> bool:
    Given a connected component of a graph, returns true if it has outgoing edges, and false otherwise.
    :param component:
    :param G:
    for node in component.nodes():
        out_edges = G.out_edges(node)
        for coming, going in out_edges:
            if going not in component.nodes:
                return False
    return True
Exemple #4
def ExitBlockIterator(g: nx.Graph):
    """Iterate over the exit blocks of a graph.
  An exit block is a statement with no control successor.
    for node, data in StatementNodeIterator(g):
        # Filter out the root node.
        if data["function"] is None:

        for _, _, flow in g.out_edges(node, data="flow"):
            if flow == programl_pb2.Edge.CONTROL:
            yield node, data
Exemple #5
def _random_rr_set(g: nx.Graph, sb):
    free_nodes = g.graph['free']
    free_nodes_set = set(free_nodes) - set(sb)

    q = list(sb)
    B = set(sb)
    visited = set()

    while q:
        node = q.pop(0)
        for edge in g.out_edges(node, data=True):
            u = edge[0]
            if u not in visited:
                r = np.random.random()
                if r < edge[2]['w']:

    v = random.sample(free_nodes_set, 1)[0]
    q = [v]
    visited = set()
    rr_set = set()

    while q:
        node = q.pop(0)
        for edge in g.in_edges(node, data=True):
            u = edge[0]
            if (u not in rr_set) and (u not in B) and (u not in visited):
                r = np.random.random()
                if r < edge[2]['w']:

    return rr_set
Exemple #6
def minimax(G: nx.Graph):
    Perform minimax from node n on a NetworkX graph G.

    Return graph with scores for moves and best move
    maxplayer = True
    minplayer = False

    G = G.copy()
    G.nodes[0].update({'player': 'max'})

    # Recursive tree search
    def _minimax(G, n, player):

        # Base case, winning node found
        if G.out_degree(n) == 0:
            if G.nodes[n]['winner'] == 'R':
                score = 100
            elif G.nodes[n]['winner'] == 'Y':
                score = -100
                score = 0
            G.nodes[n].update({'score': score})
            return score

        if player == maxplayer:
            bestv = -1
            for child in G.successors(n):
                v = _minimax(G, child, minplayer)
                G.nodes[child].update({'score': v, 'player': 'min'})
                bestv = max(bestv, v)
            bestv = 1
            for child in G.successors(n):
                v = _minimax(G, child, maxplayer)
                G.nodes[child].update({'score': v, 'player': 'max'})
                bestv = min(bestv, v)
        return bestv

    # Find the best first move from the given node
    # Assume given node n is a maximiser node.
    best_node = None
    bestv = -1

    for child in G.successors(0):
        v = _minimax(G, child, minplayer)
        G.nodes[child].update({'score': v, 'player': 'min'})
        if v > bestv:
            best_node = child
            bestv = v

    # Add best minimax move to each node
    for n in G.nodes():
        scores = [(v, c['move'], G.nodes[v]['score'])
                  for (u, v, c) in G.out_edges(n, data=True)]
        if scores:
            best_move = max(scores, key=lambda t: t[2])[1]
            G.nodes[n]['best_move'] = best_move

    # Analyze next move
    move_scores = [(v, c['move'], G.nodes[v]['score'])
                   for (u, v, c) in G.out_edges(0, data=True)]
    # If all next moves (G[0]) have zero score, try center moves
    if set([n[2] for n in move_scores]) == {0}:
        return None

        return G.nodes[0]['best_move']
Exemple #7
class LangGraph(object):
	A graph of all the relationships in a document and/or sentence
	def __init__(self, directed=False):
		Builds a graph out of the given document
		self.isDirected = directed

		#a graph that is meant to be full of class Instance
		if self.isDirected:
			self.graph = DiGraph()
			self.graph = Graph()
		self.start = None #an Instance

		#keep the graph also according to temporal, redundant probably needs
		self.temporal = None 
		self.temporalMap = None

	def setStart(self, start):
		Sets the starting instance, also builds the temporal ordering
		of the graph
		self.start = start
		self.temporal = self.narrativeOrder()
		self.temporalMap = self.narrativeMapping()
	def indexToInst(self, index):
		Returns the instance corresponding to the given index
		result = index

		#if the index is an int, lookup the instance associated with it
		if type(index) == int:
			result = self.temporal[index]

		return result

	def instToIndex(self, instance):
		Return the index associated with the instance
		return self.temporalMap[instance]

	def narrativeOrder(self):
		Returns the instances in narrative order
		results = []
		node = self.start
		prev = None

		#while there are more nodes, keep adding them
		while node is not None:
			#record the current node
			#get the connected nodes
			fringe = [n for n in self.adj(node, WORD_EDGE) if n != prev]
			nextNode = fringe[0] if fringe else None

			#advance to the next node
			prev = node
			node = nextNode

		return results

	def narrativeMapping(self):
		Makes the mapping from instances to their narrative index
		return {inst:i for i,inst in enumerate(self.temporal)}

	def addNode(self, node):
		Adds a node to the graph

	def addEdge(self, start, end, type):
		Adds an edge between the two instances
		#if the edge exists, just add the type
		if self.graph.has_edge(start, end):
			self.addType(start, end, type)
			self.graph.add_edge(start, end, TYPES=set([type]))

	def removeEdge(self, start, end, edgeType):
		Removes an edge with a given type from the edge type
		#remove the type
		self.removeType(start, end, edgeType)

		#if there are no types, remove the edge itself
		types = self.edgeTypes(start, end)

		#remove the edge
		if not len(types) and self.graph.has_edge(start, end):
			self.graph.remove_edge(start, end)

	def addType(self, start, end, type):
		Adds a type between the edges
		#look for existing types
		types = self.graph[start][end].get(TYPES, set())

		#add the new type

		self.graph[start][end][TYPES] = types

	def removeType(self, start, end, edgeType):
		Removes the type on the edge
		for prefix in [PARENT, CHILD]:
			edgeType = removePrefix(prefix, edgeType)

		types = self.graph[start][end][TYPES]

		#if the types contains the edge, remove
		if edgeType in types:

	def hasType(self, start, end, type):
		Returns true if the edge between the two nodes has the given
		return type in self.edgeTypes(start, end)

	def singleEdgeTypes(self, start, end):
		Returns the types on the edge if any, or an empty set is returned
		#make sure we are using instances rather than indexes
		start = self.indexToInst(start)
		end = self.indexToInst(end)

		data = self.graph.get_edge_data(start,end)
		result = set()
		#if there is data, get the types
		if data is not None:
			result = data.get(TYPES, set())

		return result

	def edgeTypes(self, start, end):
		Returns the types on the edge if any, or an empty set is returned
		if self.isDirected:
			parent = addPrefixes(PARENT, self.singleEdgeTypes(end, start))
			child = addPrefixes(CHILD, self.singleEdgeTypes(start, end))
			types = parent.union(child)

			types = self.singleEdgeTypes(start, end)
		return types

	def allEdgeTypes(self):
		Returns all the edge types
		results = set()
		#collect all the edges with all the types
		for s,e,types in self.allEdges():
			#look up the edge types to make sure everything is covered
			for edgeType in types:

			#add in the reverse types
			for edgeType in self.edgeTypes(e,s):
		return results

	def allEdges(self):
		Yield all the edges in the graph
		for start, end in self.graph.edges():
			yield start, end, self.edgeTypes(start, end)

	def contains(self, instance):
		Returns true if the graph contains the instance
		return self.graph.has_node(instance)

	def instances(self):
		Return all the instances in the graph
		return self.graph.nodes()

	def edges(self, instance):
		Returns all the edges connected to this instance
		inst = self.indexToInst(instance)

		#make get the directed edges
		if self.isDirected:
			results = [t for _, t in self.graph.out_edges(inst)] + [t for t, _ in self.graph.in_edges(inst)]
			results = self.graph.adj[inst]

		return results

	def docType(self):
		Returns the document type (String)
		return self.temporal[0].event.docType

	def adj(self, instance, type=None):
		Returns the adjancent node with a given type
		return [other for other	in self.edges(instance)
			if self.hasType(instance, other, type) or type is None]

	def nonNarrativeAdj(self, instance, returnIndex=False):
		Returns the nodes that are not adjancent to the given instance
		results = []
		#add each node if it has a non-narrative (temporal) connection
		for node in self.edges(instance):

			#get the non narrative types
			edgeTypes = nonNarrativeTypes(self.edgeTypes(instance, node))

			#if there is a non-narrative edge, add it
			if edgeTypes:

				#lookup the index of the node
				nodeMarker = self.instToIndex(node) if returnIndex else node
				results.append((nodeMarker, edgeTypes))

		return results

	def words(self):
		Returns the words in narrative order
		return [t.word for t in self.tokens()]

	def tokens(self):
		Returns the tokens in narrative order
		return [i.token for i in self.temporal]

	def labels(self):
		Returns the sequence of labels for the instances
		return [i.event.type for i in self.temporal]

	def removeAny(self, blackList):
		Removes any nodes/tokens/instances that match the words in the blacklist
		#if a token or its lemma match any of the words in the blacklist
		#mark it for removal
		toRemove = {inst.token for inst in self.temporal 
			if inst.token.word.lower() in blackList 
			or inst.token.lemma.lower() in blackList}


	def removeNodes(self, tokens):
		Removes the token from the graph
		startLen = len(self)

		#mark all the instances/indexes to remove
		instances = {inst:i for inst,i in self.temporalMap.items() 
			if inst.token in tokens}

		#determine the remaining nodes
		remaining = sorted(list(set(range(startLen)) - {i for i in instances.values()}))
		#add in all the bypasses
		for startIndex, endIndex in iterPairs(remaining):
				start = self.temporal[startIndex]
				end = self.temporal[endIndex]
				self.addEdge(start, end, WORD_EDGE)

		#remove the edges
		for inst in instances:
		#if there are remaining nodes then reset the temporal mapping
		if remaining:
			startIndex = min(remaining)
			self.start = self.temporal[startIndex]

			#redo narrative order
			self.temporal = self.narrativeOrder()
			self.temporalMap = self.narrativeMapping()

			self.start = None
			self.temporal = []
			self.temporalMap = {}

	def copy(self):
		Performs a shallow copy of the graph
		newGraph = LangGraph(self.isDirected, self.entEdges)

		#create new instances
		newInst = {i:me.Instance(copy(i.token), i.event) for i in self.temporal}

		#add in all the edges
		for start, end in self.graph.edges():
			for eType in self.edgeTypes(start, end):
				newGraph.addEdge(newInst[start], newInst[end], eType)


		return newGraph

	def graphString(self):
		Returns the graph as a string
		return " ".join([t.word for t in self.tokens()])

	def __len__(self):
		Returns the number of nodes (tokens) in the graph
		return len(self.graph)

	def __repr__(self):
		Returns a summary string of the graph
		return "LangGraph {} nodes, {} edges".format(len(self.graph.nodes()), len(self.graph.edges()))