Exemple #1
    def generateChainedStatesAutomata(abstractSession, symbolList):
        """Generate an automata that contains as many states and
        transitions as the number of request-response couples in the
        abstract session. This automata has thus the shape of a uniq

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> symbolSYN = Symbol([Field(ASCII("SYN"))], name="Symbol_SYN")
        >>> symbolSYNACK = Symbol([Field(ASCII("SYN/ACK"))], name="Symbol_SYNACK")
        >>> symbolACK = Symbol([Field(ASCII("ACK"))], name="Symbol_ACK")
        >>> symbolPUSH = Symbol([Field(ASCII("PUSH"))], name="Symbol_PUSH")
        >>> symbolList = [symbolSYN, symbolSYNACK, symbolACK, symbolPUSH]

        >>> msg1 = RawMessage("SYN", source="A", destination="B")
        >>> msg2 = RawMessage("SYN/ACK", source="B", destination="A")
        >>> msg3 = RawMessage("ACK", source="A", destination="B")
        >>> msg4 = RawMessage("PUSH", source="B", destination="A")
        >>> session = Session([msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4])
        >>> abstractSession = session.abstract(symbolList)

        >>> automata = Automata.generateChainedStatesAutomata(abstractSession, symbolList)
        >>> dotcode = automata.generateDotCode()
        >>> print(len(dotcode))
        >>> print(dotcode) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        digraph G {
        "Start state" [shape=doubleoctagon, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 1" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 2" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 3" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "End state" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "Start state" ... "State 1" [fontsize=5, label="OpenChannelTransition", URL="..."];
        "State 1" ... "State 2" [fontsize=5, label="Transition (Symbol_SYN;{Symbol_SYNACK})", URL="..."];
        "State 2" ... "State 3" [fontsize=5, label="Transition (Symbol_ACK;{Symbol_PUSH})", URL="..."];
        "State 3" ... "End state" [fontsize=5, label="CloseChannelTransition", URL="..."];

        :return: an automata with one sequence of chained states.
        :rtype: a :class:`netzob.Model.Grammar.Automata.Automata`

        return ChainedStatesAutomataFactory.generate(abstractSession,
Exemple #2
    def generateChainedStatesAutomata(abstractSession, symbolList):
        """Generate an automata that contains as many states and
        transitions as the number of request-response couples in the
        abstract session. This automata has thus the shape of a uniq

        >>> from netzob.all import *
        >>> symbolSYN = Symbol([Field(ASCII("SYN"))], name="Symbol_SYN")
        >>> symbolSYNACK = Symbol([Field(ASCII("SYN/ACK"))], name="Symbol_SYNACK")
        >>> symbolACK = Symbol([Field(ASCII("ACK"))], name="Symbol_ACK")
        >>> symbolPUSH = Symbol([Field(ASCII("PUSH"))], name="Symbol_PUSH")
        >>> symbolList = [symbolSYN, symbolSYNACK, symbolACK, symbolPUSH]

        >>> msg1 = RawMessage("SYN", source="A", destination="B")
        >>> msg2 = RawMessage("SYN/ACK", source="B", destination="A")
        >>> msg3 = RawMessage("ACK", source="A", destination="B")
        >>> msg4 = RawMessage("PUSH", source="B", destination="A")
        >>> session = Session([msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4])
        >>> abstractSession = session.abstract(symbolList)

        >>> automata = Automata.generateChainedStatesAutomata(abstractSession, symbolList)
        >>> dotcode = automata.generateDotCode()
        >>> print(len(dotcode))
        >>> print(dotcode) #doctest: +ELLIPSIS
        digraph G {
        "Start state" [shape=doubleoctagon, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 1" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 2" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "State 3" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "End state" [shape=ellipse, style=filled, fillcolor=white, URL="..."];
        "Start state" ... "State 1" [fontsize=5, label="OpenChannelTransition", URL="..."];
        "State 1" ... "State 2" [fontsize=5, label="Transition (Symbol_SYN;{Symbol_SYNACK})", URL="..."];
        "State 2" ... "State 3" [fontsize=5, label="Transition (Symbol_ACK;{Symbol_PUSH})", URL="..."];
        "State 3" ... "End state" [fontsize=5, label="CloseChannelTransition", URL="..."];

        :return: an automata with one sequence of chained states.
        :rtype: a :class:`netzob.Model.Grammar.Automata.Automata`

        return ChainedStatesAutomataFactory.generate(abstractSession,
Exemple #3
    def generate(abstractSessions, symbolList):
        """Generate an automata by merging different abstract sessions
        in a Prefix Tree Acceptor (PTA).

        # Generate chained automatons from the provided list of abstract sessions
        from netzob.Inference.Grammar.AutomataFactories.ChainedStatesAutomataFactory import ChainedStatesAutomataFactory
        chainedAutomatons = []
        for abstractSession in abstractSessions:
            chainedAutomaton = ChainedStatesAutomataFactory.generate(
                abstractSession, symbolList)
        if len(chainedAutomatons) <= 1:
            return chainedAutomatons[0]

        # Create an initial state/transition for the PTA automaton
        ptaInitialState = State("Start state")
        idx_state = 0
        ptaStateA = State("State " + str(idx_state))
        ptaStateA_saved = ptaStateA
        ptaTransition = OpenChannelTransition(startState=ptaInitialState,
                                              name="Open transition")

        # Merge the other automatons in the PTA automaton
        for automaton in chainedAutomatons:
            # Restore the first main state of the PTA
            ptaStateA = ptaStateA_saved

            # We go through the first transition (which should be an OpenChannelTransition)
            initialState = automaton.initialState
            if initialState is not None and len(initialState.transitions) > 0:
                transition = initialState.transitions[0]
                if isinstance(transition, OpenChannelTransition):
                    transition = PTAAutomataFactory._getNextChainedTransition(
                    if transition is None:

                # We loop over each state to compare inputSymbol/outputSymbols with the states of the PTA automaton
                while True:
                    # We handle the closing state
                    if isinstance(transition, CloseChannelTransition):
                        if len(ptaStateA.transitions) > 0 and isinstance(
                            # The transition is equivalent in the PTA
                            # This is a new transition
                            idx_state += 1
                            ptaStateB = State("End state " + str(idx_state))
                            ptaTransition = CloseChannelTransition(
                                name="Close transition")
                    inputSymbol = transition.inputSymbol
                    outputSymbols = transition.outputSymbols

                    # We do the comparison with the PTA automaton at the transition level
                    newTransition = True
                    if len(ptaStateA.transitions) > 0 and isinstance(
                            ptaStateA.transitions[0], Transition):
                        if ptaStateA.transitions[0].inputSymbol == inputSymbol:
                            if len(ptaStateA.transitions[0].outputSymbols
                                   ) > 0 and ptaStateA.transitions[
                                       0].outputSymbols[0] == outputSymbols[0]:
                                # The transition is equivalent in the PTA
                                newTransition = False
                                ptaStateA = ptaStateA.transitions[0].endState
                    if newTransition == True:
                        idx_state += 1
                        ptaStateB = State("State " + str(idx_state))
                        ptaTransition = Transition(
                        ptaStateA = ptaStateB

                    transition = PTAAutomataFactory._getNextChainedTransition(
                    if transition is None:

        from netzob.Model.Grammar.Automata import Automata
        return Automata(ptaInitialState, symbolList)
    def generate(abstractSessions, symbolList):
        """Generate an automata by merging different abstract sessions
        in a Prefix Tree Acceptor (PTA).

        # Generate chained automatons from the provided list of abstract sessions
        from netzob.Inference.Grammar.AutomataFactories.ChainedStatesAutomataFactory import ChainedStatesAutomataFactory
        chainedAutomatons = []
        for abstractSession in abstractSessions:
            chainedAutomaton = ChainedStatesAutomataFactory.generate(abstractSession, symbolList)
        if len(chainedAutomatons) <= 1:
            return chainedAutomatons[0]

        # Create an initial state/transition for the PTA automaton
        ptaInitialState = State("Start state")
        idx_state = 0
        ptaStateA = State("State " + str(idx_state))
        ptaStateA_saved = ptaStateA
        ptaTransition = OpenChannelTransition(startState=ptaInitialState, endState=ptaStateA, name="Open transition")

        # Merge the other automatons in the PTA automaton
        for automaton in chainedAutomatons:
            # Restore the first main state of the PTA
            ptaStateA = ptaStateA_saved

            # We go through the first transition (which should be an OpenChannelTransition)
            initialState = automaton.initialState
            if initialState is not None and len(initialState.transitions) > 0:
                transition = initialState.transitions[0]
                if isinstance(transition, OpenChannelTransition):
                    transition = PTAAutomataFactory._getNextChainedTransition(transition)
                    if transition is None:

                # We loop over each state to compare inputSymbol/outputSymbols with the states of the PTA automaton
                while True:
                    # We handle the closing state
                    if isinstance(transition, CloseChannelTransition):
                        if len(ptaStateA.transitions) > 0 and isinstance(ptaStateA.transitions[0], CloseChannelTransition):
                            # The transition is equivalent in the PTA
                            # This is a new transition
                            idx_state += 1
                            ptaStateB = State("End state " + str(idx_state))
                            ptaTransition = CloseChannelTransition(startState=ptaStateA, endState=ptaStateB, name="Close transition")
                    inputSymbol = transition.inputSymbol
                    outputSymbols = transition.outputSymbols

                    # We do the comparison with the PTA automaton at the transition level
                    newTransition = True
                    if len(ptaStateA.transitions) > 0 and isinstance(ptaStateA.transitions[0], Transition):
                        if ptaStateA.transitions[0].inputSymbol == inputSymbol:
                            if len(ptaStateA.transitions[0].outputSymbols) > 0 and ptaStateA.transitions[0].outputSymbols[0] == outputSymbols[0]:
                                # The transition is equivalent in the PTA
                                newTransition = False
                                ptaStateA = ptaStateA.transitions[0].endState
                    if newTransition == True:
                        idx_state += 1
                        ptaStateB = State("State " + str(idx_state))
                        ptaTransition = Transition(startState=ptaStateA, endState=ptaStateB, inputSymbol=inputSymbol, outputSymbols=[outputSymbols[0]], name="Transition")
                        ptaStateA = ptaStateB

                    transition = PTAAutomataFactory._getNextChainedTransition(transition)
                    if transition is None:

        from netzob.Common.Models.Grammar.Automata import Automata
        return Automata(ptaInitialState, symbolList)