def create_body_tarball_from_sv_tarball(instance_info, body_id): """ Download a supervoxel mesh tarball from the given key-value instance, concatenate together the component meshes into a single body tarball, and upload it. """ keyEncodeLevel0 = 10000000000000 keyEncodeLevel1 = 10100000000000 encoded_sv = str(body_id + keyEncodeLevel0) sv_tarball_path = f'/tmp/{encoded_sv}.tar''Fetching {encoded_sv}.tar') tarball_contents = fetch_key(*instance_info, f'{encoded_sv}.tar') with open(sv_tarball_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(tarball_contents)'Unpacking {encoded_sv}.tar') sv_dir = f'/tmp/{encoded_sv}' os.makedirs(sv_dir, exist_ok=True) os.chdir(sv_dir) subprocess.check_call(f'tar -xf {sv_tarball_path}', shell=True) encoded_body = str(body_id + keyEncodeLevel1) body_tarball_path = f'/tmp/{encoded_body}.tar'"Constructing {encoded_body}.drc") mesh = Mesh.from_directory(sv_dir) mesh.serialize(f'/tmp/{encoded_body}.drc') subprocess.check_call(f'tar -cf {body_tarball_path} /tmp/{encoded_body}.drc', shell=True) with open(body_tarball_path, 'rb') as f:'Posting {encoded_body}.tar') post_key(*instance_info, f'{encoded_body}.tar', f)
def test_createmeshes_to_keyvalue(setup_createmeshes_config, disable_auto_retry): template_dir, config, _dvid_address, _repo_uuid, object_boxes, _object_sizes = setup_createmeshes_config kv_instance = 'test_createmeshes_to_keyvalue' config['output'] = { 'keyvalue': { 'instance': kv_instance, 'create-if-necessary': True } } YAML().dump(config, open(f"{template_dir}/workflow.yaml", 'w')) _execution_dir, _workflow = launch_flow(template_dir, 1) server = config['input']['dvid']['server'] uuid = config['input']['dvid']['uuid'] for sv in [100, 200, 300]: mesh_bytes = fetch_key(server, uuid, kv_instance, f'{sv}.obj') mesh = Mesh.from_buffer(mesh_bytes, fmt='obj') assert np.allclose(mesh.vertices_zyx.min(axis=0), object_boxes[sv][0], 1) assert np.allclose(mesh.vertices_zyx.max(axis=0), object_boxes[sv][1], 1)
def autogen_points(input_seg, count, roi, body, tbars, use_skeleton, random_seed=None, minimum_distance=0): """ Generate a list of points within the input segmentation, based on the given criteria. See the main help text below for details. """ if tbars and not body: sys.exit( "If you want to auto-generate tbar points, please specify a body.") if not tbars and not count: sys.exit( "You must supply a --count unless you are generating all tbars of a body." ) if use_skeleton: if not body: sys.exit( "You must supply a body ID if you want to use a skeleton.") if tbars: sys.exit( "You can't select both tbar points and skeleton points. Pick one or the other." ) if not count and minimum_distance > 0: sys.exit( "You must supply a --count if you want skeleton point samples to respect the minimum distance." ) if not count and not roi and minimum_distance == 0: logger.warning( "You are using all nodes of a skeleton without any ROI filter! Is that what you meant?" ) rng = default_rng(random_seed) if tbars:"Fetching synapses for body {body}") syn_df = fetch_annotation_label(*input_seg[:2], 'synapses', body, format='pandas') tbars = syn_df.query('kind == "PreSyn"')[[*'zyx']] if roi:"Filtering tbars for roi {roi}") determine_point_rois(*input_seg[:2], [roi], tbars) tbars = tbars.query('roi == @roi')[[*'zyx']] if minimum_distance: f"Pruning close points from {len(tbars)} total tbar points") tbars = prune_close_pairs(tbars, minimum_distance, rng)"After pruning, {len(tbars)} tbars remain.") if count: count = min(count, len(tbars))"Sampling {count} tbars") choices = rng.choice(tbars.index, size=count, replace=False) tbars = tbars.loc[choices]"Returning {len(tbars)} tbar points") return tbars elif use_skeleton: assert body"Fetching skeleton for body {body}") skeleton_instance = f'{input_seg[2]}_skeletons' swc = fetch_key(*input_seg[:2], skeleton_instance, f'{body}_swc') skeleton_df = swc_to_dataframe(swc) skeleton_df['x'] = skeleton_df['x'].astype(int) skeleton_df['y'] = skeleton_df['y'].astype(int) skeleton_df['z'] = skeleton_df['z'].astype(int) if roi:"Filtering skeleton for roi {roi}") determine_point_rois(*input_seg[:2], [roi], skeleton_df) skeleton_df = skeleton_df.query('roi == @roi')[[*'zyx']] if minimum_distance: assert count # Distance-pruning is very expensive on a huge number of close points. # If skeleton is large, first reduce the workload by pre-selecting a # random sample of skeleton points, and prune more from there. if len(skeleton_df) > 10_000: # FIXME: random_state can't use rng until I upgrade to pandas 1.0 skeleton_df = skeleton_df.sample(min(4 * count, len(skeleton_df)), random_state=None) f"Pruning close points from {len(skeleton_df)} skeleton points" ) prune_close_pairs(skeleton_df, minimum_distance, rng) f"After pruning, {len(skeleton_df)} skeleton points remain.") if count: count = min(count, len(skeleton_df))"Sampling {count} skeleton points") choices = rng.choice(skeleton_df.index, size=count, replace=False) skeleton_df = skeleton_df.loc[choices]"Returning {len(skeleton_df)} skeleton points") return skeleton_df elif body: assert count if roi: # TODO: intersect the ranges with the ROI. raise NotImplementedError( "Sorry, I haven't yet implemented support for " "body+roi filtering. Pick one or the other, " "or ask Stuart to fix this.")"Fetching sparsevol for body {body}") ranges = fetch_sparsevol(*input_seg, body, format='ranges')"Sampling from sparsevol") if minimum_distance > 0: # Sample 4x extra so we still have enough after pruning. points = sample_points_from_ranges(ranges, 4 * count, rng) else: points = sample_points_from_ranges(ranges, count, rng) points = pd.DataFrame(points, columns=[*'zyx']) if minimum_distance > 0:"Pruning close points from {len(points)} body points") prune_close_pairs(points, minimum_distance, rng)"After pruning, {len(points)} body points remain") points = points.iloc[:count]"Returning {len(points)} body points") return points elif roi: assert count"Fetching roi {roi}") roi_ranges = fetch_roi_roi(*input_seg[:2], roi, format='ranges')"Sampling from ranges") if minimum_distance > 0: # Sample 4x extra so we can prune some out if necessary. points_s5 = sample_points_from_ranges(roi_ranges, 4 * count, rng) else: points_s5 = sample_points_from_ranges(roi_ranges, count, rng) corners_s0 = points_s5 * (2**5) points_s0 = rng.integers(corners_s0, corners_s0 + (2**5)) points = pd.DataFrame(points_s0, columns=[*'zyx']) if minimum_distance > 0:"Pruning close points from {len(points)} roi points") prune_close_pairs(points, minimum_distance, rng) f"After pruning, points from {len(points)} roi points remain") points = points.iloc[:count]"Returning {len(points)} roi points") return points else: # No body or roi specified, just sample from the whole non-zero segmentation area assert count"Sampling random points from entire input segmentation")"Fetching low-res input volume") box_s6 = round_box(fetch_volume_box(*input_seg), 2**6, 'out') // 2**6 seg_s6 = fetch_labelmap_voxels(*input_seg, box_s6, scale=6) mask_s6 = seg_s6.astype(bool)"Encoding segmentation as ranges") seg_ranges = runlength_encode_mask_to_ranges(mask_s6, box_s6)"Sampling from ranges") if minimum_distance > 0: # Sample 4x extra so we can prune some out if necessary. points_s6 = sample_points_from_ranges(seg_ranges, 4 * count, rng) else: points_s6 = sample_points_from_ranges(seg_ranges, count, rng) corners_s0 = points_s6 * (2**6) points_s0 = rng.integers(corners_s0, corners_s0 + (2**6)) points = pd.DataFrame(points_s0, columns=[*'zyx']) if minimum_distance > 0: f"Pruning close points from {len(points)} segmentation points") prune_close_pairs(points, minimum_distance, rng) f"After pruning, points from {len(points)} segmentation points remain" ) points = points.iloc[:count]"Returning {len(points)} segmentation points") return points