Exemple #1
def test1():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    batch_size = 200
    model      = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  784], [None, 1],\
                                       tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, \
                                       arg = batch_size, dtype = np.float32)
    d_loss, g_loss, dopt, gopt = model.model_wrap.optimize
    G, D1, D2 = model.model_wrap.prediction
    for i in range(1200):
        x, y = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)
        z = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 1)).astype(np.float32)

        loss_d, _ = model.sess.run([d_loss, dopt], {
            model.data: x,
            model.target: z
        z = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 1)).astype(np.float32)
        loss_g, _ = model.sess.run([g_loss, gopt], {
            model.data: x,
            model.target: z
        print('{}: {}\t{}'.format(i, loss_d, loss_g))
        if i % 1000 == 0:
            getG = model.sess.run(G, {
                model.data: x,
                model.target: z
            }).reshape((batch_size, 28, 28))
            ut.plotim3(sum(getG, 0))
def test2():
    mat_contents     = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'im_pca.mat')#im.mat
    I                = np.array(mat_contents["I"].astype(np.float32))
    nx, ny, nz, ndiv = I.shape
    imall            = I.reshape([nx*ny*nz, ndiv])
    npar             = 7
    imall = imall/np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())
    #for i in range(imall.shape[0]):
    #    tc = imall[i,:] #- np.mean(imall[i,:])        
    #    normtc = np.linalg.norm(tc)
    #    if normtc  > 1e-3:
    #        imall[i,:] = tc/normtc
    #    else:
    #        imall[i,:] = np.zeros([1,ndiv])
    #imall =imall/np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())#0.2

    #for kk in range(imall.shape[1]):
    #    imall [:,kk] = (imall[:,kk])/np.std(imall[:,kk])# - np.mean(imall[:,kk])

    ut.plotim3(imall.reshape(I.shape)[...,0],[5, -1],pause_close = 1)

    model   = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  ndiv], [None,  npar], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, arg = 1.0)
    model.restore(pathdat + 'test_model_save')

    prey    = model.prediction(imall, np.zeros([imall.shape[0],npar]))
    immatch = prey.reshape([nx, ny, nz, npar])
    ut.plotim3(immatch[...,0],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[...,1],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[...,2],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)   
    ut.plotim3(immatch[...,3],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)   
    ut.plotim3(immatch[...,4],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)       
    sio.savemat(pathdat + 'MRF_cnn_matchtt.mat', {'immatch':immatch, 'imall':imall})
Exemple #3
def test1():
    batch_size = 12
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top((batch_size, 1), (batch_size, 1),

    d_loss, g_loss, dopt, gopt = model.model_wrap.optimize
    G, D1, D2 = model.model_wrap.prediction
    ganinst = DATA(model.data, model.target, batch_size, G, D1, D2)
    for i in range(1200):
        x = ganinst.data.sample(batch_size).reshape(
            (batch_size, 1)).astype(np.float32)
        z = ganinst.gen.sample(batch_size).reshape(
            (batch_size, 1)).astype(np.float32)

        loss_d, _ = model.sess.run([d_loss, dopt], {
            model.data: x,
            model.target: z
        z = ganinst.gen.sample(batch_size).reshape(
            (batch_size, 1)).astype(np.float32)
        loss_g, _ = model.sess.run([g_loss, gopt], {
            model.data: x,
            model.target: z
        print('{}: {}\t{}'.format(i, loss_d, loss_g))
def test2():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'im_pca_2fa_2freq.mat')  #im.mat
    I = np.array(mat_contents["I"].astype(np.float32))
    nx, ny, nz, ndiv = I.shape
    imall = I.reshape([nx * ny * nz, ndiv])
    npar = 8
    imall = imall / np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())

    ut.plotim3(imall.reshape(I.shape)[..., 0], [5, -1], pause_close=1)

    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, ndiv], [None, npar],
    model.restore(pathdat + 'test_model_save_b1_2fa_2freq')

    prey = model.prediction(imall, np.zeros([imall.shape[0], npar]))
    immatch = prey.reshape([nx, ny, nz, npar])
    #ut.plotim3(immatch[...,0],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    #ut.plotim3(immatch[...,1],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    #ut.plotim3(immatch[...,2],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    #ut.plotim3(immatch[...,3],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    #ut.plotim3(immatch[...,4],[10, -1],bar = 1, pause_close = 5)
    sio.savemat(pathdat + 'MRF_cnn_matchtt_b1_2fa_2freq.mat', {
        'immatch': immatch,
        'imall': imall
Exemple #5
def test2():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    data   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  784])
    target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  10])
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top(data, target, tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)
    model.test(mnist.test.images, mnist.test.labels)
Exemple #6
def test2():
    IMAGE_LIB = '../save_data/heart_data/2d_images/'
    MASK_LIB = '../save_data/heart_data/2d_masks/'
    IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH = 100, 100
    batch_size = 8
    model                 = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH,1], [None, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH,1], \
                                                 tf_prediction_func_unet, tf_optimize_func, \
                                                 tf_error_func, arg = 1.0)
    #x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = get_data( IMAGE_LIB, MASK_LIB, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH )
    if 0:  #get_data is 1:# os.path.isfile('/home/pcao/git/save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat')
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, all_images = get_data(
        sio.savemat('../save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat', \
         {'x_train':x_train, 'x_test':x_test, 'y_train':y_train, 'y_test':y_test, 'all_images':all_images})
        mat_contents = sio.loadmat('../save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat')
        x_train = np.array(mat_contents["x_train"])
        y_train = np.array(mat_contents["y_train"])
        x_test = np.array(mat_contents["x_test"])
        y_test = np.array(mat_contents["y_test"])

    model.test(x_test, y_test)
    y_predict = model.prediction(x_test, np.zeros(y_test.shape))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(8, 2, figsize=(8, 4))
    for i in range(8):
        ax[i, 0].imshow(x_test[i, :, :, 0], cmap='gray')
        ax[i, 1].imshow(y_predict[i, :, :, 0], cmap='gray')
    sio.savemat('../save_data/heart_data/predict_data.mat', \
             {'x_test':x_test, 'y_predict':y_predict, 'y_test':y_test})
Exemple #7
def test2():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'im_pca.mat')  #im.mat
    I = np.array(mat_contents["I"].astype(np.float32))
    nx, ny, nz, ndiv = I.shape
    imall = I.reshape([nx * ny * nz, ndiv])

    imall = imall / np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())
    for i in range(imall.shape[0]):
        tc = imall[i, :]  #- np.mean(imall[i,:])
        normtc = np.linalg.norm(tc)
        if normtc > 5e-2:
            imall[i, :] = tc / normtc
            imall[i, :] = np.zeros([1, ndiv])
    #imall = imall/np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())

    ut.plotim3(imall.reshape(I.shape)[..., 0])

    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 13], [None, 3], tf_prediction_func,
                                 tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)

    prey = model.prediction(imall, np.zeros([imall.shape[0], 3]))
    immatch = prey.reshape([nx, ny, nz, 3])
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 0], bar=1)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 1], bar=1)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 2], bar=1)
    sio.savemat(pathdat + 'MRF_cnn_matchtt.mat', {
        'immatch': immatch,
        'imall': imall
Exemple #8
def test2():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 28, 28, 1], [None, 1],
                                 tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func,
    batch_z = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (mnist.test.images.shape[0], )).astype(
    model.test({'image': mnist.test.images, 'z': batch_z}, None)
Exemple #9
def test2():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 784], [None, 784],
    model.test(mnist.test.images, mnist.test.images)
Exemple #10
def test1():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  784], [None,  10], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, arg = 0.5)
    for _ in range(100):
        model.test(mnist.test.images, mnist.test.labels)
        for _ in range(100):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(1000)
            model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)
Exemple #11
def test1():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    data   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  784])
    target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  10])
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top(data, target, tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)
    for _ in range(100):
        model.test(mnist.test.images, mnist.test.labels)
        for _ in range(100):
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(1000)
            model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)
def test1():
    Nk = 960  #far.shape[0]
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 2 * Nk], [None, 4], tf_prediction_func,
                                 tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, 0.5)

    batch_size = 800
    # generate far and trr
    far_amp = np.random.uniform(0, 15.0 / 180.0 * np.pi, (Nk, ))
    far_phase = np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, (Nk, ))
    far = np.multiply(far_amp,
    trr = np.random.uniform(3.0, 16.0, (Nk, )).astype(np.float64).squeeze()
    # prepare for sequence simulation, y->x_hat
    ti = 10  #ms
    M0 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]).astype(np.float64)

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()  #(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    Nite = 2000
    #run for 2000
    for i in range(Nite):
        batch_ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,2] = np.zeros(batch_size)
        batch_ys[:, 3] = np.ones(batch_size)

        batch_xs = np.zeros((batch_size, 2 * Nk), dtype=np.float64)
        batch_xs_c = np.zeros((batch_size, Nk), dtype=np.complex128)

        # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c[...,0:Nk]      = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,\
         T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
        #seperate real/imag parts or abs/angle parts, no noise output
        batch_xs[:, 0:Nk] = np.real(batch_xs_c)
        batch_xs[:, Nk:2 * Nk] = np.imag(batch_xs_c)

        #input with noise
        batch_xsnoise = batch_xs + np.random.uniform(-0.1, 0.1,
                                                     (batch_size, 2 * Nk))

        #train_step.run(feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5})
        model.train(batch_xsnoise, batch_ys)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            model.test(batch_xsnoise, batch_ys)
        if i % 1000 == 0 or i >= (Nite - 1):
            sio.savemat('../save_data/MRF_far_trr.mat', {
                'far': far,
                'trr': trr
Exemple #13
def test1():
    # need to download data from https://www.kaggle.com/kmader/siim-medical-image-analysis-tutorial
    IMAGE_LIB = '../save_data/heart_data/2d_images/'
    MASK_LIB = '../save_data/heart_data/2d_masks/'
    IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH = 100, 100
    batch_size = 8
    model                 = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH,1], [None, IMG_HEIGHT, IMG_WIDTH,1], \
                                                 tf_prediction_func_cnn, tf_optimize_func, \
                                                 tf_error_func, arg = 0.5)

    if 0:  #get_data is 1:# os.path.isfile('/home/pcao/git/save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat')
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test, all_images = get_data(
        sio.savemat('../save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat', \
         {'x_train':x_train, 'x_test':x_test, 'y_train':y_train, 'y_test':y_test, 'all_images':all_images})
        mat_contents = sio.loadmat('../save_data/heart_data/get_data.mat')
        x_train = np.array(mat_contents["x_train"])
        y_train = np.array(mat_contents["y_train"])
        x_test = np.array(mat_contents["x_test"])
        y_test = np.array(mat_contents["y_test"])

    print('training data size %g; testing data size %g' %
          (x_train.shape[0], x_test.shape[0]))
    for i in range(2000):
        for _ in range(100):
            image_batch, mask_batch = next(
                my_generator(x_train, y_train, batch_size))
            #fix, ax = plt.subplots(8,2, figsize=(batch_size,20))
            #for i in range(8):
            #    ax[i,0].imshow(image_batch[i,:,:,0])
            #    ax[i,1].imshow(mask_batch[i,:,:,0])
            #image_batch = image_batch + np.random.ranf(1)[0]*np.random.uniform(-0.1,0.1,(image_batch.shape))
            model.train(image_batch, mask_batch)
            model.test(x_test, y_test)
        if i % 2 == 0:
            y_predict = model.prediction(x_test, np.zeros(y_test.shape))
            #fig, ax = plt.subplots(8,2, figsize = (8,4))
            #for i in range(8):
            #    ax[i,0].imshow(x_test[i,:,:,0], cmap='gray')
            #    ax[i,1].imshow(y_predict[i,:,:,0], cmap='gray')
            ut.compare_plot(x_test[..., 0],
                            y_predict[..., 0],
            sio.savemat('../save_data/heart_data/predict_data_fcn_dropout.mat', \
             {'x_test':x_test, 'y_predict':y_predict, 'y_test':y_test})
Exemple #14
def test1():
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  2*960],  [None,  4], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)

    batch_size = 800
    # load far and trr
    # read rf and tr arrays from mat file
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'mrf_t1t2b0pd_mrf_randphasecyc_traintest.mat');
    far           = np.array(mat_contents["rf"].astype(np.complex128).squeeze())
    trr           = np.array(mat_contents["trr"].astype(np.float64).squeeze())
    # prepare for sequence simulation, y->x_hat
    Nk            = far.shape[0]
    ti            = 10 #ms
    M0            = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]).astype(np.float64)

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()#(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory

    #run for 2000
    for i in range(2000):
        batch_ys           = np.random.uniform(0,1,(batch_size,4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.zeros(batch_size)
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size)
        batch_xs   = np.zeros((batch_size,2*Nk), dtype = np.float64)
       # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c         = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,\
         T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
        #seperate real/imag parts or abs/angle parts, no noise output
        batch_xs[:,0:Nk] = np.real(batch_xs_c)
        batch_xs[:,Nk:2*Nk] = np.imag(batch_xs_c)

        #input with noise
        #batch_xsnoise = batch_xs  + np.random.uniform(-0.01,0.01,(batch_size,2*Nk))

        #train_step.run(feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, keep_prob: 0.5})
        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        if i%10 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            ut.plot(prey[...,0], batch_ys[...,0], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,1], batch_ys[...,1], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,2], batch_ys[...,2], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,3], batch_ys[...,3], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)            
            model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        if i%100 == 0:
def test4():
    # read rf and tr arrays from mat file
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat('../save_data/MRF_far_trr.mat');
    far           = np.array(mat_contents["far"].astype(np.complex128).squeeze())
    trr           = np.array(mat_contents["trr"].astype(np.float64).squeeze())

    Nk            = far.shape[0]#960#
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top( [None,  2 * Nk], [None,  4], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, 1.0)

    mat_contents2 = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'test_outy.mat');
    data_y = mat_contents2["test_outy"]

    batch_size = data_y.shape[0]
    # load far and trr

    # prepare for sequence simulation, y->x_hat
    ti            = 10 #ms
    M0            = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]).astype(np.float64)

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()#(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory

    batch_ys           = data_y#np.random.uniform(0,1,(batch_size,4)).astype(np.float64)
    #batch_ys[:,2] = np.zeros(batch_size)
    #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size)
    batch_xs   = np.zeros((batch_size, 2 * Nk), dtype = np.float64)
    batch_xs_c = np.zeros((batch_size, Nk),     dtype = np.complex128)
    # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
    #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
    T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr        = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
    batch_xs_c[...,0:Nk]      = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,\
     T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
    #seperate real/imag parts or abs/angle parts, no noise output
    batch_xs[:,0:Nk] = np.real(batch_xs_c)
    batch_xs[:,Nk:2*Nk] = np.imag(batch_xs_c)
    #input with noise
    #batch_xsnoise = batch_xs  #+ np.random.uniform(-0.05,0.05,(batch_size,2*Nk))
    prey = model.prediction(batch_xs,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
    model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
    ut.plot(prey[...,0], batch_ys[...,0], line_type = '.')
    ut.plot(prey[...,1], batch_ys[...,1], line_type = '.')
    ut.plot(prey[...,2], batch_ys[...,2], line_type = '.')
    ut.plot(prey[...,3], batch_ys[...,3], line_type = '.')

    sio.savemat(pathdat+'out_cnn_testdata3.mat', {'testim_outy': prey})
def test3():
    # read rf and tr arrays from mat file
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat('../save_data/MRF_far_trr.mat');
    far           = np.array(mat_contents["far"].astype(np.complex128).squeeze())
    Nk            = far.shape[0]#960#
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top( [None,  2 * Nk], [None,  4], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, 1.0)

    mat_contents2 = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'datax3.mat');
    data_x        = mat_contents2["datax3"]

    batch_size    = data_x.shape[0]#800
    batch_ys      = np.zeros((batch_size,4), dtype = np.float64)

    prey = model.prediction(data_x,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
    sio.savemat(pathdat+'out_cnn_testdata3.mat', {'testim_outy': prey})
Exemple #17
def test2():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'im_pca.mat')  #im.mat
    I = np.array(mat_contents["I"])[:, :, 25:45, :]
    if len(I.shape) == 3:
        nx, ny, ndiv = I.shape
        nz = 1
    elif len(I.shape) == 4:
        nx, ny, nz, ndiv = I.shape

    imall = I.reshape([nx * ny * nz, ndiv])
    npar = 4
    abs_flag = 0  #apply pca on absolute time course, else compute absolute value after pca
    if abs_flag is 0:
        imall = np.absolute(imall).astype(np.float32)
        imall = imall.astype(np.float32)
    #imall = imall/np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())
    #for i in range(imall.shape[0]):
    #    tc = imall[i,:] #- np.mean(imall[i,:])
    #    normtc = np.linalg.norm(tc)
    #    if normtc  > 1e-3:
    #        imall[i,:] = tc/normtc
    #    else:
    #        imall[i,:] = np.zeros([1,ndiv])
    imall = 1000.0 * imall / np.ndarray.max(imall.flatten())  #0.2

    ut.plotim3(imall.reshape(I.shape)[..., 0], [10, 6], pause_close=1)

    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, ndiv], [None, npar],
                                 tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func,
    model.restore(pathdat + 'test_model_savecnn')

    prey = model.prediction(imall, np.zeros([imall.shape[0], npar]))
    immatch = prey.reshape([nx, ny, nz, npar])
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 0], [10, 6], bar=1, pause_close=5)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 1], [10, 6], bar=1, pause_close=5)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 2], [10, 6], bar=1, pause_close=5)
    ut.plotim3(immatch[..., 3], [10, 6], bar=1, pause_close=5)

    sio.savemat(pathdat + 'MRF_cnn_matchttt.mat', {
        'immatch': immatch,
        'imall': imall
Exemple #18
def test3():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'dict_pca.mat')
    dictall = np.array(mat_contents["avedictall"].astype(np.float32))
    label = np.array(mat_contents["dict_label"].astype(np.float32))

    #dictall = dictall/np.ndarray.max(dictall.flatten())
    for i in range(dictall.shape[0]):
        tc = dictall[i, :] - np.mean(dictall[i, :])
        dictall[i, :] = tc / np.linalg.norm(tc)
    dictall = 1000 * dictall / np.ndarray.max(dictall.flatten())

    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 13], [None, 3], tf_prediction_func,
                                 tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)
    model.test(dictall, label)
    prey = model.prediction(dictall, np.zeros(label.shape))
    ut.plot(prey[..., 0], label[..., 0], line_type='.')
    ut.plot(prey[..., 1], label[..., 1], line_type='.')
    ut.plot(prey[..., 2], label[..., 2], line_type='.')
Exemple #19
def test1():
    mnist = input_data.read_data_sets('./data/MNIST_data/', one_hot=True)
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 28, 28, 1], [None, 1],
                                 tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func,
    for _ in range(100):
        model.test(mnist.test.images, mnist.test.images)
        for _ in range(100):
            batch_size = 1000
            batch_xs, batch_ys = mnist.train.next_batch(batch_size)
            batch_z = np.random.uniform(0, 1,
                                        (batch_size, )).astype(np.float32)
                'image': batch_image,
                'z': batch_z
            }, None)
                'image': batch_image,
                'z': batch_z
            }, None)
Exemple #20
def test1():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'dict_pca.mat')
    dictall = np.array(mat_contents["avedictall"].astype(np.float32))
    label = np.array(mat_contents["dict_label"].astype(np.float32))
    batch_size = 2000

    #dictall = dictall/np.ndarray.max(dictall.flatten())
    for i in range(dictall.shape[0]):
        tc = dictall[i, :]  #- np.mean(dictall[i,:])
        dictall[i, :] = tc / np.linalg.norm(tc)
    #dictall = dictall/np.ndarray.max(dictall.flatten())
    #data   = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  13])
    #target = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,  3])
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, 13], [None, 3], tf_prediction_func,
                                 tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)
    for i in range(1000000):
        batch_start = (i * batch_size) % dictall.shape[0]
        batch_stop = batch_start + batch_size

        batch_xs = dictall[batch_start:batch_stop, :]
        batch_ys = label[batch_start:batch_stop, :]

        #batch_ys[:,2] = np.random.ranf(1)[0]
        batch_xs = batch_xs * np.random.ranf(1)[0]  # batch_ys[0,2] #*
        #batch_xsnoise = batch_xs  + np.random.ranf(1)[0]*np.random.uniform(-0.05,0.05,(batch_xs.shape))
        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        #if i % 1000 == 0:
        #prey = model.prediction(batch_xs,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
        #ut.plot(prey[...,0], batch_ys[...,0], line_type = '.')
        #ut.plot(prey[...,1], batch_ys[...,1], line_type = '.')
        #ut.plot(prey[...,2], batch_ys[...,2], line_type = '.')
        if i % 1000 == 0:
def test1():
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'mrf_t1t2b0pd_mrf_randphasecyc_traintest.mat');
    far           = np.array(mat_contents["rf"].astype(np.complex128).squeeze())
    trr           = np.array(mat_contents["trr"].astype(np.float64).squeeze())

    Nk     = far.shape[0]#960#
    model  = tf_wrap.tf_model_top( [None,  2 * Nk], [None,  4], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, 0.5)

    batch_size = 800
    # generate far and trr
    #far_amp    = np.random.uniform(0, 15.0/180.0 * np.pi, (Nk,))
    #far_phase  = np.random.uniform(-np.pi,         np.pi, (Nk,))
    #far        = np.multiply(far_amp, np.exp(far_phase)).astype(np.complex128).squeeze()
    #trr        = np.random.uniform(3.0, 16.0, (Nk,)).astype(np.float64).squeeze()

    #far, trr   = simut.rftr_const(Nk, 15.0, 4.0)
    #far,trr    = simut.rftr_rand(Nk, fa, 3, 16)
    # prepare for sequence simulation, y->x_hat
    ti         = 10 #ms
    M0         = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]).astype(np.float64)

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config     = tf.ConfigProto()#(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    Nite       = 200000
    #run for 2000
    for i in range(Nite):
        batch_ys         = np.random.uniform(0,1,(batch_size,4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys         = np.random.randint(1,10,(batch_size,4)).astype(np.float64)/10.0
        #batch_ys[:,2]    = np.random.uniform(0,0.2,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)#np.zeros(batch_size)
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size)

        batch_xs   = np.zeros((batch_size,2 * Nk), dtype = np.float64)
        batch_xs_c = np.zeros((batch_size, Nk),    dtype = np.complex128)

        # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr        = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c[...,0:Nk]      = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,\
         T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
        #seperate real/imag parts or abs/angle parts, no noise output
        batch_xs[:,0:Nk]    = np.real(batch_xs_c)
        batch_xs[:,Nk:2*Nk] = np.imag(batch_xs_c)

        #input with noise
        batch_xsnoise = batch_xs  + np.random.ranf(1)[0]*np.random.uniform(-0.4,0.4,(batch_size,2*Nk))
        model.train(batch_xsnoise, batch_ys)
        if i%10 == 0:
            model.test(batch_xsnoise, batch_ys)
        if i%100 == 0 or i >= (Nite - 1):
            sio.savemat('../save_data/MRF_far_trr.mat', {'far':far, 'trr':trr})
        if i % 100 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            ut.plot(prey[...,0], batch_ys[...,0], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,1], batch_ys[...,1], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,2], batch_ys[...,2], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,3], batch_ys[...,3], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
Exemple #22
def test2():
    # read rf and tr arrays from mat file
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'mrf_t1t2b0pd_mrf_randphasecyc_traintest.mat');
    far           = np.array(mat_contents["rf"].astype(np.complex128).squeeze())
    trr           = np.array(mat_contents["trr"].astype(np.float64).squeeze())
    # input MRF time courses
    mat_contents2 = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'datax1.mat');
    data_x        = np.array(mat_contents2["datax1"]).astype(np.float64)

    # prepare for sequence simulation, y->x_hat
    Nk            = far.shape[0]
    Nexample      = data_x.shape[0]
    ti            = 10 #ms
    M0            = np.array([0.0,0.0,1.0]).astype(np.float64)
    #image size
    nx            = 217
    ny            = 181
    # mask in ksp
    mask          = ut.mask3d( nx, ny, Nk, [15,15,0], 0.4)
    #FTm           = opts.FFT2d_kmask(mask) 
    FTm           = opts.FFT2d_kmask(mask)
    #intial timing
    timing        = utc.timing()
    # x real and imag parts should be combined
    data_x_c      = np.zeros((Nexample, Nk),np.complex128)
    data_x_c      = ssmrf.seqdata_realimag_2complex(data_x)
    #could do mask M here, data_x_c = M*data_x_c

    # intial tmp data
    test_outy0    = np.zeros((Nexample,4),dtype=np.float64)
    test_outy     = np.zeros((Nexample,4),dtype=np.float64)
    tmptest_outy  = np.zeros((Nexample,4),dtype=np.float64)
    acctest_outy  = np.zeros((Nexample,4),dtype=np.float64)

    # f'(y), cnn model
    #ssmrf.batch_apply_tf_cuda( Nexample, ny, sess.run, x, data_x, y_conv, test_outy0, keep_prob ) 
    model         = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  2*960],  [None,  4], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func)

    mat_contents3 = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'test_outy.mat');
    test_outy     = np.array(mat_contents3["test_outy"]).astype(np.float64)
    T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par((test_outy) )
    data_x_c      = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( Nexample, 7*ny, Nk, PDr, T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
    data_x_c      = mask_ksp3d(nx, ny, Nk, FTm, data_x_c)
    data_x        = ssmrf.seqdata_complex_2realimag(data_x_c)
    data_x0       = data_x  

    test_outy0    = model.prediction(data_x, np.zeros(test_outy0.shape))
    timing.stop().display('model first estimation ')
    test_outy0        = constraints( test_outy0 )
    acctest_outy      = test_outy0

    # for loop start here
    for _ in range(40):
        #cuda simulate bloch for each pixel
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par((test_outy) )
        data_x_c      = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda( Nexample, 7*ny, Nk, PDr, T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti )
        timing.stop().display('Bloch sim in loop ')
        #0.5* d||M*f(p)-b||_2^2/dp = f'*(M*f(p)-b) = f'(M*f(p)) - f'(b)
        # could do mask, M, here, e.g. data_x_c=M*data_x_c
        data_x_c      = mask_ksp3d(nx, ny, Nk, FTm, data_x_c)       
        #seperate real/imag parts or abs/angle parts
        data_x        = ssmrf.seqdata_complex_2realimag(data_x_c)
        # apply CNN model, f'(i)
        #ssmrf.batch_apply_tf_cuda( Nexample, ny, sess.run, x, data_x, y_conv, tmptest_outy, keep_prob )
        tmptest_outy  = model.prediction(data_x, np.zeros(tmptest_outy.shape))
        tmptest_outy  = constraints( tmptest_outy )
        # gradient = f'(M * f(p)) - f'(b)
        tmptest_outy  = tmptest_outy - test_outy0 #+ 0.2*test_outy
        # gradient descent for test_outy
        acctest_outy  = acctest_outy - tmptest_outy
        print('gradient 0.5* d||f(p)-b||_2^2/dp: %g' % np.linalg.norm(tmptest_outy))
        #print('test_outy: %g' % np.linalg.norm(test_outy))
        acctest_outy  = constraints( acctest_outy )
        #could do soft thresholding on test_outy here, i.e. test_outy = threshold(test_outy)
        #test_outy     = l0_par(nx, ny, acctest_outy) #  
        test_outy     = tv_par(nx, ny, acctest_outy)

        sio.savemat(pathdat +'cnn_cs_testouty.mat', {'test_outy': test_outy})
def test1():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'dict_pca_2fa_2freq.mat')
    coeff = np.array(mat_contents["coeff"].astype(np.float32))

    par = mat_contents["par"]

    batch_size = 800
    Nk = par[0]['irfreq'][0][0][0]  #892#far.shape[0]#par.irfreq#
    Ndiv = coeff.shape[1]  #par[0]['ndiv'][0][0][0]#16
    Nscan = 3
    orig_Ndiv = coeff.shape[0] // Nscan
    npar = 8  ##
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, Ndiv], [None, npar],
    #model.restore(pathdat + 'test_model_save_2fa_2freq')

    fa1 = 45.0  #par[0]['fa1'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)#35#30 #deg
    fa2 = 30.0  #par[0]['fa2'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)
    tr = par[0]['tr'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #3.932#4.337 #ms
    ti = par[0]['ti'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #11.0 #ms
    te = par[0]['te'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #1.5 #ms

    far, trr, ter = simut.rftr_const(Nk, 1.0, tr, te)

    M0 = simut.def_M0()

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()  #(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
    t1t2_group = np.zeros((4, 2), dtype=np.float64)
    t1t2_group[0, 0] = 600.0 / 5000.0  #600     #0.12
    t1t2_group[0, 1] = 40.0 / 500.0  #40     #0.08
    t1t2_group[1, 0] = 1000.0 / 5000.0  #1000   #0.2
    t1t2_group[1, 1] = 80.0 / 500.0  #80      #0.16
    t1t2_group[2, 0] = 3000.0 / 5000.0  #3000  #0.6
    t1t2_group[2, 1] = 200.0 / 500.0  #200     #0.4
    t1t2_group[3, 0] = 0.0 / 5000.0
    t1t2_group[3, 1] = 0.0 / 500.0

    for i in range(1000000):
        batch_ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1,
                                     (batch_size, npar)).astype(np.float64)
        batch_ys[:, 2] = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0 / tr, (batch_size)).astype(
            np.float64)  #np.zeros(batch_size)#

        batch_ys_tmp = np.random.uniform(0, 4, (batch_size))

        for k in range(batch_size):
            if batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 4 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 3:
                batch_ys[k, 0] = t1t2_group[0, 0] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.05, 0.025)  #0.07 to 0.145
                batch_ys[k, 1] = t1t2_group[0, 1] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.05, 0.025)  #0.04 to 0.105
                batch_ys[k, 4] = 1.0
                batch_ys[k, 5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 6] = 0.0
            elif batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 3 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 2:
                batch_ys[k, 0] = t1t2_group[1, 0] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.035, 0.035)  #-0.035,0.035  #0.145 to 0.255
                batch_ys[k, 1] = t1t2_group[1, 1] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.035, 0.035)  #0.105 to 0.215
                batch_ys[k, 4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 5] = 1.0
                batch_ys[k, 6] = 0.0
            elif batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 2 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 1:
                batch_ys[k, 0] = t1t2_group[2, 0] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.15, 0.25)  #-0.15,0.25        #0.45  to 0.85
                batch_ys[k, 1] = t1t2_group[2, 1] + np.random.uniform(
                    -0.15, 0.25)  #0.55  to 0.65
                batch_ys[k, 4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 6] = 1.0
                batch_ys[k, 0] = t1t2_group[3,
                                            0]  #+ np.random.uniform(-0.0,0.02)
                batch_ys[k, 1] = t1t2_group[3,
                                            1]  #+ np.random.uniform(-0.0,0.08)
                batch_ys[k, 4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k, 6] = 0.0

        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys[..., 0:4])
        b1r = 2.0 * batch_ys[..., 7] + 0.5
        batch_xs_c1 = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda3(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,
                                                  T1r, T2r, dfr, b1r, M0, trr,
                                                  ter, fa1 * far, ti)
        batch_xs_c2 = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda3(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,
                                                  T1r, T2r, dfr, b1r, M0, trr,
                                                  ter, fa2 * far, ti)
        #batch_xs_c3         = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda2( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr, T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, ter, np.absolute(fa2*far), ti )
        batch_xs_c3 = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda3(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr,
                                                  T1r, T2r, dfr + 107.0, b1r,
                                                  M0, trr, ter, fa2 * far, ti)

        batch_xs = np.zeros((batch_size, Nscan * orig_Ndiv),
        if orig_Ndiv is not Nk:
            batch_xs[:, 0:orig_Ndiv] = (
                simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c1, orig_Ndiv)
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))
            batch_xs[:, orig_Ndiv:2 * orig_Ndiv] = (
                simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c2, orig_Ndiv)
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))
            batch_xs[:, 2 * orig_Ndiv:3 * orig_Ndiv] = (
                simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c3, orig_Ndiv)
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))

        batch_xs = batch_xs + np.random.ranf(1)[0] * np.random.uniform(
            -0.002, 0.002, (batch_xs.shape))
        batch_xs = np.absolute(batch_xs)

        if 1:
            batch_xs = np.dot(batch_xs, coeff)

            batch_xs = batch_xs

        for dd in range(batch_xs.shape[0]):
            tc1 = batch_xs[dd, :]

            normtc1 = np.linalg.norm(tc1)

            if normtc1 > 0.01:
                batch_xs[dd, :] = tc1
                batch_ys[dd, :] = np.zeros([1, npar])
        batch_xs = batch_xs / np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())

        model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)

        if i % 100 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs, np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            for nn in range(npar):
                ut.plot(prey[..., nn],
                        batch_ys[..., nn],
            model.save(pathdat + 'test_model_save_b1_2fa_2freq')
Exemple #24
def test1():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'dict_pca.mat')
    #dictall       = np.array(mat_contents["avedictall"].astype(np.float32))
    #label         = np.array(mat_contents["dict_label"].astype(np.float32))

    par = mat_contents["par"]

    read_coeff_flag = 1  # 0 not use coeff; 1 read coeff from mat file; 2 generate coeff by pca
    abs_flag = 0  #apply pca on absolute time course
    batch_size = 800
    Nk = par[0]['irfreq'][0][0][0]  #892#far.shape[0]#par.irfreq#

    if read_coeff_flag is 1:
        coeff = np.array(mat_contents["coeff"].astype(np.float32))
        Ndiv = coeff.shape[1]  #Nk #par[0]['ndiv'][0][0][0]#16
        orig_Ndiv = coeff.shape[0]  #Nk
    elif read_coeff_flag is 2:
        Ndiv = 20  #20 pca
        orig_Ndiv = Nk  #coeff.shape[0]#Nk
        Ndiv = Nk  #coeff.shape[1]#Nk #par[0]['ndiv'][0][0][0]#16
        orig_Ndiv = Nk  #coeff.shape[0]#Nk

    npar = 4
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, Ndiv], [None, npar],
                                 tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func,

    fa = par[0]['fa'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #35#30 #deg
    tr = par[0]['tr'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #3.932#4.337 #ms
    ti = par[0]['ti'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #11.0 #ms

    far, trr = simut.rftr_const(Nk, fa, tr)
    #far,trr    = simut.rftr_rand(Nk, fa, tr, 2*tr)
    M0 = simut.def_M0()

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()  #(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

    #compute pca
    if read_coeff_flag is 2:
        batch_ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,0]      = np.random.uniform(0.1,0.6,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,1]      = np.random.uniform(0.1,0.3,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.random.uniform(0,1.0/tr,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.random.uniform(0.1,1.0,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)# np.ones(batch_size)## np.random.uniform(0.5,1,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)#

        # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        npca = Ndiv
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr, T1r,
                                                T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti)
        #ut.plot(np.absolute(batch_xs_c[0,:]),pause_close =1)
        if orig_Ndiv < Nk:
            batch_xs = simut.average_dict(
                batch_xs_c, orig_Ndiv
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))
            batch_xs = batch_xs_c
        pca_mtx = np.dot(np.matrix(batch_xs).getH(), batch_xs)
        U, s, V = scipy.sparse.linalg.svds(pca_mtx, npca)
        coeff = U[:, npca - 1::-1]
        sio.savemat(pathdat + 'MRF_pca_coeff.mat', {
            'coeff': coeff,
            'dict': batch_xs

    for i in range(1000000):
        batch_ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,0]      = np.random.uniform(0.1,0.6,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,1]      = np.random.uniform(0.1,0.3,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        batch_ys[:, 2] = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0 / tr,
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size)#np.random.uniform(0.1,1.0,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)# # np.random.uniform(0.5,1,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)#
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.zeros(batch_size)
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.random.uniform(0.19,0.21,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)#0.2*np.ones(batch_size)
        # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr, T1r,
                                                T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti)

        #ut.plot(np.absolute(batch_xs_c[0,:]),pause_close =1)
        if orig_Ndiv < Nk:
            batch_xs = simut.average_dict(
                batch_xs_c, orig_Ndiv
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))
            batch_xs = batch_xs_c
        batch_xs = batch_xs + np.random.ranf(1)[0] * np.random.uniform(
            -0.005, 0.005, (batch_xs.shape))

        #batch_xs = batch_xs/np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())
        if read_coeff_flag is 1:
            if abs_flag:
                batch_xs = np.dot(np.absolute(batch_xs), coeff)
                batch_xs = np.absolute(np.dot(batch_xs, coeff))
        elif read_coeff_flag is 2:
            batch_xs = np.absolute(np.dot(batch_xs, coeff))
            batch_xs = np.absolute(batch_xs)

        for dd in range(batch_xs.shape[0]):
            tc1 = batch_xs[dd, :]  #- np.mean(imall[i,:])
            normtc1 = np.linalg.norm(tc1)
            if normtc1 > 0.04 and batch_ys[dd, 0] * 5000 > 3 * 500 * batch_ys[
                    dd, 1]:
                batch_xs[dd, :] = tc1  #/normtc1
                batch_ys[dd, :] = np.zeros([1, npar])

        batch_xs = 1000 * batch_xs
        #ut.plot(np.absolute(batch_xs[0,:]),pause_close =1)
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.zeros(batch_size)
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.zeros(batch_size)

        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        if i % 100 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs, np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            ut.plot(prey[..., 0],
                    batch_ys[..., 0],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 1],
                    batch_ys[..., 1],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 2],
                    batch_ys[..., 2],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 3],
                    batch_ys[..., 3],
            model.save(pathdat + 'test_model_savecnn')
Exemple #25
def test1():
    mat_contents = sio.loadmat(pathdat + 'dict_pca.mat')
    #dictall       = np.array(mat_contents["avedictall"].astype(np.float32))
    #label         = np.array(mat_contents["dict_label"].astype(np.float32))
    coeff = np.array(mat_contents["coeff"].astype(np.float32))
    #cn_orders     = np.array(mat_contents["cn_orders"].astype(np.float32))
    par = mat_contents["par"]

    batch_size = 800
    Nk = par[0]['irfreq'][0][0][0]  #892#far.shape[0]#par.irfreq#
    Ndiv = coeff.shape[1]  #par[0]['ndiv'][0][0][0]#16
    orig_Ndiv = coeff.shape[0]
    npar = 4
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None, Ndiv], [None, npar],

    fa = par[0]['fa'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #35#30 #deg
    tr = par[0]['tr'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #3.932#4.337 #ms
    ti = par[0]['ti'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)  #11.0 #ms

    far, trr = simut.rftr_const(Nk, fa, tr)
    M0 = simut.def_M0()

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config = tf.ConfigProto()  #(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

    for i in range(1000000):
        batch_ys = np.random.uniform(0, 1, (batch_size, 4)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,0]      = batch_ys[:,0] + 1.0*batch_ys[:,1]/10.0
        #batch_ys[:,0]      = np.random.uniform(0.07,1.0,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        #batch_ys[:,1]      = np.random.uniform(0.0,0.2,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        batch_ys[:, 2] = np.random.uniform(0, 1.0 / tr,
        #batch_ys[:,2]      = np.zeros(batch_size)
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size)#np.random.uniform(0.4,1,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)#

        #batch_ys[:,0] = np.round(batch_ys[:,0]*20)/20
        #batch_ys[:,1] = np.round(batch_ys[:,1]*20)/20
        #batch_ys[:,2] = np.round(batch_ys[:,2]*20)/20
        #batch_ys[:,3] = np.round(batch_ys[:,3]*5)/5
        #batch_ys[:,3] = np.round(batch_ys[:,3]*5)/5
        # intial seq simulation with t1t2b0 values
        #seq_data = ssad.irssfp_arrayin_data( batch_size, Nk ).set( batch_ys )
        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys)
        batch_xs_c = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda(batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr, T1r,
                                                T2r, dfr, M0, trr, far, ti)

        if orig_Ndiv is not Nk:
            batch_xs = np.absolute(
                simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, orig_Ndiv)
            )  #(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff))
            #batch_xs  = np.absolute(simut.average_dict_cnorders(batch_xs_c, cn_orders)) #np.absolute(np.dot(batch_xs_c, cn_orders))
            batch_xs = np.absolute(batch_xs_c)

        batch_xt = batch_xs
        batch_xs = batch_xs + np.random.ranf(1)[0] * np.random.uniform(
            -0.1, 0.1, (batch_xs.shape))

        #batch_xs = batch_xs/np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())
        if 1:
            batch_xs = np.dot(batch_xs, coeff)
            batch_xt = np.dot(batch_xt, coeff)
            batch_xs = batch_xs
            batch_xt = batch_xs
        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.zeros(batch_size)
        for dd in range(batch_xs.shape[0]):
            tc1 = batch_xs[dd, :]  #- np.mean(imall[i,:])
            tc2 = batch_xt[dd, :]
            normtc1 = np.linalg.norm(tc1)
            normtc2 = np.linalg.norm(tc2)
            if normtc2 > 0.1:  #and batch_ys[dd,0]*5000 > 3*500*batch_ys[dd,1] and batch_ys[dd,0]*5000 < 20*500*batch_ys[dd,1]
                batch_xs[dd, :] = tc1  #/normtc1
                batch_xt[dd, :] = tc2  #/normtc2
                #        batch_xs[dd,:] = np.zeros([1,Ndiv])
                #        batch_xt[dd,:] = np.zeros([1,Ndiv])
                batch_ys[dd, :] = np.zeros([1, npar])

        batch_xs = batch_xs / np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())
        batch_xt = batch_xt / np.ndarray.max(batch_xt.flatten())
        #for kk in range(batch_xs.shape[1]):
        #    batch_xs [:,kk] = (batch_xs[:,kk])/np.std(batch_xs[:,kk] )#- np.mean(batch_xs[:,kk])
        #    batch_xt [:,kk] = (batch_xt[:,kk])/np.std(batch_xt[:,kk] )#- np.mean(batch_xt[:,kk])

        #ut.plot(np.real(batch_xs[0,:]),pause_close = 1)

        #batch_ys[:,3]      = np.ones(batch_size) * np.random.ranf(1)[0]
        #batch_xs = batch_xs *  batch_ys[0,3] #* np.random.ranf(1)[0]#
        model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)
        model.train(batch_xt, batch_ys)
        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)

        if i % 100 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs, np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            ut.plot(prey[..., 0],
                    batch_ys[..., 0],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 1],
                    batch_ys[..., 1],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 2],
                    batch_ys[..., 2],
            ut.plot(prey[..., 3],
                    batch_ys[..., 3],
            model.save(pathdat + 'test_model_save')
def test1():
    mat_contents  = sio.loadmat(pathdat+'dict_pca.mat');#dict_pca
    #dictall       = np.array(mat_contents["avedictall"].astype(np.float32))
    #label         = np.array(mat_contents["dict_label"].astype(np.float32))
    coeff         = np.array(mat_contents["coeff"].astype(np.float32))
    #cn_orders     = np.array(mat_contents["cn_orders"].astype(np.float32))
    par           = mat_contents["par"]

    batch_size = 800
    Nk         = par[0]['irfreq'][0][0][0]#892#far.shape[0]#par.irfreq#
    Ndiv       = coeff.shape[1]#par[0]['ndiv'][0][0][0]#16
    orig_Ndiv  = coeff.shape[0] 
    npar       = 7
    model = tf_wrap.tf_model_top([None,  Ndiv], [None,  npar], tf_prediction_func, tf_optimize_func, tf_error_func, arg = 0.5)

    fa         = par[0]['fa'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)#35#30 #deg
    tr         = par[0]['tr'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)#3.932#4.337 #ms
    ti         = par[0]['ti'][0][0][0].astype(np.float32)#11.0 #ms
    te         = 1.5 #ms

    far, trr,ter   = simut.rftr_const(Nk, fa, tr, te)
    M0         = simut.def_M0()

    #run tensorflow on cpu, count of gpu = 0
    config     = tf.ConfigProto()#(device_count = {'GPU': 0})
    #allow tensorflow release gpu memory
    t1t2_group = np.zeros((4, 2),dtype = np.float64)
    t1t2_group[0,0] = 600.0/5000.0
    t1t2_group[0,1] = 40.0/500.0
    t1t2_group[1,0] = 1000.0/5000.0
    t1t2_group[1,1] = 80.0/500.0     
    t1t2_group[2,0] = 3000.0/5000.0
    t1t2_group[2,1] = 200.0/500.0 
    t1t2_group[3,0] = 0.0/5000.0
    t1t2_group[3,1] = 0.0/500.0 

    for i in range(1000000):
        batch_ys           = np.random.uniform(0,1,(batch_size,npar)).astype(np.float64)
        batch_ys[:,2]      = np.zeros(batch_size)#np.random.uniform(0,1.0/tr,(batch_size)).astype(np.float64)
        batch_ys_tmp       = np.random.uniform(0,4,(batch_size))

        for k in range(batch_size):
            if batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 4 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 3:
                batch_ys[k,0] = t1t2_group[0,0] + np.random.uniform(-0.05,0.025)
                batch_ys[k,1] = t1t2_group[0,1] + np.random.uniform(-0.05,0.025)
                batch_ys[k,4] = 1.0
                batch_ys[k,5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,6] = 0.0
            elif batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 3 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 2:
                batch_ys[k,0] = t1t2_group[1,0] + np.random.uniform(-0.025,0.025)
                batch_ys[k,1] = t1t2_group[1,1] + np.random.uniform(-0.025,0.025)   
                batch_ys[k,4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,5] = 1.0
                batch_ys[k,6] = 0.0                            
            elif batch_ys_tmp[k] <= 2 and batch_ys_tmp[k] > 1:
                batch_ys[k,0] = t1t2_group[2,0] + np.random.uniform(-0.15,0.25)
                batch_ys[k,1] = t1t2_group[2,1] + np.random.uniform(-0.15,0.25) 
                batch_ys[k,4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,6] = 1.0                             
                batch_ys[k,0] = t1t2_group[3,0]
                batch_ys[k,1] = t1t2_group[3,1] 
                batch_ys[k,4] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,5] = 0.0
                batch_ys[k,6] = 0.0                              

        T1r, T2r, dfr, PDr = ssmrf.set_par(batch_ys[...,0:4])
        batch_xs_c         = ssmrf.bloch_sim_batch_cuda2( batch_size, 100, Nk, PDr, T1r, T2r, dfr, M0, trr, ter, far, ti )

        if orig_Ndiv is not Nk:
            batch_xs = np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, orig_Ndiv))#(np.dot(np.absolute(simut.average_dict(batch_xs_c, Ndiv)), coeff)) 
            batch_xs = np.absolute(batch_xs_c)

        #batch_xt = batch_xs
        batch_xs = batch_xs + np.random.ranf(1)[0]*np.random.uniform(-0.1,0.1,(batch_xs.shape))

        #batch_xs = batch_xs/np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())
        if 1:
            batch_xs = np.dot(batch_xs, coeff)
            #batch_xt = np.dot(batch_xt, coeff)
            batch_xs = batch_xs
            #batch_xt = batch_xs
        for dd in range(batch_xs.shape[0]):
            tc1 = batch_xs[dd,:] #- np.mean(imall[i,:])
            #tc2 = batch_xt[dd,:]        
            normtc1 = np.linalg.norm(tc1)
            #normtc2 = np.linalg.norm(tc2)
            if normtc1  > 0.05: #and batch_ys[dd,0]*5000 > 3*500*batch_ys[dd,1] and batch_ys[dd,0]*5000 < 20*500*batch_ys[dd,1]
                batch_xs[dd,:] = tc1#/normtc1
                #batch_xt[dd,:] = tc2#/normtc2
        #        batch_xs[dd,:] = np.zeros([1,Ndiv])
        #        batch_xt[dd,:] = np.zeros([1,Ndiv])
                batch_ys[dd,:] = np.zeros([1,npar])
        batch_xs = batch_xs/np.ndarray.max(batch_xs.flatten())
        #batch_xt = batch_xt/np.ndarray.max(batch_xt.flatten())
        #for kk in range(batch_xs.shape[1]):
        #    batch_xs [:,kk] = (batch_xs[:,kk])/np.std(batch_xs[:,kk] )#- np.mean(batch_xs[:,kk])
        #    batch_xt [:,kk] = (batch_xt[:,kk])/np.std(batch_xt[:,kk] )#- np.mean(batch_xt[:,kk])

        #ut.plot(np.real(batch_xs[0,:]),pause_close = 1)

        #batch_xs = batch_xs *  batch_ys[0,3] #* np.random.ranf(1)[0]#
        model.test(batch_xs, batch_ys)        
        model.train(batch_xs, batch_ys)

        if i % 100 == 0:
            prey = model.prediction(batch_xs,np.zeros(batch_ys.shape))
            ut.plot(prey[...,0], batch_ys[...,0], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,1], batch_ys[...,1], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,2], batch_ys[...,2], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,3], batch_ys[...,3], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            ut.plot(prey[...,4], batch_ys[...,4], line_type = '.', pause_close = 1)
            model.save(pathdat + 'test_model_save')