Exemple #1
def eval_regression_model(model: NeuralNetwork, X_test: np.ndarray,
                          y_test: np.ndarray):
    Compute mae and rmse for a neural network.
    preds = model.forward(X_test)
    preds = preds.reshape(-1, 1)
    print("Mean absolute error: {:.2f}".format(mae(preds, y_test)))
    print("Root mean squared error {:.2f}".format(rmse(preds, y_test)))
Exemple #2
import numpy as np

from neuralnetwork import NeuralNetwork
from layers.linear import LinearLayer

inputs = np.array([[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1]])
""" Results for the AND function for each line from the inputs array
    The first column is False, the second Column is for True
labels = np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])

nn = NeuralNetwork()
nn.add_layer(LinearLayer(2, 2))
nn.train(inputs, labels, epochs=5000)

for index, row in enumerate(inputs):
    prediction = nn.forward(row)
    print row, prediction, labels[index]
class VariablePendulum():
    def __init__(self, space, configFile, numActions=500):
        self.num_actions = numActions
        self.config = configFile
        self.space = space
        self.colour = (np.random.uniform(0, 255), np.random.uniform(0, 255),
                       np.random.uniform(0, 255), 255)
        self.objects = self.generateModel()

        self.initial_amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        self.maximum_amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        self.fitness = 0
        self.action_step = 0
        self.num_reversals = 0
        self.last_action = 0
        self.prev_angle = self.angle()
        self.prev_dir = 2
        self.steps_to_done = 0
        self.done = False
        self.reached_max = False
        self.reached_max_step = 0
        self.movable = True

        self.energydata = []
        self.phasedata = []
        self.pumpdata = []

        self.neuralnetwork = NeuralNetwork(4, 2, *self.config['hiddenLayers'])

    def update(self):
        if not self.done:
            self.dtheta = self.angle() - self.prev_angle
            self.ddtheta = self.angle() - self.dtheta
            action = self.neuralnetwork.forward([
                abs(self.ddtheta), self.maximum_amplitude
                (self.action_step, self.body.kinetic_energy))
            self.phasedata.append((self.angle(), self.dtheta))
                (self.action_step, self.angle(), self.prev_dir))

    def resist(self):
        fx = self.dtheta * self.config['dampingCoefficient']
        fy = self.dtheta * self.config['dampingCoefficient']
        self.body.apply_impulse_at_local_point((fx, fy))

    def generateModel(self):
        # Create objects
        moment_of_inertia = 0.25 * self.config["flywheelMass"] * self.config[

        self.body = pymunk.Body(mass=self.config["flywheelMass"],
        self.body.position = self.config["flywheelInitialPosition"]
        self.circle = pymunk.Circle(self.body,
        self.circle.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(
            categories=0b1, mask=pymunk.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS() ^ 0b1)
        self.circle.friction = 90000
        # Create joints
        self.joint = pymunk.PinJoint(self.space.static_body, self.body,

        self.top = self.body.position[1] + self.config["flywheelRadius"]

        self.space.add(self.body, self.circle, self.joint)

    def angle(self):
        y = self.config['pivotPosition'][1] - self.body.position.y
        x = self.body.position.x - self.config['pivotPosition'][0]
        angle = np.arctan(2 * x / y)
        return angle

    def extendRope(self, direction):
        if direction != self.prev_dir:
            self.num_reversals += 1
        self.prev_dir = direction
        if direction == 0:
            if self.movable:
                self.joint.distance = self.config["minPendulumLength"]
                self.last_action = self.action_step
                self.movable = False
        elif direction == 1:
            if self.movable:
                self.joint.distance = self.config["maxPendulumLength"]
                self.last_action = self.action_step
                self.movable = False

    def checkMovable(self):
        if self.action_step - self.last_action > self.config['actionDelay']:
            self.movable = True

    def step(self, action):
        self.action_step += 1
        self.prev_angle = self.angle()

        amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        if amplitude > self.maximum_amplitude:
            self.maximum_amplitude = amplitude
        if self.body.position.y < self.config['pivotPosition'][1]:
            self.reached_max = True
            self.reached_max_step = self.action_step
            self.done = True

        if self.action_step >= self.num_actions:
            self.done = True

    def calculateFitness(self):
        return ((self.maximum_amplitude - self.initial_amplitude) * 180 /
                np.pi)**2 / (self.num_reversals)**0.5

    def destroyModel(self):
        self.space.remove(self.body, self.circle, self.joint)
class SmoothVariablePendulum():
    def __init__(self, space, configFile, numActions=500):
        self.num_actions = numActions
        self.config = configFile
        self.space = space
        self.colour = (np.random.uniform(0, 255), np.random.uniform(0, 255),
                       np.random.uniform(0, 255), 255)
        self.objects = self.generateModel()

        self.initial_amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        self.maximum_amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        self.fitness = 0
        self.action_step = 0
        self.num_reversals = 0
        self.last_action = 0
        self.prev_angle = 0
        self.prev_dir = 2
        self.steps_to_done = 0
        self.done = False
        self.complete = False
        self.movable = True

        self.neuralnetwork = NeuralNetwork(6, 5, *self.config['hiddenLayers'])

    def update(self):
        if not self.done:
            dtheta = self.angle() - self.prev_angle
            ddtheta = self.angle() - dtheta
            action = self.neuralnetwork.forward([
                abs(ddtheta), self.maximum_amplitude,
                self.body.angular_velocity, self.joint.distance

    def generateModel(self):
        #Create objects
        moment_of_inertia = 0.25 * self.config["flywheelMass"] * self.config[

        self.body = pymunk.Body(mass=self.config["flywheelMass"],
        self.body.position = self.config["flywheelInitialPosition"]
        self.circle = pymunk.Circle(self.body,
        self.circle.filter = pymunk.ShapeFilter(
            categories=0b1, mask=pymunk.ShapeFilter.ALL_MASKS() ^ 0b1)
        self.circle.friction = 90000
        self.circle.color = self.colour
        #Create joints
        self.joint = pymunk.PinJoint(self.space.static_body, self.body,

        self.top = self.body.position[1] + self.config["flywheelRadius"]

        self.space.add(self.body, self.circle, self.joint)

    def angle(self):
        y = self.config['pivotPosition'][1] - self.body.position.y
        x = self.body.position.x - self.config['pivotPosition'][0]
        angle = np.arctan(x / y)
        return angle

    def extendRope(self, direction):
        if direction != self.prev_dir and direction != 2:
            self.num_reversals += 1
        self.prev_dir = direction
        if direction == 0:
            if self.movable:
                self.joint.distance -= self.config['squattingSpeed']
                if self.joint.distance < self.config['minPendulumLength']:
                    self.joint.distance = self.config["minPendulumLength"]
        elif direction == 1:
            if self.movable:
                self.joint.distance += self.config['squattingSpeed']
                if self.joint.distance > self.config['maxPendulumLength']:
                    self.joint.distance = self.config["maxPendulumLength"]
        elif direction == 2:
            self.body.angular_velocity += 1
            if self.body.angular_velocity > 5:
                self.body.angular_velocity = 5
        elif direction == 3:
            self.body.angular_velocity -= 1
            if self.body.angular_velocity < -5:
                self.body.angular_velocity = -5

    def checkMovable(self):
        if self.action_step - self.last_action > self.config['actionDelay']:
            self.movable = True

    def step(self, action):
        self.action_step += 1
        self.prev_angle = self.angle()

        amplitude = abs(self.angle())
        if amplitude > self.maximum_amplitude:
            self.maximum_amplitude = amplitude

        if self.action_step >= self.num_actions:
            self.done = True
        if self.body.position.y < self.config['pivotPosition'][1]:
            self.done = True
            self.complete = True

    def calculateFitness(self):
        if self.complete:
            return (self.maximum_amplitude -
                    self.initial_amplitude) + 200 / self.num_reversals
            return (self.maximum_amplitude - self.initial_amplitude)

    def destroyModel(self):
        self.space.remove(self.body, self.circle, self.joint)