Exemple #1
def motif_outs():

    comps_ref = {'sim_oscillation': {'freq' : 1, 'cycle': 'sine'}}
    motif_ref = sim_combined(1, 100, comps_ref)

    comps_target = {'sim_oscillation': {'freq' : 1, 'cycle': 'asine','rdsym': .6}}
    motif_target = sim_combined(1, 100, comps_target)

    yield dict(motif_ref=motif_ref, motif_target=motif_target)
Exemple #2
def sim_sig():

    # Simulate a 1d timeseries that contains an oscillation + 1/f
    sig = sim_combined(N_SECONDS, FS, {'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': EXP},
                                       'sim_oscillation': {'freq': FREQ}})

    yield dict(n_seconds=N_SECONDS, fs=FS, exp=EXP, freq=FREQ, f_range=F_RANGE, sig=sig)
Exemple #3
def sim_args_comb():

    components = {
        'sim_bursty_oscillation': {
            'freq': FREQ
        'sim_powerlaw': {
            'exp': 2

    sig = sim_combined(N_SECONDS, FS, components=components)

    df_shapes = compute_shape_features(sig, FS, F_RANGE)
    df_burst = compute_burst_features(df_shapes, sig)
    df_features = compute_features(sig, FS, F_RANGE)

    threshold_kwargs = {
        'amp_fraction_threshold': 0.,
        'amp_consistency_threshold': .5,
        'period_consistency_threshold': .5,
        'monotonicity_threshold': .5,
        'min_n_cycles': 3

    yield {
        'sig': sig,
        'fs': FS,
        'f_range': F_RANGE,
        'df_features': df_features,
        'df_shapes': df_shapes,
        'df_burst': df_burst,
        'threshold_kwargs': threshold_kwargs
Exemple #4
def tsig_comb():

    components = {
        'sim_powerlaw': {
            'exponent': EXP1
        'sim_oscillation': {
            'freq': FREQ1
    yield sim_combined(n_seconds=N_SECONDS_LONG, fs=FS, components=components)
Exemple #5
def tsig_burst():

    components = {
        'sim_powerlaw': {
            'exponent': EXP1
        'sim_bursty_oscillation': {
            'freq': FREQ1
    yield sim_combined(n_seconds=N_SECONDS,
                       component_variances=[0.5, 1])
def return_pseudo_neuro_sig(peakFreq=None,
    '''Fix - scale to a specified amount of neural power'''
    components = {
        'sim_bursty_oscillation': {
            'freq': peakFreq,
            'enter_burst': burstProp
        'sim_powerlaw': {
            'exponent': ooofExp,
            'f_range': (1, None)
    signal = sim_combined(sigDuration, sfreq, components)
    return signal * sigAmplitudeNam * 1e-9
Exemple #7


# Simulation settings
fs = 1000
n_seconds = 5

# Define simulation components
components = {'sim_synaptic_current' : {'n_neurons':1000, 'firing_rate':2,
                                        't_ker':1.0, 'tau_r':0.002, 'tau_d':0.02},
              'sim_bursty_oscillation' : {'freq' : 10,
                                          'prob_enter_burst' : .2, 'prob_leave_burst' : .2}}

# Simulate a signal with a bursty oscillation with an aperiodic component & a time vector
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components)
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)


# Plot the simulated data
plot_time_series(times, sig, 'Simulated EEG')

# In the simulated signal above, we can see some bursty 10 Hz oscillations.

# Dual Amplitude Threshold Algorithm
# ----------------------------------
# Set the frequency in our simulated signal
freq = 6

# Set up simulation for a signal with aperiodic activity and an oscillation
components = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {
        'exponent': exp
    'sim_oscillation': {
        'freq': 6
variances = [0.1, 1]

# Simulate our signal
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components, variances)


# Define a frequency range to filter the data
f_range = (4, 8)

# Bandpass filter the data, across the band of interest
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, 'bandpass', f_range)


# Plot filtered signal
plot_time_series(times, [sig, sig_filt], ['Raw', 'Filtered'])

# by a period of only aperiodic activity.


# Set time and sampling rate
n_seconds_burst = 1
n_seconds_noise = 2
fs = 1000

# Create a times vector
times = create_times(n_seconds_burst + n_seconds_noise, fs)

# Simulate a signal component with an oscillation
components = {'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': 0}, 'sim_oscillation': {'freq': 10}}
s1 = sim_combined(n_seconds_burst, fs, components, [0.1, 1])

# Simulate a signal component with just noise
s2 = sim_powerlaw(n_seconds_noise, fs, 0, variance=0.1)

# Join signals together to approximate a 'burst'
sig = np.append(s1, s2)


# Plot example signal
plot_time_series(times, sig)

# Compute lagged coherence for an alpha oscillation
# -------------------------------------------------
Exemple #10
    'sim_synaptic_current': {
        'n_neurons': 1000,
        'firing_rate': 2,
        't_ker': 1.0,
        'tau_r': 0.002,
        'tau_d': 0.02
    'sim_oscillation': {
        'freq': 8


# Simulate an oscillation over an aperiodic component
signal = sim.sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components)


# Plot the simulated data, in the time domain
plot_time_series(times, signal)


# Plot the simulated data, in the frequency domain
freqs, psd = spectral.compute_spectrum(signal, fs)
plot_power_spectra(freqs, psd)

# We can switch out any components that we want, for example trading the stationary oscillation
Exemple #11
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from neurodsp.sim import sim_combined
from neurodsp.utils import create_times
from neurodsp.filt import filter_signal
from neurodsp.timefrequency import amp_by_time, phase_by_time
from neurodsp.plts import plot_time_series, plot_instantaneous_measure

# Simulation settings
n_seconds = 10
fs = 1000
components = {'sim_bursty_oscillation': {'freq': 10, 'enter_burst': .1, 'leave_burst': .1,
                                         'cycle': 'asine', 'rdsym': 0.3},
              'sim_powerlaw': {'f_range': (2, None)}}
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components=components, component_variances=(2, 1))

# Filter settings
f_alpha = (8, 12)
n_seconds_filter = .5

# Compute amplitude and phase
sig_filt = filter_signal(sig, fs, 'bandpass', f_alpha, n_seconds=n_seconds_filter)
theta_amp = amp_by_time(sig, fs, f_alpha, n_seconds=n_seconds_filter)
theta_phase = phase_by_time(sig, fs, f_alpha, n_seconds=n_seconds_filter)

# Plot signal
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)
xlim = (2, 6)
tidx = np.logical_and(times >= xlim[0], times < xlim[1])
Exemple #12
exp = -1

# Define settings for creating the simulated signal
comps = {
    'sim_powerlaw': {
        'exponent': exp,
        'f_range': (2, None)
    'sim_bursty_oscillation': {
        'freq': freq
comp_vars = [0.25, 1]

# Simulate a signal with bursty oscillations at 20 Hz
sig = sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, comps, comp_vars)
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)


# Plot a segment of our simulated time series
plot_time_series(times, sig, xlim=[0, 2])

# Compute Wavelet Transform
# -------------------------
# Now, let's use the compute Morlet wavelet transform algorithm to compute a
# time-frequency representation of our simulated data, using Morlet wavelets.
# To apply the continuous Morlet wavelet transform, we need to specify frequencies of
Exemple #13
    'sim_powerlaw': dict(exponent=-2),
    'sim_bursty_oscillation': dict(cycle='asine', rdsym=rdsym_task)

sigs_rest = np.zeros((n_channels, n_epochs, n_seconds * fs))
sigs_task = np.zeros((n_channels, n_epochs, n_seconds * fs))
freqs = np.linspace(5, 45, 5)

for ch_idx, freq in zip(range(n_channels), freqs):

    sim_components_rest['sim_bursty_oscillation']['freq'] = freq
    sim_components_task['sim_bursty_oscillation']['freq'] = freq

    for ep_idx in range(n_epochs):

        sigs_task[ch_idx][ep_idx] = sim_combined(
            n_seconds, fs, components=sim_components_task)
        sigs_rest[ch_idx][ep_idx] = sim_combined(
            n_seconds, fs, components=sim_components_rest)


# Compute features with an higher than default period consistency threshold.
#   This allows for more accurate estimates of burst frequency.
thresholds = dict(amp_fraction_threshold=0.,

compute_kwargs = {'burst_method': 'cycles', 'threshold_kwargs': thresholds}
Exemple #14
# with and without a rhythm.


# Simulate a signal component with an oscillation
components = {
    'sim_oscillation': {
        'freq': freq
    'sim_powerlaw': {
        'exponent': exp,
        'f_range': (1, None)
s1 = sim_combined(t_osc, fs, components, [1, 0.5])

# Simulate a signal component with only aperiodic activity
s2 = sim_powerlaw(t_ap, fs, exp, variance=0.5)

# Join signals together to approximate a 'burst'
sig = np.append(s1, s2)


# Plot example signal
plot_time_series(times, sig)

# Compute lagged coherence on simulated data
# ------------------------------------------
Exemple #15


# Define component of a combined signal: an oscillation and an aperiodic component
components = {
    'sim_oscillation': {
        'freq': 10
    'sim_powerlaw': {
        'exponent': -1

# Generate a combined signal
combined_sig = sim.sim_combined(n_seconds, s_rate, components)


# Plot the combined time series
plot_time_series(times, combined_sig)


# Compute the power spectrum of the combined signal
freqs, powers = compute_spectrum_welch(combined_sig, s_rate)


# Visualize the power spectrum of the combined signal
plot_power_spectra(freqs, powers)
Exemple #16

# Set some general settings, to be used across all simulations
# sampling rate
fs = 500
# n_seconds will be 60 seconds * n minutes of data
n_minutes = 35
n_seconds = 60 * n_minutes
times = create_times(n_seconds, fs)

# make 1/f slope range between 0 and -2, with steps of -0.1
oof_range = np.arange(start=0, stop=2.1, step=0.1, dtype=float) * -1
oof_range[0] = 0

# some settings for where to save the data, filename stem, and peaks for oscillations
resultdir = "/Users/mlombardo/Dropbox/Manuscripts/AIMS_Hurst_Sex/github_repo/data/gao_model"

# loop over range of 1/f slopes
for oof in oof_range:

    # simulate a time-series with only 1/f slope and no oscillations
    components = {'sim_powerlaw': {'exponent': oof}}

    # Simulate a combined signal with multiple oscillations
    sim_ts = sim.sim_combined(n_seconds, fs, components)

    # Save simulated time-series to a file
    np.savetxt(fname="%s/sim_neuralts_sig_slope%0.2f_oof.txt" %
               (resultdir, oof),