Exemple #1
def test_edge_nan():
    Confirm that the appropriate amount of edge artifact has been removed for FIR filters
    and that edge artifacts are not removed for IIR filters

    # Apply a 4-8Hz bandpass filter to random noise
    x = _generate_random_x()
    x_filt, kernel = neurodsp.filter(x,

    # Check if the correct edge artifacts have been removed
    N_rmv = int(np.ceil(len(kernel) / 2))
    assert all(np.isnan(x_filt[:N_rmv]))
    assert all(np.isnan(x_filt[-N_rmv:]))
    assert all(~np.isnan(x_filt[N_rmv:-N_rmv]))

    # Check that no edge artifacts are removed for IIR filters
    x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x,
    assert all(~np.isnan(x_filt))
Exemple #2
def test_frequency_input_errors():
    Check that errors are properly raised when incorrectly enter frequency information

    # Generate a random signal
    x = _generate_random_x()

    # Check that a bandpass filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandpass', f_lo=4)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandpass', f_hi=8)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandpass', f_lo=8, f_hi=4)

    # Check that a bandstop filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandstop', f_lo=58)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandstop', f_hi=62)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandstop', f_lo=62, f_hi=58)

    # Check that a lowpass filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'lowpass', f_hi=100)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'lowpass', f_lo=10, f_hi=100)

    # Check that a highpass filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'highpass', f_lo=100)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'highpass', f_lo=10, f_hi=100)
Exemple #3
def test_filter_length():
    Check that the output kernel is of the correct length

    # Generate a random signal
    x = _generate_random_x()

    # Specify filter length with number of cycles
    Fs = 1000
    f_lo = 4
    f_hi = 8
    N_cycles = 5
    x_filt, kernel = neurodsp.filter(x,

    # Compute how long the kernel should be
    force_kernel_length = int(np.ceil(Fs * N_cycles / f_lo))
    if force_kernel_length % 2 == 0:
        force_kernel_length = force_kernel_length + 1

    # Check correct length when defining number of cycles
    assert np.allclose(len(kernel), force_kernel_length, atol=.1)

    # Specify filter length with number of seconds
    Fs = 1000
    f_lo = 4
    f_hi = 8
    N_seconds = .8
    x_filt, kernel = neurodsp.filter(x,

    # Compute how long the kernel should be
    force_kernel_length = int(np.ceil(Fs * N_seconds))
    if force_kernel_length % 2 == 0:
        force_kernel_length = force_kernel_length + 1

    # Check correct length when defining number of seconds
    assert np.allclose(len(kernel), force_kernel_length, atol=.1)
Exemple #4
def test_frequency_input_errors():
    Check that errors are properly raised when incorrectly enter frequency information

    # Generate a random signal
    x = _generate_random_x()

    # Check that a bandpass filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandpass', fc=8)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandpass', fc=(8, 4))

    # Check that a bandstop filter cannot be completed without proper frequency limits
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandstop', fc=58)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'bandstop', fc=(62, 58))

    # Check that frequencies cannot be inverted
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, 1000, 'lowpass', fc=(100, 10))
Exemple #5
def test_bandpass_filter_consistent():
    Confirm consistency in beta bandpass filter results on a neural signal
    # Load data and ground-truth filtered signal
    x, x_filt_true = _load_example_data(data_idx=1, filtered=True)

    # filter data
    Fs = 1000
    f_lo = 13
    f_hi = 30
    x_filt = neurodsp.filter(x, Fs, 'bandpass', f_lo=f_lo, f_hi=f_hi, N_cycles=3)

    # Compute difference between current and past filtered signals
    signal_diff = x_filt[~np.isnan(x_filt)] - x_filt_true[~np.isnan(x_filt_true)]
    assert np.allclose(np.sum(np.abs(signal_diff)), 0, atol=10 ** -5)
Exemple #6
def test_NaN_in_x():
    Assure that time-resolved timefrequency functions do not return all NaN
    if one of the elements in the input array is NaN.
    Do this by replacing edge artifacts with NaN for a lowpass filter

    # Generate a low-pass filtered signal with NaNs
    x = np.random.randn(10000)
    Fs = 1000
    x = neurodsp.filter(x, Fs, 'lowpass', f_lo=50)

    # Compute phase, amp, and freq time series
    f_range = (4, 8)
    pha = neurodsp.phase_by_time(x, Fs, f_range)
    amp = neurodsp.amp_by_time(x, Fs, f_range)
    i_f = neurodsp.freq_by_time(x, Fs, f_range)

    assert len(pha[~np.isnan(pha)]) > 0
    assert len(amp[~np.isnan(amp)]) > 0
    assert len(i_f[~np.isnan(i_f)]) > 0
Exemple #7

# Only keep 60 seconds of data
N_seconds = 60
ca1_raw = ca1_raw[:int(N_seconds*Fs)]
ec3_raw = ec3_raw[:int(N_seconds*Fs)]


# Apply a lowpass filter at 25Hz
fc = 25
filter_seconds = .5

ca1 = neurodsp.filter(ca1_raw, Fs, 'lowpass', fc,
ec3 = neurodsp.filter(ec3_raw, Fs, 'lowpass', fc,

# Compute cycle-by-cycle features
# ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


# Set parameters for defining oscillatory bursts
osc_kwargs = {'amplitude_fraction_threshold': 0,
              'amplitude_consistency_threshold': .6,
              'period_consistency_threshold': .75,