Exemple #1
class OurNeuralNetwork:
    A neural network with:
      - 2 inputs
      - a hidden layer with 2 neurons (h1, h2)
      - an output layer with 1 neuron (o1)
    Each neuron has the same weights and bias:
      - w = [0, 1]
      - b = 0
    def __init__(self):
        weights = np.array([0, 1])
        bias = 0

        # The Neuron class here is from the previous section
        self.h1 = Neuron(weights, bias)
        self.h2 = Neuron(weights, bias)
        self.o1 = Neuron(weights, bias)

    def feedforward(self, x):
        out_h1 = self.h1.feedforward(x)
        out_h2 = self.h2.feedforward(x)

        # The inputs for o1 are the outputs from h1 and h2
        out_o1 = self.o1.feedforward(np.array([out_h1, out_h2]))

        return out_o1
Exemple #2
class BasicNeuralNetwork:
    A neural network with:
    - two inputs: x1, and x2
    - a hidden layer with two neurons: h1 and h2
    - an output layer with a neuron: o1
    The three neurons use the same weights and bias

    def __init__(self, weights, bias, activation):
        self.h1 = Neuron(weights, bias, activation)
        self.h2 = Neuron(weights, bias, activation)
        self.o1 = Neuron(weights, bias, activation)

    def feedforward(self, x):
        """First we compute the output of the first layer"""
        output_h1 = self.h1.feedforward(x)
        output_h2 = self.h2.feedforward(x)

        """The outputs of the hiden layer h1 and h2 are the input of the output layer"""
        output_o1 = self.o1.feedforward(np.array([output_h1, output_h2]))

        return output_o1

    def show_configuration(self):
        # return 'Network configuration: ' \
        #        'Weights: {}, Bias: {}, and Activation: {}'.format(self.weights, self.bias,
        #                                                           self.activation(0)['name'])
        return '* Hidden layer (2 neurons):\n   - {}\n   - {} \n* Output layer (1 neuron):\n   - {} \n'.format(
            self.h1.show_configuration(), self.h2.show_configuration(), self.o1.show_configuration())
class NeuralNetwork:
    def __init__(self, weights):
        self.weights = weights
        self.a = Neuron(weights[0:2], weights[2])
        self.b = Neuron(weights[3:5], weights[5])
        self.c = Neuron(np.array(weights[6:8]), weights[8])

    def update_weights(self):
        self.weights = self.new_weidhts

    def feedforward(self, x):
        feed_a = self.a.feedforward(x)
        feed_b = self.b.feedforward(x)
        out_o1 = self.c.feedforward(np.array([feed_a, feed_b]))
        return out_o1
def test_neuron():
    print('Testing a neuron...')
    activations = ActivationFunctions()
    weights = np.array([3, 1])  # w1 = 3, w2 = 1
    bias = -1  # b = -1
    n = Neuron(weights, bias, activations.sigmoid)
    x = np.array([4, 1])  # x1 = 4, x2 = 1
    print('Input: {}  --> Result: {}'.format(x, n.feedforward(x)))  # 0.9999938558253978
class TwoLayerNeuralNetwork:
    """It encapsulates a two layer neural neuron with:
    - input_layer_size inputs
    - a hidden layer with hidden_layer_size neurons
    - an output layer with 1 neuron (o1)
    - the weights are randomly computed
    def __init__(self, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, bias, activation):
        weights = np.array([0, 1])
        self.bias = bias
        self.input_layer_size = input_layer_size
        self.hidden_layer_size = hidden_layer_size
        self.activation = activation

        # The Neuron class here is from the previous section
        self.hidden_layer = list()
        for i in range(self.hidden_layer_size):
                Neuron(self.create_weights(self.input_layer_size), self.bias,

        self.o1 = Neuron(self.create_weights(self.hidden_layer_size),
                         self.bias, self.activation)

    def feedforward(self, x):
        if len(x) != self.input_layer_size:
                'The input {} has not the size of the input of the network, which is {}'
                .format(x, self.input_layer_size))
        hidden_layer_output = list()
        for neuron in self.hidden_layer:

        # The inputs for o1 are the outputs from h1 and h2
        output_o1 = self.o1.feedforward(np.array(hidden_layer_output))
        return output_o1

    def show_configuration(self):
        config_string = 'Two layer neural networ configuration: \n'
        config_string += '* Input layer size: {}\n'.format(
        config_string += '* Hidden layer size: {}\n'.format(
        for neuron in self.hidden_layer:

            config_string += '   - {}\n'.format(neuron.show_configuration())

        config_string += ' * Output layer size: {}\n'.format(1)
        config_string += '   - {}\n'.format(self.o1.show_configuration())
        return config_string

    def create_weights(self, size):
        return np.random.normal(size=size)
Exemple #6
iterations = len(images)
l1_size = len(b1)
l2_size = len(b2)

for imgNo in range(iterations):
    print(imgNo + 1, '/', iterations)
    # layer 1
    for l1No in range(l1_size):
        # weights = column(W1, l1No)
        weights = W1[l1No]
        bias = b1[l1No]
        inputs = images[imgNo]
        neuron = Neuron(weights, bias)
        result = neuron.feedforward(inputs)
    # layer 2
    for l2No in range(l2_size):
        weights = W2[l2No]
        bias = b2[l2No]
        inputs = res1[imgNo]
        neuron = Neuron(weights, bias)
        result = neuron.feedforward(inputs)
    # check result
    if labels[imgNo] == array(res2[imgNo]).argmax():
        total = total + 1
# accuracy
print('accuracy:', total / iterations * 100, '%')